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B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALB.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy Bb12_l13
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 B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy

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B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy Empty
PostSubject: B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy   B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy EmptyFri Aug 20, 2010 8:28 pm

After a blind-sided nomination and voted out 5-0 we were able to submit questions for Kathy as she is the 2nd member of the jury.

B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy Cast_thumb120_kathy_hillis

B.B.A.D Radio: Did you sense that Matt could have had some power that could possibly have put your game in jeopardy?
Kathy: Yes

B.B.A.D Radio: Were you surprised by the 5-0 vote to evict you? Was there anyone you thought would have voted for you?
Kathy: Absolutely not! I was not surprised because the house continues to vote as a house due to the fact that they are too scared to vote on their own.

B.B.A.D Radio: A couple of weeks ago during the paint can competition you were the first one to jump off and made some comment that you were taking one for the team and will become a Have Not and so nobody would put you up. Do you think you could have won that competition, if so why did you throw it and jump off early?
Kathy: The reason that I took the have not was because when I was sick in the caramel challenge three other people were punished because we lost. I felt like if I took one for the team it would make up for them suffering that week. I absolutely believe that I could have stayed on that paint can as long as everyone else. I was having no problems.

B.B.A.D Radio: Had you stayed on the paint can HOH competition and won it, it would have insured your safety from being voted out this week. Any comments on this...?
Kathy: Oh – I never even thought about that. It would have been a good idea to win that competition due to the fact that there was a special power.

B.B.A.D Radio: Were you planning on throwing competitions or were you just not that good at the game and you were hoping that others would carry you along to the end?
Kathy: No – I planned on throwing them. I didn’t want anyone to carry me.

B.B.A.D Radio: Did you really believe you had a chance to win this game or were you just hoping to make it to the jury house?
Kathy: I really thought I had a chance of winning. I needed to win.

B.B.A.D Radio: When you were alone with Hayden, Enzo and Brendon, you were constantly throwing Britney under the bus. Especially this past week. It was obvious you were pushing for Britney to go up as a replacement nominee once Ragan used the Veto to take himself off the block. Why didn't you take the pretzels that Rachel had made to either eat them, put them back in the bag, or even use the pretzels to spell out Britney and tell Brendon that Rachel said she wanted Britney out if you wanted her out that badly.
Kathy: I wanted Britney to go up because I had a feeling that Matt had a certain power. I guess I should have eaten them.

B.B.A.D Radio: During the week Hayden and Kristen were on the block. You seemed ok with Kristen making a deal to get Hayden taken off the block which would mean you would go up on the block and could possibly get voted out. Did you believe you were safe if up against Kristen or did you really want Kristen and Hayden to stay in the game more than yourself?
Kathy: No – I believed I would be safe.

B.B.A.D Radio: When you and Kristen were together and talking a lot of times you talked about people deserving to be there more than others. Exactly what did you base who deserved to be there more than others?
Kathy: I based it on their life experiences and who appreciated life and who didn’t appreciate life. Also, who had struggles in life and who had never had a struggle.

B.B.A.D Radio: Who did you think the saboteur is?
Kathy: I have no clue.

B.B.A.D Radio: Who did you feel you could trust in the house as it didn't seem you were aligned with anyone?
Kathy: Kristen and Hayden.

B.B.A.D Radio: You floated throughout the game how long did you think this strategy would last?
Kathy: I don’t consider myself a floater. It was part of my strategy to lay low until I felt the need to win the competitions. You can’t just go in there full force or you will be evicted. It happened to the five people before me.

B.B.A.D Radio: Why did you say you were going to keep your integrity and morals and that you were going to be you and not let the game change you?
Kathy: Because that is who I am.

B.B.A.D Radio: Did we see the real Kathy in the house or were you playing down or up yourself?
Kathy: I did not want them to see that I was a strong competitor up front because it would have hurt my game so, no. When it came to competitions, they did not see the real Kathy.

B.B.A.D Radio: You seemed to go to whatever side was in power throughout the entire game and throw whomever on the other side under the bus. Was that your strategy and how long did you think you could play that way without others catching on?
Kathy: My strategy on that was to figure out people’s personalities. It was not to throw people under the bus. Shoot, there was only really two HOHs. It was not to play with the HOHs, it was to get to know people.

B.B.A.D Radio: You have said that certain houseguests didn't deserve to win the money because they already have money. Do you really believe someone doesn't deserve to win the money based off if you percieve them to be wealthy or not?
Kathy: I would hope that whoever wins would not blow the money. I hope someone wins the money that will do something in their life with it. There are some people in the house that have some struggles and I think they would appreciate the money instead of blowing it.

B.B.A.D Radio: Which houseguests did you find it hardest to live with on a daily basis and for what reasons?
Kathy: Rachel and Brendon – due to their behavior and their language. They had no logic in the game. They just attacked people constantly. I struggled with listening to that. I’m not used to being around people who talk down to others the way they did.

B.B.A.D Radio: Who did you enjoy spending the most time with in the house?
Kathy: Kristen, Hayden and Enzo.

B.B.A.D Radio: What was the most challenging aspect of the Big Brother house?
Kathy: Being away from my family, friends and co-workers. I really missed my town that I loved and lived in for so long. You really appreciate everything you have once it has been taken away from you.

B.B.A.D Radio: What was your favorite and least favorite (other than being nominated and evicted) moment in the Big Brother house?
Kathy: Least favorite was when Rachel returned and attacked Ragan and others.
My most favorite was the opportunity to be in the show and then be a part of BIG BROTHER 12

B.B.A.D Radio: Was it strategy early on in the game when Rachel was HOH for the first time to get into bed with Rachel and Brendon when they were alone? Did you want to make them feel awkward?
Kathy: No, I didn't do that.

B.B.A.D Radio: How do you feel about each remaining houseguests?
Kathy: I wish them the best of luck. The game is only going to get harder from here on out.

B.B.A.D Radio: During your interview with Julie Chen you said you feel like you didn't get a chance to play the game. What exactly did you have planned to do that we didn't see?
Kathy: My strategy was going to change. I was no longer going to lay low. I wanted to win challenges (started to do that in the bowling competition) and I wanted to try and make an alliance.

B.B.A.D Radio: Had you not been evicted and you won HOH who would you have put up on the block and who would have been your main target(s)?
Kathy: I would have put up Matt and Brendon.

B.B.A.D Radio: Who would you like to see follow you into the jury house next week?
Kathy: I wouldn’t like anyone to follow me. I don’t wish that upon anyone. What happens, happens.

B.B.A.D Radio: Since your game is now over, which remaining houseguest would you like to see in the final 2?
Kathy: Hayden and Lane.

B.B.A.D Radio: What are your thoughts on entering the jury house. Do you think you will be getting along with Rachel? Will there be continuing nights of hanging out with Rachel, as you did during her 1st HOH reign?
Kathy: Yes – I can get along with anyone.

B.B.A.D Radio: Going forward what will you be taking away from this experience?
Kathy: An appreciation for what struggles I have gone through in life. This has just added to showing that I can survive anything.

B.B.A.D Radio: Do you have any final comments you'd like to say to your fans and the viewers?
Kathy: I just want to thank my fans and viewers for all their support.


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B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy Empty
PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy   B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy EmptyFri Aug 20, 2010 11:59 pm

Great was weird that she was actually in that house for 48 days. I really don't believe that she knew what her strategy was to win this game. Sadly, this really was a "SO WHAT" eviction. neutral She seems like a nice woman and I wish her well.
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Mechanical Bliss
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Mechanical Bliss

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B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy Empty
PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy   B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy EmptySat Aug 21, 2010 2:25 am

Erika wrote:
]Kathy: No – I planned on throwing them. I didn’t want anyone to carry me.

So you don't want to be carried through the game...but you don't want to win comps...but you don't want to be


She seems nice enough, but not cut out for this game. Her rationalizations for who "deserves" to be there or win and her concept of what this experience is about seem so disconnected from reality. I can see dashes of strategy here and there, but overall someone else should've been cast in her place.

Thanks for the interview as always.
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BB Lover
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B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy Empty
PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy   B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy EmptySat Aug 21, 2010 10:19 am

When she said on the show that she wasn't going to lie or cheat I wondered why she bothered going on the show. It wasnt the right show for her and she had no shot at winning. As far as I'm concerned, she took someone's spot. If I was a finalist who didnt get picked, I'd be pissed right now. Even Sheila and Jerry had some game. Nice woman yes but not a BB player.

Also, did she forget that she got into bed with BR or is it she believes she didn't make them feel awkward?
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B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy Empty
PostSubject: Re: B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy   B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy EmptySat Aug 21, 2010 3:39 pm

Erika wrote:

B.B.A.D Radio: Was it strategy early on in the game when Rachel was HOH for the first time to get into bed with Rachel and Brendon when they were alone? Did you want to make them feel awkward?
Kathy: No, I didn't do that.

Jaw dropper She must be as delusional as Gnat.....
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B.B.A.D Radio: Exclusive Post Eviction Interview with Kathy Empty
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