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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALB.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again Bb12_l13
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 B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again

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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again Empty
PostSubject: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again   B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again EmptyFri Aug 19, 2011 3:28 pm

Hey Brendon it's B.B.A.D Radio here. Thank you for answering our questions once again.

How do you figure you were voted right back out of the house after being voted in by America last week? What was your strategy on re-entering the game?

I knew that I was still one of the biggest targets in the house if not the biggest target and I knew the only was I was going to guarantee that I was going to stay in the house was to win HOH myself or to have Rachel win HOH.

Were you surprised by receiving over a million votes by America and being the choice to go back into the house and replay the game? Also why do you think you were chosen over the others?

I was definitely surprised by Americas vote and to have so many people vote for me was extremely flattering. I think America likes to see players who play their heart out and don’t just float by in the game.

As soon as Daniele won HOH, you and your fiancée Rachel who is the love of your life tried to make a deal with her to target Jeff. Do you think this was your best move and if so why do you think Daniele didn't take it?

At the end of the day, Daniele was more threatened by me as a player than Jeff and pretty confident on her own abilities to beat Jeff in competition but not so with me.

What was your reasoning for expecting Jeff and Jordan to still vote for you even if you didn't have the numbers to stay?

Because we had been in an alliance with them since day 6 and had their backs when nobody else did. While it wouldn’t have changed anything it still would have made Daniele have to vote me out.

Had you had stayed and won HOH who were you wanting to put up on the block and also who was your main target to get out of the house?

If Daniele had kept her end of the deal I would have put up Kalia and Porsche.

You had said you did not want Jeff speaking to your fiancée Rachel who is the love of your life in a disrespectful manner. Do you think you made it crystal clear to him that you wouldn't tolerate it?

I do, I do think I made it clear. But, I was also trying to preserve the alliance that Rachel and I had made with them as much as possible for her sake.

Also, your fiancée Rachel who is the love of your life had mentioned to you that Jeff had spoken to her in a sexually inappropriate way the week you were not in the house. Why didn't you mention to Jeff your displeasure of him speaking to her in such a manner when you had the talk with him about not being mean to Rachel?

I definitely would never approve of anybody talking or acting to Rachel in such a manner, but I also think that Jeff has the mentality of a 15 year old at times so making it a point to chastise him about that particular incident would have just drove a bigger wedge between Rachel and the two of them.

What do you see as a game changing move and your biggest regret in the game?

My biggest game changing move was pushing Dominic’s eviction and the biggest regret was not talking to Daniele first about her plan to backdoor Jeff before speaking with Jeff.

Why don't you like being called Bookie? And how did you get the nick-name? America loves it!

Oddly enough, I can’t remember how it started but it started in the Big Brother house last year between Rachel and I. Actually, I love when Rachel calls me that. It’s the name that her and I share for one and other.

Which season was hardest to play last season or this season?

This season was harder to play because we really didn’t know who we could trust at anytime during the game. Last year we knew where everybody stood.

Which houseguest are you wanting to see come next week join you in the jury house?

I would really like to see Kalia or Porsche join me in the Jury house but would not be disappointed by Jeff or Daniele.

In your speech you said that you are going to be voting on a competitor this season, (unlike last season.) Who exactly was that being directed at that you don't find to be a competitor?

Well at the top of the list would be Porsche but Shelly, Kalia and Jordan are right there with her.

Any final comments to the viewers and your Brenchel fans?

I can’t thank everybody enough for the support. And especially for America’s vote. Keep rooting for Rachel because she is going to fight her beautiful little heart out.


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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again Empty
PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again   B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again EmptyFri Aug 19, 2011 3:34 pm

lmao @ this interview! I hope people see the humor in it!!
Book-ee! America loves it!!
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BB Addict
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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again Empty
PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again   B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again EmptyFri Aug 19, 2011 3:39 pm

LMFAO amazing interview!!! Did you ladies really send the questions worded like that??
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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again Empty
PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again   B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again EmptyFri Aug 19, 2011 3:41 pm

sammyf wrote:
LMFAO amazing interview!!! Did you ladies really send the questions worded like that??

Of course we sent it in worded like that, it wouldn't be any fun if we had edited it. B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again 767614
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BB Addict
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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again Empty
PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again   B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again EmptyFri Aug 19, 2011 3:57 pm

Erika wrote:
sammyf wrote:
LMFAO amazing interview!!! Did you ladies really send the questions worded like that??

Of course we sent it in worded like that, it wouldn't be any fun if we had edited it. B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again 767614

laughing B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again 143808 that is amazing!!
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BB Lover
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PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again   B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again EmptyFri Aug 19, 2011 4:01 pm

Ok, I think I wet myself a little. Rachel, who is the love of your life...OMG! That was classic.
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BB Lover
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PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again   B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again EmptyFri Aug 19, 2011 5:42 pm

Your Fiance Rachel...Do you think CBS and brendan had any idea that you were taking some jabs at him?
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BB Addict
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PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again   B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again EmptyFri Aug 19, 2011 8:49 pm

lmaosmiley Great job. Best eviction interview so far.
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Mechanical Bliss
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Mechanical Bliss

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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again Empty
PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again   B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon ...again EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 11:38 am

That was so completely hilarious. I was already dying from the whole your fiance Rachel... bit (and imagining Brendon not catching on), and then it just went so over the top with "America loves it!"
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