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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 06, 2011 6:29 pm

ChicagoMark wrote:
Lorraine wrote:
Just reading overnight updates.....LMAO! How can ANYONE not think that Dani is running this HOH or manipulating Kalia. Kalia=silly putty in Dani's hand. Good for her though, SHE is totally playing this game to the hilt. Wow! Bwahahahahahaha!!!

Because, Lorraine, it was a logical nomination. Just because the result would benefit Dani (and it is what Dani also wanted), it does not mean that it is not what Kalia would have done/wanted. Again, if this logic applies, then almost everyone's HOH can be considered someone else's and not their own. Faulty logic.

Its not the nomination I am speaking of Mark, its all the things that happened afterwords. Clearly, Dani is a doing a FINE job of manipulating Kalia. Nothing faulty about that logic as being logical has absolutely nothing to do with it. I can certainly recognize a manipulation when I see it. Hey, Kudos to Dani for getting it done. I might have to start being team Donato again when I see this kind of manipulation.
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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 06, 2011 6:50 pm

Geez, this board is dead today. I guess everyone is out having fun on Saturday....I, unfortunately, am at work. BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 330166 I hate working weekends. I am rambling because I am
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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 06, 2011 8:47 pm

I SO want Kalia to nominate Lawon or Porsche! I'm not so sure that Rachel could stay if Adam was up because I'm not confident that Shelly would vote him out! I'm just so desperate for Rachel to stay and it's looking like she won't! I really don't know if Kalia is playing her HOH right! She knows that whoever leaves this week may be back, yet she is targeting one of the strongest players in the game! She would've been smart to make a deal with JJ and Rachel and get a floater out! Sure, getting out Adam or Shelly may not be a huge accomplishment, but having the strongest players in the game(Dani, Rachel, Jeff) on your side is! When Julie drops a bombshell on you, you have to adjust your game accordingly, and Kalia hasn't. She is little more than a pawn in Daniele's game.
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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 06, 2011 9:15 pm

At this point though even if Rachel is voted out.....can you see the shock in everyones face if she wins her way back into the house?? Good stuff!! Interestingly enough, I truly do think that Kalia sees the "big" picture but she is very intimidated by Daniele. At one point while Kalia was talking through her options and trying to backpeddle a bit and do some damage control, Daniele wasnt having it and actually told Kalia "Don't sass me" LMAO!! Can't believe that Kalia took that!

FYI, Dani is also doing a GREAT job using Porsche as silly putty as well.
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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 06, 2011 9:34 pm

The board was dead today because everything in the BB house seemed to have been pushed forward to an earlier schedule (such as picking players for the veto comp and the early, "short" veto competition in the morning, that Jeff shockingly won!). I know it is too soon to predict the outcome of this week, but I don't see how Rachel is going to pull this off and come back inside the game...she has completely crumbled and it is truly a shame! I am so tired of all the pep talks that everyone has given her...I don't think she has the votes to stay this week no matter who is next to her...even Porsche. It's this cloud of negativity that remains above the BB house that I hope gets evicted. The veto comp sounded lame...and it was clearly made for Jeff to win! eyeroll
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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 06, 2011 9:50 pm

I wonder if Dominic does come back if Daniele will just clearly dump Kalia to the curb, whereby Kalia will feel "used" once again like she felt with Jordan? This game just had some bad casting again...Adam, Lawon, Porsche, have done NOTHING and that's a third of the house remaining in the game. I would rather have no one return at this just seems like this shit is going to last forever. I must admit but was not surprised that people mentioned they have cancelled their feeds and were done with this season when mentioned on the radio show. I do hope this game turns itself around...
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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 06, 2011 10:00 pm

nicolefan75 wrote:
I wonder if Dominic does come back if Daniele will just clearly dump Kalia to the curb, whereby Kalia will feel "used" once again like she felt with Jordan? This game just had some bad casting again...Adam, Lawon, Porsche, have done NOTHING and that's a third of the house remaining in the game. I would rather have no one return at this just seems like this shit is going to last forever. I must admit but was not surprised that people mentioned they have cancelled their feeds and were done with this season when mentioned on the radio show. I do hope this game turns itself around...
I don't think Dani would dump Kalia if Dom returned. That would not make sense. She is a smart player. I think Porsche is beginning to play and Adam and Lawon may be "sleepers." Some do not step up until necessity strikes (which is around the corner). It may be giving them more credit than they deserve, but who knows? I wouldn't count the show out yet. I think we'll know in the next two weeks what the verdict is going to be.
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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 06, 2011 10:22 pm

I'm hoping that Porche goes up, Rachel by some miracle stays and either Cassie or Dom (preferably dom) returns. Thats the only way i can see this season getting any better. Any other scenario in my opinion would be more of the snoozefest.
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 06, 2011 11:45 pm

When you say nothing as in being smart and playing under the radat your wrong. yes we like the flashy winners and loud screamers, but its just as hard to conserve your emotions to make yourself not appear as a a target. Not to be bias, but I believe Porsche is a personality being overshadowed by loud people and the veterans. Just cause you don;t see footage on CBS doensn't mean there is nothing going on with the person. This happens every year on BB with players like Sharon, Kristen, and Porsche. BB has its focus on other people so it makes certain people forgotten and sometimes result in bad editing.
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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 7:54 am

I KNOW you like Porsche, PJ, but I respectfully disagree with the fact that Porsche is being smart. I don't think Porsche even knows what she is doing, but she will more than likely be the one who will ultimately get Jeff evicted by dumb luck then she will be the next one out the door. (similar to BB6 Jennifer with Kaysar). I don't get this girl at all! CBS can't give her a good or bad edit because she merely doesn't exist in the house. It has been merely luck that she has remained in the game for so long and it was due to the golden key twist. She would have easily been nominated again and then evicted had she not had immunity. I don't understand her new connection with the Daniele, Kalia, Lawon alliance. If anyone should be crying about being used, it should be her, but she'll never get it. I don't find her likable and she is the one that has kicked Rachel to the curb for an alliance that has told her to her face that she is at the bottom of their group. I am not a fan of hers and she just seems to be this shallow, heartless bimbo still trying to find herself. She is rarely on the feeds except for sun bathing time or when she is being a bossy bitch to everyone when she is making something in the kitchen. Now she is up Daniele and Kalia's asses. ass licker The girl is so phony and pointless...I honestly don't see the connection that Janelle would have with her. It would not matter if she stayed or went this week. She's just a waste!
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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 10:32 am

No disrespect to PJ, but i have to agree with Nicole. I dont like her at all. In my opinion she is the worst hg this season. How convenient that she forgot that Rachel was the only one who gave her the time of day for the 1st 3weeks. What a coincidence that it happened as soon as the power shifted...hmmm.

Nicole, I never got the impression that Janelle and Porche were that close. It sounded to me like they knew each other from work. To me work friends and life friends totally different relationships. Porche seems to be making it more than it is. Now that she is doing the bashing thing with Dani it has totally soured me on her.

Alot of the newbies arent "stellar players" this season but even Lawon and Adam are smart enough to keep conversation going with both sides.
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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 11:25 am

Sorry PJ, I am going along with Lloyd and BG. Porsche is the truest form of rat. Week ONE, no one liked her and had Keith not blundered she would have been sent packing and Keith would have been in the house and had a golden key. Rachel was the ONLY one in the house who bonded with her. When a ship is sinking the rats will jump off the ship, this is Porsche to a tee. How ironic she jumps ship just at the same time the power shifted.

I am so with you BG on the bashing. Its pointless and I have never been a fan of kicking someone when they are matter who it is. The Ragan/Brit constant bashing last year was just unbearable and now we get a rerun. Oh joy.
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 1:39 pm

bostongirl wrote:
No disrespect to PJ, but i have to agree with Nicole. I dont like her at all. In my opinion she is the worst hg this season. How convenient that she forgot that Rachel was the only one who gave her the time of day for the 1st 3weeks. What a coincidence that it happened as soon as the power shifted...hmmm.

Nicole, I never got the impression that Janelle and Porche were that close. It sounded to me like they knew each other from work. To me work friends and life friends totally different relationships. Porche seems to be making it more than it is. Now that she is doing the bashing thing with Dani it has totally soured me on her.

Alot of the newbies arent "stellar players" this season but even Lawon and Adam are smart enough to keep conversation going with both sides.

Actually she hasn't forgotten her relationship with Rachel...Rachel was the one who burned the bridge with her ( Remember Brenchel scolded Porsche for talking to Daniele when she was HoH and Porsche straight up told them that she made a dea to make herself safe). If I have been loyal to a person for so long and they piss on my face of course I will give them a big FU (e.g Like Daniele) . Rachel took Porsche for granted didn't even five two fucks that she gave brendan a vote. I can not classify Porsche as a Floater as she has been put in a similar position that James Rhine was in season 6.

All I wanted to address from my previous post was that Big Brother is not putting nay focus on Porsche because they have big personalities in the house (e.g the veterans and who ever is HOH). There is only so much they can show on television and on the FEEDS ( Wish they had 4 different fricken camerafeeds going WTF). Just Remember Sharon, Kristen, and Zach didn't gey much exposure on the show.

I don't get the Porsche hate when she has a better performance history than most of the N00Bs left in the house, she does't walk around as the holier than though person who claims to be this truthful person in the house, she doesn't go moping around crying for attention, and she certainly try to force herself to be funny.

That is all I said my peace.

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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 2:03 pm

I really think that Dominic coming back would be the most boring scenario! He'd just be Dani's little bitch! We all know exactly what he'd do! If he comes back Dani's side will just steam roll through the vets! Of the 4, I like Dom the most, but him coming back will make the season even more boring and predictable! I'm all for bringing back Cassi! She'll be the one to shake things up the most! Personally, I have no clue which side she'd go to! But I'm hoping that the vote will end up being irrelevant anyway because I want Rachel in there!
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 2:56 pm

If you think shaking things up is chilling smoking cigarettes and laying over and dying would spice things up. Not for it. At least Dom will entertain me with his pranks and zingers with Big Jeff!
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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 3:37 pm

pajamajon wrote:
If you think shaking things up is chilling smoking cigarettes and laying over and dying would spice things up. Not for it. At least Dom will entertain me with his pranks and zingers with Big Jeff!

Cassi herself wouldn't be at all exciting, but the panic that her being back would cause would be entertaining. Both sides would be fighting to get her with them! If Dom comes back he'll crawl back up Dani's ass until she gets him evicted! Plus, he doesn't deserve to be brought back because HE THREW POV and didn't expect to leave!!! For that reason alone I'd never vote him back in the game!
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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 3:48 pm

Dear Rachel:

When you and Brendon are both 80...if you are both outside of padded walls and have not killed one another, the chances are slim that you will be sitting side by side in rocking chairs laughing. If you want to shoot for the stars, aim for age 35 (when Brendon is 35). That gives you 4 years. That, in and of itself would be a miracle.

An observer
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 4:02 pm

Adam shaved his beard...I guess for his 40th birthday today. birthday cake
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 4:08 pm

leahtahd wrote:
pajamajon wrote:
If you think shaking things up is chilling smoking cigarettes and laying over and dying would spice things up. Not for it. At least Dom will entertain me with his pranks and zingers with Big Jeff!

Cassi herself wouldn't be at all exciting, but the panic that her being back would cause would be entertaining. Both sides would be fighting to get her with them! If Dom comes back he'll crawl back up Dani's ass until she gets him evicted! Plus, he doesn't deserve to be brought back because HE THREW POV and didn't expect to leave!!! For that reason alone I'd never vote him back in the game!

Dominic only did what his alliance at the time told him to... No different than what Adam and Porsche did. May I address the fact that it was a strategy move in comparison to what Cassi did. She GAVE UP laid over and died. She just basically waited for the reaper to show up. How is that justifiable.
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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 4:20 pm

pajamajon wrote:
leahtahd wrote:
pajamajon wrote:
If you think shaking things up is chilling smoking cigarettes and laying over and dying would spice things up. Not for it. At least Dom will entertain me with his pranks and zingers with Big Jeff!

Cassi herself wouldn't be at all exciting, but the panic that her being back would cause would be entertaining. Both sides would be fighting to get her this with them! If Dom comes back he'll crawl back up Dani's ass until she gets him evicted! Plus, he doesn't deserve to be brought back because HE THREW POV and didn't expect to leave!!! For that reason alone I'd never vote him back in the game!

Dominic only did what his alliance at the time told him to... No different than what Adam and Porsche did. May I address the fact that it was a strategy move in comparison to what Cassi did. She GAVE UP laid over and died. She just basically waited for the reaper to show up. How is that justifiable.

Don't even get me started on Porsche and Adam....

Just for the record, I'm not a fan of Cassi or her game, but I am of the opinion that of the 4 she'd shake things up the most. And I could be wrong, but I don't remember Dominic doing too much fighting to stay!
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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 4:29 pm

We can vote up to 10 times on 1 account on I have voted a couple times and now I am waiting after the POV ceremony to vote the rest. I still think Rachel is getting evicted on Thursday though. For as much as everyone is tired of Rachel, I don't think anyone previously evicted will bring the drama in the house as much as Rachel does. It will be a very weird game if Cassi were to return without Rachel being in the game, thus the reaction of Cassi's return would not matter much as far as a viewer's standpoint. If Dominic were to return, the whole house except for maybe Jeff and Jordan will be happy. The Cassi return would be more interesting at this point because I don't know who she would target...possibly Jeff/Jordan. We also have not seen her play without being on slop before, so I guess that would be interesting. It will also be interesting to see her without Dominic as well.
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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 4:39 pm

I wonder if anybody feels that whomever is voted back or returns to the game on Thursday has a GOOD chance to win this season? don't know
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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 4:54 pm

nicolefan75 wrote:
I wonder if anybody feels that whomever is voted back or returns to the game on Thursday has a GOOD chance to win this season? BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 7124

I don't know Lloyd. That person, IMO, should have a big target on their back. Not only do they coast right into the jury after being evicted, they have probably been stress free, slop free and relaxing. I'll say it again, I am NOT a fan of returning HGs and once someone has been evicted they should be out for good.
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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 4:59 pm

nicolefan75 wrote:
I wonder if anybody feels that whomever is voted back or returns to the game on Thursday has a GOOD chance to win this season? don't know

At this point I think the only people that have a good chance to win are Dani and Jordan. I honestly can't see anyone else winning, buy it's still early. By the final 6 you can usually tell who will win!
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 5:17 pm

Interesting conversation between Daniele and Rachel in HOH bathroom. For those that may have missed it, it started at 1:51pm BBT. I watched on Cam 1, but may have been on all four cams.
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 5:22 pm

In regards to that conversation (and so many others with Rachel), I have to give it to these HGs for their somewhat masterful level of restraint. There is no way that I would leave that girl standing with her revisionism of the way things unfolded. She always manages to leave out most of her own actions/behavior. Granted, if that "pandora's box" (forgive the expression!) was opened, it would be difficult to stop until she was completely raked over the coals. It would be bad strategy, but it would be a great relief valve.

Despite her moments of delusion and emotional outbursts, you have to give it to Rachel. She never stops. The others could learn from that persistence.
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