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BB Lover
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BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 5:52 pm

Lorraine wrote:

If they vote out Frank, Dan gets exactly what he wanted from the door.

Except he doesn't want that anymore. When Dan saw how Boogie and Janelle interacted last night, he realized he could not make a coach alliance work. As soon as Janelle left the room, he said to Boogie, "Well that's clearly never going to work." That's why he decided to cut his losses. The only thing standing between Janelle and eviction was Dan. As soon as he decided not to keep her, she had no other way to save herself. She's doomed unless Dan has a chance of heart.
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BB Lover
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BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 5:56 pm

I forgot to mention that my boy Dan asked Boogie to start a argument with Jani.... Don't know if he's going to do it, but I am waiting for it!

Your boy Dan? BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 514184 Does that mean you're a fan? Because I am too and if Janelle goes on Thursday, Dan is the only person I'll be rooting for. He's not popular around these parts (neither is Janelle which makes this the oddest BB fanspace) and some people who hate him here are letting that cloud their objectivity, but anyone with functioning eyeballs can see that he's running that house. He's just doing it in the same subtle, non-asshole way he did on Season 10. Pretty much everyone went to him last night for directions: Boogie, Frank, Britney, Danielle, Ian and Janelle. If they're smart they'll get rid of him but I think they all like him too much to really do that yet. Janelle's team will still target Boogie/Frank or Shane first chance they get, and Boogie/Frank will still target Janelle's team of Shane first chance they get.

Bottom line: I don't care about ANY of the newbies (just like last year) which is why they should never cast newbies with vets, and of the vets, Dan would make a far more deserving/likable two-time winner than Boogie.
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BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 6:37 pm

I am a Dan and Janelle fan too. I'm sad to see Jani leave but she didn't play the first weeks too well. I am worried for Dan with this move but I hope it will work out. I don't think his game is a subtle as in BB10 just because people know how he played before. I think that is annoying Dan a bit, he keeps telling people they have to keep their alliance a sceret but they are being kind of obivous about it.
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BB Lover
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BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 10:18 pm

Buckle My Shoe (An Ode to Danielle)

One two, Shane don't love you
Three four, get out the door
Five Six, you like ass-licks
Seven Eight, you're not that great
Nine Ten, Julie Chen (hopefully soon)
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BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 11:18 pm

southernboy wrote:
I forgot to mention that my boy Dan asked Boogie to start a argument with Jani.... Don't know if he's going to do it, but I am waiting for it!

Your boy Dan? BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 514184 Does that mean you're a fan? Because I am too and if Janelle goes on Thursday, Dan is the only person I'll be rooting for. He's not popular around these parts (neither is Janelle which makes this the oddest BB fanspace) and some people who hate him here are letting that cloud their objectivity, but anyone with functioning eyeballs can see that he's running that house. He's just doing it in the same subtle, non-asshole way he did on Season 10. Pretty much everyone went to him last night for directions: Boogie, Frank, Britney, Danielle, Ian and Janelle. If they're smart they'll get rid of him but I think they all like him too much to really do that yet. Janelle's team will still target Boogie/Frank or Shane first chance they get, and Boogie/Frank will still target Janelle's team of Shane first chance they get.

Bottom line: I don't care about ANY of the newbies (just like last year) which is why they should never cast newbies with vets, and of the vets, Dan would make a far more deserving/likable two-time winner than Boogie.

Yup, I'm a Dan fan......And since 2 years in a row the newbies don't have enough sense to take a stand I am rooting for Dan and to be honest I don't like non of these assholes except Shane.........But Boogie & Frank already said they were going to target Dan & Shane so I'm not sure how far Dan is going to make it.
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BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyTue Aug 07, 2012 2:55 pm

Quote :
He's not popular around these parts (neither is
Janelle which makes this the oddest BB fanspace) and some people who
hate him here are letting that cloud their objectivity, but anyone with
functioning eyeballs can see that he's running that house.

so if someone doesn't agree with anothers opinion, their objectivity is clouded?? interesting. So long as you're being objective about it. BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 164601
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyTue Aug 07, 2012 3:32 pm

southernboy wrote:
I forgot to mention that my boy Dan asked Boogie to start a argument with Jani.... Don't know if he's going to do it, but I am waiting for it!

Your boy Dan? BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 514184 Does that mean you're a fan? Because I am too and if Janelle goes on Thursday, Dan is the only person I'll be rooting for. He's not popular around these parts (neither is Janelle which makes this the oddest BB fanspace) and some people who hate him here are letting that cloud their objectivity, but anyone with functioning eyeballs can see that he's running that house. He's just doing it in the same subtle, non-asshole way he did on Season 10. Pretty much everyone went to him last night for directions: Boogie, Frank, Britney, Danielle, Ian and Janelle. If they're smart they'll get rid of him but I think they all like him too much to really do that yet. Janelle's team will still target Boogie/Frank or Shane first chance they get, and Boogie/Frank will still target Janelle's team of Shane first chance they get.

Bottom line: I don't care about ANY of the newbies (just like last year) which is why they should never cast newbies with vets, and of the vets, Dan would make a far more deserving/likable two-time winner than Boogie.

Southernboy - What are you talking about? Dan is popular with some of the members here as is Janelle. I think the only ones who aren't a fan of Janelle or Dan's is Lorraine and I. What's odd about this site is that you can actually voice your own opinion here and not be threatened with being banned. Just as you can voice your own opinion so can we. Nobody has to agree with us and it's ok, it's not that serious.

To suggest that my vision is clouded by my hate for Dan is ridiculous and I have 20/20 vision so I have functioning eyeballs too! haha

I don't hate Dan or Janelle, just not fans of theirs. As for Dan running the house he sure is THIS week. I don't think it's a surprise to anybody that he woud be running Danielle's HOH. Danielle is too weak to run her own HOH and Dan of course being that he was her coach was over zealous to run it for her. Yes Dan made the call to put Janelle up...we all knew it was up to him but this was not his idea. Boogie gets the credit for getting Janelle put up on the block via Dan.
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BB Lover
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BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyWed Aug 08, 2012 3:51 am

Did ya'll catch the HOH convo between Danielle, Shane, and Britney?

Shane somewhat came clean to Danielle about his feelings for her, telling her that he doesn't want to have a showmance because he doesn't want to get emotionlally involved while in the Big Brother house, of course this pissed Danielle off. Britney played mediator and that didn't help either, Danielle is such a lost cause when it comes to Shane, lol!!!
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BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyWed Aug 08, 2012 3:57 am

Erika wrote:

Yes Dan made the call to put Janelle up...we all knew it was up to him but this was not his idea. Boogie gets the credit for getting Janelle put up on the block via Dan.

That's not true and this is what I meant by letting your dislike for Dan cloud your objectivity.

Boogie had been petitioning Dan all day and even when they were in that HOH room alone, it was clear Dan was NOT buying his arguments. He practically kept saying, "But IF we evict Frank, you'll still work with us right?" because he had no intention of letting Boogie talk him into putting up Janelle. What changed Dan's mind was when Janelle and Britney sauntered into the room and Janelle & Boogie passive-aggressively went at it. Dan realized in that moment (because he's way more perceptive than you give him credit for) that a coach alliance with all four of them could not work.

If you don't believe me, flashback to that part again. As soon as Janelle and Britney left the room Dan said, "Well that's clearly never going to work." He came to that realization because of the way Boogie and Janelle interacted, NOT because Boogie sold him a bill of goods. You could see Dan working it out in his mind from there and arrived at, "OK fuck it, let's backdoor Janelle." When he realized the four of them couldn't work together, he decided to cut his losses with her.

I love Janelle but I'll be objective and say that she shot herself in the foot with that. Her interaction with Boogie and her refusal to commit to giving up her players sealed the deal for her. It wasn't Boogie's awesome powers of persuasion (which he does not possess) and it wouldn't have happened had Dan not decided it was best for his own game. And then Dan got everyone else on board.

Of course Boogie thinks he did some brilliant play because he's nothing if not a shameless self-promoter. I'm sure he'll be squawking in the DR about how he played Dan and Janelle blah blah blah. But we have the feeds so we don't have to subscribe to that myth. Just like on All Stars when Boogie took credit for things Will did. Or hell even this season where he kept going on about his own brilliance in the DR last week even though Janelle and Dan had lined up all their ducks to take out Frank.

Boogie is one of those people who constantly refers to themselves as a great player and you know, if you have to say it, it's probably not evident.
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BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyWed Aug 08, 2012 9:37 am

Janelle is the only likable one in there, when she leaves who do we root for? Joe seems to be the one everyone else is rooting for, and I guess he's all there really is.

Danielle- insane
Boogie- great player, but no. Just no.
Dan-ChillTown wannabe
Frank- take a shower
Shane- spineless
Ian- uncomfortable to watch
Wil- spineless, 2 faced coward
Trixie- see Wil
Brit- see Trixie

Joe annoys me, but he's the only one left that I can stomach, so I suppose I'm Team Joe now. Ugh.
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyWed Aug 08, 2012 9:38 am

southernboy wrote:
Erika wrote:

Yes Dan made the call to put Janelle up...we all knew it was up to him but this was not his idea. Boogie gets the credit for getting Janelle put up on the block via Dan.

That's not true and this is what I meant by letting your dislike for Dan cloud your objectivity.

Boogie had been petitioning Dan all day and even when they were in that HOH room alone, it was clear Dan was NOT buying his arguments. He practically kept saying, "But IF we evict Frank, you'll still work with us right?" because he had no intention of letting Boogie talk him into putting up Janelle. What changed Dan's mind was when Janelle and Britney sauntered into the room and Janelle & Boogie passive-aggressively went at it. Dan realized in that moment (because he's way more perceptive than you give him credit for) that a coach alliance with all four of them could not work.

If you don't believe me, flashback to that part again. As soon as Janelle and Britney left the room Dan said, "Well that's clearly never going to work." He came to that realization because of the way Boogie and Janelle interacted, NOT because Boogie sold him a bill of goods. You could see Dan working it out in his mind from there and arrived at, "OK fuck it, let's backdoor Janelle." When he realized the four of them couldn't work together, he decided to cut his losses with her.

I love Janelle but I'll be objective and say that she shot herself in the foot with that. Her interaction with Boogie and her refusal to commit to giving up her players sealed the deal for her. It wasn't Boogie's awesome powers of persuasion (which he does not possess) and it wouldn't have happened had Dan not decided it was best for his own game. And then Dan got everyone else on board.

Of course Boogie thinks he did some brilliant play because he's nothing if not a shameless self-promoter. I'm sure he'll be squawking in the DR about how he played Dan and Janelle blah blah blah. But we have the feeds so we don't have to subscribe to that myth. Just like on All Stars when Boogie took credit for things Will did. Or hell even this season where he kept going on about his own brilliance in the DR last week even though Janelle and Dan had lined up all their ducks to take out Frank.

Boogie is one of those people who constantly refers to themselves as a great player and you know, if you have to say it, it's probably not evident.

Oh for the love of God Southernboy. I don't need to flashback I saw the whole thing when it happened. Yes Dan did say it wasn't clearly going to work and he agreed to go along with Boogie's plan because obviously Janelle showed him at that time that she wasn't willing to give up her misfits but this is not the plan Dan wanted and if he was so awesome with persuading people why couldn't he effectively make Boogie jump on board with his original plan to keep the coachers together? Or why couldn't he get Janelle to abandon her crew? Perhaps its you who is clouded by your love of Dan? BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 164601

Last edited by Erika on Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyWed Aug 08, 2012 10:06 am

leahtahd wrote:
Janelle is the only likable one in there, when she leaves who do we root for? Joe seems to be the one everyone else is rooting for, and I guess he's all there really is.

Danielle- insane
Boogie- great player, but no. Just no.
Dan-ChillTown wannabe
Frank- take a shower
Shane- spineless
Ian- uncomfortable to watch
Wil- spineless, 2 faced coward
Trixie- see Wil
Brit- see Trixie

Joe annoys me, but he's the only one left that I can stomach, so I suppose I'm Team Joe now. Ugh.

You know what is so hilarious about your post Leah? Like everyone else this season, you have forgotten Jenn. LOL
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BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyWed Aug 08, 2012 10:38 am

Lorraine wrote:
leahtahd wrote:
Janelle is the only likable one in there, when she leaves who do we root for? Joe seems to be the one everyone else is rooting for, and I guess he's all there really is.

Danielle- insane
Boogie- great player, but no. Just no.
Dan-ChillTown wannabe
Frank- take a shower
Shane- spineless
Ian- uncomfortable to watch
Wil- spineless, 2 faced coward
Trixie- see Wil
Brit- see Trixie

Joe annoys me, but he's the only one left that I can stomach, so I suppose I'm Team Joe now. Ugh.

You know what is so hilarious about your post Leah? Like everyone else this season, you have forgotten Jenn. LOL

Oh damn! Well, I guess that says it all! LOL
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BB Lover
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BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyWed Aug 08, 2012 1:01 pm

I give up Erika. Lets just agree to disagree on this one and see how it pans out.
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyWed Aug 08, 2012 1:59 pm

southernboy wrote:
I give up Erika. Lets just agree to disagree on this one and see how it pans out.

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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyWed Aug 08, 2012 2:30 pm

Whats funny to me is that is you look at the poll on Janelle's cult following aka jokers updates....whoever is with janelle has jumped all the way to the top and whoever is not with her is moving way towards the bottom. Dan was at the number one spot almost the entire season now he has moved half way to the bottom and Joe who has aleays been at the bottom is moving almost to the top....really Joe is now the 3rd favorite.......

Now there is supposed to be a petition to save Janelle....seriously. Its a tv show, its supposed to be entertainment. Its not a presidential election...sheesh.

In my opinion Janelle has played a bad game this season. Obviously she switched her strategy to try and win but maybe she should have waited until later in the game to do so. Even the Janelle i was looking forward to seeing when she got put on the block didnt emerge...paging Janelle...where the hell are u this season.

If it were me, I would rather go home b4 jury and be with my family. I heard her tell brit, its the same money whether she goes to jury or not. I'm assuming the coaches must of been at least guarenteed 25 thousand. If that is the case..i'd much rather be home with my husband and child sitting on my couch, watching them, while eating a pint of Ben and Jerry's chunky monkey.
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyWed Aug 08, 2012 11:35 pm

bostongirl wrote:
Whats funny to me is that is you look at the poll on Janelle's cult following aka jokers updates....whoever is with janelle has jumped all the way to the top and whoever is not with her is moving way towards the bottom. Dan was at the number one spot almost the entire season now he has moved half way to the bottom and Joe who has aleays been at the bottom is moving almost to the top....really Joe is now the 3rd favorite.......

Now there is supposed to be a petition to save Janelle....seriously. Its a tv show, its supposed to be entertainment. Its not a presidential election...sheesh.

In my opinion Janelle has played a bad game this season. Obviously she switched her strategy to try and win but maybe she should have waited until later in the game to do so. Even the Janelle i was looking forward to seeing when she got put on the block didnt emerge...paging Janelle...where the hell are u this season.

If it were me, I would rather go home b4 jury and be with my family. I heard her tell brit, its the same money whether she goes to jury or not. I'm assuming the coaches must of been at least guarenteed 25 thousand. If that is the case..i'd much rather be home with my husband and child sitting on my couch, watching them, while eating a pint of Ben and Jerry's chunky monkey.

LOL @ Joe being 3rd Favorite BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 143808

She definitely does have one of the biggest fan base's next to Jeff but c'mon the online petitions and tweeting Allison Grodner and begging her to rig it for Janelle's benefit is absurd. Even the most diehard fan has to want the show to have some sense of integrity. Janelle's game was extremely sloppy when her name is thrown in the mix of being a very much outted liar along with Joe's ...that's not good company to be with.

They had their half way party tonight with pizza, cake and alcohol and apparently Joe head butted the cake which had all the houseguests pictures on it and guess which pic he head butted? lol BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 Willie_hantz_480x610
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyThu Aug 09, 2012 12:14 am

jannelle is still very low key today, i was hoping for sassy jannelle. I wanted her to start some shit hoping that it would make her look like a huge target and maybe the hg's would consider keeping her so her and boogie could fight back and forth.

She didnt even talk any shit to Danielle...where the hell is Jannelle?????
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyThu Aug 09, 2012 12:58 am

I have a feeling that Big Brother will be doing a double eviction next Thursday. I can see two people going home next week (from 11 to 9) and hearing Julie congratulating everyone left in the house that they all now made jury. I guess we'll find out tomorrow night when Julie announces the events for the upcoming week. I guess they'll do a T/F HOH comp that involves questions regarding the first 4 evicted HGs or they'll do the eliminator comp tomorrow with questions about the competitions so far in the season. I hate that I won't see the show live as the show is pre-empted for exhibition football in Atlanta. sad1

I have mixed feelings about Janelle getting evicted. As much as I did not want to see another Boogie vs Janelle showdown, Janelle does certainly make the show much more interesting than quite a few other HGs left, but I agree with quite a few of you that her gameplay was sloppy and she has kind of mellowed out this season, but her last season was 2006, and she was still in her mid 20s back then. Love her or hate her, it is gonna be strange for a little bit not having her in the house. Oh well...

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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyThu Aug 09, 2012 4:33 am

Ashley has finally started moving around thanks to Dr zack and her alleged cortizone shot in her hip....umm what is up with this chick? Most days she acts like she's high and on the days she's not she's in some kind of pain cant get out of bed and needs to see the doc. If i didnt know better i would be suspicious that she is an opiate addict... Clearly BB isnt smuggleing her fix through the Dr so i'm just gonna say she is one weird cookie. SHeesh Jerry seemed to be in better health than her, dont they give them an in depth medical exam with those comps they have to do. And can she please stop that damn baby talk, its making me crazy.

I cant believe even Jenn is lying to jannelle and saying she's voting for her, so they arent even going to tell her she's leaving. Everyone is voting her out exceppt joe and when she hears the count is 8-1 she will assume its for Frank and that the one vote to stay is boogie...she is going to be floored. The only one who feels bad is brit I wonder who's idea this was to blindside her....tomorrow should be interesting
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyThu Aug 09, 2012 1:42 pm

I think Britney will cave before the live show and tell Janelle she's being evicted, as Dr. Will said she'll be a three time loser, lol!!
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyThu Aug 09, 2012 2:11 pm

Its too bad for Jannelle but she really did some dumb stuff this season. Making up stupid lies and then admitting to them, being so obvious about running to the power, and she never seems to come off as sincere in any convo. Every time she opens her mouth she sounds so fake and phoney. She doesnt seem to want to get to know any of the hg's on a personal level at all.
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyThu Aug 09, 2012 2:18 pm

bostongirl wrote:
Its too bad for Jannelle but she really did some dumb stuff this season. Making up stupid lies and then admitting to them, being so obvious about running to the power, and she never seems to come off as sincere in any convo. Every time she opens her mouth she sounds so fake and phoney. She doesnt seem to want to get to know any of the hg's on a personal level at all.

That's always been the weak spot in Janelle's game IMO, she made the same mistake in BB6 & BB7 and it cost her the game both times, looks like it's gonna be her downfall this season also.
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyThu Aug 09, 2012 4:28 pm

I didnt hear this myself but the word is there is was a huge DR room leak this morning. Dan was in the DR talking about his final 3 deal with frank and boogie and it was piped all over the house. For sure Ian and Big mouth Joe heard it. The theory is that this is BB's final attemp to try and keep Janelle from getting evicted. Here is the link with more details
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyThu Aug 09, 2012 4:44 pm

bostongirl wrote:
I didnt hear this myself but the word is there is was a huge DR room leak this morning. Dan was in the DR talking about his final 3 deal with frank and boogie and it was piped all over the house. For sure Ian and Big mouth Joe heard it. The theory is that this is BB's final attemp to try and keep Janelle from getting evicted. Here is the link with more details

"sigh" I heard this as well...unbelievable and from what I am hearing now...Joe wants to call a house meeting. WTF?
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 4 Discussion    BB14 - Week 4 Discussion  - Page 6 EmptyThu Aug 09, 2012 6:53 pm

I heard it was about the silent six alliance. Still the new people that BB hired need to learn how to work the buttons, Wil DR was heard in the house at the beginning of the season but he wasn't talking about anything important. I hope Dan's game doesn't get ruined because of this.
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