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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon Villegas  Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALB.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon Villegas  Bb12_l13
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 B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon Villegas

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Posts : 4252
Join date : 2008-09-05
Age : 52
Location : Chicago

B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon Villegas  Empty
PostSubject: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon Villegas    B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Brendon Villegas  EmptyFri Aug 05, 2011 5:54 pm

Let's go back to last week. You had said Dani's plan to backdoor Jeff was the worst game move in Big Brother history, but do you think it was a bad move on your part to tell Jeff since he is still in the house playing the game and you were just evicted?

I do wonder if that was a bad plan or not. But ultimately that’s not how I play my game and I couldn’t betray someone in my alliance that early on especially since it was initiated by someone who wasn’t even competing in the game.

Do you think Dani would have targeted you so early on if last week didn't happen with the house meeting and do you regret calling Dani out?

I am still not sure whether she would have put Rachel and I up or not if I had not called that meeting. But, I don’t regret the house meeting because Daniele is a manipulator and I wanted the whole house to know exactly what she was.

When Dani became HOH rather than trying to get her to put up Lawon and Kalia who were obviously not allies of yours but take the hit and lose one of your allies and then try to make a deal to keep you and Rachel safe rather than expecting to make sure all of your allies were safe like Jeff and Jordan or even Shelly and Porsche?

Because I don’t sell people out and I don’t throw people under the bus who are in my alliance. Even if others play that way its not how I play the game.

Do you regret not following through with Dani's plan to backdoor Jeff and possibly have a good chance of still being in there?

No, because if we had back doored Jeff that would have still put huge targets on our backs and put Daniele in an even better position than she was after winning that HOH.

A lot of houseguests saw you as a bully during Rachel's HOH. Do you feel as though that also lead to your eviction?

Not sticking with Daniele’s plan and not doing what she wanted us to do by back dooring Jeff.

You and Rachel were cognizant of how you were being portrayed to America especially based off last season. Obviously you know you have your Brenchel fans but do you think you won over your tough critics and are seen differently than last year, if not why?

I definitely do, but I also have no idea what people saw on the regular show so for all I know we could be different people, but we could be the same people. But at the end of the day, I have Rachel and she has me.

You did so well last season after Rachel was evicted. Why did you not use the veto on yourself and have another go at it this season?

I believe I had a better chance of staying in the house up on the block than Rachel did, but I also wanted to give Rachel a chance to do exactly what I did last summer.

Rachel had become very emotional this past week. How well do you think she will play without you there especially since a lot of times you didn't even want her talking game without you?

I think that for the first couple of days without me being there will be tough. But I am 100% confident that she will become that confident, competitive player that I know and love.

Briefly tell us how you feel about the following houseguests?

Kalia – I think Kalia is someone who talks a lot, but doesn’t have much to say.

Jordan She is a sweet, southern bell who everyone will let slide by in the game.

Shelly – an amazing woman and a wonderful mother and wife, but also a very deceptive player.

Dani – a very well pruned big brother player whose ego often gets in the way of decisions.

Lawon he says all of two words the entire game and lasts, and that is pretty much the extent of Lawon.

In your opinion how differently do you think the game would have been had Evel Dick stayed in the house?

If Evel Dick would have stayed in the house, I have no doubt that our alliance would have continued through to the end of the game. I believe he would have eventually stabbed us in the back, but it would have been directly and not until week 7 or 8 when everything was winding down.

Who do you feel is playing the best game and is flying under the radar?

I think Lawon is definitely flying under the radar and I think Jordan is playing the best game because she is not going to be a target at all and will likely make it to the final three.


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