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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Jeff Schroeder  Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALB.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Jeff Schroeder  Bb12_l13
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 B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Jeff Schroeder

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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Jeff Schroeder  Empty
PostSubject: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Jeff Schroeder    B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Jeff Schroeder  EmptyFri Aug 26, 2011 6:01 pm

Hey Big Jeff this is B.B.A.D Radio and thanks for answering some of our questions. We heard right before the live show that there was a big blow out between you, Shelly, and Adam. What sparked this so close to the live show and what occurred?

It was just to call Shelly out. She made three deals with other people in the house. That might have been my demise, but it happened the way it happened. I wasn’t scared of anyone in the house, but ultimately that was my demise. Either way, I’m out and they are in.

If you had known prior that there was going to be a double eviction yesterday, would your strategy had been any different?

I don’t know what I could have done to prepare even if I had known…But I definitely would not have had it out with Shelly.

You didn't seem like the same Jeff from Season 11 as you were this season. We saw a lot more intensity out of you. Was this your plan from the beginning to play so hard?

No – it wasn’t. It was just a very stressful situation and I didn’t enjoy that. I don’t like to feel that way, but unfortunately that is the way it turned out.

How different was it playing this season as opposed to your last season?

My first season…I think there were more personalities inside the house.

People were not afraid to express who they were. This season -- people

didn’t express their personalities or maybe they just don’t have personalities worth expressing?

Do you regret any of your decisions and would you have done anything differently?

Wish I wouldn’t have been a target.

Why didn't you put Daniele initially up on the block? She very well could have won Veto and taken one of your noms up and you would have put up one of your alliance members.

I took a chance -- if Daniel would have won, she would have still thought we were working together. If she didn’t win, I would have gotten rid of her. Either way I would have been safe.

Are you surprised you were voted out against Rachel who most everyone seemed to not like or annoyed with?

I’m still shocked.

Do you wish you would have kept Dominic over Adam?

No. Dom ultimately wanted to backdoor me so absolutely not.

As the weeks progressed we started hearing you refer to yourself as Big Jeff more and more. What's up with the "Big Jeff"? ;)

That was just a nickname that me and my California buddies joke around with…it became a joke inside the house and I was just having fun with it.

With Brenchel's trashbag wedding, did the wedding bug hit you?

Maybe, but I would probably class mine up a little bit.

You had said it was difficult to worry about keeping yourself and Jordan safe. Do you think you would have had it easier if you played the game without Jordan?

Yes and No. Yes, because I would not have to worry about both of us. I know Jordan can take care of herself, but it’s just my nature to protect her. No, because I have never played without her. She keeps me sane inside the house. I would rather have her there.

Which houseguest would you like to see follow you into the jury house next?


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Mechanical Bliss
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Mechanical Bliss

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PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Jeff Schroeder    B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Jeff Schroeder  EmptyFri Aug 26, 2011 10:16 pm

Interesting that he didn't anticipate double eviction. It also sounds like he blames himself as the cause of the Shelly conflict. It seems like a strange thing to do right before a live eviction. We'll see (well, sort of...).

Wishing he wasn't a target is a cop out answer. You can't be a returning HG, especially with a rep like Jeff's as well as a partner, and not be a target in a new season.

He was spot on about HGs not showing personalities this season. Being a bacon & 90210 fan does not constitute "having a personality," and too bad BB casting doesn't realize this. They cast dead people.

I never fully processed the fact that he was evicted against Rachel! It was the most exciting moment of the season at this point probably, and Jeff's eviction was on my mind. Wow, against Rachel of all people. Any other week who knows if that still would have happened given how a good sized portion of the game has been devoted to evicting (or trying to evict) Brenchel.

Also meant to ask...did you ladies happen to ask about the infamous Dumbeldoregate only to have it censored by CBS?
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BB Lover
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PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Jeff Schroeder    B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Jeff Schroeder  EmptyFri Aug 26, 2011 11:25 pm

He gone! :)
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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Jeff Schroeder  Empty
PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Jeff Schroeder    B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Jeff Schroeder  EmptySat Aug 27, 2011 11:27 am

Quote :
He was spot on about HGs not showing personalities this season. Being a bacon & 90210 fan does not constitute "having a personality," and too bad BB casting doesn't realize this. They cast dead people.

This made me laugh Bliss... laughing

And to answer your question, no we did not ask about Dumbledore. That question would have never made it through.
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BB Lover
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PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Jeff Schroeder    B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Jeff Schroeder  EmptySat Aug 27, 2011 4:52 pm

Surprisingly EW asked the question and he tried to rationalize himself and sounded like an idiot. He talked in circles and realized he didn't make sense so he ended up apologizing.
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Mechanical Bliss
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Mechanical Bliss

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PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Jeff Schroeder    B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Jeff Schroeder  EmptySat Aug 27, 2011 8:29 pm

Jeff totally made himself look even more idiotic trying to explain himself with that non-explanation which amounts to "it's a fantasy land so you can't send kids to a school with a gay headmaster because it doesn't exist" which doesn't make any sense so he falls back on "if you want me to apologize, I'll apologize" which seems to prove he won't reflect on what he said in the house. He expects the issue to be swept under the rug with a charming non-apology, probably because that type of thing has worked for him in the past. His "answer" really reflected his arrogant attitude this season and he thinks he's entitled to having the comments swept under the rug simply because he's Jeff and it's everyone else's fault for taking him out of context. eyeroll

He also made it sound like he was baited by Kalia when it was him who entered into the discussion. When Kalia mentioned Dumbledore was written to be gay, he reacted in shock questioning why a gay character would be in charge of a school with little children. He said "it'd be perverted."

He clearly wasn't shocked because it was a "magical land" or whatever nonsense he kept repeating. It certainly isn't this incident alone, but it contributes to my change of opinion of him, from fan in BB11 to being so over him in BB13. He's not even that great a player really.
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