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B.B.A.D Radio:  Exclusive Post Evicition Interview with Britney Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALB.B.A.D Radio:  Exclusive Post Evicition Interview with Britney Bb12_l13
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 B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Evicition Interview with Britney

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PostSubject: B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Evicition Interview with Britney   B.B.A.D Radio:  Exclusive Post Evicition Interview with Britney EmptyThu Sep 09, 2010 11:35 pm

We were fortunate enough to be able to interview Britney before she joined the rest of the evicted houseguests in the jury house.

B.B.A.D Radio:  Exclusive Post Evicition Interview with Britney Cast_thumb120_britney_haynes

B.B.A.D Radio: Congratulations on making it as far as you did. You were a good competitor but why didn't you still try to stay this past week rather than accept your fate. Did you see the situation you found yourself in as hopeless?
Britney: Yes – I did see it as hopeless. I tried for as long as I could, but when I knew for a fact that I wasn’t going to stay, I decided to take the high road and just enjoy my time that was left.

B.B.A.D Radio: Were you suspicious that HouseGuests weren’t truthful about the prizes they won during the comp, when you got handcuffed to Brendon? Were you upset since you wanted to get Brendon out?
Britney: Yes – I knew they were lying but I think I have figured it out by now. Enjoy that vacation Hayden! I WANTED BRENDON GONE.

B.B.A.D Radio: During your speech you were giving shout-outs. Did you forget to give Nick a shout-out? would you like to do so now....
Britney: Yes – I feel so terrible. I was so nervous. So to Nick – I love you, I miss you and I can’t wait to see you. Thank you for your support.

B.B.A.D Radio: Did you still think you had a F2 or F3 deal once Enzo and Lane told you about the Brigade. It seemed as though it didn't truly hit you that you would be the one leaving until Hayden confirmed to you that he was not using the POV?
Britney: That is exactly right. Until Hayden confirmed that he wouldn’t use POV I thought that I had a fighting chance.

B.B.A.D Radio: Do you think the Hayden and Lane ever planned on taking you to the final 3?
Britney: Lane yes, Hayden no.

B.B.A.D Radio: Lane had told you afterwards that he didn't lie to you and that he still thought you were a cool girl. Was that comforting for you? What did you make of that.
Britney: No – I wanted him to just leave me along. I was still upset and didn’t want to hear anything he had to say.

B.B.A.D Radio: Do you think you put too much trust in Lane and Hayden?
Britney: Perhaps – Ultimately I knew I could only rely on myself.

B.B.A.D Radio: Why were you so set on getting rid of Rachel and Brendon?
Britney: Because I knew my pretend friendship could only go on for so long and I would become a huge target very quickly.

B.B.A.D Radio: Do you think your focus on Brendon and Rachel caused you to lose sight on everything else that was going on around you and perhaps it's what cost you your game in the long run?
Britney: No – what cost me my game was that I didn’t win the final two competitions. Focusing on Brendon and Rachel was important because I needed to get them out before they had a chance to get me out.

B.B.A.D Radio: Why was evicting Matt the best move for YOUR game even though it benefited the rest of the house and you said yourself he wasn't even coming after you?
Britney: I know now that he was coming after me. At the time I felt a strong loyalty to Hayden and didn’t want him to leave.

B.B.A.D Radio: It seemed as though Matt and Ragan had been in your corner yet others appeared to be in your corner ONLY after you won HOH. Why were you so quick to trust them over Matt and Ragan?
Britney: Because Matt had already proved himself to be sneaky long before that and I knew that Ragan’s real loyalties were with Matt. Together they were too powerful.

B.B.A.D Radio: Where did this loyalty to Enzo come from during your HOH and why didn't you think it was "morally" right for him to leave?
Britney: I had developed a friendship with Enzo early on. It wasn’t out of the blue. I thought that he fought as hard as he could for POV even after I had secured him safety. That spoke a lot to me.

B.B.A.D Radio: When Lane, Enzo and Hayden finally told you about the Brigade, did you realize immediately that you had been played by all of them?
Britney: Not immediately – only after Hayden’s confirmation. It was my worst moment in the house.

B.B.A.D Radio: Who of the Brigade were you most angry at and why, or do you not feel any anger towards them?
Britney: I did feel anger mixed with a little bit of jealousy that I hadn’t been involved. I was most angry with Hayden because I felt that a final three deal was an unnecessary lie. I had put him on such a high moral pedestal in my mind.

B.B.A.D Radio: You've told the 3 remaining guys that they would be smart to take you to the final 2 since you had a lot of enemies on the jury and you wouldn't be able to win the 500k. Did you really believe this?
Britney: Yes and no. Depending on how the jury decides to vote. I thought that I had a chance, but they probably have better odds than I would have.

B.B.A.D Radio: How surprised were you when Rachel came back in the house and questioned you about the goodbye message you left her. You told her that wasn't the message you left her?

Britney: I was shocked. I tried to come up with some ridiculous excuse and I think she bought it. At least I can say I’m quick on my feet.

B.B.A.D Radio: You and Ragan had spent an extraordinary amount of time bashing Rachel and Brendon. Do you think you lost sight of the game and why you were really there?
Britney: No

B.B.A.D Radio: You've said some pretty mean-spirited comments about Rachel and Kristen's bodies. Do you regret any of that?
Britney: I do. In the moment I said some things that I should have filtered. The pressure of the house really got to me sometimes.

B.B.A.D Radio: What were your favorite and least favorite moments (other than being evicted) in the Big Brother house?
Britney: My favorite moment was getting caught wearing Rachel’s extension and convincing her that it was funny. My least favorite was being chained to Brendon.

B.B.A.D Radio: Which remaining houseguest would you like to see join you on the jury?
Britney: I would say Enzo. I don’t think that his game was as strong as Hayden or Lane’s.

B.B.A.D Radio: What was your biggest mistake that you made in the game and what would you do differently if given a second chance?
Britney: My biggest mistake was not winning the last HOH or veto. I wish I could go back and win either of those comps.

B.B.A.D Radio: Who were you wanting to be sitting next to in a F2?
Britney: Lane

B.B.A.D Radio: Going forward what would you like to take away from this experience?
Britney: I’m going to use it as a means of self reflection and I will definitely keep some of the close friendships I made in the house.

B.B.A.D Radio: Is there any final comments you'd like to say to the viewers and fans of Big Brother?
Britney: Thanks for being fans and watching us all summer long. We appreciate each and every one of you. I can’t wait to get into the real world and hopefully meet some of you.

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BB Addict
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PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Evicition Interview with Britney   B.B.A.D Radio:  Exclusive Post Evicition Interview with Britney EmptyThu Sep 09, 2010 11:51 pm

Wow, Erika and Lorraine, you certainly did not disappoint with this interview. The questions were terrific!! Looking back on her HOH, ironically, Enzo was the most "loyal" for lack of a better term when it came to playing for the veto, but it was most definitely more for Enzo to save himself than not having Brendon win. I bet they still would have pushed for Matt to be put up on the block against Brendon, had Enzo won the POV and I think at the time, the house would have still voted Matt out before Brendon since the Brigade had the votes....coulda, whoulda, shoulda (Sorry for my Rant)

As for Britney, bashing or no bashing, she was very entertaining and made the show bearable to watch this season. Good luck to her. big smile
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BB Addict
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PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Evicition Interview with Britney   B.B.A.D Radio:  Exclusive Post Evicition Interview with Britney EmptyFri Sep 10, 2010 12:03 am

great questions Erika and Lorraine!!It was a great interview.
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BB Lover
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PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Evicition Interview with Britney   B.B.A.D Radio:  Exclusive Post Evicition Interview with Britney EmptyFri Sep 10, 2010 10:12 am

Great q's and I like her answers. They seem geniune. I really hope you get to interview her on the radio show once the season is over!
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BB Addict
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PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Evicition Interview with Britney   B.B.A.D Radio:  Exclusive Post Evicition Interview with Britney EmptyFri Sep 10, 2010 12:15 pm

Great job Ladies, great interview!
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