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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Daniele Donato  Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALB.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Daniele Donato  Bb12_l13
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 B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Daniele Donato

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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Daniele Donato  Empty
PostSubject: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Daniele Donato    B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Daniele Donato  EmptyFri Aug 26, 2011 4:05 pm

It was unfortunate for your dad to have to leave so early on in the game but with that you were given a golden key which put you in a safe spot for a couple of weeks. You put your game at risk when you were in such a good position to want Jeff backdoored. What was your reasoning behind this?

I knew Jeff would be hard to get out later on in the game – Hate to say I told you so.

With your 1st HOH win, why didn't you allow Kalia to win it and assure you'd be playing in the following HOH when you knew you'd be safe with her since she was apart of your alliance?

I wanted to win to prove myself and I made a promise to Dominic that I would. There was no way that I was getting down.

When Kalia was HOH why did you think it would be a good idea putting up your own alliance member when you had no guarantee he'd be back in the game? Why didn't you try harder to convince Kalia this was a horrible game move?

As far as I knew, Rachel was still the target. Clearly, things went very wrong.

With your 2nd HOH why would you put up Shelly and Adam when it seemed as though your targets were Brendon and Rachel?

I needed to guarantee Brendon gone. If Brendon was going to stay I was willing to make a deal with him.

When Brendon and Rachel wanted to make a deal with you during your 2nd HOH why didn't you go with them and target Jeff/Jordan? Why did you see Jeff/Jordan as the couple you wanted to protect?

I did make a deal with them. I just thought Jeff and Jordan would have appreciated what I did for them more.

A lot of us Big Brother fans were disappointed that your dad didn't finish off this season. Were you glad to be able to play the game without your dad even though it didn't work out so well for you? How differently do you think the season would have turned out had your dad not have left the season early?

It was definitely a new experience playing without him. I loved playing both times.

You seemed to feel as though you could trust in Jeff not putting you up. What made you think Jeff wouldn't put you up if given the chance especially with you tried to backdoor him so early on in the game?

That was over a month ago. Things change in that house day to day. Shame on me for trusting Mr. Integrity.

Who would you like to see follow you into the jury house next?


Just how frustrating was it to live in a house with Rachel?

Words cannot express. To me she will always be a fable.

Who do you think is flying under the radar and in a very good position in the game that will probably end up in the final 2?

That is hard to say because things changed right before I left. I think Shelly is playing the best social game in the house.

What do you think was your biggest mistake in the game that was a game changing move and if you had did things differently you would still be in the game?

Woulda, shoula, coulda… I probably should have backdoored Jeff instead of Brendon.

Aside from landing in the finals with your dad in Season 8 which game do you think was harder to play?

Emotionally - season 8 was harder. Strategically - this season because I was the only one playing with strategy.


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BB Lover
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PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Daniele Donato    B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Daniele Donato  EmptyFri Aug 26, 2011 5:07 pm

I am very disappointed with her answers. It's like she was half assing it (this coming from someone whom rooted for her). And seriously out of all ppl you want to follow you...your choice is ADUMB!?! for real! Not the person who planned your eviction or the girl who annoyed you on your b-day! good grief.
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Mechanical Bliss
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BB Lover
Mechanical Bliss

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PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Daniele Donato    B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Daniele Donato  EmptyFri Aug 26, 2011 10:04 pm

I was disappointed with her lack of elaboration also, but I also assume that she's bombarded with exit interviews from different sources, likely with similar questions, so she's bound to get tired of it. Hopefully after the season with some time to unwind and reflect, she'll write something a little more substantive because I'm curious about her thoughts on BB13 and her own game. I'm a Danifan and she definitely knows the game.

I was a little surprised she chose Shelly as the best social player, but given the alternatives, she's probably right. Shelly played the mom card hard to her advantage in several ways, but it only works to the extent that HGs let it. She's a devious, delusional little charmer who has affected the game significantly a couple of times--all without ever winning a comp.
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BB Lover
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PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Daniele Donato    B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Daniele Donato  EmptyFri Aug 26, 2011 11:24 pm

She's upset Adam wouldn't budge from JJ's butt.

I think she feels she could at least vote for the others who are left, even Jeff-who I assume she didnt know left when she did this interview.
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