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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 03, 2011 5:56 pm

This is the reason why we watch BB. For the suspense and the unknown. Big Players make big plays in big games the saying goes. Adam has to know right now in the present he cannot win 500k. If he boots jordo some talks can start developing for him to win BB!
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 03, 2011 5:59 pm

P.S. Does he really want his only memorable moment to be the guy in the elf costume!?!
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 03, 2011 6:01 pm

I just read on the updates that he told the cameras that he isn't using veto. Hopefully he sticks with that plan and one of the witches goes. Doesn't matter which witch goes, they might as well be the same person.
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 03, 2011 6:03 pm

I don't think he will use it!! He is with Rachel and Jordan and I think he really means it.
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 03, 2011 6:04 pm

If he doesn't use the POV he might as well walk out the door with kalia because he aint getting shit!

Last edited by pajamajon on Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 03, 2011 6:08 pm

Sticking with Rachel and Jordan is the dumbest move that Adam could make (for himself). This guy is beyond stupid (in every respect).
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 03, 2011 6:16 pm

I dont think it is 100% Stupid. If Adam doesn't use it they can get rid of Kalia then Adam can be with Porsche like he wants and might make it to the final 2 with her. If he gets rid of Jordan he loses Jeff Brendon Jordan and possibly Shelly vote if he were to make it to Final Two. Just my thoughts
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 03, 2011 6:22 pm

Without Kalia, he has a MUCH SLIMMER chance of getting rid of Rachel or Jordan. It is a risk, but Adam is playing for 2nd no matter what. If he used the veto, it forces Rachel to put up Jordan. When Jordan is out of the picture, Rachel will need someone to align with (she is not going to align herself with Kalia because it is too risky for her; both Rachel and Porsche would want Adam because they have a better shot at winning).
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 03, 2011 6:33 pm

You can diagree if you like, but if Adam doesn't use the veto he was much better served to not have been picked to be casted this season. He did more this past year trying to lose weight than the last 2 months in the BB house.
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Mechanical Bliss
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 03, 2011 6:51 pm

A supposed "fan" of BB who doesn't use the veto in a scenario like this? And especially when you've earned a reputation for doing nothing? And especially when the Vets are bigger roadblocks? What kind of BB fan is this?

He could either be left with Porsche in F4, who will be dumped so he can preserve that stupid F3 with the Vets, or he could evict Jordan, and make a go of it against the Newbies, with or without Rachel. The latter sounds better to me, even if the F2 deal with Porsche isn't completely a bad idea against Vets, but is he really going to go that way?
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 03, 2011 7:08 pm

Just a gut feeling that the POV ceremony will not be done until the taping of the BB episode on Tuesday. no2 I hope I am wrong.
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 03, 2011 7:17 pm

I don't think its dumb for Adam not to use the veto. He has a better chance of controling his fate in a final three with Jordan in it then a final three without her in it. He is losing endurance to any of the girls unless its a sitting down and getting hit endurance. With questions he has no shot with either R/K there I think he has a shot of beating Jordan, with Porshe its a toss up. When it comes to the part three if he makes it there Kalia is going to know all the answers because it is all her friends, Porshe will know a good marjority of them. Rachel only really talked to Brendan so she is probably going to be terrible at that and Jordan will have a hard time with Dani, Porshe and maybe even Kalia. A J/R final three is weaker then a K/P final three.

Also I respect Adam a lot more for staying loyal to people he has been alligned with since like week 2 then to side with people who haven't had his back the entire game.
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BB Lover
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 03, 2011 9:22 pm

sammyf wrote:
I don't think its dumb for Adam not to use the veto. He has a better chance of controling his fate in a final three with Jordan in it then a final three without her in it. He is losing endurance to any of the girls unless its a sitting down and getting hit endurance. With questions he has no shot with either R/K there I think he has a shot of beating Jordan, with Porshe its a toss up. When it comes to the part three if he makes it there Kalia is going to know all the answers because it is all her friends, Porshe will know a good marjority of them. Rachel only really talked to Brendan so she is probably going to be terrible at that and Jordan will have a hard time with Dani, Porshe and maybe even Kalia. A J/R final three is weaker then a K/P final three.

Also I respect Adam a lot more for staying loyal to people he has been alligned with since like week 2 then to side with people who haven't had his back the entire game.

You categorize Adam as "loyal"? Really? What show have you been watching? Were you watching when Kalia won HOH? I am sorry, but "spineless worm" is more fitting. He is Rachel's definition of "floater" (not that I have a problem with that if it is a strategy and not fear). I think that Adam is one of the most embarrassing players ever. He didn't just lose weight; he lost his balls (if he ever had any to begin with).
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 03, 2011 11:51 pm

nothing to add
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 03, 2011 11:55 pm

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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 04, 2011 12:33 am

I accually think it was dumb for Adam to win this veto. He was safe no matter who went up on the block so why did he need the veto. If it is Otev then he could have easily thrown it. I know he needs to prove himself as a competitior but now it puts him in a tough spot and angers someone in the jury.
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 04, 2011 12:36 am

Earlier, Adam stated that he felt like some days his game sucks. You think, Adam? Truly, this guy is such a dumb ass. He is handing Rachel the game.
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 04, 2011 1:55 am

Mark have you forgotten? Adam has already won the game by getting to meet TORI FRICKEN SPELLING. Weeeeeeee! sarcasm
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Mechanical Bliss
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 04, 2011 12:05 pm

Thinking over the two main scenarios
1. Adam doesn't use the veto and Kalia gets evicted (Adam is a slider)
2. Adam uses the veto and Jordan gets evicted (Adam is a floater/player)

In scenario #1 does Adam get any votes at all if he makes F2 against Porsche, Jordan, or Rachel?
Maybe he'll get Kalia and Porsche's vote against Jordan since she's a previous winner who did about as much as Adam in the game. Maybe he'll get their vote against Rachel if there's actually a Vet/New split, but since Rachel played a lot harder, I doubt even they would vote that way. Regardless, Porsche, Jordan, or Rachel wins.

In scenario #2 Adam might have a better chance at votes in the F2 against Kalia, Porsche, or Jordan.
Against another Newbie, Shelly might vote for Adam, especially if he dared to make a big move (veto + vote to evict Jordan), and she might even give it to him against Rachel, but that doesn't really help him actually win.
Against Rachel, I could see the Vet/New split being more prominent because Adam actually stepped up his game to try to earn his spot. Even though she's the most deserving winner left, Porsche, Kalia, and Shelly might vote for Adam. On top of it, Daniele is a potential swing vote after hating all of Adam's game, he finally does something. She might be impressed, or it's too little too late, but Dani does respect the game and wants a deserving winner, and to her, that's probably Rachel.
J/J are likely to vote emotionally and probably not forgive Adam for a betrayal like that, and they probably see Porsche and Kalia's games more positively.

Basically he's playing for second place. Ironically I think his best chance is against the most deserving HG at this point, Rachel, if and only if he gets there by using the veto and evicting Jordan (and hopefully wins something else along the way to F2).

And if he's playing for second place, it's more likely a Newb will take him there than a Vet. If he doesn't turn on the Vets, his chance at his 50k grand prize best case scenario is likely over.

The question he needs to ask himself is whether he wants to be remembered as a BB HG who rode Veterans' coattails to the end just so J/J will always be nice and friendly with him and guest star at his wedding. Or he could be remembered as a BB player who saw an opportunity to evict Jordan and seized it, making his own place in the game.
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 04, 2011 12:36 pm

ChicagoMark wrote:
sammyf wrote:
I don't think its dumb for Adam not to use the veto. He has a better chance of controling his fate in a final three with Jordan in it then a final three without her in it. He is losing endurance to any of the girls unless its a sitting down and getting hit endurance. With questions he has no shot with either R/K there I think he has a shot of beating Jordan, with Porshe its a toss up. When it comes to the part three if he makes it there Kalia is going to know all the answers because it is all her friends, Porshe will know a good marjority of them. Rachel only really talked to Brendan so she is probably going to be terrible at that and Jordan will have a hard time with Dani, Porshe and maybe even Kalia. A J/R final three is weaker then a K/P final three.

Also I respect Adam a lot more for staying loyal to people he has been alligned with since like week 2 then to side with people who haven't had his back the entire game.

You categorize Adam as "loyal"? Really? What show have you been watching? Were you watching when Kalia won HOH? I am sorry, but "spineless worm" is more fitting. He is Rachel's definition of "floater" (not that I have a problem with that if it is a strategy and not fear). I think that Adam is one of the most embarrassing players ever. He didn't just lose weight; he lost his balls (if he ever had any to begin with).

Ok maybe not loyal the whole entire game because he was going back and forth but he has stayed pretty loyal to Jordan the majority of the way.
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 04, 2011 12:44 pm

Mechanical Bliss wrote:

The question he needs to ask himself is whether he wants to be remembered as a BB HG who rode Veterans' coattails to the end just so J/J will always be nice and friendly with him and guest star at his wedding. Or he could be remembered as a BB player who saw an opportunity to evict Jordan and seized it, making his own place in the game.

I still don't understand how getting Jordan out is a good game move for him. When you get down to final 5 final 4 you evicted people that are going to beat you in comps. What good is it to get rid of Jordan when he can beat her but he can't beat Kalia. I can see the logic in using the POV if Jordan was HOH and Rachel would go up because Rach is strong. Also what good is making a big move at this point if you don't make it to the end. I think Jordan is the only person that he can beat. If it is him and Jordan in final 2 that means he won to take her there and will have more comp wins and has a better chance of beating her than anybody else there. Also he may not think that J/R are taking each other because Jordan told him last week just because they are final three doesn't mean he is out third so he might think there is a possiblity she would take him.

Also why is it only Adam that is seen riding the Veterans coattails Porshe rode the Veterns coattails just as much and Kalia to an extent too.
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Mechanical Bliss
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 04, 2011 1:12 pm

Against Jordan might be his best chance overall, but it's so unlikely because it truly does mean he takes her. In F3 his chances at F2 seem much slimmer against J/R than P/K to me. And in a F3 scenario, it's far more likely that Porsche takes him to F2 than Jordan (even though it would be best for Jordan to take Adam over Rachel because that's no contest) if he doesn't win. But if he makes no move except taking Jordan by winning final HoH, he really has no case to argue in his favor. So using the veto gets rid of a Vet because his chances at even making F2 improve, and shows he has game so he has something big to flaunt if he actually does make it.

Porsche did not ride Veterans' coattails just as much (and Dani doesn't really count as a Vet when she was playing against them). That's simply not true. She was a lemming when she had her Golden Key, but when that was over, she started to emerge and even switch sides. Adam remained firmly planted up J/J's posteriors the entire game, and if he does nothing, that will remain the case.

Also consider that Rachel's not playing for HoH. Her only hope is winning veto, basically. Without Jordan she's going to be desperate for a F2 partner, or else she'll be in jury anyway. In F3 with P/K both will want to be against Adam. Even without Jordan in the game, Rachel might want to be against Adam also. It seems far flung no matter what for Adam, but it just seems in terms of probability, evicting Jordan is the better move, even if he could beat her in F2. He could also beat people in F2 if he steps up his game. But he's really playing for second place and has to make it there first, and this way is probably easier and more impressive.
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 04, 2011 2:53 pm

Mechanical Bliss wrote:
Against Jordan might be his best chance overall, but it's so unlikely because it truly does mean he takes her. In F3 his chances at F2 seem much slimmer against J/R than P/K to me. And in a F3 scenario, it's far more likely that Porsche takes him to F2 than Jordan (even though it would be best for Jordan to take Adam over Rachel because that's no contest) if he doesn't win. But if he makes no move except taking Jordan by winning final HoH, he really has no case to argue in his favor. So using the veto gets rid of a Vet because his chances at even making F2 improve, and shows he has game so he has something big to flaunt if he actually does make it.

Porsche did not ride Veterans' coattails just as much (and Dani doesn't really count as a Vet when she was playing against them). That's simply not true. She was a lemming when she had her Golden Key, but when that was over, she started to emerge and even switch sides. Adam remained firmly planted up J/J's posteriors the entire game, and if he does nothing, that will remain the case.

Also consider that Rachel's not playing for HoH. Her only hope is winning veto, basically. Without Jordan she's going to be desperate for a F2 partner, or else she'll be in jury anyway. In F3 with P/K both will want to be against Adam. Even without Jordan in the game, Rachel might want to be against Adam also. It seems far flung no matter what for Adam, but it just seems in terms of probability, evicting Jordan is the better move, even if he could beat her in F2. He could also beat people in F2 if he steps up his game. But he's really playing for second place and has to make it there first, and this way is probably easier and more impressive.

I think your analysis is spot on. Adam is simply a complete idiot and he continues to prove it to us over and over again. What I also find amusing is how he continues to say (in regards to Kalia & Porsche being on the block) that at this stage you have to earn your right to be here. Really, Adam? I agree with the philosophy, but if I had your track record in the house, I would remain silent on that topic. If he does make it to final two, I cannot wait to hear his answer to the juror questions and his belief for why he should win the game.
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 04, 2011 5:08 pm

Mechanical Bliss wrote:

Porsche did not ride Veterans' coattails just as much (and Dani doesn't really count as a Vet when she was playing against them). That's simply not true. She was a lemming when she had her Golden Key, but when that was over, she started to emerge and even switch sides. Adam remained firmly planted up J/J's posteriors the entire game, and if he does nothing, that will remain the case.

The six vets decide to give Porsche the golden key the first week so she could sit around and do nothing. She was protected by Rachel that whole time during that and then she was protected by Dani. Dani IS a vet and will always be a vet she played the game before she is no newbie doesn't matter who she was against. She was only playing against them because of her mistake in week 3, it wasn't her own choice. So if Dick was still in the game and was playing against them he wouldn't be a vet?Porshe only emerged 2 weeks ago during the DE what did she do before theat besides line up with who ever was in Power. If Adam remained firmly planted up J/J posteriors the whole game wouldn't that mean that he was in fact loyal to them the whole game and then not floating?

Also I have a question that has been bugging me all season how come when people wanted to allign themselves with J/J or B/R they were look at as followers, being up their butts, give up their game for them to win, etc. But when people alligned with Dani it is oki and when people say in their speeches this what Dani would do or want they aren't being followers?
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Mechanical Bliss
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BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 04, 2011 5:49 pm

Porsche emerged when Golden Keys ended and she decided to start helping evict Vets, and she didn't do too shabbily in competitions, even if it took her a while to win (and then she won back-to-back). Adam has yet to do anything at all, and he was essentially offered the same Golden Key deal by the Vets to be irrelevant until it's over--except Adam stayed permanently irrelevant.

Porsche is the floater, not Adam, if we're going by the traditional definition. She saw the Vets slipping and went with the Newbies. Adam has been pretty much "loyal" to a fault. He expects to be carried to the end as a result of loyalty alone. Dani's not a Vet in the same way as the other Vets either, that's why she's not really a Vet when she's playing solo with Newbies.

The difference between JJBR and Dani should seem obvious. JJBR acted like it was their right to have competitions thrown in their favor. That's why their allies were merely followers. Even Shelly, when she wasn't being devious, was a blind follower. The JJBR allies were starstruck and were not playing for themselves most of the time. D/K/P was more of an alliance of convenience for all of them to further themselves rather than some starstruck wankfest. Furthermore, those other players weren't just playing for Dani, they were out there winning and trying to make moves to the point of complete failure like Kalia. They didn't just sit back and let Dani carry them. If Kalia was such a Dani follower, then why didn't she let Dani run her HoH and listen when Dani said her Lawon replacement idea was stupid? Because the power dynamic in Dani's alliance was way different than JJBR's.

P.S. Happy Birthday to pajamajon. Too bad you aren't celebrating it in the BB house instead of, say, Adam.  wink
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PostSubject: Re: BB13 - Week 9 Discussion    BB13 - Week 9 Discussion  - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 04, 2011 7:20 pm

Actually Adam voted out more vets brendan twice and dani, Porshe voted out brendan once and Jeff. Its not hard to evict a vet when they are on the block she didn't do anything actively or give input in doing it. Second place doesn't mean anything because people still say that Jordan sucks but she has had second places and they don't seem to count for anything.

How is Dani not a Vet, a Vet is someone who played the game before. People seem to have forgotten the first three weeks of Dani walking around thinking she owned the whole house by controlling the Vets and the Newbies. She was messing with the newbies and asking them to throw things just as much as the rest of them. It was only when her plan went to shit that she was forced out.

I think Dani was all for the Lawon plan if I remember correctly because they thought he was going to come back with a power it wasn't until after the fact she thought it was dumb.

I guess I just don't see what the difference between the J/J alliance and Dani alliance. I don't see how Adam and Shelly followed J/J more than Kalia and Proshe followed Dani. I have yet to hear Adam saying he is making a decision because that is how Jeff would have done it/want it. Actually Jeff didn't expect anybody to throw the comp he kept telling Adam and Shelly to win stuff. I see them as two separate alliance that were up against each other and trying to take each other out.The only thing that I see is just because Adam and Shelly are fans so people just assume they are starstruck instead that they are doing what they think is best for them or aligning with people they could trust and actually like.

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