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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyThu Aug 12, 2010 11:07 pm

Brendon won HOH and had the option to put up 3 people for Have Not's and he of course picked Ragan, Britney and BB12: Week 6 Discussion 680777
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyThu Aug 12, 2010 11:21 pm

With Hayden, Enzo, and Kathy being nice to Brendon, it is clearly obvious he's going to put up Ragan and Matt, because Brendon is playing the game BB12: Week 6 Discussion 324916 strategically. I really don't want to see Britney leave this week. The Big Brother Frat House featuring mother goose Kathy would make me vomit! BB12: Week 6 Discussion 491211
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyThu Aug 12, 2010 11:53 pm

I am hoping one of the whiney little bitches (britt and Ragan) get hell out of there! Unfotunately, Kathy is probably leaving because of the damn DV. Now I know how Chima felt.....
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 12:03 am

I really do think it will be Britney or Ragan leaving this week. Enzo and Hayden are ready to dump Britney already. I don't think Lane will push to keep her.... I guess we'll see.

I don't believe Kathy will be going home because they want to drag (literally) her to final 5
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 12:06 am

Erika wrote:
I really do think it will be Britney or Ragan leaving this week. Enzo and Hayden are ready to dump Britney already. I don't think Lane will push to keep her.... I guess we'll see.

I don't believe Kathy will be going home because they want to drag (literally) her to final 5

Kathy is just so useless. Seriously, she's worse than Jerry. At least he yelled at... everyone...
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 12:21 am

I am sooooo tired of the bitching and moaning about this season.....First everyone bitched about the tasks Annie was given being stupid. Now Ragan is being told to make up lies and there's still bitching, so my question is what exactly do you want the saboteur to do and are you submitting your ideas?

OK we all know this season isn't drama filled, but we are still watching so stop bitching about how bad things are with the HG!

Totally understand Brendon making Matt/Britt/Ragan have-not's but if he put Brit or Ragan on the block as his target, he is more of an ass than I think. I like the brigade, but I don't understand why they are never talked about being a target from anyone. No matter what happens Matt is safe this week. Brendon can try and act normal and not be a ass to Brit/Ragan and rub his own balls now that Rachel is gone and mess with the dudes in the house, but we couldn't be so lucky.

Yea it got to be very repetitious with Brit & Ragan talking about B/R all week, but it gave my ass some entertainment. Without them and Enzo what the hell would we be watching. None of us are in that house and can really know how annoying people and things can be so I understand why they bash. They make look like asses to some, but we can't stop them.

Tonight HOH proved that the brigade didn't try and Brendon wanted it bad. But I am sure there will lots of bitching about this type of comp as well as all the bitching about the other comps. Yea they may be the same style of comps, but themes are different. If you hate them that much then get a job with CBS. Everyone talks about how quick they fall in endurance comps, but you are not in the comp so you can't say how well you will do.

I am guilty of some of the things I am complaining about, but damn I am sick of the bitching every single day about the game. We can't change shit and if we can are we doing anything!?

Moving on to this week and let's see what's not or going to happen in the house. Same shit different week!

Good show tonight ladies!
smiley_rantonoff: smoking
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 12:35 am

I am sooooo tired of the bitching and moaning about this season.....First everyone bitched about the tasks Annie was given being stupid. Now Ragan is being told to make up lies and there's still bitching, so my question is what exactly do you want the saboteur to do and are you submitting your ideas?

OK we all know this season isn't drama filled, but we are still watching so stop bitching about how bad things are with the HG!

Totally understand Brendon making Matt/Britt/Ragan have-not's but if he put Brit or Ragan on the block as his target, he is more of an ass than I think. I like the brigade, but I don't understand why they are never talked about being a target from anyone. No matter what happens Matt is safe this week. Brendon can try and act normal and not be a ass to Brit/Ragan and rub his own balls now that Rachel is gone and mess with the dudes in the house, but we couldn't be so lucky.

Yea it got to be very repetitious with Brit & Ragan talking about B/R all week, but it gave my ass some entertainment. Without them and Enzo what the hell would we be watching. None of us are in that house and can really know how annoying people and things can be so I understand why they bash. They make look like asses to some, but we can't stop them.

Tonight HOH proved that the brigade didn't try and Brendon wanted it bad. But I am sure there will lots of bitching about this type of comp as well as all the bitching about the other comps. Yea they may be the same style of comps, but themes are different. If you hate them that much then get a job with CBS. Everyone talks about how quick they fall in endurance comps, but you are not in the comp so you can't say how well you will do.

I am guilty of some of the things I am complaining about, but damn I am sick of the bitching every single day about the game. We can't change shit and if we can are we doing anything!?

Moving on to this week and let's see what's not or going to happen in the house. Same shit different week!

Good show tonight ladies!
smiley_rantonoff: smoking

Go the hell away. It's a terrible twist...

I do see your point, though, and it was very well said
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 2:02 am

LMAO@ Ragan cryin' right now, so I guess this means no "Just The Tip" show tonight? lol!!
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 9:33 am

If the house is smart, they'll get rid of Brittany. She's won 3 POVs and is definitely a threat. The girl's got game.
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 10:55 am

Glad you were able to get that off your chest SMOOCHES! It seems to have been bothering you. I find it ironically funny you bitching about others bitching.

And as always glad you liked the show!

There is a crack in the Brigade and I think it might split this week down the middle with Hayden and Enzo on one side and Lane and Matt on the other side as neither sides are all that jazzed about getting rid of their safety nets.

Lane was the only Brigade member actually giving Brendon a run for his money during the comp. Matt isn't happy with Enzo and Hayden coming up short.

Hayden and Enzo are already talking about not trusting Matt and that they can trust Brendon more because Brendon doesn't have anyone else. They felt shunned by Matt because he's been "in so deep" with Britney and Ragan. How ever way this shakes down Matt will not lose this week everyone sees him as being vulnerable but of course he knows he's safe because of the DPoV and I actually do see him using it and if he does use it, I think it will be because he doesn't trust in the Brigade anymore. This week could be the start of a very different game and different alliances being made.

This is how I think it might go....

On the block - Ragan and Matt
Matt uses DPoV on himself puts up Enzo or Hayden
3 votes are needed Enzo/Hayden goes
(Matt, Britney and Lane being the 3 votes)

On the block - Ragan and Britney
Matt uses DPoV on Ragan puts up Enzo or Hayden
3 votes are needed and Enzo/Hayden goes
(Matt, Ragan and Lane being the 3 votes)
I think the Brigade is done!

New Alliance~>> ?? Matt, Ragan, Britney and Lane


Hayden, Enzo, Brendon and Kathy because all 3 of these guys have been "nice" to her and right now Brendon is in power and Kathy always go where the power is. And apparently Kathy overheard Britney, Ragan and Matt making fun of her and she already has been complaining to Brendon about them.

I could be wrong about all of this but I don't think so!
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 11:08 am

I'm happy Brendon got HOH, I think the game will go in a different direction now. I think it's very interesting, Erika, that you think Matt's going to turn on the Brigade this week. I HOPE that happens! I'm also really hoping for the Brendon/Enzo/Hayden alliance to happen. Did anyone else notice that Enzo immediately went up to Brendan after Rachel was evicted and gave words of encouragement? Very smart on his part.
The saboteur is soooooooo lame! Saboteur 2.0 vs. Captain Kosher going back in the house??? Wrong decision CBS!
What does everyone think about Chenbot telling Rachel "it may not be the last you see of the BB house..."???? So, she's off to jury & whoever gets there next will be able to tell her about the game, so if she were to go back in wouldn't she have an unfair advantage?
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 11:21 am

TJ - I don't even know what to make of Julie saying that. I do know this, Julie doesn't say things for no reason. There definitely was a meaning behind it. I don't know if it means to go back in and play or what.
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 11:57 am

Rachel's presence may be in a future competition perhaps hosting a luxury competition, but I don't see her going back into the house. However, we were supposed to have 14 HGs this season and perhaps they may bring her back and do two double evictions before the finale, or instead of the stupid clip show before the finale, they may have a final four in the final three part HOH and evict someone on the episode before the finale...but I have no idea how that would work. BB12: Week 6 Discussion 7124
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 11:58 am

The Aftermath

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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 12:16 pm

Erika wrote:
The Aftermath

BB12: Week 6 Discussion 8-12-10-g002 BB12: Week 6 Discussion 8-12-10-g001

I LOVE IT!! Oh how the "mighty" have fallen!! Karma's a bitch and so are these two. I find it pretty funny that they are backpeddling now and saying "we may have gone too far". Ummmmm ya think? LOVE LOVE LOVE that they are have nots and the odds of one of these petty, childish black hearted bitches will walk out the door.

Proof of just how grade school Bratney is "I dont like that my "friends" are being nice to Brendon after he attacked me"
Um Brat? In the words of the great Jeff Schroeder, what do you want them to do? Drown him? Wallow in it bitch. BB12: Week 6 Discussion 301583 BB12: Week 6 Discussion 301583 BB12: Week 6 Discussion 301583
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 12:39 pm

I find it hysterical that that enzo and hayden have been questioning Matt's allegiance. As far as I know from BB folklore action speaks louder than words. Matt has won competitions and has more blood on his hands. If anything Matt should be questioning Enzo and Hayden's allegiance. An alliance can only go so far when everyone pulls there weight. Enzo and Hayden are dunces to even keep brendon in longer past the week after brenda's hoh reign. If brenda makes it to final two he will have a strong case to win the game because of his competition resume and surviving with a HUGE bullseye on him.
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 12:48 pm

pajamajon wrote:
I find it hysterical that that enzo and hayden have been questioning Matt's allegiance. As far as I know from BB folklore action speaks louder than words. Matt has won competitions and has more blood on his hands. If anything Matt should be questioning Enzo and Hayden's allegiance. An alliance can only go so far when everyone pulls there weight. Enzo and Hayden are dunces to even keep brendon in longer past the week after brenda's hoh reign. If brenda makes it to final two he will have a strong case to win the game because of his competition resume and surviving with a HUGE bullseye on him.

I absolutely agree with that PJ (shocking! lol) They talk about not trusting Matt, yet it seems as though THEY are the first to jump ship and cannot be trusted. I wonder how that will look to Lane and Matt if either one of these two would win HOH and NOT put up Brendon? How could they ever explain that? I said a week or so ago that if Brendon would make it to the end, he would be very deserving of the prize.
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 1:18 pm

Correct me if i'm wrong but isnt it all part of the Brigade's plan for Enzo and Hayden to form this side alliance with Brendan. I also thought that the Brigade wanted Brendan to win the comp so he could not play i hoh next week and they would have the votes to keep Matt. Matt is okay with this cuz he knows he has the Diamond Veto

Sometimes, i know i heard something on feeds and then hear something totally different from someone else. This house changes so much i' so confused.

I do agree that Matt is way to close to Regan. Even though Enzo and Hayden are staying friendly with Brendan he is not with him constantly. Unlike matt and Regan..I mean regan has even been in the hoh bed with Matt this week...c'mon.
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 1:24 pm

I think initially that was their plan BG to form the side alliance with Brendon, but I think that now, Enzo and Hayden think that because Brendon has no one else in the house he will be loyal to them. Plus they dont think he is that bad of a guy unlike the rest of the house. I still say that Britney or Ragan are up and out this week and I do not think that Matt will use the DPOV unless he himself is in danger. I dont think he will use it to save either one of these two.
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 2:33 pm

update to my above post...even though E and H are talking about aligning with Brendon, just minutes ago the scenerio is STILL Bridage final 4. They are not wavering from their final 4 alliance.
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 3:22 pm

Surprise, surprise......sounds like Kathy & Brendan are new bffs. Geez, Kathy's so predictable.
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 4:10 pm

Lorraine wrote:
update to my above post...even though E and H are talking about aligning with Brendon, just minutes ago the scenerio is STILL Bridage final 4. They are not wavering from their final 4 alliance.

We'll see how long that lasts when they find out Matt has the DV and lied to them about it...
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 4:49 pm

I'm still sticking by someone jumping ship from the Brigade. It doesn't make sense at all to go into the final 4 with all strong guys even if 3 of them haven't done shit to prove they are worthy of their spots.
And this week comes down to someone losing their safety net/sub alliance, as much as they say they are willing to dump their sub alliance nobody really wants to lose theirs.
Actions will definitely speak louder than words this week.
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 5:11 pm

I believe that Matt cannot tell anyone about the DPOV. If he does it will be rendered useless. I'm thinking it is like the coup de tat. Unless I am wrong.
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BB12: Week 6 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 5:17 pm

pajamajon wrote:
I believe that Matt cannot tell anyone about the DPOV. If he does it will be rendered useless. I'm thinking it is like the coup de tat. Unless I am wrong.

I'm pretty sure that's how it works
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