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The Challenge: The Pit Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALThe Challenge: The Pit Bb12_l13
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 The Challenge: The Pit

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BB Lover
BB Lover

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The Challenge: The Pit Empty
PostSubject: The Challenge: The Pit   The Challenge: The Pit EmptyFri May 22, 2009 4:53 am

Yours truly has struck some gold in finding out where the next challenge is after the duel...

Real World Road Rules Challenge 18 is The Pit

Posted on May 11, 2009 by Michael Martin

The Challenge: The Pit Mtv-the-pit

The cast left 2 weeks ago on Monday April 27th to Thailand to film the 18th season of the Real World Road Rules Challenge called The Pit.

This is scheduled to wrap on June 7th and most likely air on MTV in the Fall of 2009 along with The Real World Cancun.

Cast members notified me of their departure quite a while ago but after 2 weeks I felt I can disclose it especially since Vevmo has already posted online the same cast members that I knew were leaving.

They include:

* Chet Cannon - Real World Brooklyn

* Sarah Rice - Real World Brooklyn

* Brianna Taylor - Real World Hollywood

* Kimberly Alexander - Real World Hollywood

* Nick Brown - Real World Hollywood

* Cohutta Grindstaff - Real World Sydney

* Dunbar Flinn - Real World Sydney

* Kelly Anne Judd - Real World Sydney

* Shauvon Torres - Real World Sydney

* Danny Jamieson - Real World Austin

* Johanna Botta - Real World Austin

* Wes Bergmann - Real World Austin----My predetermined winner

* Johnny Devenanzio - Real World Key West

* Brad Fiorenza - Real World San Diego

* Adam King - Real World Paris

* Tonya Cooley - Real World Chicago

* Syrus Yarbrough - Real World Boston

* Derrick Kosinski - Road Rules X-Treme

* Ibis Nieves - Road Rules X-Treme

* Darrell Taylor - Road Rules Campus Crawl

* Katie Doyle - Road Rules The Quest

* Veronica Portillo - Road Rules Semester at Sea

* Susie Meister - Road Rules Down Under

* Casey Cooper - Fresh Meat

* Diem Brown - Fresh Meat

* Evan Starkman - Fresh Meat

* Evelyn Smith - Fresh Meat

* Kenny Santucci - Fresh Meat
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The Challenge: The Pit Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Challenge: The Pit   The Challenge: The Pit EmptyFri May 22, 2009 12:37 pm

a few thoughts: I see Brad is back for another challenge but Tori is not...hmmmmm Thats fine with me...LOVE Brad, he is one of my all time favorites and hot to boot! dancing banana
Adam is back but not CT and thats a good thing...that guy (CT) needs help.
Veronica and Katie on the same challenge, there is history between them right? We need some fireworks!!!
Tonya back for another one, she's an emotional disaster which is good viewing for us devilish banana
Johnny Bananas is back puke Paula is it too much to ask that both of them stay home?
Ok this quartet should be ALOT of fun: Cohutta, Kelly Ann, Johanna and Wes. Here is what we know...Cohutta and Kelly Anne were an item on their season. Johanna and Wes were an item on their season and were even going to be married before they finally split. On the last challenge Kelly Ann and Johanna DID NOT get along. At the reunion show it came out that Kelly Ann was dating WES!!! Rumor is she did it for spite (I mean lets face it, Wes is NOT eye so let the games begin, hope it gets, well for everyone but him!
I am soooooooooooooooo over Evan and Diem, tired of seeing them on challenges!!!
Last but not least....KENNY IS BACK!! Love Kenny, love when he is on a challenge, he's hilarious and is easy on the eyes. Oh also, he and Johanna have a history as well...they hooked up on the last challenge. This season has potential!! cool
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BB Lover
BB Lover

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The Challenge: The Pit Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Challenge: The Pit   The Challenge: The Pit EmptyFri May 22, 2009 5:31 pm

This is the list of people I want gone and the individuals to replace them...

Go Home/Bring in

Sarah( Real World Brooklyn)/Baya (Same season)----Baya deserves more tv time after not getting any in brooklyn and she is actually more athletic.

Dunbar( RW AUS)/ Scott (RW BK)---Im sick and tired of Dunbar he is so uneducated and conceited, bring it MR East Coast ABS Scott who is more physical and articulate.

Cohutta( RW AU)/ Issac (RW AU)--- you have to admit Isaac ould make a good tandem with Chet in the House.
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The Challenge: The Pit Empty
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