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PostSubject: Apprentice    Apprentice  EmptyFri Oct 29, 2010 12:04 pm

Masha threatens Donald Trump for calling her a liar: “you knew I was telling the truth”

Mahsa Saeidi-Azcuy is fighting back online after being fired from The Apprentice on last night’s episode. She posted a video to YouTube addressing Donald Trump directly and suggesting that he has privately acknowledged to her that she was unfairly accused of lying. Mash ends by asking for him to clear her name and adds, “if you don’t, sir, I’m going after [the other candidates] next, armed with the truth and some really strong evidence. And I promise you, Mr. Trump, I will clear my name.”
Masha, who quit her real-life job last month after being demoted because of her newfound fame, was fired ultimately because Trump said she was disloyal to her team by revealing the amount of money they earned on last week’s task to a member of the men’s team, Clint. He came back into the boardroom along with the rest of his team to challenge Masha’s assertion that he revealed the men’s total to her. (One interesting side note: This conversation took place in a hotel lobby, which confirms that the candidates no longer share a suite in Trump Tower; they’re housed at a hotel, like the celebrity candidates.)
In her video response, Masha tells Trump, “I wanted to thank you for the note you sent me but also tell you that it changes noting. I know that many people are intimidated by you because you’re a billionaire. They’re afraid to point out when you make a mistake; they’re scared to stand up against you. But a prosecutor who you knowingly and falsely branded as a liar has no such fear, sir. I don’t know why ever thought I was going to sit back quietly and allow my entire legal future to be placed in jeopardy when it is my duty as an attorney to address this and to clear my name.”
Later in the video, Masha insists “you knew I was telling the truth but yet still you allowed that fiasco to go down in the boardroom” and says Trump “personally protected the actual liars.” She adds that he was responsible for ongoing “humiliation” by asking the men to rate the attractiveness of the women, and suggests she has other embarrassing information, saying, “I was willing to keep this masked—this, and much, much more.”
Just watch; it’s pretty amazing: