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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyMon Aug 08, 2011 9:57 pm

(in cyberspace, no one can hear you scream)
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyMon Aug 08, 2011 11:07 pm

bostongirl wrote:
Word on the street is (dont shoot the messenger) that Brendan will be the one comming back WTF

I guess that a very small portion of the BB audience are feed watchers. The majority just watch the cbs show. So last season, I guess Brendan came in 2nd for America' Favorite ( i have no idea how ppl know this) so he has lots of "cbs fans".

Also hearing that since Je/Jo have a huge fanbase and Brendan took their side and protected them when Dani wanted to backdoor jeff that will work in his favor to return.

Any Thought?????

I REALLY hope Brendon does not return. Sunday's Big Brother episode was one of the best this season because there wasn't an entire segment of the show devoted to Brenchel. I actually liked that Jeff and Jordan were showcased more because they are entertaining in their own way and not too exhausting to watch. I wonder what the percentage is that vote on the various forum polls as to which person someone wants to see back in the game. People can still vote for another two full days. Various HGs have mentioned on SuperPass that the live feed watchers make up only 1% of the viewing audience for BB. That sounds so little to me. I have looked at various polls on other sites and Brendon is placed third on all of them. Hmmm, something doesn't add up here! don't know
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyMon Aug 08, 2011 11:15 pm

I wouldn't be surprised if this poll is as rigged as the one at the begining of the season about who we wanted back. No way did the top 3 couples coincedentally end up being the 3 that had been picked to be on the show!
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 1:06 am

Kalia's dumb move is the perfect setup for CBS to bring Brendon back IMO, as much as us hardcore BB fans don't like him I think the casuals do.
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 1:34 am

I honestly wouldn't mind Brendon coming back because he is another number for my side. I really think that as much as people say he's controlling of Rachel, that's what she needs in this game. He really keeps her in check! Now if he acts like that towards her in real life, then that's a problem. If Brendon doesn't come back, then I hope Jeff really keeps Rachel on a tight leash. If not, she'll just be a loose cannon. All that being said, I'm surprised how well she's handled herself this week. Sure she cried and was mopey, but she didn't really go psycho on anyone... Yet.
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 11:36 am

Jay wrote:
Kalia's dumb move is the perfect setup for CBS to bring Brendon back IMO, as much as us hardcore BB fans don't like him I think the casuals do.

I agree Jay. We have to remember that us rabid live feeders make up less than 1% of the viewing audience. Plus with the millions of Jeff and Jordan fans who JUST watch the CBS could very well be Brendon as AC. He was part of their alliance and kept him safe when Dani wanted to backdoor him so the fans may want to reward him. I can hear it now though if he comes back BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 828935 BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 828935 BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 828935
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BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 12:09 pm

Dani wants to throw this HOH so she can compete for HOH the week of her birthday? What the hell is up with this bitch?! You're a big ass target, but you don't want to be HOH? I just don't see the logic in this thinking... AT ALL!! If she does throw HOH I hope someone who is against her wins and sends her packing. She can spend her damn birthday alone at the jury house!
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 12:19 pm

leahtahd wrote:
Dani wants to throw this HOH so she can compete for HOH the week of her birthday? What the hell is up with this bitch?! You're a big ass target, but you don't want to be HOH? I just don't see the logic in this thinking... AT ALL!! If she does throw HOH I hope someone who is against her wins and sends her packing. She can spend her damn birthday alone at the jury house!

I don't know what is up with that...couldnt believe that she said that. Then to add to the insanity and stupidity she said she would throw HOH to Shelly or Porsche. Yikes...she really is clueless without her dad.
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 1:09 pm

Unless you are Jeff or Jordan, you better not throw a damn thing to Shelly! Dani thinks she's this masterful player, but she just keeps making mistake after mistake! I would just die if her and Kalia were final 2...
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 3:32 pm

Feeds = YawnSmiley: I am really hoping things pick up this week. Cbs needs to do something stat !!!
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 5:17 pm

Regarding Brendon possibly returning...

Ok, seriously, did anyone enjoy the last episode that aired that was pretty much Brenchel free (for obvious reasons), instead of the last 10 shows that featured mainly Brendon and Rachel? It does make sense that Brendon would be in the running to return to the game because people know him better than the newbies. As far as Brendon being loyal to Jeff/Jordan, I can't imagine this being a strong enough reason to vote him back, unless this could be a way for the JeJo fans to bring a player back into the game that would still have a big target on their back thereby taking the focus off Jeff/Jordan for being evicted. I am not sure if the casual viewer is putting that much thought into this vote though. Sorry, as a non casual viewer of the show, Brendon had his second chance at this game this year, and it is time for someone else to have theirs. It would be like Kaysar all over again and that is why I don't want Rachel evicted on Thursday because her chances of losing it all this season will be greater if she leaves and comes back. I don't think her chances are that strong anyway, but I would rather have somebody who stuck it out through the whole game win than somebody who was voted out of the house and then was brought back into the game, fight to the end and win. Sorry, but once you are out, you're out!

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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 5:38 pm

Quote :
Sorry, but once you are out, you're out!

Could NOT agree more!! I hate the returning player. BUT...if they are going to have a returning HG..what makes any of the other 3 in sequestor more deserving to return than Brendon? He stayed longer, he won comps and he played hard. Lets take away for a second that Brendon was an ally of J and J, how about the anti Dani fans out there who want to stick it up her ass. Sending in Dom would only help Dani's game. I have checked several online polls....interestingly in some of them Dom is THIRD! Brendon, Cassie and then Dom. I know the polls arent accurate but I never in a milion years thought Brendon had a snow balls chance in hell of coming back. I still don't and won't believe it until I see it.

I know that a lot of people were/are tired of the Brenchal sage, myself included, but perhaps its because no one else gave CBS worthy material. Bunch of sleepers and whiny bitches. Now we have YET ANOTHER set of bashing, mean girl holier than thou bitches who pick apart everyone in the house, mostly Rachel. We know CBS won't use that otherwise Britney would have never won fan fav.
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 6:04 pm

Lorraine wrote:
Quote :
Sorry, but once you are out, you're out!

Could NOT agree more!! I hate the returning player. BUT...if they are going to have a returning HG..what makes any of the other 3 in sequestor more deserving to return than Brendon? He stayed longer, he won comps and he played hard. Lets take away for a second that Brendon was an ally of J and J, how about the anti Dani fans out there who want to stick it up her ass. Sending in Dom would only help Dani's game. I have checked several online polls....interestingly in some of them Dom is THIRD! Brendon, Cassie and then Dom. I know the polls arent accurate but I never in a milion years thought Brendon had a snow balls chance in hell of coming back. I still don't and won't believe it until I see it.

I know that a lot of people were/are tired of the Brenchal sage, myself included, but perhaps its because no one else gave CBS worthy material. Bunch of sleepers and whiny bitches. Now we have YET ANOTHER set of bashing, mean girl holier than thou bitches who pick apart everyone in the house, mostly Rachel. We know CBS won't use that otherwise Britney would have never won fan fav.

As far as sleepers go, I still would like a chance for Cassi to return because she was on slop for practically the entire time she was in the house, and she may be a surprise as far as a competitor goes. I don't know if this is enough of a reason as far as Cassi being more deserving than Brendon to return but unlike Dominic and Keith, I highly doubt if she would have thrown any competitions if her butt was on the line. I also think she would have had more of a fight to stay in the game had she not been on slop and would have campaigned harder for votes, but I am not so sure since she was up against Shelly. Keith and Dominic had inflated egos, and whether he was being a knight or not, Brendon used the veto on someone else when he won it himself. It is very telling (to me anyway) that he really didn't want to be there anymore and everybody knows that he would not have been asked back for an all-stars season anyway, thus Rachel was always a more interesting and exciting character than Brendon. I think in some way this time apart is the best thing for Brendon and Rachel's relationship (not that I think anyone truly cares), but it is really upsetting to hear that Rachel really can't be apart from Brendon. Rachel also mentioned that she broke up with Brendon for only 2 days after the penisgate incident.
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 6:12 pm

She was verrrrrry forgiving regarding penisgate! I know me...everytime he got on his high horse I would be throwing that in his face every chance I got. BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 916983 BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 542745 BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 930752

Of course I probably would not have forgiven him for that like she did. Strange pair to say the least.
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 6:36 pm

I really feel that whoever comes back has very little to do with the actual person that was voted out, and everything to do with the people that they were aligned with. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Dominic is the most well liked of the 4, but A LOT of people don't want to see him back because we hate Dani. If Dom goes back, he'll team up with Dani. I want to make Daniele's time in that house as miserable as possible! Brendon is not well liked, but people vote him back because he will further Rachel, Jordan, and Jeff in the game. I've changed who I'm rooting for from Cassi to Brendon. If Brendon comes back I full expect to see Dani whine about rigging!
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 8:10 pm

Am I the only one sickened by the 3 freaking bitches in the HOH??? They are truly the nerd herd!!! Can someone verify this...did Kalia just say that they should f##k Brendon up the ass with a bloody stick??
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 8:20 pm

No lie, I was just about to say that!! Those 3 are vile, disgusting bitches. Ragan and Brit said some deplorable things, but I don't think it was ever that bad! Say what you will about Rachel, but she never bashes people this badly. This is exactly why I want Brendon back, they'd have a meltdown!
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 8:24 pm

Its hard to believe Leah, but they are worse than Ragan and Brit!!! Maybe because there are 3 of them. Brit and Ragan were completely vile but I think these 3 take the cake. They are forcing me to root for Rachel hard core. This is disgusting.
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 8:31 pm

Ugh Rachel says stuff out of anger but ITS NEVER been this vile.
Dani Im proud of you. sarcasm
You had an amazing spot in the game and then you are now in the DODO's alliance. A week ago i thought i would love to see Dominic back in the game BUT I dont want these Vile players to get Happiness. I want Cassi to give someone to Shelly and I want maybe even Brendon. I thnk Rachel could forget and forgive Cassi because it would give their side an ally but Love or Hate Rachel she plays the game and If she ever is mad at you she will just call you a floater or your mean she would Never say something so vile.
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 8:47 pm

Its true CC, I might have really been able to get behind Dani if she played a clean, strategic and intelligent game. That has not happened at all!! I was team Donato in season 8, hardcore! I see now that it was all her dad..she is nothing. What cracks me up is she accuses Rachel of playing personal....pot meet kettle. What we are witnessing in the HOH (I'm calling it now) is worse than Brit and Ragan and worse than the nerd herd and worse than Sheila and Sharon bashing Nat. These 3 bitches should DIAF!!!
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 9:13 pm

Daniele is playing terribly this season! She was in the perfect position, but then let her personal feelings for Dom ruin her game! Porsche is, to quote Basketball Wives, "a non-motha fuckin factor bitch". She has gotten zero tv time and has about as much of a shot at being a tv personality as Adam does of getting his own show! Kalia will forever be remembered as 'that fat bitch that sent one of her closest allies home'. I hope these 3 get hell when they get back into the real world!
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 9:33 pm

I feel bad for Dani, she has no one left to play with. Stupid America will probably vote Bookie's ass back in. I am disgusted that not only are Jeff and Jordan STILL in this game together, but that they cast two of their stan fans to play in the game for them. I was hoping Dom would have a chance to come back and play although he was stupid to throw the veto. I am so over this season already.

Lorraine!!! I think this is the first time we aren't rooting for the same person no2
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 9:38 pm

lol are I are usually on the same page. Dani did this to herself!! I can't feel bad for this incredibly bad gameplay and then to compound it, spend all day and night in the HOH playing Britney and Ragan. gross.

ok what is a stan fan? LOL
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 10:07 pm

Stans = stalker fans aka Shelly and Adam of Jeff and Jordan. Creeepy! lol Shelly just reminds of your 6th grade gym teacher, uggh. Can't believe none of them have caught on to her crap but I give her props, she's good.

Dani's made some mistakes, hopefully she can rebound but she's on he own. Kalia too wants to be a JJ stan.

I don't think anyone can be as bad as Brit and Ragan were. They bashed Rachel for almost 2 months straight.

And Jeff bashes and gets pissed at her more than anyone and he's in her alliance. I don't think I've heard her say one cross word about JJ although I dont have the feeds, I haven't seen that written anywhere that she has.
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyWed Aug 10, 2011 12:24 am

The vets just figured out the twist...that a previously evicted HG may battle out the person who leaves this week for a chance to get back in the game. Rachel commented about the look on Daniele's face if Brendon came back. Jeff joked that Brendon would have to arm wrestle Lawon to get back in the game. Rachel also commented about Survivor Redemption Island.
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 5 Discussion    BB13 - Week 5 Discussion  - Page 8 EmptyWed Aug 10, 2011 12:42 am

What are the chances that Shelly flips and votes out Rachel for fear of Brendon coming back?
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