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 The Challenge: Fresh Meat II

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BB Lover
BB Lover

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The Challenge: Fresh Meat II - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Challenge: Fresh Meat II   The Challenge: Fresh Meat II - Page 2 EmptyThu Jun 10, 2010 10:04 pm

Lorraine wrote:
This thread has sort of been on the back burner but I know plenty of us are watching this challenge. Who else besides myself loved Ev losing Exile, acting like a little bitch, blaming the whole thing on Luke when clearly it was her fault and then TJ calling her out??? LOVED IT!!!!! The Challenge: Fresh Meat II - Page 2 301583

Loved it. Loved that her and Wes got NO money. Anyone that would trust them for an alliance again is an idiot.

Wished Kenny had won but Landon is a good guy. I thought Laurel was unnecessarily catty but I guess they needed something for the show. I didnt watch the whole reunion yet so I didnt see all the nitty gritty.
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The Challenge: Fresh Meat II - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Challenge: Fresh Meat II   The Challenge: Fresh Meat II - Page 2 EmptyFri Jun 11, 2010 1:46 pm

MissChriss wrote:
Lorraine wrote:
This thread has sort of been on the back burner but I know plenty of us are watching this challenge. Who else besides myself loved Ev losing Exile, acting like a little bitch, blaming the whole thing on Luke when clearly it was her fault and then TJ calling her out??? LOVED IT!!!!! The Challenge: Fresh Meat II - Page 2 301583

Loved it. Loved that her and Wes got NO money. Anyone that would trust them for an alliance again is an idiot.

Wished Kenny had won but Landon is a good guy. I thought Laurel was unnecessarily catty but I guess they needed something for the show. I didnt watch the whole reunion yet so I didnt see all the nitty gritty.

I agree MC, I was fine with Landon winning. I thought Kenny dominated the whole season but he won a ton of prizes plus the 60 grand so he had a good game. Here is what I didn't like about the final exile. It was giving one team a 2 minute head start, next got a minute etc etc. WHY? Why not just run the race ? If you notice, thats exactly how they 4 teams finished. Landon got the 2 minute head start (and needed it for sure) and won, Kenny got the 1 minute and finished 2nd and so on. To me that was just too much time to give up. Jen and Noor had to wait a full 3 1/2 minutes before they could continue on and there was no way they could overcome that. Too bad because I thought Noor was a good competitor. Oh well, not a bad season and lets be honest, wasn't it awesome without Evan and Johnny bananas?
Let me know when watch the reunion, Ev was still so bitter...... laughing The Challenge: Fresh Meat II - Page 2 143808
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The Challenge: Fresh Meat II - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Challenge: Fresh Meat II   The Challenge: Fresh Meat II - Page 2 EmptyMon Jun 14, 2010 10:20 am

Evelyn seems to complain just to hear herself. She perhaps may have a legitimiate point but it gets lost in translation as she tends to go overboard.... and then its like who cares just STFU.

Laurel was a sore loser wasn't she? So what if Carley couldn't make it over a wall she still won... it was a 2 team comp the entire game so what was Laurel's point? Who is to say how far she would have made it if it weren't for Kenny. I think Carley deserved the win just as much as many times I've seen good guy players get screwed because they were paired with a girl who couldn't hack it, Carley crossed the finish line fair and square, Laurel's attempt at trying to make Carely look bad only backfired in my opinion.

"Mr Beautiful" and Wes need to grow up.... they both sounded so stupid at the reuinion show and Kenny really needs to come back down to earth. He thinks way too highly of himself.

And I'm glad Landon won, he deserved it out of any of them.
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