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Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALCelebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Bb12_l13
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 Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!!

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Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Empty
PostSubject: Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!!   Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! EmptyWed May 13, 2009 1:21 am

Courtesy of one of my favorite sites

Celebrity Apprentice may have just ended, but we've come out with our dream cast of B, C and D-listers we'd love to see go head-to-head next season. We've even stuck to Trump's tried-and-true categories of casting, because we're aware that this show will never break out of the mold it has formed for itself. We've also given up the pretense of business acumen actually mattering on this popularity contest, so we've gone for people who will just entertain us with jokes and fights.

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 7179pre

Playmate/Penthouse Model
Dream Celeb:
Taya Parker
Previous Celebs in this category: Tiffany Fallon and Brande Roderick
Why Her: She's a not only a reality star vet (she "won" Rock of Love, if you consider dating a walking STD "winning") but she's also Penthouse Pet of the Year. Plus, there's absolutely no chemistry between her and Bret, so it is only a matter of time before he sends her packing. Which means this show could help her heal her fake broken heart, just like Dancing With the Stars has done for Melissa Rycroft.

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 7178pre

Famous For Judging
Dream Celeb:
Steven Cojocaru
Previous Celebs in this category: Piers Morgan and Melissa Rivers
Why Him: Trump loves people who judge others and don't do much else with their lives. He gave Melissa the gentlest ousting ever, and America's Got Talent judge Piers Morgan won this show. But we actually like Cojo, as opposed to Piers and Melissa, and his keen eye for snarking on fashion. Plus, he and the Donald can discuss their bizarre hairstyle choices.

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 7177pre

Country Music Star
Dream Celeb: Big Kenny (of Big and Rich)
Previous Celebs in this category: Clint Black and Trace Adkins
Why Him: First, he's got an awesome name and we'd love to hear Donald have to say, "Big Kenny, you're fired." Secondly, his singing partner John Rich (our original choice) seems to have a lot on his plate outside their act (including hosting another reality show) so Big Kenny's probably got a lot of downtime, which means he's available.

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 7176pre

Cute Random Female Athlete
Dream Celeb: Danica Patrick
Previous Celebs in this category: Jennie Finch and Natalie Gulbis
Why Her: It wouldn't be a season of The Apprentice if there wasn't a star from a more obscure sport. Sure Jennie was at the top of the softball field and Natalie's an LPGA pro, but that doesn't mean we'd ever heard of them. At least Danica Patrick we're familiar with, even though she's only famous for driving around in circles and looking sexy in GoDaddy commercials.

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 7175pre

Male Sports Star
Dream Celeb: Michael Vick
Previous Celebs in this category: Herschel Walker and Lennox Lewis
Why Him: There's got to be a football player or boxer to round out the mix, but Herschel and Lennox were a little low-key. We'd like to see an actual bad boy in this spot, and Michael Vick would be an unpredictable wild card, and it's not like he's working right now. He could even raise money for PETA or something. It's perfect, provide the show doesn't start filming before he gets out of jail.

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 7174pre

Nice Olympian
Dream Celeb: Brian Boitano
Previous Celebs in this category: Nadia Comaneci and Scott Hamilton
Why Him: Following in the grand tradition of gold-medal winning athletes who are way too nice to be on this show comes Brian Boitano. This figure skater seems not to take himself seriously (he even once performed to South Park's irreverent "What Would Brian Boitano Do?") and just generally seems like a good guy. He'll get eaten alive, but it will be fun to watch him try to handle some of the other names. Juggling self-important celebrities is so much harder than a triple axel.

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 7173pre

Wild and Crazy Dresser
Dream Celeb: Richard Simmons
Previous Celebs in this category: Gene Simmons and Dennis Rodman
Why Him: He's got his signature look, and that's a selling point in this competition. Gene wore makeup and lots of black leather for years and Rodman has made everything from a wedding dress to bright hair work for him. Richard and his sparkly little hot pants will have his team sweatin' to the oldies in no time. Plus, he's got to be fairly business-savvy in order to have stayed around and still be a known personality for so long.

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 7172pre

Famous For Something Strange
Dream Celeb: Kevin Martin
Previous Celebs in this category: Nely Galan and Annie Duke
Why Him: You may not know this, but in the curling world, Kevin Martin (not to be confused with the pro basketball player of the same name) is the bomb. He's one of the most successful curlers in the world and has even parlayed his skill in the sport into a side business selling equipment. Obscure, sure, but we're still not really sure what Nely does, and Annie's only famous if you're in the poker world. So Kevin could fit right in. Oh, and he could probably make a bundle signing basketballs for a charity auction, confusing people who might think it was the NBA star's autograph. It would be just like Kwame all over again!

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 7171pre

Dream Celeb: Paulina Porizkova
Previous Celebs in this category: Carol Alt and Claudia Jordan
Why Her: If Paulina can handle the enormous ego that is Tyra Banks, she can definitely handle Trump. She's clearly sick of Tyra's antics, and she's really funny, so it's about time that she jump the Top Model ship. And she'd be way more entertaining than a woman who opens briefcases for a living.

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 7170pre

Famous Funny Older Woman
Dream Celeb: Betty White
Previous Celebs in this category: Joan Rivers and Marilu Henner
Why Her: She looks sweet, but have you ever seen Lake Placid? That woman can swear like a sailor when the time comes. I'm sure she'd be much more creative than Joan and come up with nicknames for people that don't involve famous dictators. Plus, she's worked with everyone, so fundraising would be a snap.

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 7169pre

Tough-Yet-Sensitive Guy
Dream Celeb: Henry Rollins
Previous Celebs in this category: Tito Ortiz and Jesse James
Why Him: This former punk rocker looks like a total badass, but he's an activist and is a strong supporter of the troops, so he can't be all bad. We'd love to see this opinionated guy argue with anyone in the boardroom, he's got a way with words and could easily take most of these celebrities down.

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 7168pre

Reality Star
Dream Celeb: Coach Ben Wade
Previous Celebs in this category: Omarosa and Khloe Kardashian
Why Him: He'd probably never make it on this show because Trump wouldn't know who he was, but we think if Trump took the time to meet Coach (or as we affectionately refer to him around these parts, Douche) he'd realize that they are truly birds of a feather. Coach can embellish any story to the nth degree and dubbed himself "the dragon slayer." Though it is possible that Trump would be jealous of someone who can blatantly turn facts into fiction in even more grandiose ways than he's tried.

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 7167pre

Annoying C-Lister
Dream Celeb: Gary Busey
Previous Celebs in this category: Andrew Dice Clay and Stephen Baldwin
Why Him: There's always got to be one celebrity who's just there to push people's buttons, and for next season, we'd like that guy to be Gary Busey. His stints on Celebrity Rehab have shown that he's certainly unpredictable and would give his project manager a run for their money. Which is really all he'd need to do, since there is absolutely no chance in hell he'd ever be able to pull it together long enough to win a show like this.

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 7166pre

Male Singer
Dream Celeb: Nick Lachey
Previous Celebs in this category: Brian McKnight
Why Him: He's busy producing shows and pursuing a solo career and whatnot, but we'd like to see this former Newlywed return to the world of reality television. If he can deal with Jessica (and Joe!) Simpson, he can surely deal with the likes of these faux-lebrities.

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 7165pre

Female Singer
Dream Celeb: Jewel
Previous Celebs in this category: Tionne "T-Boz" Watkins
Why Her: She got injured before she could extend her 15 minutes of fame on Dancing With the Stars, so she's probably itching for another has-been show to revive her career on. Why not this one? And halfway through the season Trump could discover that she'd once been homeless and fire her out of the blue, because homeless people freak him out, or she could win because he'd find her story inspiring. Either way.

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 7164pre

Nutty, Funny Guy
Dream Celeb: Weird Al
Previous Celebs in this category: Vincent Pastore and Tom Green
Why Him: Vincent wasn't a comedian in the strict sense of the word, but he and Tom Green seemed game to have a little bit of fun with the tasks, which sort of came across as slacking. Weird Al might irritate his fellow players if he starts out with song parodies, but they'll surely want to keep him around for the inevitable jingle-writing competition. He'd have that one in the bag.

Any opinions on this list? How about additions or subtractions...I would love to Andy Dick ahead of Garry Busey and Kathy Griffin replace Betty White.
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Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!!   Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! EmptyWed May 13, 2009 1:36 am

Ok, I like this! Fantasy picks for CA3!!! Let me add my pick!! Good find PJ!

he bangs! Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 143808
Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Williampic_c
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Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!!   Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! EmptyWed May 13, 2009 4:54 pm

This is definetly someone I would love to see in the Show...Johnny Mac...try arguing against him in the board room!

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 200px-John_McEnroe_by_David_Shankbone

Some Great John McEnroe moments...

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Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!!   Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! EmptyFri May 15, 2009 4:10 pm

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Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!!   Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! EmptySat Dec 26, 2009 10:00 pm

DREAM cast(could be for any show really):

Sharon Osboure
Parvati Shallow
Megan Hauserman
Janice Dickinson
Chyna Doll
Maureen Mccormick
Beth(Real World LA & challenges)

Johnny Fairplay
Gary Busey
Flavor Flav
Will Kirby
Richard Simmons
Aaron Carter
Mario Cantone
Russel Hantz
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Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!!   Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! EmptyMon Dec 28, 2009 4:52 pm

For some reason I thought we already had the new cast listed but I guess not. Anyway, here is your cast for CA3!

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Bret-michaels-rock-of-loveThe Donald tried to keep it hush-hush, but The New York Post has revealed the cast of Donald Trump's next edition of the 'Celebrity Apprentice.' 'Rock of Love' star Bret Michaels, 'America's Got Talent' judge and Osbourne mama Sharon Osbourne, pop star Cyndi Lauper, former pro baseball star Darryl Strawberry and scandal-plagued former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich top the list.

Well, not so fast, Mr. Governor ...

Turns out that Blagojevich -- whose wife Patti already did a reality TV stint last summer with her appearance on NBC's 'I'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here!' -- may not be allowed to participate in the Trump competition, as a hearing is being held today in the ongoing Blagojevich corruption case, and federal prosecutors are expected to challenge his appearance on the show.

Rod Blagojevich had originally planned to participate in 'I'm a Celebrity,' but was blocked by a U.S. District judge, and wife Patti took his spot instead.

Here's the full cast for the third season of 'Celebrity Apprentice,' which is filming now in New York City and is scheduled to premiere on NBC next March after the Winter Olympics. (Update: Supermodel Selita Ebanks has also been spotted shooting with the rest of the cast, so we've added her to the list.)

Rod Blagojevich (maybe)
• Victoria's Secret model Selita Ebanks
• pro wrestler Bill Goldberg
• comedienne (and inspiration for the Elaine character on 'Seinfeld') Carol Leifer
• pro wrestler Maria Kanellis
Cyndi Lauper
Bret Michaels
Sharon Osbourne
'21 Jump Street' star Holly Robinson Peete
• gold medal-winning Olympic swimmer Summer Sanders
• comedian Sinbad
• Australian chef Curtis Stone
Darryl Strawberry

This is the best they could do??? TWO pro wrestlers? Sinbad, who I never liked when he was popular (why was he EVER popular)? Some chef??? File this under WGAF!
But...with that being said, I won't miss an episode!! LOL!
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Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!!   Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! EmptyMon Dec 28, 2009 4:57 pm

Lorraine wrote:
For some reason I thought we already had the new cast listed but I guess not. Anyway, here is your cast for CA3!

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Bret-michaels-rock-of-loveThe Donald tried to keep it hush-hush, but The New York Post has revealed the cast of Donald Trump's next edition of the 'Celebrity Apprentice.' 'Rock of Love' star Bret Michaels, 'America's Got Talent' judge and Osbourne mama Sharon Osbourne, pop star Cyndi Lauper, former pro baseball star Darryl Strawberry and scandal-plagued former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich top the list.

Well, not so fast, Mr. Governor ...

Turns out that Blagojevich -- whose wife Patti already did a reality TV stint last summer with her appearance on NBC's 'I'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here!' -- may not be allowed to participate in the Trump competition, as a hearing is being held today in the ongoing Blagojevich corruption case, and federal prosecutors are expected to challenge his appearance on the show.

Rod Blagojevich had originally planned to participate in 'I'm a Celebrity,' but was blocked by a U.S. District judge, and wife Patti took his spot instead.

Here's the full cast for the third season of 'Celebrity Apprentice,' which is filming now in New York City and is scheduled to premiere on NBC next March after the Winter Olympics. (Update: Supermodel Selita Ebanks has also been spotted shooting with the rest of the cast, so we've added her to the list.)

Rod Blagojevich (maybe)
• Victoria's Secret model Selita Ebanks
• pro wrestler Bill Goldberg
• comedienne (and inspiration for the Elaine character on 'Seinfeld') Carol Leifer
• pro wrestler Maria Kanellis
Cyndi Lauper
Bret Michaels
Sharon Osbourne
'21 Jump Street' star Holly Robinson Peete
• gold medal-winning Olympic swimmer Summer Sanders
• comedian Sinbad
• Australian chef Curtis Stone
Darryl Strawberry

This is the best they could do??? TWO pro wrestlers? Sinbad, who I never liked when he was popular (why was he EVER popular)? Some chef??? File this under WGAF!
But...with that being said, I won't miss an episode!! LOL!

I wonder if Sharon will be like Joan Rivers! I sure as hell hope so!

SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAARONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 219893
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Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!!   Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! EmptyMon Dec 28, 2009 5:33 pm

Sharon for sure will be sure to bring the drama. Speaking of drama, Donald should have his ex wife Ivana on the show being the spectacle she didn't seem to mind making of herself over the weekend. Did you hear about her antics on the airplane? Loser2

Police: Ivana Trump Becomes Angry, Taken off Plane
Authorities: Ivana Trump removed from New York-bound plane after she screams at kids in Fla.

Police say Ivana Trump has been escorted off a plane in Florida after she became belligerent when children were running and screaming in the aisles.

Authorities say the first ex-wife of billionaire Donald Trump cursed at the children Saturday, and when flight attendants on the New York-bound plane tried to calm her, she became even more aggravated.

Her spokeswoman, Catherine Saxton, did not immediately return a telephone message. Trump filed for divorce from her fourth husband earlier this month.
She has not been charged in the incident at Palm Beach International Airport.

Palm Beach County sheriff's deputies asked Trump to voluntarily exit the plane, but they said she refused. She was then escorted off.

I bet she acted like a total asshole!
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Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!!   Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! EmptyMon Dec 28, 2009 5:41 pm

Erika wrote:
Sharon for sure will be sure to bring the drama. Speaking of drama, Donald should have his ex wife Ivana on the show being the spectacle she didn't seem to mind making of herself over the weekend. Did you hear about her antics on the airplane? Loser2

Police: Ivana Trump Becomes Angry, Taken off Plane
Authorities: Ivana Trump removed from New York-bound plane after she screams at kids in Fla.

Police say Ivana Trump has been escorted off a plane in Florida after she became belligerent when children were running and screaming in the aisles.

Authorities say the first ex-wife of billionaire Donald Trump cursed at the children Saturday, and when flight attendants on the New York-bound plane tried to calm her, she became even more aggravated.

Her spokeswoman, Catherine Saxton, did not immediately return a telephone message. Trump filed for divorce from her fourth husband earlier this month.
She has not been charged in the incident at Palm Beach International Airport.

Palm Beach County sheriff's deputies asked Trump to voluntarily exit the plane, but they said she refused. She was then escorted off.

I bet she acted like a total asshole!

ugh, I hate when rich bitches act like that. fuck her Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 828935
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Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!!   Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! EmptyMon Dec 28, 2009 5:47 pm

leahtahd wrote:
Erika wrote:
Sharon for sure will be sure to bring the drama. Speaking of drama, Donald should have his ex wife Ivana on the show being the spectacle she didn't seem to mind making of herself over the weekend. Did you hear about her antics on the airplane? Loser2

Police: Ivana Trump Becomes Angry, Taken off Plane
Authorities: Ivana Trump removed from New York-bound plane after she screams at kids in Fla.

Police say Ivana Trump has been escorted off a plane in Florida after she became belligerent when children were running and screaming in the aisles.

Authorities say the first ex-wife of billionaire Donald Trump cursed at the children Saturday, and when flight attendants on the New York-bound plane tried to calm her, she became even more aggravated.

Her spokeswoman, Catherine Saxton, did not immediately return a telephone message. Trump filed for divorce from her fourth husband earlier this month.
She has not been charged in the incident at Palm Beach International Airport.

Palm Beach County sheriff's deputies asked Trump to voluntarily exit the plane, but they said she refused. She was then escorted off.

I bet she acted like a total asshole!

ugh, I hate when rich bitches act like that. fuck her Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 828935

Exactly! The old bitch should have been on a private jet don't you think so she didn't have to be bothered with the common folk... fuck her! I wouldn't even be surprised if the kids were hardly acting up. It's not like they just allow kids to go ape shit and act like they're on a playground. She probably just wanted to be a bitch
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Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!!   Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! EmptyMon Dec 28, 2009 5:56 pm

Erika wrote:
leahtahd wrote:
Erika wrote:
Sharon for sure will be sure to bring the drama. Speaking of drama, Donald should have his ex wife Ivana on the show being the spectacle she didn't seem to mind making of herself over the weekend. Did you hear about her antics on the airplane? Loser2

Police: Ivana Trump Becomes Angry, Taken off Plane
Authorities: Ivana Trump removed from New York-bound plane after she screams at kids in Fla.

Police say Ivana Trump has been escorted off a plane in Florida after she became belligerent when children were running and screaming in the aisles.

Authorities say the first ex-wife of billionaire Donald Trump cursed at the children Saturday, and when flight attendants on the New York-bound plane tried to calm her, she became even more aggravated.

Her spokeswoman, Catherine Saxton, did not immediately return a telephone message. Trump filed for divorce from her fourth husband earlier this month.
She has not been charged in the incident at Palm Beach International Airport.

Palm Beach County sheriff's deputies asked Trump to voluntarily exit the plane, but they said she refused. She was then escorted off.

I bet she acted like a total asshole!

ugh, I hate when rich bitches act like that. fuck her Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 828935

Exactly! The old bitch should have been on a private jet don't you think so she didn't have to be bothered with the common folk... fuck her! I wouldn't even be surprised if the kids were hardly acting up. It's not like they just allow kids to go ape shit and act like they're on a playground. She probably just wanted to be a bitch

Exactly! Kids get excited about being on planes and may want play. BIG DEAL! Airlines don't allow kids to be crazy on the planes. She just shouldn't have to breathe the same air as those nasty poor kids.....not. She would probably spit on Tiny Tim
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Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!!   Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! EmptyTue Jan 05, 2010 2:26 pm

so it seems as though Rod Blagojevich is a definite now for CA....*yawn*

Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Celebrity-apprentice-jm010410-1262631897Before he becomes The Defendant, former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich may become 'The Celebrity Apprentice.' According to The Los Angeles Times, Blagojevich will be allowed to compete in Donald Trump's latest season of 'Celebrity,' within months of a scheduled appearance in federal court.

"Blago" was an 'Apprentice' question mark until confirmation came from NBC today. The coiffed pol was not allowed to compete in NBC's 'I'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here' last year, as it would have required Blagojevich -- who is facing corruption charges -- to leave the country (Costa Rica, to be exact). Instead, Patti Blagojevich --merely married to a celebrity, you could say -- became an "I'm a Celebrity ... " contestant and finished fourth.

What would Joan Rivers -- captain of the 'Apprentice' morality police and reigning champ -- make of this season, which mixes celebrity and infamy? After all, Trump is welcoming troubled New York baseball legend Darryl Strawberry and hair band bad boy Bret Michaels of Poison into the boardroom. Can any of this season's blame games compare to a righteous Joan meltdown?

In addition to craving a Joan cameo, here are some other things we'd like to see:

-- Mommies Sharon Osbourne, Cyndi Lauper and Holly Robinson Peete (eight kids between them) run a daycare center.

-- Olympic champions Summer Sanders and Michael Johnson try to sell their medals to gold-obsessed Glenn Beck at above-market prices.

-- Sprinting through midtown on a task, Bret Michaels gets the willies at the first sight of Radio City Music Hall, where he was attacked by rogue scenery at the 2009 Tony Awards.

-- Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Selita Ebanks avoids dismissal when her boyfriend, New York Giants lineman Osi Umenyiora, charges The Donald and sacks him for a loss of fifteen.

-- Comic and "Seinfeld" writer Carol Leifer leads her team in taking over a double-decker sightseeing bus, and installs guest tour guide Michael Richards.

-- Cast members – which also include wrestler Goldberg and comedian Sinbad – roll their suitcases into Trump Tower on March 14.
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Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!!   Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! EmptyTue Jan 05, 2010 4:42 pm

Rob anniys me! I guess I would rather watch him than his wife, though... Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 523940 She was so damn lame on I'm A Celebtity! It was so obvious that she was just trying to do damage control for her and her loser ass husband. What business do these annoying fuckers have going on a reality show? It really pisses me off that these lame people that nobody cares about get on these things! Being a douchebag criminal does not make you a celebrity, goddamnit!
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Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!!   Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! EmptySun Jan 10, 2010 12:16 am

....well it looks the bitch, Ivanna Trump, moved into the Celebrity Big Brother house last night. Oh joy Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! 156303
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PostSubject: Re: Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!!   Celebrity Apprentice 3- Fantasy Picks!!! EmptyWed Jan 20, 2010 1:49 pm

CA3 promo...

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