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 BB12: Week 4 Discussion

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Mechanical Bliss
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 12:07 am

Lorraine wrote:
Lorraine wrote:
So Lorraine, how's our Yankees doing? smoking

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Uh does that mean they aren't doing so well? ROTFLMBAO

what was your first clue? BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 394285

laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing
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Mechanical Bliss
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 10:02 am

6:15p/Camera 3/08.03.10

Ragan to Rachel: "I think he's (DR interviewer) trying to convince me there is an alliance of boys." Also: "something similar happened when Matt was on the block."

This was as they were mentioning how it felt that the DR tries to push them in particular directions and plays devil's advocate to create drama before eviction. Both of them claim not to believe that this alliance exists. Then of course they were scolded for talking about production.

Now, it's been no secret that the DR tries to get them to think about all angles, but is this the most explicit admission by a HG we've seen that they are actively manipulating the game outright by essentially exposing a secret alliance?
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 10:31 am

Mechanical Bliss wrote:
6:15p/Camera 3/08.03.10

Ragan to Rachel: "I think he's (DR interviewer) trying to convince me there is an alliance of boys." Also: "something similar happened when Matt was on the block."

This was as they were mentioning how it felt that the DR tries to push them in particular directions and plays devil's advocate to create drama before eviction. Both of them claim not to believe that this alliance exists. Then of course they were scolded for talking about production.

Now, it's been no secret that the DR tries to get them to think about all angles, but is this the most explicit admission by a HG we've seen that they are actively manipulating the game outright by essentially exposing a secret alliance?

Why would they leak what might be one of the best kept secret alliances in BB history to another HG????????? This just infuriates me. Its one thing to talk to a HG about the pros and cons of using a veto, voting for or against a HG etc but to flat out ruin an alliance that has been a very well kept secret just to stir the pot in this trainwreck of a season is BS! How often have we seen an alliance be so well hidden? Leave it to production to mess up their game and their bid for 500K out of sheer boredom. I dont think I have ever said this in all my years of watching BB, but is this season over yet?
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 10:47 am

Lorraine I have to totally agree with you. We have seen secret alliances done before in big brother, but they have been caught very early (Mrs. Robinson Alliance and Mr. And Mrs. Smith Alliance). The only alliance I know that was kept secret for the entire season was Danielle and Jason in season 3. As a viewer we like this and some even like it to crumble but not by this measure. Allison Grodner you already fucked up this season by casting a herd of schlums (not saying all are mostly brendan rachel and kathy) that has been used in place of counting sheep. Don't FUCK with these hg games as well. I know big brother is not a fair game, but putting your dirty fingers into it is wrong.
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 12:07 pm

I agree too Lorraine. I cannot believe that they outed the brigade in the DR. I also can't believe that Rachel and Ragan don't believe them that is how good they are with the side alliances lol. I am curious how they worded it in the DR to both of them. Did they just say do you think there is an alliance of all guys or did they say there was one?? Would you ladies be able to ask that question if on them are to get evicted??
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 12:15 pm

probably not Sammy. They steer clear of production questions but I would surely love to ask Ragan what they said to him. Its hard to believe we are a month into the season and I am bored out of my mind with it. I am thinking that could change with whoever is HOH this Thursday. BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 270651
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Mechanical Bliss
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 12:41 pm

This is disappointing, and like sammy said, this is a big question I'd love to see Ragan get asked. Being a fellow fan himself and after the game's over knowing that the DR was right, he'd probably at least drop some big hints. If it's a post eviction interview, I doubt they'd allow it, but if a little while passed and he, say, voluntarily called into the show, at least the question can't be stopped even if he won't answer it.

It's one thing if the DR said, "do you think there are any other alliances?" but it's another if they said something like "do you think the rest of the boys are in an alliance?" That's a little too leading. It also depends on how much they pressed the issue, and it sounds like more than once.

Someone else needs to run this show. Someone who can construct a cast competently, someone who doesn't come up with idiotic twists that blow up in the first week anyway, and someone who doesn't manipulate the game through the DR in a way that certainly seems to cross the line, even if by a nanometer (because obviously asking/telling outright about Hayden/Lane/Enzo/Matt being in an alliance should be considered overt interference).
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 12:52 pm

I did find it strange that in the morning Ragan (while speaking with Kristen), had a thought in his head that Hayden, Enzo, and Lane were together based on his observations. Then later on in the day he changed his mind. BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 885458 It's really sad watching Kristen working so hard to stay in this game by talking to everyone, while it is so obvious that the only HG that will vote for her to stay is Kathy. I think Ragan is now going to vote with the majority even if it is not in his best interest to do so. BRING ANDREW BACK to throw out more bombshells or granades!BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 876508

Last edited by nicolefan75 on Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 12:53 pm

Couldnt agree more MB. I'm just not sure where they went wrong over the years. A lot of people blame it on Alison Grodner. I do have to admit that the casts, with the exception of a few bright spots, have been mostly horrible. There is no imagination with the challenges anymore. Just reruns of the same old challenges with a new name or gimmick. Now the complete failure of the sab. I know that really isnt their fault but WHY would they choose to have America vote for a 2 week sab over voting to bring someone BACK into the game???? The drama of bringing someone back into the game is something that makes me sit up and pay attention to. Makes no sense at all. Does anyone even care at this point in what a 2 week sab will do? I hope it blows up in their face yet again when the person who is voted for this task turns them down. At this point in the game, why risk it?
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 12:58 pm

Lorraine wrote:
Couldnt agree more MB. I'm just not sure where they went wrong over the years. A lot of people blame it on Alison Grodner. I do have to admit that the casts, with the exception of a few bright spots, have been mostly horrible. There is no imagination with the challenges anymore. Just reruns of the same old challenges with a new name or gimmick. Now the complete failure of the sab. I know that really isnt their fault but WHY would they choose to have America vote for a 2 week sab over voting to bring someone BACK into the game???? The drama of bringing someone back into the game is something that makes me sit up and pay attention to. Makes no sense at all. Does anyone even care at this point in what a 2 week sab will do? I hope it blows up in their face yet again when the person who is voted for this task turns them down. At this point in the game, why risk it?

I don't think any of the BB fans care about the return of this twist Lorraine. It seems with the lack of fights and fear of confrontation from more than half of this group that the person who gets picked as the new saboteur is going to turn down the challenge. Although it would be fun if the saboteur would steal some balls from the pool table so we would not have to watch Big Brother Billiards on the feeds or afterdark! BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 143808
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 1:21 pm

Just a thought but is it possible that they didnt bring a HG back because Julie made a mistake by telling Andrew about Matts wife. Just the timing of the whole think is weird to me. Julie tells Andrew and shortly after they were released. Any thoughts?
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 1:23 pm

nicolefan75 wrote:
Lorraine wrote:
Couldnt agree more MB. I'm just not sure where they went wrong over the years. A lot of people blame it on Alison Grodner. I do have to admit that the casts, with the exception of a few bright spots, have been mostly horrible. There is no imagination with the challenges anymore. Just reruns of the same old challenges with a new name or gimmick. Now the complete failure of the sab. I know that really isnt their fault but WHY would they choose to have America vote for a 2 week sab over voting to bring someone BACK into the game???? The drama of bringing someone back into the game is something that makes me sit up and pay attention to. Makes no sense at all. Does anyone even care at this point in what a 2 week sab will do? I hope it blows up in their face yet again when the person who is voted for this task turns them down. At this point in the game, why risk it?

I don't think any of the BB fans care about the return of this twist Lorraine. It seems with the lack of fights and fear of confrontation from more than half of this group that the person who gets picked as the new saboteur is going to turn down the challenge. Although it would be fun if the saboteur would steal some balls from the pool table so we would not have to watch Big Brother Billiards on the feeds or afterdark! BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 143808

now thats a plan I can go along with!
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 1:27 pm

bostongirl wrote:
Just a thought but is it possible that they didnt bring a HG back because Julie made a mistake by telling Andrew about Matts wife. Just the timing of the whole think is weird to me. Julie tells Andrew and shortly after they were released. Any thoughts?

Its an interesting theory BG. I know a lot of people were disappointed when she did this because we were hoping for a return hg knowing that they had gone to sequester. The only thing is, didnt Julie talk about voting for the 2 week sab BEFORE Andrew was evicted?? I think that CBS didnt know what they were going to do so they stuck them in sequester until they figured out their next move. Too bad its another failure though.
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Mechanical Bliss
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 1:30 pm

Exactly, Lorraine. I'm not sure I've REALLY enjoyed a season since BB6, and even then they really started to cast sleazy, bottom-of-the-barrel types. BB7 was only fun to see past faves play again (except the ones I thought weren't really all stars in the first place), but the game itself seemed sort of bland. BB8 had some good stuff, but after that, I've disliked most of the casts and most of the seasons. Somehow the magic has been lost since then.

Even the competitions since BB6 have been recycled. I guess we first saw the Morphomatic-thingy in BB5(?), but it's been a lot of the same since then with little effort otherwise, with few exceptions like the teacups in BB8 (blatantly redone as hot chocolate later grrr). But BB6 was still inventive with the Pressure Cooker (all time fave of mine). Nowadays the comps have become so predictable that the HGs spend endless amounts of time trying to predict them, sometimes successfully, like this week's Knockout/Eliminator was predicted. If the show is that predictable there's a problem. If they can't predict, they won't talk about it and have more opportunities to actually talk game strategy or drama.

I totally agree about reverse eviction vs. two week saboteur. It's dumb to accept it. I wanted Kathy to have it because it would give her something to do (if she accepted) and she'd probably screw it up anyway, and if it screws up her game, who cares? It's probably more of the same dumb tasks too, not real sabotage. It sounds like there are obstacles to the twist happening too, like not only does Pandora's Box have to be opened, but the chosen saboteur has to accept it. It's just set up to fail.

But a reverse eviction is major! Sure, they've done it before, but not often and it really is usually very exciting. This season I wanted them to make it America's Choice like BB6, but not tell the HGs in advance because at least that would still be a new way of doing it. The HG could walk in through the DR right after the eviction or even in the front door without ringing the doorbell or Julie saying anything. Or they could just be outside waiting for the HoH comp to start. The rest of them would be FLOORED.

Now I'm rambling again, but nobody in my real life understands this BB addiction like you guys do...even if show quality seemed to go wrong somewhere along the way and I have to force myself to watch feeds this year, I'm still addicted and rambling.
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 2:17 pm

Bliss, it is funny to hear us all talk about it, because it's rather sad when the fans, if given the chance could produce a better show than they actually do. And we continue to watch because the basic concept of the show is what we're really fans of. Just the same it's still insulting that they don't give it the ol' college try and attempt to switch it up and surprise us every once in awhile.

It's such a mind fuck that they do that we were all getting excited thinking someone was going to be brought back only to be let down with the mere words of pandora's box and saboteur....ugh! lol

oh and btw... I loved the pressure cooker too.
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 2:30 pm

lol, join the club MB.

I just wonder why they dont have someone from CBS just scout the message boards and see what the fans are saying. BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 618676
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Mechanical Bliss
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 2:49 pm

The worst (and simultaneously the best) part about it is that from what I've read, BB12 is getting the strongest viewership/ratings they've had in years. Producers probably think that means they must be doing something right and have a winning formula. Sure, that might mean more seasons, but being formulaic is part of the problem. Yeah, it's the basic concept that won us over, but at least be creative!

That probably means what fans like doesn't matter, so they don't bother scouring boards (but they should). They're a success after all. We little people don't matter even though we pay for the feeds and are the base for their viewership in the first place. And there are good ideas that float around on fan boards that should blow away even the casual fans.

It's probably why AG thinks we love Brendon and Rachel--she's out of touch. Some people were even speculating that they were only holding people in sequester just in case one of B/R got voted out early and they could put them back in so they'd be together again. At this point I wouldn't put it passed them. But in reality, they probably were just clueless and were scrambling desperately. In order to rig the game effectively, they have to actually be creative and smart.
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 3:13 pm

Normally I would bust the complaining chops, but I agree with all of you. Enzo, Brit and Ragan at least give some entertainment, but this season is such a waste so far. And with all that we are still watching....just sayin'.
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 3:50 pm

Normally I would bust the complaining chops, but I agree with all of you. Enzo, Brit and Ragan at least give some entertainment, but this season is such a waste so far. And with all that we are still watching....just sayin'.

Yeah, SMOOCHES, but it is like watching a train wreck, or rubber necking on a highway to see a crash of a major accident. I know you don't like Britney, but I would love to see her win HOH this week. She has been talking about making a bold move in this game and I think she has the guts to put up Brenchel more than anyone else in there. BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 11816
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 3:50 pm

Lorraine wrote:
Lorraine wrote:
So Lorraine, how's our Yankees doing? smoking

BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 828935 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 46541 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 29046 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 542745 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 930752 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 156303

Uh does that mean they aren't doing so well? ROTFLMBAO

what was your first clue? BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 394285

laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing

On the bright side Smooches...Arod hit his 600th today...FINALLY!!! and the Yanks are currently beating the Blue Jays! 5-1
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 6:19 pm

nicolefan75 wrote:
Normally I would bust the complaining chops, but I agree with all of you. Enzo, Brit and Ragan at least give some entertainment, but this season is such a waste so far. And with all that we are still watching....just sayin'.

Yeah, SMOOCHES, but it is like watching a train wreck, or rubber necking on a highway to see a crash of a major accident. I know you don't like Britney, but I would love to see her win HOH this week. She has been talking about making a bold move in this game and I think she has the guts to put up Brenchel more than anyone else in there. BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 11816

Oh I agree nicole that this season is so pathetic. Actually when Brit was talking to Kristen prior to the veto meeting she admitted all the things I disliked about her and now I am cool with her. If that make sense. EVERYONE says they are going to make a bold move and I think Kristen would have been the only one. They have to prove it to me now. And people are still talking about throwing the HOH, I mean shit play the damn game. But we will see tomorrow!
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 6:19 pm

Lorraine wrote:
Lorraine wrote:
Lorraine wrote:
So Lorraine, how's our Yankees doing? smoking

BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 828935 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 46541 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 29046 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 542745 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 930752 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 156303

Uh does that mean they aren't doing so well? ROTFLMBAO

what was your first clue? BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 394285

laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing

On the bright side Smooches...Arod hit his 600th today...FINALLY!!! and the Yanks are currently beating the Blue Jays! 5-1
BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 MSN-Emoticon-baseball-055

cheerleader cheerleader cheerleader cheerleader How's Andy doing?
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 9:17 pm

Did anyone catch tonight's episode when they were announcing America's Vote that the HOH has to decide to open Pandora's Box in order for the saboteur to come into play? I really can't see this twist happening. BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 455519
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 9:26 pm

Lorraine wrote:
Lorraine wrote:
Lorraine wrote:
So Lorraine, how's our Yankees doing? smoking

BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 828935 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 46541 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 29046 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 542745 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 930752 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 156303

Uh does that mean they aren't doing so well? ROTFLMBAO

what was your first clue? BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 394285

laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing

On the bright side Smooches...Arod hit his 600th today...FINALLY!!! and the Yanks are currently beating the Blue Jays! 5-1
BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 MSN-Emoticon-baseball-055

cheerleader cheerleader cheerleader cheerleader How's Andy doing?

he pulled a groin muscle a few weeks ago but should be back soon! I swear, I wasnt anywhere near his groin so don't blame me! BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 11816
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 9:29 pm

nicolefan75 wrote:
Did anyone catch tonight's episode when they were announcing America's Vote that the HOH has to decide to open Pandora's Box in order for the saboteur to come into play? I really can't see this twist happening. BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 455519

I wish they just would have scrapped this idea. They could have done something better with Pandora's box I would think. BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 7124
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BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB12: Week 4 Discussion    BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 11:36 pm

Lorraine wrote:
Lorraine wrote:
Lorraine wrote:
Lorraine wrote:
So Lorraine, how's our Yankees doing? smoking

BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 828935 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 46541 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 29046 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 542745 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 930752 BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 156303

Uh does that mean they aren't doing so well? ROTFLMBAO

what was your first clue? BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 394285

laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing

On the bright side Smooches...Arod hit his 600th today...FINALLY!!! and the Yanks are currently beating the Blue Jays! 5-1
BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 MSN-Emoticon-baseball-055

cheerleader cheerleader cheerleader cheerleader How's Andy doing?

he pulled a groin muscle a few weeks ago but should be back soon! I swear, I wasnt anywhere near his groin so don't blame me! BB12: Week 4 Discussion  - Page 5 11816

lmaosmiley Shhhh don't say anything he came here for an hour and I put it on him! boobie shake
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