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Mechanical Bliss
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 11:19 pm

So it looks like Rachel is going to be targeting Britney and Monet.
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BB Lover
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 2:28 am

LMAO!! Rachel and Brendan are wasting no tme getting comfy in the HOH bed, drunkenly expressing they're love for each other, lol!!
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 3:01 am

This grossmance is really disgusting.... It's going to be non-stop, this is why I wanted Annie to stay over whoever wanted Rachel to stay this week....ENJOY! BB12: Week 2 Discussion  491211 BB12: Week 2 Discussion  491211 BB12: Week 2 Discussion  491211 BB12: Week 2 Discussion  491211 BB12: Week 2 Discussion  491211 BB12: Week 2 Discussion  491211
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 10:24 am

Gross. I'm sure it'll be no time before Rachel and Brendon are bumping uglies in the HoH room- if they haven't already.

That whole episode last night, especially when Rachel won HoH- made me feel about as good as I felt watching Jesse go back into the house last year.

And I think it's HILARIOUS that Rachel and Brendon think they're the new Jeff and Jordan while in reality, they're actually the new April and Ollie.

It's a shame Annie can't actually be on the phone today- I feel like she'd be a great interview after everything she had to say last night!
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 10:56 am

Jay wrote:
LMAO!! Rachel and Brendan are wasting no tme getting comfy in the HOH bed, drunkenly expressing they're love for each other, lol!!

BB12: Week 2 Discussion  491211

PLEASE PLEASE let one of them go next week!! BB12: Week 2 Discussion  270651

Is the Brigade or anyone else in the house realizing their HUGE HUGE error in not splitting up this grossmance??
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 10:59 am

SuzieQ wrote:
Gross. I'm sure it'll be no time before Rachel and Brendon are bumping uglies in the HoH room- if they haven't already.

That whole episode last night, especially when Rachel won HoH- made me feel about as good as I felt watching Jesse go back into the house last year.

And I think it's HILARIOUS that Rachel and Brendon think they're the new Jeff and Jordan while in reality, they're actually the new April and Ollie.

It's a shame Annie can't actually be on the phone today- I feel like she'd be a great interview after everything she had to say last night!

Please dont tell me that they actually said that out loud?? About being the new J and J?
The only good thing about that will be their blast of REALITY when they leave the house and realize how grossed out most people were and that they ARE NOT America's sweethearts. BB12: Week 2 Discussion  290276
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Mechanical Bliss
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Mechanical Bliss

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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 3:18 pm

LOL "grossmance"...exactly. You're right SuzieQ, they really are the new April and Ollie, unfortunately.

Did anyone else think going into this season that these two would be faves of yours? I was way off this year apparently.

I just wish Annie was still back in the house, just not as the dumb saboteur. If she does get in-victed later in the season, she'll just probably go right back out again anyway. I think I'd rather watch Lane just sleep than Rachel attempt to "strategize."
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 3:26 pm

I think it's so dumb and waste of an HOH that Rachel/Brendon are wanting to target Britney and Monet ... of course both could be threats in their own right but it's surprising and it probably shouldn't be, that they haven't even mentioned to put up any of the guys. I guess Brendon must think he's that much of a badass that none of the guys are a threat to him physically.

It's going to be very difficult feed watching this week for everyone because if last night was any indicator on what to expect for the next week ....UGH!
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 6:13 pm

I agree that targeting Monet and Britney is not a great move. This is a free ride for Brendon this week and I am surprised he isnt trying to persuade Rachel to go after a bigger threat. I guess he isnt so smart afterall. Although its my understanding (not sure though) that Rachel is putting up Monet because Brendon doesnt like her....ugh. I just cant with those two.....*hurl*
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BB Lover
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 7:19 pm

Erika wrote:
I think it's so dumb and waste of an HOH that Rachel/Brendon are wanting to target Britney and Monet ... of course both could be threats in their own right but it's surprising and it probably shouldn't be, that they haven't even mentioned to put up any of the guys. I guess Brendon must think he's that much of a badass that none of the guys are a threat to him physically.

It's going to be very difficult feed watching this week for everyone because if last night was any indicator on what to expect for the next week ....UGH!

Im not watching feeds but that thought process for Rachel does not surprise me. She is acting the typical female role of I want to be the last "girl" standing rather than think strategically about the game. Once again, the women don't get it that unless they are standing next to another girl, a girl wont win!
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 7:47 pm

Have or Have Not competition is over and the feeds are back on...

Have Not's are Britney, Monet, Enzo and Brendon and the food they got for the week is fishsticks and fruitcake.

Not only that but they also know Annie is the Saboteur, so BB must have showed them the video of Annie being the Saboteur already....How dumb! So they are all cheering and patting themselves on the back that they got the Saboteur out of the house.

Matt said "CBS needs to expect the unexpected" LOL
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 7:56 pm

MissChriss wrote:
Erika wrote:
I think it's so dumb and waste of an HOH that Rachel/Brendon are wanting to target Britney and Monet ... of course both could be threats in their own right but it's surprising and it probably shouldn't be, that they haven't even mentioned to put up any of the guys. I guess Brendon must think he's that much of a badass that none of the guys are a threat to him physically.

It's going to be very difficult feed watching this week for everyone because if last night was any indicator on what to expect for the next week ....UGH!

Im not watching feeds but that thought process for Rachel does not surprise me. She is acting the typical female role of I want to be the last "girl" standing rather than think strategically about the game. Once again, the women don't get it that unless they are standing next to another girl, a girl wont win!

Interesting theory MC, I was actually thinking the same thing and then dismissed it for whatever reason...silly me. Its probably very close to her reasoning. She obviously feels threatened by the other women. Go figure.
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 8:07 pm

Erika wrote:
Have or Have Not competition is over and the feeds are back on...

Have Not's are Britney, Monet, Enzo and Brendon and the food they got for the week is fishsticks and fruitcake.

Not only that but they also know Annie is the Saboteur, so BB must have showed them the video of Annie being the Saboteur already....How dumb! So they are all cheering and patting themselves on the back that they got the Saboteur out of the house.

Matt said "CBS needs to expect the unexpected" LOL

Loving it that Brendon is a have we won't be subjected to him sleeping in the HOH with the tranny.
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 8:12 pm

lol, she acts like a dumb porn star lol thats how i see her,i dont get the feeds but thats funny that he is a have not, those to together= grody
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 9:57 pm

Whenever Rachel is on the feeds i have to switch camera's i cant take it. Maybe i would like Brendan more is Rachel leaves but as of right now i cant take it.

Rachel keeps saying that Annie was trying to break them up and no one takes her man...seriously after 13 days, he's your Last night in Hoh Brendan seemed really uncomfortable and couldnt get out of there quick enough...something is telling me that Brendan is trapped in the closet...just sayin.
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 10:25 pm

I'm sorry... but I think it's TOTAL BS that they told the houseguests that Annie was the saboteur. Especially since they let Annie lie and say that the sab escaped the block this week. They should have waited until the end of the 5 weeks and then told them if they had or had not evicted the saboteur and then pulled some twist where an evicted houseguest could come back in.

CBS better have some good ideas for how to save their concept for the season, because they look pretty stupid.
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 10:30 pm

I agree Suzy Q they could have kept the paranoia going but instead let the twist come to a screaming hault. Cant help but wonder if they have something else up their sleeve. I really hope so because for me this season is like watching paint dry.
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 10:32 pm

I agree with both of you, why tell them?? Oh well, its a huge FAIL anyway so better that it is dead and buried. They're probably scrambling big time to come up with
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 10:34 pm

Ditto Bostongirl.... I'm not a feed watcher (my computer sucks!) but i do have Showtime. That's usually not too bad on the entertainment value, but these people are BORING. Last season was great- pretty much all of the major fights ended up on there.
CBS better have some sort of backup plan. There may be a few interesting people in the house, but Dr Will, they are not.
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 17, 2010 12:10 am

They had to tell them about Sab Annie. What else could they do ? Have no sabotage/pranks (since Annie is gone) leading to the obvious conclusion anyway that Annie was the saboteur ? Start using their own people for sabotage/pranks ? Ask another player to take over the saboteur job ?

Annie screwed them with her piss-poor gameplay, resulting in a failed twist. Grodner's probably still chewing Annie out. smiley_cussing:
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Mechanical Bliss
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 17, 2010 1:34 am

One option could have been to not tell them about the saboteur and for a returning HG this year, BB could have made the deal that whomever gets voted back into the house must play the saboteur and that BB will provide cover in the meantime. Then of course there are issues at how that would work--like playing saboteur for five weeks later in the game is going to be a lot harder than from the beginning so I don't know what the benchmark would be. This has to be even worse than the couples twist in BB9. It's so completely over already. But maybe that's a good thing.
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 17, 2010 1:57 am

Yea I think CBS could have not told the HG that Annie was the saboteur, but they don't need to come up with anything to save the season. It has been seasons when there was not any twist. The only problem with this season in my eyes is this cast is extremely boring. If it weren't for Enzo keeping me laughing I'd probably just be watching the CBS shows and not the feeds.

I think it's really funny how everyone hates Rachel & Brendan "showmance", don't get me wrong I don't care for either of them, but in the real world people meet everyday and get close and have sex quickly. Why does that make them nasty because they are on TV? It does annoy me that they are compared to J&J, but if it's a real attraction go for it and if it's BS then they both have each other backs and that's good for them because as we can see from last night vote the dumb ass other HG let them stay together.

Brendan has been after Monet since day one so this is basically his HOH week. Is it a smart move, no in my opinion when there are so many strong guys, but as we know who ever makes smart moves in this game?
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 17, 2010 2:22 am

Yeah Smooches we rarely see smart moves done in this game, this was the first of many dumb moves we'll see this season I'm sure.
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 17, 2010 3:10 am

Britney and Monet are so lame, they're talking trash about Kathy because they think she threw them under the bus to Rachel last night while she was helping her unpack in the HOH room.

Talking about her wardrobe and her eyelashes, saying she had jawls like a dog, Britney said that last one btw, lol!!
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BB12: Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 2 Discussion    BB12: Week 2 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 17, 2010 11:24 am

Yea I think CBS could have not told the HG that Annie was the saboteur, but they don't need to come up with anything to save the season. It has been seasons when there was not any twist. The only problem with this season in my eyes is this cast is extremely boring. If it weren't for Enzo keeping me laughing I'd probably just be watching the CBS shows and not the feeds.

I think it's really funny how everyone hates Rachel & Brendan "showmance", don't get me wrong I don't care for either of them, but in the real world people meet everyday and get close and have sex quickly. Why does that make them nasty because they are on TV? It does annoy me that they are compared to J&J, but if it's a real attraction go for it and if it's BS then they both have each other backs and that's good for them because as we can see from last night vote the dumb ass other HG let them stay together.

Brendan has been after Monet since day one so this is basically his HOH week. Is it a smart move, no in my opinion when there are so many strong guys, but as we know who ever makes smart moves in this game?

First of all, I absolutely agree with your statement about "they dont need to come up with anything to save the season". HELLLOOOOO, lol, why must their always be some twist to rock the boat? Why not just throw 14 intelligent, non sleezy people into the house and let them battle to the end?? I mean wouldnt you love to see a season of all Dr.Wills? Yeah, I can dream.

As far as the homance goes, all I can say is that they are one of THE most sickening of all shomances ever in the bb house. Now thats my opinion. A lot of it has to do with Rachel. Lets say that Brendon had fallen for Kristen. I might not feel the same way. But there is nothing real about Rachel, her laugh, hair, boobs etc are all fake. Add to that Brendons cockiness and basiically thinking they are the new J and J...well its not a good mix. Chalk up another 2 hgs who will have a rude awakening when they leave the house. Oh let me add one more thing...I am NOT a Lydia fan but I gotta call them as I see them. How can Rachel talk about Lydia being a skank or whore or whatever she said with what Lydia was doing with Jessie but yet what she is doing with Brendon is ok. Another hypocrite graces us with their presence in the BB house. HUGE HUGE mistake not voting her ass out last week. I can only hope that one of them goes quickly because I dont think I can take a summer of these two polluting up my screen.
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