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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie  Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALB.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie  Bb12_l13
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 B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie

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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie  Empty
PostSubject: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie    B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 10:54 pm

We had the opportunity to submit some questions to Annie the 1st evicted houseguest from this season who is in sequester, and this is what she had to say -
B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie  Cast_thumb120_annie_whittington

B.B.A.D Radio: What was your initial reaction to being the Saboteur?

Annie: It was an honor. I was so excited to be a part of BB history. I just wish I could have stayed in the house longer and pulled off more sabotages.

B.B.A.D Radio: Were you surprised by the vote of 10-0 to evict you, did you think you would get at least one vote?

Annie: I was so shocked. I thought I would have pulled at least a couple of votes (maybe 3 or so).

B.B.A.D Radio: Were there any votes you thought for sure you would get?

Annie: I thought Lane would vote for me. And 100% Britney and Monet. Guess I was wrong.

B.B.A.D Radio: What kind of game do you think you would have played had you not been the Saboteur?

Annie: I would not have played so hard so fast. I should have laid low. Everyone thought I was trying to cut deals when in all actuality I was just being myself and trying to get to know people.

B.B.A.D Radio: Were there any things you thought up yourself that would be a good sabotage and if so what were they?

Annie: Yeah, I definitely want to take all the towels and throw them in the pool…I wanted to load up the laundry machine with too much detergent…I would have loved to hide the ladies makeup as they were so obsessed with it.

B.B.A.D Radio: What was your favorite and least favorite moment in the house?

Annie: Favorite – when Brendon lost his pants in the caramel and Kathy getting stuck in caramel. Least Favorite – the moment I heard the results of the vote count (10-0) . Julie didn’t have to say my name. I knew it was me. For someone to fight so hard to stay in the game and be sent packing was hard to swallow.

B.B.A.D Radio: Had you stayed and won HOH who would you have put up on the block?

Annie: Brendon and possibly a pawn (not sure who though).

B.B.A.D Radio: Do you think there are anymore alliances in the house and if so who did you suspect of having an alliance other than Rachel and Brendon?

Annie: Yes, I know Britney, Monet and Kathy are in one. And maybe Hayden made deal with Brendon and Rachel. Everyone else seems to be swaying back and forth, but alliances are being made.

B.B.A.D Radio: Which of the tasks as a Saboteur did you find effective the most in causing havoc?

Annie: Putting the tape over the memory wall pictures caused a fair amount of disruption within the game. That freaked people out.

B.B.A.D Radio: Who do you feel is playing the best game and who do you feel is playing the worst game?

Annie: Brendon is playing the best and worst. Having an alliance with someone like Rachel is such a bad move and he has a huge target on his back. It was the worst decision.
At the same time he survived so he could be a definite threat to go very far.

B.B.A.D Radio: You said to many houseguests that you would not target them if you had stayed were you planning on keeping your word on that to anyone specific?

Annie: Definitely would have not put Andrew up…he is very useful. I would have definteley kept Monet. Not sure I would have kept Britney around. And I would have stayed true to Hayden.

B.B.A.D Radio: Your argument for breaking up the shomance was a great one and made a lot of sense to me...Why do you think the houseguests didn't see it that way?

Annie: I think they did buy it…the reason I went home was Brendon went to Hayden and made a deal. I think Hayden might be a little scared of Brendon and everyone went along with it.

B.B.A.D Radio: Do you think being the saboteur had any part in your early eviction or was it playing too hard too fast?

Annie: Definitely played too hard too fast.

B.B.A.D Radio: What would you do differently if you had it to do all over again?

Annie: I would not have played so hard so fast. I would have not trusted Brendon as much as I did.

B.B.A.D Radio: What did you think of Britney's goodbye message to you?

Annie: Britney is very self absorbed. A lot of her comments are based on other people’s appearances (exterior things) that they can’t control. And she thinks she can manipulate people but I think she is going to be surprised.

B.B.A.D Radio: As a fan of Big Brother other than winning the money was there anything in particular you were looking forward to?

Annie: Everything – so excited to see out pictures on the memory wall…so excited to see the house, my name on the key and getting to know the cast. It was really cool. Every single part of it.

B.B.A.D Radio: Going forward, is there anything you're taking away from the experience of going through this?

Annie: I realized that whatever I do in life, I want it to be something I love. That's what i took away from this.

B.B.A.D Radio: Is there anything you'd like the fans and viewers to know, any final comments.

Annie: Thanks for all the support and wish i could have stayed in the game longer.

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BB Addict
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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie  Empty
PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie    B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 11:05 pm

Great interview ladies!! One thing you definitely say about Annie is that she is/was NOT boring. If BB were to bring a houseguest back since the evicted HGs are being sequestered, I really don't believe Annie has a chance since the HGs were recently told that she was the Saboteur, plus the unanimous vote. It would be like inviting Crazy James (BB9) back into the game after the whole house just voted him out. I don't believe Annie would be forgiving at all if given a second chance.
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BB Fan
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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie  Empty
PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie    B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie  EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 11:49 pm

Annie thought Monet and Brit would vote for her ? Wow !!

I guess the Brigade is doing a good job keeping their alliance secret. And the B/M/K alliance is quite obvious to the other players.

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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie  Empty
PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie    B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie  EmptySat Jul 17, 2010 1:03 am

I thought Ragan might vote for Annie to stay but I guess no one wanted to go against the house.
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Mechanical Bliss
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B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie  Empty
PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie    B.B.A.D Radio Exclusive Interview with Annie  EmptySat Jul 17, 2010 6:21 am

Thanks for the interview, Erika and Lorraine.

And yeah, it was a spineless vote. It was easy to tell that for some it was a difficult vote even with 1/2 of an obvious alliance still on the block. Now in week two, that person is HoH. Just exactly who "the house" is changes each week. It was as if everyone thought Hayden's wishes were not to be questioned because they thought he (and whoever his allies would be) was going to dominate the house, so you'd better not stick out.

Fortunately for the Brigade, not only are they a well kept secret, but Rachel decided not to retaliate (we'll see about replacement nom, if there is one) and Brendon doesn't seem to mind. Otherwise it could have been a drastic turn of events for the Brigade, so they got lucky. It's the exception that proves the rule: maybe Rachel made a dumb move against Britney/Monet, but if a person in an obvious alliance can escape eviction, they can also get the biggest power in the house a few minutes later. It simply made more sense to evict Rachel, even if Annie was a better player.

Annie staying in the game would have been good for the Brigade and good for the audience, I think. IMO, this feels like Brian getting evicted in BB10 week one for playing too hard. Unfortunately Annie didn't learn from his example, especially when she was the twist this year so she shouldn't have drawn so much attention to herself regardless. I like seeing active players though, not people like Britney and Monet crying about how they've been "betrayed."

And what about how self-congratulatory the house has been about evicting the saboteur week one? Not only did they not know it was Annie (except Enzo and Ragan, it seems--I like them more and more each day), they totally ripped the twist out of the game before it even mattered.

I hope to see Annie re-enter the game even if she probably wouldn't stay around long. She made waves and is one of the more memorable first evictions, saboteur or not.
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