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Our Exclusive Interview with Britney's fiance' Nick  Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALOur Exclusive Interview with Britney's fiance' Nick  Bb12_l13
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 Our Exclusive Interview with Britney's fiance' Nick

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Our Exclusive Interview with Britney's fiance' Nick  Empty
PostSubject: Our Exclusive Interview with Britney's fiance' Nick    Our Exclusive Interview with Britney's fiance' Nick  EmptyMon Aug 30, 2010 8:37 pm

Our Exclusive Interview with Britney's fiance' Nick  Dsc01110

B.B.A.D Radio: You've never watched Big Brother before but you have naturally been watching it this year as well as the live feeds because of Britney. What are your thoughts of how she is playing the game?
Nick: I actually am not surprised at all with how well Britney is playing. She is very smart and knows the game backwards and forwards. She has made a few mistakes but it hasn’t hurt her yet. I am very pleased with the way she has gone through the game and has gotten herself out of a few tough spots!

B.B.A.D Radio: You were suppose to do a video package but at the last minute you were told they were going in a different direction what did you make of that?
Nick: I didn’t make anything of it at the time. I just thought they were going to someone else’s family to do the package. I was very shocked when I watched the segment they decided to air. It definitely wasn’t something I wanted to see!

Our Exclusive Interview with Britney's fiance' Nick  Dsc00310

B.B.A.D Radio: What do you think Britney is going to think about the package that was on CBS show last week?
Nick: Britney is going to be embarrassed and furious at what was shown. To turn what she saw as a brother/sister relationship into a possible budding showmance will really hurt her. She was innocent and it made her look like she was beginning to disregard her engagement.

B.B.A.D Radio: There are rumors out there that Britney's mom has never met you. Would you like to clear up that rumor?
Nick: That rumor is not true at all. I have met Britney’s mother and both sides of her family on multiple occasions. It is tough to get together with them as much as we would like since we do live 3 hours apart.
Our Exclusive Interview with Britney's fiance' Nick  Dsc00311

B.B.A.D Radio: Were you invited to Britney's house to do the package? Who were the people that were present?
Nick: I was not invited to do the package at the house. I would not have wanted to be present anyways since they decided on the classless route that they did. Also, I am not big on being on TV so it doesn’t bother me too much that I wasn’t shown. The people present were her mother, her brother Brandon, her nephew, her good friend and his wife.

B.B.A.D Radio: You are aware that a lot of people are seeing maybe even wanting a showmance to occur between your fiance' and Lane. How do you feel about that?
Nick: It’s ridiculous. I mean, didn’t they have enough showmance with Rachel/Brendon and Kristin/Hayden? Why push for something more, especially when it will never happen!

B.B.A.D Radio: Do you think Britney will be hurt by anything(s) she will learn about once the show is over?
Nick: I think Brit will be very hurt at how her friendship with Lane has been portrayed. Everything else was within the game and I know she will understand and get over it.

B.B.A.D Radio: Who do you think Britney's strongest ally is?
Nick: Lane is probably Brit’s closest ally, although I really don’t think she has any. She really has been playing the game alone. That is why it is so impressive that she has made it as far as she has.

B.B.A.D Radio: When Britney won HOH last week there were a lot of things you had sent her for her HOH basket. You did write a letter why do you suppose they didn't give Britney your letter?
Nick: Britney is very close to her mom and production knows that. To be fair to both myself and her mother, they split the gifts up. She received the things I sent to her in the basket and she received her mother’s letter from home. I expect if she wins HoH again that my letter and her mother’s basket will be chosen.

Our Exclusive Interview with Britney's fiance' Nick  Dsc00312

B.B.A.D Radio: Are you going to be at the finale on Sept 15th?
Nick: I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I have been dying to see her since the day she left and don’t want to wait any longer! Plus, I know she will want me there for sure and would be very hurt if I wasn’t.

B.B.A.D Radio: Will you be going to Vegas?
Nick: Vegas is still up in the air. It depends on what Britney wants to do. She has vocalized just wanting to come home after the show and I don’t blame her one bit. I really wouldn’t mind just hanging out in California and spending time alone for a few days.

B.B.A.D Radio: What if anything do you have to say to Lane when you meet him?
Nick: Nothing.

B.B.A.D Radio: How long have you and Britney been engaged?
Nick: We got engaged the week that she left for the show. I was torn on doing it before she left or when she got back from the show. My heart told me to do it before and I have never regretted that decision. I now know it also is what she wanted which makes me even happier with my decision.

B.B.A.D Radio: You know alot of people are wanting to hear from you is there anything else you'd like to address or any comments for the Big Brother fans and especially the Britney fans?
Nick: I just want to thank all of Britney’s fans for their support through this show! I appreciate it and I know she does anymore! She may be a little much to handle sometimes but that is what makes her so unique! Thanks again.

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BB Lover
BB Lover

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Our Exclusive Interview with Britney's fiance' Nick  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Our Exclusive Interview with Britney's fiance' Nick    Our Exclusive Interview with Britney's fiance' Nick  EmptyTue Aug 31, 2010 9:43 am

Great interview! I'm glad to hear that he's not making a big deal about the B/Lane thing. I think CBS is hyping it up WAY too much!!!
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Our Exclusive Interview with Britney's fiance' Nick
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