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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyWed Aug 18, 2010 2:50 pm

It's absurd but last I heard they think it's Kathy... BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 618676

I haven't paid much attention today to the feeds... I wonder if the clowns will let Matt know they're not keeping him.

Also with the note about the secret that was left under Enzo's bed... am I the only one who is surprised he didn't freak out about it? but I guess the reason that he didn't freak out about it is because now it "proves" he's not the saboteur. BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 248334
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyWed Aug 18, 2010 2:51 pm

I love that the note was signed by the sab with an "S" at the
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyWed Aug 18, 2010 4:37 pm

bostongirl wrote:
I love that the note was signed by the sab with an "S" at the

That was a nice touch lol

It does amaze me how they focus on the Saboteur so much when not focusing all their energy on Brendon and Rachel. Yet they completely are blind to those around them ("their friends").

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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyWed Aug 18, 2010 4:49 pm

I heard they all think it's Kathy too.... but why?! They all know that America voted for the new sab right? They can't possibly think that we're all super entertained by her and would vote for her...

And I've got good news and bad news for everyone.... the good news is BB is on tonight. The bad news is we have to watch Rachel on the show. BOOOOOOOOO!

I'm still hoping for Matt to pull a big move with his replacement nominee. I'm thinking watching him put up Hayden live on the show could be equivalent to Jeff's "Welcome to the party" speech and coup d'etat switcheroo! Man that was good tv!!!
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyWed Aug 18, 2010 4:58 pm

Kathy had washed Enzo's sheets and made his bed, apparently the last known one to be by his bed.

Plus they think since Rachel left the pretezel message for Matt that both that message along with the note that was left under Enzo's pillow all points back to Kathy.

Since Kathy was kind of tied to both different incidents. Of course they take something small and run with it to try and make sense of it.

I can not wait for tomorrow's eviction! BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 535443
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyWed Aug 18, 2010 9:25 pm

Erika wrote:
Kathy had washed Enzo's sheets and made his bed, apparently the last known one to be by his bed.

Plus they think since Rachel left the pretezel message for Matt that both that message along with the note that was left under Enzo's pillow all points back to Kathy.

Since Kathy was kind of tied to both different incidents. Of course they take something small and run with it to try and make sense of it.

I can not wait for tomorrow's eviction! BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 535443

To see Kathy go home?
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyWed Aug 18, 2010 9:28 pm

If Kathy ends up going home.... what a HUGE waste that will be!
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyWed Aug 18, 2010 9:38 pm

SuzieQ wrote:
If Kathy ends up going home.... what a HUGE waste that will be!

I haven't been watching much the last couple days, but after hearing that everyone thinks Kathy is the sab, doesn't Matt want him gone?
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyWed Aug 18, 2010 11:08 pm

Tonight's episode was definitely one of the more entertaining shows of the season. What is so funny about this pretzelgate thing is that there was talk that BB production was not aware of Rachel leaving a message or that they did not see the message left, but didn't the diary room question Rachel on her message that she left to Brendon?  wink She actually said in tonight's show that she left a message for Brendon for strategic purposes or something along those lines....

Anyway, what's done is done and I think Kathy is a goner, and agree with you all that it is a total waste to get rid of her right now. don't know
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyWed Aug 18, 2010 11:12 pm

nicolefan75 wrote:
Tonight's episode was definitely one of the more entertaining shows of the season. What is so funny about this pretzelgate thing is that there was talk that BB production was not aware of Rachel leaving a message or that they did not see the message left, but didn't the diary room question Rachel on her message that she left to Brendon?  wink She actually said in tonight's show that she left a message for Brendon for strategic purposes or something along those lines....

Anyway, what's done is done and I think Kathy is a goner, and agree with you all that it is a total waste to get rid of her right now. don't know

If you're right then we've given way too much credit as a player....

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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyWed Aug 18, 2010 11:23 pm

nicolefan75 wrote:
Tonight's episode was definitely one of the more entertaining shows of the season. What is so funny about this pretzelgate thing is that there was talk that BB production was not aware of Rachel leaving a message or that they did not see the message left, but didn't the diary room question Rachel on her message that she left to Brendon?  wink She actually said in tonight's show that she left a message for Brendon for strategic purposes or something along those lines....

Anyway, what's done is done and I think Kathy is a goner, and agree with you all that it is a total waste to get rid of her right now. don't know

its so laughable that they claim "they didnt see it" but yet it was on tonights episode. WTG BB.

Please dont tell me all this anticipation of the DPOV is going to be wasted on Kathy????!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyWed Aug 18, 2010 11:59 pm

I don't think it is a waste if it is used on Kathy. I don't think there is ever a waste to get rid of someone, esp someone people might drag to the end for an easy finish. Also it is going to show Brendan that Hayden and Enzo aren't really with him, since they will vote out Kathy instead of Lane. It is the safest move for Matt he won't piss anybody off and won't lose a jury vote. I don't think Kathy would vote for Matt in the end if he is against another brigade member and plus she has no sway with anybodys end vote. Also now it will force peoples hand in future week where they won't be able to use Kathy as an easy pawn.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 9:54 am

I LOVE the Zingbot!!!!!!! BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 448191
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 10:31 am

sammyf wrote:
I don't think it is a waste if it is used on Kathy. I don't think there is ever a waste to get rid of someone, esp someone people might drag to the end for an easy finish. Also it is going to show Brendan that Hayden and Enzo aren't really with him, since they will vote out Kathy instead of Lane. It is the safest move for Matt he won't piss anybody off and won't lose a jury vote. I don't think Kathy would vote for Matt in the end if he is against another brigade member and plus she has no sway with anybodys end vote. Also now it will force peoples hand in future week where they won't be able to use Kathy as an easy pawn.

I hear what you are saying that evicting Kathy is a safe move for Matt and it wont piss anyone off. I thought of that as well. Add to that, would anyone be targeting Matt after that? The Brigade would be after Ragan and Brit while Brit and Ragan will be after Brendon. Its certainly a tough call but we are at the point in the game where just about everyone who isnt final 2 is going to be pissed off. Dan pissed off the whole jury yet was unanimously given the prize. This is the first week since the season started where I really dont know who is going home!
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 11:18 am

What really has me irked about pretzelgate is that it shines the light of hypocrisy with production. They got on Kevin and Natalie fr using the play doh to spell things (which he mentioned on twitter), but allow a non game player to interfere with the game. Shoot they might as well allowed Jeff and Jordan to chant Bra-gade while they were there. Its also fucked up how they lied to the HG inside the house about the incident. I am telling you this that this changes an extreme style of game play in BB. Once they allowed rachel to deliver message with the pretzel it allows future houseguests to do it in the future. What are they gonna say "Stop That!?" I will say right back remember when you let rachel on BB12 do it. Swallow your actions BB cause this is gonna cause some issues for u.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 11:33 am

You know what I am shocked about this season...that BB didn't try to twist the argument with Rachel and Ragan. The true reasons why he was aggravated was because of Rache's entrance and her gay comments. This is probably the only time I will clap CBS for showing true colors of houseguests, Now I only wish they show true colors of HG that are fan favorites (like the rotten side of Jeff and Jordan dropping the F-word for gay people last season all the time). I just wonder how much of a bashing rachel will get now with that going on air.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 11:47 am

I am not defending Rachel but Ragan has said and done FAR FAR worse to Rachel than she to him. Why not show his true colors? He wouldnt have found the balls to stand up to her had he not won the veto. What exactly were Rachels "gay comments". I only heard her say he sucked at being gay or something along those lines. Its funny how people become up in arms anytime anyone says anything even remotely disparaging against, gays, race etc but women are contiiously called whores, sluts, c**nts etc but this has become commonplace and accepted. I call BS.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 3:00 pm

Lorraine wrote:
I am not defending Rachel but Ragan has said and done FAR FAR worse to Rachel than she to him. Why not show his true colors? He wouldnt have found the balls to stand up to her had he not won the veto. What exactly were Rachels "gay comments". I only heard her say he sucked at being gay or something along those lines. Its funny how people become up in arms anytime anyone says anything even remotely disparaging against, gays, race etc but women are contiiously called whores, sluts, c**nts etc but this has become commonplace and accepted. I call BS.

I know that is crap that we get called that but what can you do. I thought it was funny though that Brendan actually thought he was going to get to spend 24 hours with Rachel lol, and then she was unleashed on the house. I wanted to slap both Ragan and Rachel for being dumb. And Enzo is so stupid he talks crap on almost everyone and then says hes friends with everyone and he doesnt even try in competions, smart move on his part by making an aliance right away.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 3:03 pm

I completely agree, L. Ragan is like that bully in elementary school that can say/do whatever he wants to/about you, but when you push his scrawny ass off the slide he goes to the teacher in tears.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 3:18 pm

MegaBoo wrote:
Lorraine wrote:
I am not defending Rachel but Ragan has said and done FAR FAR worse to Rachel than she to him. Why not show his true colors? He wouldnt have found the balls to stand up to her had he not won the veto. What exactly were Rachels "gay comments". I only heard her say he sucked at being gay or something along those lines. Its funny how people become up in arms anytime anyone says anything even remotely disparaging against, gays, race etc but women are contiiously called whores, sluts, c**nts etc but this has become commonplace and accepted. I call BS.

I know that is crap that we get called that but what can you do. I thought it was funny though that Brendan actually thought he was going to get to spend 24 hours with Rachel lol, and then she was unleashed on the house. I wanted to slap both Ragan and Rachel for being dumb. And Enzo is so stupid he talks crap on almost everyone and then says hes friends with everyone and he doesnt even try in competions, smart move on his part by making an aliance right away.

Kinda like Britt?
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 4:17 pm

Lorraine wrote:
I am not defending Rachel but Ragan has said and done FAR FAR worse to Rachel than she to him. Why not show his true colors? He wouldnt have found the balls to stand up to her had he not won the veto. What exactly were Rachels "gay comments". I only heard her say he sucked at being gay or something along those lines. Its funny how people become up in arms anytime anyone says anything even remotely disparaging against, gays, race etc but women are contiiously called whores, sluts, c**nts etc but this has become commonplace and accepted. I call BS.

I agree, Lorraine. I always think that it's interesting how we as a culture are SO desensitized to derrogative slurs against women, yet people get extremely up in arms about anything disparaging toward gays, race, religion, culture, etc.
I remember back to an awesome class I had in college- on the first day of class the prof (who looked like Janeane Garofalo and was hilarious!) stood at the front of the room and asked us to list off as many nasty words as we could think of about gender and sexual orientation. She wrote them all of the board and when we couldn't think of any more, pointed out to us that more than 90% of the words we said could be considered anti-women.
I'm not saying anything is right or wrong, or trying to stir up the pot here, I just think it's intriguing of what's considered culturally acceptable and what is not.

Back to BB.... I'm still calling shenanigans if Kathy gets evicted tonight. I agree with Sam that getting rid of her means that no one will have an easy out or an easy pawn to use for the rest of the season, but I would still like to see some drama! :)
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 4:22 pm

Easy Pawn...2nd option is he male kathy...enzo!
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 7:23 pm

Just wanted to let you guys know 15 min ago...Enzo said he is voting out matt. This has sealed my hypothesis.
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 7:55 pm

What kinda dumbass tells someone who's done everything but put on a "I HAVE A POWER" trucker cap that they're voting him out?!?!?! I guess now we know Britts safe.. smiley_cussing:
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 8:33 pm

I definitely gave Matt too much credit as a player. He fails...
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PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 6 Discussion   BB12: Week 6 Discussion - Page 10 EmptyThu Aug 19, 2010 8:56 pm

GODDESS! <3333333333333333333
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