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 Celebrity Apprentice 3

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PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3   Celebrity Apprentice 3 - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 27, 2010 4:19 pm

Erika wrote:
I know I keep checking some sites for further info on Bret's prognosis and nothing. I can't help but wonder why they haven't disclosed at least what hospital he is being treated at. And the more time that goes on without the public getting any news is not a good sign imo. Hopefully I'm wrong but I just feel sad about this.

I would assume because of rabid fans of his showing up at the hospital. Seems the most logical but who knows.
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PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3   Celebrity Apprentice 3 - Page 2 EmptyWed Apr 28, 2010 12:56 pm

some spoiler info on CA3 and how Bret Michaels illness MIGHT play a role in the finale.

Bret Michaels’ health may affect 'The Celebrity Apprentice’ finale

The 2-part season finale of The Celebrity Apprentice is set to air on May 16th and May 23rd. However, if Bret Michaels is one of the final two competitors, The Celebrity Apprentice may have to do some last minute shuffling because the second half of the finale is a live 2-hour event. The challenges were filmed prior to Michaels’ health crisis, but the winner will be named during the final 2-hour live broadcast on May 23rd. Donald Trump has said that Bret Michaels did very well on The Celebrity Apprentice, and even referred to the rocker as a “champion.” If Michaels is indeed the next Celebrity Apprentice, it's very likely that he will be unable to attend the live event where the champion is crowned and presented with the $250,000 check for his or her chosen charity. It would be touching if Michaels does win and earns a quarter million dollars for the American Diabetes Association, the non-profit organization working to eliminate the very disease that may be the likely cause of his current health crisis. If Michaels is the winner, but cannot attend the season finale, NBC will still air the live broadcast but someone from his family will probably accept the check on his behalf. It's simply a wait and see situation at this point.
In the meantime, NBC has announced its plans for the season finale of The Celebrity Apprentice. It will be a two-part deal; with part one airing on Sunday, May 16th. Part two will be a live event from the Skirball Center in New York City. Both parts one and two of The Celebrity Apprentice season finale will air from 9-11 p.m. ET on NBC.
According to a recent press release from NBC, here are the details of The Celebrity Apprentice season finale, part one:

The final two celebrities must create a new Snapple Tea and its marketing campaign for a presentation at a special launch event. Former Apprentice winners Joan Rivers and Bill Rancic guest star. Immediately following the last task, Trump summons the teams back into the boardroom and one celebrity’s rude comment leads to a quick firing. Next, the remaining celebrities undergo grueling interviews with the first ‘Apprentice,’ Bill Rancic, and the most recent ‘Celebrity Apprentice,’ Joan Rivers. Bill and Joan advise Mr. Trump on who should be fired and two more celebrities are sent home. The following morning, Mr. Trump reveals the last task to the finalists, which is to create a new flavor of Snapple tea, name the tea, and design its label. In addition, they must shoot a 30-second TV commercial and create a 3-page print ad promoting their new tea - all of which will be presented at a launch event attended by Snapple employees and fans. The finalists each receive celebrity helpers and head into negotiations for ingredients when they quickly discover that both of them want the same ingredient. A strategic move wins the favorite flavor for one, but as they prepare to shoot their commercials, one finalist discovers that a key piece of equipment is missing, which may jeopardize the entire task. Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. guest star.
According to the same press release, here are the details for the 2-hour live Celebrity Apprentice season finale, part two:

“Live from the Skirball Center in New York City, Mr. Trump will decide this season’s winner of ‘The Celebrity Apprentice’ after first revealing who did the best job on the last task. In the final moments of this task, one of the finalists scrambles to finish in time, while the other is forced to soldier on alone after being left in the lurch when a helper suddenly leaves. At the launch for the new Snapple teas, one finalist delivers a more polished performance, while the other seems to have the edge with the crowd. In the end, Mr. Trump makes his final decision, live, and determines who will become the next ‘Celebrity Apprentice.’ The entire celebrity cast returns to join Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr. and George Ross for the live finale.”
Things may have to change because of Bret Michael’s current health crisis and hospitalization. Donald Trump recently said that the show has never faced this kind of situation. In the meantime, Bret's friends from The Celebrity Apprentice, including Donald Trump Jr., Darryl Strawberry and Sharon Osbourne spoke to CNN’s Larry King about their relationships with Bret Michaels.
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PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3   Celebrity Apprentice 3 - Page 2 EmptyWed Apr 28, 2010 1:10 pm

The finale show should be scrapped from it's traditional format and be replaced with a telethon of some sort raising money for diabetes in Bret's honor. Whether he is out of the woods or not I think would probably be best to do something like this... does anyone really care how the season ends at this point.
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PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3   Celebrity Apprentice 3 - Page 2 EmptySun May 02, 2010 11:28 pm

Summer Sanders = sickening. I could not stand her being condescending to Cindy for one more episode. Glad she's gone.
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PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3   Celebrity Apprentice 3 - Page 2 EmptyMon May 03, 2010 10:29 am

Ditto, for a second, I thought he was going to fire Curtis and believe me....I would have been done with the show. She was clearly the right one to be fired. Whats up with the Curtis hate from Sharon and Maria??? Sharon should talk about anyone being cocky. That woman thinks she can walk on water...time for a reality check Sharon.
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PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3   Celebrity Apprentice 3 - Page 2 EmptyMon May 03, 2010 11:24 am

Yeah no idea why Sharon and Maria don't like Curtis. Maybe because he's a gentleman? I think he's took unwarnted knocks from them and handled himself with class. I do think Curtis should have stuck up for himself a little more in the boardroom because I did think Trump was going to fire him over sickening Summer.
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PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3   Celebrity Apprentice 3 - Page 2 EmptyMon May 03, 2010 12:22 pm

I thought it was a nice touch but it was so quick with just a few words said by The Donald.

'Celebrity Apprentice' dedicates show to Bret Michaels

Posted: 08:30 AM ET

It’s only fitting that Bret Michaels’ team won this week’s challenge to produce three radio commercials for a home-services company. The “Celebrity Apprentice” episode was taped awhile ago, but you can’t watch the show without wishing him well as he recovers from his brain hemorrhage. This is the second week NBC aired a “get well” announcement at the end of the show. This week, the network announced the show was dedicated to him.

In this week’s episode, Michaels was RockSolid’s project manager, and his teammates Sharon Osbourne and Maria Kanellis tried to tell him that the stiff, humorless, corporate executives wouldn’t like the jingle that said plumbers “crack” a lot of jokes. He insisted he would accept the blame if the team lost for it. It was a risk, but the team won for its overall originality. I like how this team works collaboratively. You also know when they get into the boardroom, they will accept blame for whatever goes wrong.

At first I thought Curtis Stone should’ve been the one fired because he really didn’t do anything this challenge. He proved he couldn’t sing or write a jingle, but he is a chef. They told him they were going to tweak a few lines, so he still probably thinks he did a good job.

But an incident involving Cyndi Lauper changed my mind. Tenacity’s project manager Summer Sanders couldn’t decide whether to use Cyndi Lauper’s voice on a jingle, after Lauper told her she had recovered from her laryngitis. I wanted Summer Sanders fired immediately. No need for boardroom drama. In the end, she decided Lauper should sing on the jingle, but why does a swimmer have to wonder if she can trust the voice of a professional singer?

Donald Trump played games in the boardroom. First, he asked Sanders to determine which person was the best on the team. Holly haters, she chose your girl. Yes, Holly Robinson Peete is safe another week.
When Sanders returned to the firing squad with Lauper and Stone in tow, he announced that he would not fire Lauper either. The executives had loved hearing Lauper sing on that one jingle.

Trump threatened to fire two people at the beginning of the show, so I hoped he would make good on that with Sanders and Stone. No such luck. Only Sanders left this week.
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PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3   Celebrity Apprentice 3 - Page 2 EmptyMon May 10, 2010 11:28 am

I'm so confused by last nights episode, shocker. I knew that Hollys team was going to lose. Sharon pretty much read my mind when she said that a corporate apt should not be decorated in Balinese. So rightlfully, Hollys team lost. The judges said the apt looked "cheap"...I agree. So the only room they liked was Cyndi's rocker room. Ok so Holly told her to paint it red...big deal. Cyndi decorated it and its the only room they liked. The whole Balinese theme was Hollys idea, she was project manager, the judges hated it yet Cyndi was fired. I don't really have a huge problem with Cyndi being fired but Holly was PM and her theme sucked. It just makes me believe that Trump has in his mind who he wants at the end and no matter what, he will make sure that they get there.
I'm glad that this show is almost over.
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PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3   Celebrity Apprentice 3 - Page 2 EmptyMon May 10, 2010 11:40 am

Cyndi should have been fired. Cyndi was too afraid to step up to the plate and be project manager because she "didn't have any interior decorating" experience well nobody else did either. I think Holly did the best she could with what she knew how. Had Cyndi actually stepped up to the plate and was the PM they might not have lost based off the judges liking what she did with the celeb room. Cyndi would have pulled the same thing next week, with an excuse of not wanting to be PM. Seems to be a trend with her, just like her giving excuses of not knowning rich people ... it was her time to go.
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PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3   Celebrity Apprentice 3 - Page 2 EmptyMon May 10, 2010 11:42 am

Bottom line, the Balinese idea was Hollys and ultimately is why they lost. It was a very stupid idea and a stupid theme for a corporate apt. Add that to the fact she was PM...its clear she should have gone home.
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PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3   Celebrity Apprentice 3 - Page 2 EmptyMon May 10, 2010 11:48 am

Blame it on the seafoam...ugh, it's the ugliest color ever! puke
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PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3   Celebrity Apprentice 3 - Page 2 EmptyMon May 10, 2010 11:54 am

That was pretty bad. Also, did they even do anything to the kitchen?? Curtis kicked ass on the kitchen in their apt and I didnt see anything different in Hollys kitchen.
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PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3   Celebrity Apprentice 3 - Page 2 EmptyTue May 18, 2010 11:21 am

Plus, Bret will be on Oprah tomorrow (Wednesday)
Totally rooting for Bret to win CA!!! For once I think Trump chose the right final 2. I was really worried he was going to pick Sharon and Holly. And WTF is wrong with Maria saying that crazy "shit" (no pun intended) about Curtis. I am so glad Trump called her out and fired her ass.

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Bret Michaels Plans to Attend Celebrity Apprentice Finale

By Eunice Oh

Friday May 14, 2010 07:45 PM EDT
Celebrity Apprentice 3 - Page 2 Bret-michaels-4-240

Bret Michaels

Bret Michaels's road to recovery includes more than just returning to the stage.

He's sitting down to talk with Oprah Winfrey and hoping to attend the live Celebrity Apprentice finale on May 23, his rep said Friday.

"We really hope that Bret is well and able to join us at the finale," says Apprentice host Donald Trump. "I have much respect as he is a fighter and strong competitor."

Michaels, 47, who has been undergoing physical therapy twice a day since suffering a subarachnoid hemorrhage April 21, has been a strong contender in the competition.

But before the finale, Michaels plans to make his first TV appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show in an episode set to air Wednesday.

He's also getting back to performing May 28 at the Hard Rock in Biloxi, Miss., and then kicking off a tour with Lynyrd Skynyrd on June 10 in Florida.
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PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3   Celebrity Apprentice 3 - Page 2 EmptyMon May 24, 2010 9:55 am

YAY Bret! Not for winning Celebrity Apprentice but for getting back into the game... it was so good to see him after all that he has been through. He looked GREAT considering all that he has gone through!

OMG ... how touching was it with his daughter when she came in running towards him? Precious! Also showing his parents sitting in the crowd and his dad with a bandana on? that's great! It's been really good to see another side of Bret other than those awful trashy whores from Rock of Love ... Bret is a true winner, much success to him!

I also really liked Bret and Holly's friendship, even if he didn't have all these health problems I think it wouldn't have mattered who won CA they would have been happy for each of their charities, and besides they're both winners since both their charities got a huge donations and I like them both.

And as for Maria and her issue with Curtis? lol really? I had to laugh that Trump used the excuse and firing her for being "gross" ... we all knew she was going to be fired anyway.
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PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3   Celebrity Apprentice 3 - Page 2 EmptyMon May 24, 2010 11:09 am

a few thoughts on the CA finale. I was really glad when Ivanka said that Bret wasn't necessarily the "heart" choice as everyone was saying. He worked very very hard at tasks and is extremely creative. He deserved it just as much as Holly and maybe even moreso as he didn't offend anyone while doing it.
Cyndi has still got it!
Where was Sharon? Was she even mentioned?
Why did we even have to revisit the Curtis/Maria toilet story? Once was way way more than enough.
I am very happy for Bret and his victory and hope he is well on his way to recovery. I NEVER thought I would like Bret Michaels this much! Celebrity Apprentice 3 - Page 2 448189
BTW, Bret is from my area. His dad still lives just a few miles from where I live. I may have to hit him up! LOL
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PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3   Celebrity Apprentice 3 - Page 2 EmptyMon May 24, 2010 11:20 am

I was surprised Sharon wasn't even mentioned.

Poor Curtis, lol

I agree Bret always gave all of himself and went balls to the wall, at the risk of losing each week to give what he thought was the best and at times pushing the envelope and not playing it safe and did deserve to win. His humbleness, and self depricating personality is very endearing. Nobody has a bad thing to say about him. Says a lot about him. Excellent finale.
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