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PostSubject: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyThu Aug 09, 2012 11:30 pm

Janelle was evicted and now Frank is HOH again...who are his targets?
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyThu Aug 09, 2012 11:34 pm

Joe is one, the other one I'm not sure about yet
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BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 1:43 pm

I kind of hope Joe doesn't go on the block and especially I don't want him to get evicted!
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BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 2:25 pm

I hate that frank is the hoh. Not only because i'm tired or hearing him and Boogie stroke their ego's all the time but i want to see something new happen. I would love to see a wilcard win the hoh, someone that wont be so predictable like JennCity or Ashley. What is with these newbies they cant win shit.
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BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 2:46 pm

I really hope Joe stays. (I can't believe I'm saying that) I hope when Wil gets home and watches the episodes back he sees what Janelle did for him and that he was on his way home if she didnt save him. I really hope this Silence Six doesnt last because its making Boogie and Franks Ego bigger. The Goodbye message from Boogie last night was just plain annoying.

I'm hoping that this veto is the one where they give up things. The one in All Stars in the graveyard and BB12 in the cages. I just feel it would be perfect for Frank and Boogie to lose since their egos would take all the prizes.
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BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 3:00 pm

I so wanted a newbie, who wasn't Frank, to win HOH last night just to shake things up. I think the feeds will be pretty much unwatchable this week. Joe or Wil in power this week would have been great. I could have seen a Dan/Boogie/Danielle nom and THAT would have been fun to see.
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BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 3:29 pm

Ashley's "back problems" are on the rise again today... there is talk that she wont be in the food comp today. Maybe they should just let her go home this week. As much as i dont like Joe I dont think its fair for Ashley to stay is she is not physically up to it when there are other hg's who are able to compete 200%.

If i remember correct in the chima season if the noms are made and someone has to leave then that ends up being the evictee for the week. However this season when willie left noms had not been made so the game and noms continued as scheduled. Is this correct???

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BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 7:14 pm

Lorraine wrote:
I so wanted a newbie, who wasn't Frank, to win HOH last night just to shake things up. I think the feeds will be pretty much unwatchable this week. Joe or Wil in power this week would have been great.

I completely agree. I don't even dislike Frank that much, I just hate that he's tight with Boogie and that smug asshole will be running HOH this week. What is with these newbies? The coaches aren't coaches anymore. You don't have to listen to them! Yet Daniele let Dan run her HOH and Frank will probably let Boogie. Say what you will about Willie, but at least he didn't let Britney boss him around. And that was when she actually was his coach!

I would respect the newbies so much if they all got together and just knocked out the vets one by one, with even Frank turning on Boogie, Daniele turning on Dan and Shane turning on Britney.
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BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySat Aug 11, 2012 10:39 am

southernboy wrote:
Lorraine wrote:
I so wanted a newbie, who wasn't Frank, to win HOH last night just to shake things up. I think the feeds will be pretty much unwatchable this week. Joe or Wil in power this week would have been great.

I completely agree. I don't even dislike Frank that much, I just hate that he's tight with Boogie and that smug asshole will be running HOH this week. What is with these newbies? The coaches aren't coaches anymore. You don't have to listen to them! Yet Daniele let Dan run her HOH and Frank will probably let Boogie. Say what you will about Willie, but at least he didn't let Britney boss him around. And that was when she actually was his coach!

I would respect the newbies so much if they all got together and just knocked out the vets one by one, with even Frank turning on Boogie, Daniele turning on Dan and Shane turning on Britney.

I had hopes that this would happen when team tits was formed but dammit....they can't win shit!!! I heard that only 2 of the cast this year aside from the coaches actually auditioned for the show. The rest were recruits. I would not be surprised because to me they seem like its a good way to spend the summer and winning a half mil just isnt that important.
I surely wish that Willie had stayed. At least someone would have been fighting. Wil is completely unfazed by being on the block, Joe is a basketcase as is Danielle and Ashley who now can add a bad back to her memorable season. Jenn is by far the worst player to ever be on BB. She has done absolutely nothing in almost 5 weeks. She'll probably win. Do you think the fans can get their own reset button? BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  29046
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySat Aug 11, 2012 4:30 pm

The 2 that actually applied are prob the most interesting, thats why they should just cast from the actual applicants. I heard Jen say that she was recruited from facebook. She left a friend of hers a message and Kassting saw her pic and asked about her.

Remember the Good ole days when all the hoh did was noms and replacement, and the house voted however they wanted. I hate when the hoh decides who they want gone and the hg's do it. I also hate when everyone votes the same way...get a backbone people.

I've heard that when they are in sequester they give them only more current seasons to watch 8,10,11,12. that could be part of the problem. They need to give some of the older seasons to watch so they can ssee how they game really should be played.
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BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySat Aug 11, 2012 8:25 pm

Did anyone see Brit telling Dani how Joe masturbated on her? As nasty as that is, you know Brit can be comical and the shit is funny as hell. I don't know how to upload videos, but it's on youtube.
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BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySat Aug 11, 2012 11:14 pm

I saw it Smooches, I was cracking up when she did it.
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BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySun Aug 12, 2012 12:41 am

I saw it too, that won't make it on the CBS show for sure, LOL!!!
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BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySun Aug 12, 2012 1:15 am

Did anyone see Brit telling Dani how Joe masturbated on her? As nasty as that is, you know Brit can be comical and the shit is funny as hell. I don't know how to upload videos, but it's on youtube.


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BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySun Aug 12, 2012 1:25 am

BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Hh

Zingbot came in the house and zinged the HGs... so I am assuming it was some type of POV competition dealing with the Zingbot, and Frank won POV. Since Frank has expressed interest in evicting Dan is he going to make a big move or is he going to do what Boogie wants and leave NOMs the same and evict Wil? YAWN!!! We need a shake up!!
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BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySun Aug 12, 2012 4:52 am

Thanks Erika for posting it. That shit is funny...Britney is a damn mess and hilarious.....Frank wants to get Dan out this week? And Boogie wants the noms to stay the same???? Where I been! .
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BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySun Aug 12, 2012 11:38 am

Erika wrote:
BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Hh

Zingbot came in the house and zinged the HGs... so I am assuming it was some type of POV competition dealing with the Zingbot, and Frank won POV. Since Frank has expressed interest in evicting Dan is he going to make a big move or is he going to do what Boogie wants and leave NOMs the same and evict Wil? YAWN!!! We need a shake up!!

so apparently the Zingbot got Danielle reallllllyyy good and she is upset about it....LOL!!! Here it is...

Zingbot: Danielle, Shane has something really special for you when you leave the big brother house......a restraining order! ZZIIINNNNGGGGG!!!

Love it. Aside from Dr. Wills 2 minutes on the part of the season.
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BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySun Aug 12, 2012 4:16 pm

I'm sad Janelle is gone already... I bet the Zingbot would have a couple of good zings for her! BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  164601
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySun Aug 12, 2012 5:06 pm

I really hope the power shifts next week, I am so tired of the same ppl winning the comps over and over. I really want will to stay and win hoh becaiuse he is the only one with the balls to go after frank and boogie.
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BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySun Aug 12, 2012 7:17 pm

bostongirl wrote:
I really hope the power shifts next week, I am so tired of the same ppl winning the comps over and over. I really want will to stay and win hoh becaiuse he is the only one with the balls to go after frank and boogie.

I wanted Wil to win this week....I cannot stand Frank. He was talking about Shane the other night and said something about Shane liked Kara but that he (Frank) didnt think Shanes game was good enough to get Kara. I'm sure Frank knows all about "game". I know that lack of hygiene, not wearing deodorant, BO smelling bozo the clown hair is totally a chick magnet. Not to mention that whole Willie/Wil homophobic slur thing that happened week one.
What the heck is Wil doing though? I havent watched the feeds but from what I am reading he isnt doing a thing to secure his spot in the game.
This season is just a wash for me. I cannot believe that at this point in the season, I havent turned the feeds on since Thursday night. Even then I think it was BBAD.
The only way I see the power shifting is if Boogie, Dan, Brit, Shane and Frank all drop dead and one of the newbs backs into win. Not only arent they athletic, they arent very smart either.
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BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySun Aug 12, 2012 8:11 pm

I haven't seen the feeds much either. I can't believe with 11 people still left in the game, I'm not excited at all at this point and it is already Week 5. Even with coaches entering the game, I feel like the show has been in a rut with the HOH winning the POV for the last three weeks. I can't believe out of 12 newbies, Frank, Danielle, and Shane are the only ones to win any competitions...I can't really place Willie in this group as his HOH was assigned to him by Britney (being his coach). I am bored at this point and there is so much game left (still half the season, in spite of the halfway party thrown a few nights ago...the finale is still September 19th right?). Something has to happen like an odd player such as a Jenn or Ashley (please no Joe...the HOH always gets tons of DRs!) to win an HOH, but they are merely a vote and additional pieces of furniture in the house. At this point, I am rooting for myself to survive another month or so of this ho-hum season... drowning in wine
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySun Aug 12, 2012 9:28 pm

Spoiler Alert for West Coast CBS Broadcast:

Once again, CBS Sports Programming delayed the start of BB14 by approx 15 minutes. For those who DVR'd the episode and did not watch it live, the nomination ceremony was cut off.

Here is the nomination ceremony and the order of the keys being pulled from the box:

Mike "Boogie"

thus Joe and Wil were nominated since Joe was the sole vote to evict Frank and Wil lied about voting to keep Frank over Joe during Shane's HOH.
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BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyMon Aug 13, 2012 4:28 am

Frank is giving serious thought to backdooring Dan right now, of course Boogie is asleep and not aware of this. From an entertainment standpoint I want to see it but is it smart for Frank's game?

I think once Boogie talks to him in the morning he'll decide to keep noms the same, we'll see
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyMon Aug 13, 2012 1:49 pm

Jay wrote:
Frank is giving serious thought to backdooring Dan right now, of course Boogie is asleep and not aware of this. From an entertainment standpoint I want to see it but is it smart for Frank's game?

I think once Boogie talks to him in the morning he'll decide to keep noms the same, we'll see

I would love to see Dan thrown on the block! I also do think it's good for Frank's game.

Why shouldn't he put him up when Dan wants him out? Dan is more detrimental to Frank's game than anyone else in the house. Who would be pissed off Danielle and Britney? Boogie? Who cares they're only worried about themselves so why shouldn't Frank worry about himself and take out HIS biggest threat?
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PostSubject: Re: BB14 - Week 5 Discussion    BB14 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyMon Aug 13, 2012 2:22 pm

We have trivia for POV meeting...
I don't think anything is going to happen though. don't know
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