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PostSubject: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyThu Aug 23, 2012 11:52 pm

Since Ian cannot play for HOH, I am hoping for a powershift but I am so confused. Do I want to see Frank win HOH? BB14 - Week 7 Discussion 455519

We have trivia for HOH comp...
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 12:05 am

Just finished up watching the show and reading the updates. I can't believe Frank lives another day. thats what his 5 life it has got to come to an end right? I definitely do not want Frank to win this HOH. I want Dan to win it so I know he is safe this week.
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 12:13 am

I think Dan will actually try to win this HOH, with Frank gunning for him it's in his best interest not to throw it.

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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 12:29 am

sammyf wrote:
Just finished up watching the show and reading the updates. I can't believe Frank lives another day. thats what his 5 life it has got to come to an end right? I definitely do not want Frank to win this HOH. I want Dan to win it so I know he is safe this week.

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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 12:40 am

"Fifty Shades of GAY: A Memoir" by Shane

"The Day The Door Slammed In My Face: A Memoir" by Danielle

"Invisible Man: A Memoir" by Jenn

That is all.
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 1:01 am

Frank is the new HOHBB14 - Week 7 Discussion 29046
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 1:03 am

LMAO!!!!! Dan's gonna have to play now
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 1:17 am

If Frank is smart Shane and Dan get nominated and Britney and Danielle are the replacements if either of those two win the veto.

Also if I was Frank I would have a talk with Jenn, Joe, and Ian and tell them about the alliance him and Boogie thought they had with the other four.

Did Brit, Dan Shane, or Dani tell Ian about they're fake alliance with Boogie & Frank?
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 10:28 am

Jay Frank and Boogie told they others about the slient six last week and D/D/S/B told Ian that same night about the silent six.
I am so sad to see Dan leave this week I hope he wins POV but I have this feeling he won't.
Why did Frank only have to pick one person for Have not? I think its funny that Frank thinks america likes him when the audience was groaning when he got his clovers but had to do the fake cheer when he won and he only heard that part.
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BB14 - Week 7 Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 11:10 am

I am hearing that Frank wants to nom Dan and Danielle. Should be a good week if that happens. So not a Frank fan but if anyone wants a chance to win, Dan has to go. They should have all listened to Willie in week one. He wanted Frank out, warned them all about the coaches entering but nooooooooooo. Oh well, now they can try to get Frank out week after week and have him saved by a completely lame twist where no one was evicted. First time for that. Why do I think that if BB is renewed we will see Frank in future seasons dressed like a gorilla, in Pandora's box, hosting a comp etc etc etc. puke
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 11:49 am

As long as he is in a gorilla suit and we don't have to hear or see him I'll be happy.
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 1:03 pm

I said weeks ago that evicting Janelle at that moment was a big mistake and Dan would regret it, and I was right. I love Dan and I don't want him to go this week, but if he does, it's his own damn fault for not getting Frank out when they had that prime opportunity.
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 2:05 pm

The HGs got the medium size dining table.

Dan is the only Have-Not as mentioned after the HOH comp last night and received Mozzarella and Matzah for the week.
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 4:24 pm

I'm not a Dan fan but to the Dan fans out there.... Really what has he done THIS season?

He seems to be playing the exact same game as he did in season 7 and I don't think what worked with one cast works with a completely different cast. Set aside the fact that he's boring as hell, and lays too low for my liking. He has won nothing, he couldn't get the coaches to come together after the coaches were let into the game. He kept Frank in the game and voted Janelle out only to want him gone 2 weeks later? Which means voting out Janelle and keeping Frank didn't benefit him at all. Last week he chose to play the martyr and take all of the heat off Ian and take the wrath of Boogie/Frank. Now it's coming to bite him in the ass. I'm just not sure why everyone feels like he's this great competitor is it because he is a "nice guy"?

I am just glad Frank is still in the game and hopefully he can make some type of deals to at least keep him safe next week since he can't compete in the next HOH.
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 5:11 pm

Why are the feeds on trivia....Could it be a Pandora's Box?BB14 - Week 7 Discussion 754580
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 5:35 pm

Erika wrote:
I'm not a Dan fan but to the Dan fans out there.... Really what has he done THIS season?

He seems to be playing the exact same game as he did in season 7 and I don't think what worked with one cast works with a completely different cast. Set aside the fact that he's boring as hell, and lays too low for my liking. He has won nothing, he couldn't get the coaches to come together after the coaches were let into the game. He kept Frank in the game and voted Janelle out only to want him gone 2 weeks later? Which means voting out Janelle and keeping Frank didn't benefit him at all. Last week he chose to play the martyr and take all of the heat off Ian and take the wrath of Boogie/Frank. Now it's coming to bite him in the ass. I'm just not sure why everyone feels like he's this great competitor is it because he is a "nice guy"?

I am just glad Frank is still in the game and hopefully he can make some type of deals to at least keep him safe next week since he can't compete in the next HOH.

Is Dan a "nice guy"? I always feel like he has a smart ass remark on the tip of his tongue just waiting to be blurted out. He definitely has tremendous self control which could lead some people to think he is boring, but I honestly think that because he makes an effort to get to know everyone on a personal level by asking the other HGs numerous questions about their lives outside of the game, it is as if he puts a spell on people to make them want to trust him even though I don't really think he truly cares about anyone. He never goes out of his way to be personable about himself, and I would think some people would figure that out about him and realize that he is holding so much back and therefore can't be fully trusted. I honestly feel like Ashley right now writing this as I don't feel I made any point about Dan and his game play. He may be getting nominated at this point and if Danielle or himself does not win the veto, I think his game is done. Then again, we never know about any future twists planned...

To be honest, I felt like all the returning player's were sleepers so far this season and have not had their full energy in the game. They seemed disconnected and quite frankly it is really crossing over to the audience as well. I am so bored with the Shane and Frank powershifts, but I will continue to watch, I guess...BB14 - Week 7 Discussion 290276
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 6:15 pm

Dan has the gift of gab. He puts on this quiet act and he takes the time to get to know the HG. He makes them feel like he's trustworthy and he gives a shit about them. He gets others to do his dirty work. I can't help but to like Dan because he is sneaky and lays back then the drama happens no matter if he caused it or not. He can manipulate people very easy and they don't even realize what he's doing. Sad to say if he doesn't win POV he is going home. no2 Did I ever mention I HATE FRANK!!!!! bitchin
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 6:21 pm

I agree Smooches I really feel Dan is playing a smart game. I kind of hope that Frank gets Shane out this week because I am so tired of Shane winning then Frank winning.

So Ian got some golden ball of veto from Pandora and Brit doesnt want Ian to use it. I could see Dan convincing Ian to use it on him. Dan did cover for Ian and if Dan didnt cover that up We would be seeing Ian going.
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 6:42 pm

Trying to figure out the outcome of Pandora's Box being opened...

Frank supposedly won $3,000
Ian won a special power of some sort, but cannot play for veto tomorrow. It sounded like they were searching for quarters outside to use to play with the ball arcade game...

I don't know...just not as interested about any of this to be honest at the moment
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 7:28 pm

So heres what ive got from Pandora...

Frank was locked in the box with money options (kinda like Lane Money tree i guess)

The rest of the house had to find quarters to use with that arcade game.
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 9:40 pm

Frank nominated Dan and Danielle for eviction.
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 9:50 pm

Wow, Shane is in HOH w/Frank and it sounds like Shane and Britney have switched to Frank's side and they seem to be all going after Dan now. Frank stated that if he gets HGs choice for veto, he is picking Shane.
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 10:29 pm

Britney does get that she may become a target being the last coach if Dan leaves ?
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptyFri Aug 24, 2012 11:36 pm

Dan's plan is for a Quacker to win POV and then use both vetoes so only one Quacker will be on the block against Joe and they will have the votes to evict him thereby saving the entire Quack Pack this week. However, I don't think Ian is actually going to use the extra veto on Dan, and Britney & Shane already seemed to have formed a safety alliance with Frank.

I think it's amazing that none of this has led to Ian being outed. Which Dan planned on doing pre-extra veto, but now he's counting on Ian to save him with that extra veto so he's not going to out him. Dan's only chance this week would be to guilt Ian into using the extra veto on him after Dan took all the heat for Ian last week. It may not work, but it's worth a try since Dan has no other options (other than winning POV) and Ian is capable of guilty feelings in the house (he almost had an emotional breakdown the night before he evicted Boogie)
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 7 Discussion   BB14 - Week 7 Discussion EmptySat Aug 25, 2012 12:20 am

Dan and Ian were talking in the hammock and Ian said he would only use the Veto if Shane or Brit wins the other one. Dan was playing up how this could be the biggest move ever done in BB history. Ian was comparing it with something that happened in survivor with parvati and russell ( didn't really watch it then so not sure if thats a good thing). I have a feeling Dan might throw POV. I don't know if I believe Ian will use it/
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