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BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 3:34 am

Hayden admitted that he won the vacation and the 5k. But he told the Dumbass Alliance to continue pinning it against Matt.
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BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 3:36 am

Can someone tel me how this is fair. Enzo is allowed to take the penguin outfit on and off? Kristen didn't get to do that and Casey didn't either. What kind of BS is BB allowing this year. Give that fucker a penalty vote.
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BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 11:09 am

pajamajon wrote:
Hayden admitted that he won the vacation and the 5k. But he told the Dumbass Alliance to continue pinning it against Matt.

total sleeze bag. You just knew they were going to throw it. He is even joking about it with Lane and offered to take him to Hawaii with him. If Britney cannot see that she is being played HARDCORE, well then she doesnt deserver the credit I had given her or the half million dollar prize. She thinks that Hayden wouldnt lie about winning the prizes....UM BRIT?? Have you ever even seen Big Brother before??? If she puts up Matt and he goes, BRENDON FOR THE WIN!!! Yup, I said it too. Like we have been saying for weeks, her total obsession with Brendon and Rachel has made her lose focus on the game. Now even though she is realizing what a bad position she is in this week, she is still letting the DUHgade manipulate her. If she does the right thing and puts up Hayden, I can be part of team Brit but sadly, I dont see this happening.

I am a little cranky this morning so I just want to say this......Alison Grodner, can you just freaking fuck Jessie and get it over with so we do not have to be subjected to seeing his face at least once a season?? I can see it now, Big Brother 13 this years twist is The season of Jessie worship! This season on Big Brother, Jessie will be HOH every week. He will decide who to nominate by who doesnt kiss his ass the best. Only he will hold the POV and only he will vote out HGs. Its Jessies house this year on Big Brother! BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 828935
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BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 11:34 am

seriously Andrew??

So, show of hands everyone! Who is going to buy one!!

  • BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Andrew_gordon_normal Captain_Kosher
    cap'n kosher t-shirts online this week. their cute n maybe even a little foolish but their all in good fun. portion goes to charity about 2 hours ago via web
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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 11:41 am

    Agree Lorraine !! Enought with Jesse PLEASE!!!!

    Alot of people on other boards think Nick was there and she is lying but that would be 2 goods and pandora's box is good/evil. She is in good spirits though. She is even being a great sport about being cuffed to Brendan and the chum dunks. I'm sure when its over she will have more material for her bashfest with

    On Another note...Is it just me or does anyone else notice that there have been alot of emphasis on the fact that Enzo hasnt won anything. Lane or Hayden hasnt won crap either (i dont consider haydens 1st hoh win a real win in my opinion) Thats why I have been referring to them as the 3 blind mice. Lane really disappointed me last night, he is slowly creeping up to slimeball Hayden must really trust lane and enzo to tell them that he took those prizes. I'm pretty sure it will come back to bite him.

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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 11:49 am

    [quote="bostongirl"]Agree Lorraine !! Enought with Jesse PLEASE!!!!

    Alot of people on other boards think Nick was there and she is lying but that would be 2 goods and pandora's box is good/evil. She is in good spirits though. She is even being a great sport about being cuffed to Brendan and the chum dunks. I'm sure when its over she will have more material for her bashfest with

    On Another note...Is it just me or does anyone else notice that there have been alot of emphasis on the fact that Enzo hasnt won anything. Lane or Hayden hasnt won crap either (i dont consider haydens 1st hoh win a real win in my opinion) Thats why I have been referring to them as the 3 blind mice. Lane really disappointed me last night, he is slowly creeping up to slimeball Hayden must really trust lane and enzo to tell them that he took those prizes. I'm pretty sure it will come back to bite him.

    I hear you BG. I had hopes that Lane would break away from this alliance and go with Brit/Rag/Matt but he is not loyal to Brit. He says they will protect her next week but I just dont see how. Yes they tell her they are targeting Ragan but that wont be the case. They have already said that Ragan will not be any good when Matt leaves. The funny thing is, dont they all have final 2 agreements between each other? Hayden/Enzo, Lane/Hayden etc? I just hope that when Brit is finally uncuffed from Brendon, Matt is able to show her the big picture. Like I said before though, I doubt it. They are all kissing her butt and I think she deep down likes

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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 11:51 am

    pajamajon wrote:
    Can someone tel me how this is fair. Enzo is allowed to take the penguin outfit on and off? Kristen didn't get to do that and Casey didn't either. What kind of BS is BB allowing this year. Give that fucker a penalty vote.

    I know Kristen didnt have to sleep i her unitard, i'm not sure about the hottub seems so long I definately cant remember casey rules
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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 11:51 am

    Lorraine wrote:
    pajamajon wrote:
    Hayden admitted that he won the vacation and the 5k. But he told the Dumbass Alliance to continue pinning it against Matt.

    total sleeze bag. You just knew they were going to throw it. He is even joking about it with Lane and offered to take him to Hawaii with him. If Britney cannot see that she is being played HARDCORE, well then she doesnt deserver the credit I had given her or the half million dollar prize. She thinks that Hayden wouldnt lie about winning the prizes....UM BRIT?? Have you ever even seen Big Brother before??? If she puts up Matt and he goes, BRENDON FOR THE WIN!!! Yup, I said it too. Like we have been saying for weeks, her total obsession with Brendon and Rachel has made her lose focus on the game. Now even though she is realizing what a bad position she is in this week, she is still letting the DUHgade manipulate her. If she does the right thing and puts up Hayden, I can be part of team Brit but sadly, I dont see this happening.

    I am a little cranky this morning so I just want to say this......Alison Grodner, can you just freaking fuck Jessie and get it over with so we do not have to be subjected to seeing his face at least once a season?? I can see it now, Big Brother 13 this years twist is The season of Jessie worship! This season on Big Brother, Jessie will be HOH every week. He will decide who to nominate by who doesnt kiss his ass the best. Only he will hold the POV and only he will vote out HGs. Its Jessies house this year on Big Brother! BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 828935

    I completely agree with you Lorraine. I don't understand how Brit thinks Matt would take the prizes when he didn't want Brendan to win veto, it doesn't make sense. I want her to wake up and realize what is going on. Why wouldn't Hayden take all the prizes, he wanted Matt out before Brendan and he knew he was completely safe. It makes me so angry that she can't see this. I don't understand how the Duhgade and Brit think Matt is playing both sides, what are these sides?? Matt thinks its the house vs. Brendan and he definitely isn't with Brendan, unlike Hayden and Enzo. I want Hayden gone on Thrusday with the DE he is the biggest snake out of all them.
    Also I cannot stand how they always vilify the person that is going home and then prentending they care to that person is leaving; it is getting so tiredsome year after year. Own up to you turning on your friend and own up to your gulity instead of turning it on them. I want anybody but the three idoits to win this game and I thought I would never say that about Brendan. At this point I hope Ragan wins HOH on thrusday and sends one of the three home.
    I have had enough of Jessie too three season too many . Why didn't they bring Ronnie back that would have been a really punishment Jessie is just annoying.

    I can't believe I am going to miss the DE on thrusday leaving tomorrow night to go on vacation. Erika and Lorraine can I send you a question to ask Matt if he gets evicted??

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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 11:59 am

    sammyf wrote:
    Lorraine wrote:
    pajamajon wrote:
    Hayden admitted that he won the vacation and the 5k. But he told the Dumbass Alliance to continue pinning it against Matt.

    total sleeze bag. You just knew they were going to throw it. He is even joking about it with Lane and offered to take him to Hawaii with him. If Britney cannot see that she is being played HARDCORE, well then she doesnt deserver the credit I had given her or the half million dollar prize. She thinks that Hayden wouldnt lie about winning the prizes....UM BRIT?? Have you ever even seen Big Brother before??? If she puts up Matt and he goes, BRENDON FOR THE WIN!!! Yup, I said it too. Like we have been saying for weeks, her total obsession with Brendon and Rachel has made her lose focus on the game. Now even though she is realizing what a bad position she is in this week, she is still letting the DUHgade manipulate her. If she does the right thing and puts up Hayden, I can be part of team Brit but sadly, I dont see this happening.

    I am a little cranky this morning so I just want to say this......Alison Grodner, can you just freaking fuck Jessie and get it over with so we do not have to be subjected to seeing his face at least once a season?? I can see it now, Big Brother 13 this years twist is The season of Jessie worship! This season on Big Brother, Jessie will be HOH every week. He will decide who to nominate by who doesnt kiss his ass the best. Only he will hold the POV and only he will vote out HGs. Its Jessies house this year on Big Brother! BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 828935

    I completely agree with you Lorraine. I don't understand how Brit thinks Matt would take the prizes when he didn't want Brendan to win veto, it doesn't make sense. I want her to wake up and realize what is going on. Why wouldn't Hayden take all the prizes, he wanted Matt out before Brendan and he knew he was completely safe. It makes me so angry that she can't see this. I don't understand how the Duhgade and Brit think Matt is playing both sides, what are these sides?? Matt thinks its the house vs. Brendan and he definitely isn't with Brendan, unlike Hayden and Enzo. I want Hayden gone on Thrusday with the DE he is the biggest snake out of all them.
    Also I cannot stand how they always vilify the person that is going home and then prentending they care to that person is leaving; it is getting so tiredsome year after year. Own up to you turning on your friend and own up to your gulity instead of turning it on them. I want anybody but the three idoits to win this game and I thought I would never say that about Brendan. At this point I hope Ragan wins HOH on thrusday and sends one of the three home.
    I have had enough of Jessie too three season too many . Why didn't they bring Ronnie back that would have been a really punishment Jessie is just annoying.

    I can't believe I am going to miss the DE on thrusday leaving tomorrow night to go on vacation. Erika and Lorraine can I send you a question to ask Matt if he gets evicted??

    ROTF @ Bringing back Ronnie! You hit the nail on the head with that one Sammy! That would truly be a punishment!

    Yes Sammy! We would love to ask a question for you! For Matt or any other evicted HG!! That goes for everyone! Please submit your questions to us!!
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    Mechanical Bliss
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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 12:42 pm

    Last night Britney vented to Brendon about the PoV comp because it appeared to her by the results that people didn't care about the veto while she did because her competitive side wanted her nominations to stay the same thinking everyone was on the same page. She said she wanted to find out who took the prizes instead of taking the game seriously and thinking they're safe and nominate them. It sounds like it's a comp where she'll never really know, so that might not happen, but I'm holding onto some sort of hope. It's like no one thinks they're being manipulated this year and it's disappointing Brit can't tell what her best interests are.

    In BB13 there will be Have Jessie/Have Not competitions when for the first time slop, cold showers, and cots will be prizes simply because you won't have to deal with Jessie. Everyone else has to listen to Jessie talk about how great Jessie is. I wonder if he understood that the "good" part to opening PB was the BBQ and he was actually the "bad" part. In any case, PB is getting old.
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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 12:45 pm

    Lorraine wrote:

    seriously Andrew??

    So, show of hands everyone! Who is going to buy one!!

  • BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Andrew_gordon_normal Captain_Kosher
    cap'n kosher t-shirts online this week. their cute n maybe even a little foolish but their all in good fun. portion goes to charity about 2 hours ago via web

  • Hey Lorraine, maybe we can all chip in and buy one for Pengzo! cool
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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 12:48 pm

    I am a little cranky this morning so I just want to say this......Alison Grodner, can you just freaking fuck Jessie and get it over with so we do not have to be subjected to seeing his face at least once a season?? I can see it now, Big Brother 13 this years twist is The season of Jessie worship! This season on Big Brother, Jessie will be HOH every week. He will decide who to nominate by who doesnt kiss his ass the best. Only he will hold the POV and only he will vote out HGs. Its Jessies house this year on Big Brother! BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 828935[/quote]

    LMAO!!!! She must really like Jessie
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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 12:56 pm

    I think the reason Brit thinks Matt took the prizes is because she has mentioned that he thinks he's totally safe. Brit said that the night B4 the comp when Matt was in hoh with her and they had a converation about someone winning veto and a replacement, He (matt) was way to cocky and assumed hayden was going up. And i guess after veto Mat also said hayden is going up. She thinks that because he felt 100% safe he took the prizes. On top of that you have Lane and Hayden in her ear throwing Matt under the bus. Unfortunately for her she trusts Lane and Hay more than anyone else.
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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 2:20 pm

    Why is everyone coming down on Hayden? He played Matt! That's part of the game...sure he hasn't won shit and he allowed Matt to get his hands dirty.... isn't that also apart of the game. We know that winning competitions doesn't exactly make you the best player and those are usually the players who don't go to the end. I can appreciate Hayden's manipulation game. I never would have thought Hayden to be the type to be the true brains behind the brigade.

    Matt is not without flaws and has made several mistakes in the game and probably the biggest mistake was thinking he's smarter than everybody else.
    1st mistake - encouraging the side alliances that he thought he could benefit off of with Ragan. Ragan has proven to be one of the worst strategical game players ever. He's totally delusional and blinded by his love for Matt.

    Mistake #2 - Wanting to be put up on the block as a pawn... it's shady behavior since nobody ever wants to be on the block.

    Mistake #3 - Week 3 he wins HOH and doesn't put up Brendon and Rachel, sure it was his HOH to put up whoever he wanted but he was in an alliance with 3 others and like it or not but you have to take what they want into consideration as well.

    Mistake #4 - He has been with Ragan mainly non-stop and yes the others have too but there were many times he could have been with his alliance and schmoozing them instead of being up Ragan's ass. Ragan is 1 person and the Brigade is 3 ... it's a number thing like it or not.

    Mistake #5 - Telling Britney to throw him under the bus last week so Brendon so that he would get put up. Not trying to talk to Brendon about not going up on the block.

    Mistake #6 - Putting Kathy up as his replacement nominee. Sure it was his choice to put up who he wanted but when you know 2 others in your alliance want someone out (Britney) if they had the choice and you take out Kathy who all along they have been wanting to use her as a final 5 is not a smart move.

    Mistake #7 - Leaving Britney in the game who is good at the competitions and you don't have the type of control over her you think you have.

    Mistake #8 - Staying true to this dumb alliance who obviously are looking out for themselves and can you blame them... he's the one who is ultimately getting played and if he doesn't out the Brigade and try and make a deal in some type of way by tomorrow's veto ceremony then he deserves to be the replacement nominee and go home Thursday.
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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 2:47 pm

    Quote :
    Why is everyone coming down on Hayden?

    because he is a big giant jerk with a really really bad haircut. He is a floater if ever there was one. Winning the prizes and then blaming someone else is just slimy. You can point out Matts faults all day long and give a list of a 100 things he did wrong. Bottom line, he is playing the game while the DUHHHHHgade sits back and floats. Something that we have all faulted Kathy for. When you play, you are going to fail at times but at least you played. He and Enzo=DIAF

    Did anyone catch the 3 DUHgade members talking last night and they think that when they get out of the house they will want to make a movie about them??? um yeah sure.
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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 2:53 pm

    Mistake #3 they didn't force the issue with him and agreed to go along with the plan. To have made sure B/R went up they should have said this is what we as the brigade want to be done instead of just agreeing about it.

    Mistake #6 Wednesday they wanted Kathy out because she thought she was the sabateur. Enzo and Hayden were always changing their minds about who they wanted out next and who they wanted in the final five daily and sometimes more then once a day.

    Mistake #8 is the reason why I like Matt and want the rest to lose he is the only one that stay true to the brigade. I hontestly don't think he is going to out the three of them because he still seems loyal to them. I really want him to out them because the look on their face trying to get out of it would be so funny. Another reason I like Matt is he isn't expecting too much from this experience I cannot stand the ones who think they are going to be stars. Lorraine do they really think someone will want to make a movie about them? That is just pathetic.
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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 3:31 pm

    Lorraine wrote:
    pajamajon wrote:
    Hayden admitted that he won the vacation and the 5k. But he told the Dumbass Alliance to continue pinning it against Matt.

    total sleeze bag. You just knew they were going to throw it. He is even joking about it with Lane and offered to take him to Hawaii with him. If Britney cannot see that she is being played HARDCORE, well then she doesnt deserver the credit I had given her or the half million dollar prize. She thinks that Hayden wouldnt lie about winning the prizes....UM BRIT?? Have you ever even seen Big Brother before??? If she puts up Matt and he goes, BRENDON FOR THE WIN!!! Yup, I said it too. Like we have been saying for weeks, her total obsession with Brendon and Rachel has made her lose focus on the game. Now even though she is realizing what a bad position she is in this week, she is still letting the DUHgade manipulate her. If she does the right thing and puts up Hayden, I can be part of team Brit but sadly, I dont see this happening.

    I am a little cranky this morning so I just want to say this......Alison Grodner, can you just freaking fuck Jessie and get it over with so we do not have to be subjected to seeing his face at least once a season?? I can see it now, Big Brother 13 this years twist is The season of Jessie worship! This season on Big Brother, Jessie will be HOH every week. He will decide who to nominate by who doesnt kiss his ass the best. Only he will hold the POV and only he will vote out HGs. Its Jessies house this year on Big Brother! BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 828935

    Go on Lorraine!
    laughing laughing laughing laughing
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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 3:54 pm

    I dont see Matt outing the Brigade because if he does end up on the block he needs the votes from 2 brigade members to stay, or at least 1 and a tie breaking vote from Brit. Now as he's walking out the door thats a different story.

    I have a feeling if he did out the Brigade to Brit she will ask Lane 1st and he will lie. He will then get with the other 2 blind mice and the 3 will deny deny deny. Matt outing the Brigade will also not sit well with his buddy Regan
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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 4:52 pm

    Does anyone else think it would be hilarious if Matt were to leave this week (which I really don't see happening) since he was calling Brendon a dumby and he threw the HOH the week that he got evicted
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    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 5:01 pm

    leahtahd wrote:
    Does anyone else think it would be hilarious if Matt were to leave this week (which I really don't see happening) since he was calling Brendon a dumby and he threw the HOH the week that he got evicted

    Who do you see leaving this week Leah?
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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 5:05 pm

    I'm thinking Hayden is gone. I think the DR will push for her to keep Matt. Plus, I don't think she sees it being benficial for her game to send Matt out.
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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 5:09 pm

    leahtahd wrote:
    I'm thinking Hayden is gone. I think the DR will push for her to keep Matt. Plus, I don't think she sees it being benficial for her game to send Matt out.

    This would make for great TV...especially if Matt were to win HOH for the Double Eviction. Maybe they'll be some fireworks this Thursday since last week it fizzled. eyeroll
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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 5:11 pm

    I want Matt to leave and I won't be shocked if he does, but I just don't think it'll happen
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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 5:18 pm

    If Matt is STUPID enough to keep saying Brigade to the end HE NEEDS TO FUCKING GO!

    Just because he is loyal to the Brigade is DUMB. How in the fuck can you be loyal to a bunch of yoyo's when they have proven to be shady themselves. They were willing to vote his ass out last week, enough reason to drop them by now. If Matt's ass winds up on the block tomorrow then he got played and deserves to go over someone like Enzo who albeit hasn't done shit but Matt is suppose to be smart enough to have kept himself off the block.

    So what Enzo, Lane and Hayden didn't win shit big deal what does it matter when Brendon has been fighting his ass off and look what he's willing to do to stay there... he's not given much credit for his winnings.

    So what Hayden got 5 grand and a Hawaii vacation and is going to put it on Matt....sounds like what Dr Will and Boogie did and I thought it was a good move on their part. Just because everyone believes Hayden is so innocent is their own dumb mistake. Hayden needs to be given credit for playing these fools.
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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 5:32 pm

    Are we sure Matt said he's a mensa member? He acts more like a Jensa member sometimes....
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    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 7 Discussion    BB12: Week 7 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 22, 2010 7:59 pm

    I am absolutely done with Matt. He had his talk with Britney and his biggest pitch for a speech to keep him off the block was "we're friends" ....ughh!!!! How frustrating! She basically told him Enzo, Lane and Hayden will be mad if I don't put you up and he doesn't question this? He still is protecting the Brigade? He's a fucking idiot! I am so sick of his cocky smile and laugh ... he has no reason to be cocky when he's going to be seeing himself walking out the door if he doesn't change up his strategy because this "friend" thing is not going to get him anywhere but out the door!
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