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 Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH

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Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyWed Sep 02, 2009 10:40 am

Lorraine wrote:
So the whole Pandora's box thing was something that AG has been sitting on and thinking about for a few years? She could have kept on sitting on it... eyeroll

Totally agree with the Laura picture. Not only did they make the mouth 10 times bigger then the face but every HG commented on "oh thats Laura with those big teeth/horse teeth when doing the morph. WTG bb, I'm sure Laura was just tickled pink watching that last night.

HAHA! I forgot AG mentioning that it's been something they've been sitting on for a few years! Which makes it that much worse that it sucked so badly! It's one thing to keep recycling comps each season but one of the things you've been sititng on was having money rain on them and that was suppose to change the game? yeah what a way to shake things up! eyeroll

I agree Lorraine in regards to Laura. I kept thinking geesh must Laura be feeling sitting at home watching this episode only to have BB highlighting her buck teeth and to top it off keep in the comments each HG mentions about her big horse teeth... real nice BB, real nice! They could have edited out some comments if not all comments.
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Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyWed Sep 02, 2009 10:56 am

Oh, I completely forgot about the morphing comp!
TOTALLY agreed-it looked SO easy! And, poor Laura. That was awful for her.
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Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyWed Sep 02, 2009 10:17 pm

awwww Jeff tending to his garden for the last time sad1

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He made me so mad with his DUMB gameplay... but it won't be the same without him!

Let's see who will be left now Jordan, Michele, Natalie and Kevin...hmmm... yeah time to cancel the feeds ... fuck this crew! I really do hate when strong competitors leave early in the game ... I would NOT have mind seeing a Russ/Jessie/Casey/Jeff final 4
I really thought early on in the season Jordan would be a liability for Jeff and I knew she would definitely out last him
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Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyWed Sep 02, 2009 10:52 pm

I am so with you...after tonight, feeds are TOAST!! Love him or hate him, I am so glad Jeff was on this season of BB. I have to say, he gave me more laughs then Howie and is by far the best eye candy of any HG EVER. You're right, feeds just wont be the same and I am going to miss him. Russ/Jessie/Casey/Jeff final 4 works for me. I am feeling like your avatar of Natalie right now about this final 4 although Michelle winning this whole thing would not make me

How can you not like a guy who says this "I was proud when I built a Lego castle.....with instructions"

cry smiley Bye Jeff
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Mechanical Bliss
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Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 1:00 am

Jeff seems to be the glue that held together Jordan and Michele--and I'm not even talking game but entertainment value for the feeds. They all played off each other so well. But from here on out it's going to be boring.

It's a tough call whether a Nat/Kev/Mich/Jordo F4 is worse than an Adam/Ryan/Sheila/Sharon F4. But I'll go with the BB9 F4 because BB9 was basically always bad. The only hope for a good ending for the season for me is Michele winning. If that doesn't happen, it will be extremely disappointing. And if Nat won, far and away worst BB winner EVER.

And did you catch Kev pulling a mini-Lydia with the wine supply tonight? He wanted a glass of wine just to take some away from J/J and dumped it down the drain. Every time I try to like Kev, he disappoints me with immature behavior.
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Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 3:45 am

Mechanical Bliss wrote:
Jeff seems to be the glue that held together Jordan and Michele--and I'm not even talking game but entertainment value for the feeds. They all played off each other so well. But from here on out it's going to be boring.

It's a tough call whether a Nat/Kev/Mich/Jordo F4 is worse than an Adam/Ryan/Sheila/Sharon F4. But I'll go with the BB9 F4 because BB9 was basically always bad. The only hope for a good ending for the season for me is Michele winning. If that doesn't happen, it will be extremely disappointing. And if Nat won, far and away worst BB winner EVER.

And did you catch Kev pulling a mini-Lydia with the wine supply tonight? He wanted a glass of wine just to take some away from J/J and dumped it down the drain. Every time I try to like Kev, he disappoints me with immature behavior.

I was always a Adam and Ryan fan especially when they evicted the most boring girl in America and Yeasty Sheila. The were probably the only last duo left out of all seasons that were entertaining to listen to. Season 8 Daniele wouldn't even speak to Dick, Season 10 Dan and Memphis? ugh! no thanks and I know this season's last 2 will be a snoozefest.

That was pretty lame of Kevin to do that... I mean why? who cares let them have their wine.... why be a dick about it.

ok BB fans work with me here..... I'm thinking since the finale night is on a Tuesday (15th) I'm guessing another house guest will be leaving this coming Tuesday (8th) then on Thursday (10th) the last house guest going to jury will be leaving. Then over the weekend they'll have jury questions and probably on Sunday's episode (13th) they will do like they did last year when Dan and Memphis were recounting the events of the season and they showed never before seen footage? Does this sound about right?
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Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 9:29 am

I agree- this final 4 stinks. Michele is the only one I'd be happy to see win. Kevin I could accept- though I wouldn't be thrilled about it. Jordan and Natalie- no way.

I think the only person we all (and CBS) have to blame for such a snoozefest of a final 2 is Jeff. As much as I love him, he really screwed the pooch by trusting Kevin and evicting Russell. Heck- he and Jordan should have evicted Natalie before Lydia. The Sunshine Crew could have totally ruled the house had it not been for these bonehead moves. Jeff was too quick to trust those who'd been his enemies through the game instead of his allies. And it blew up in his face.

And yeah, Erika, that time line sounds about right. I'm definitely psyched for the 2 hour finale. What does everyone think- will Chima show or not? Will CBS not allow her to? Or will they want to for ratings?
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Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 10:09 am

I pretty much been stop watching the feeds. Kevin attitude has dissapointed me and him not having enough sense that taking Nasty to the F2 is a bad move is beyond me. So far he would only have Lydiot vote. If that website and story I posted earlier is true then BB is rigged, but I would be happy to have Jeff still in the house. At this point, I am hoping Michele or Jordan wins the game.

And I disagree with you all about the alien picture and Laura, it isn't BB fault she has horse teeth and all the HG commenting on it. I thought it was hilarious. BB didn't make it up, Laura DNA did.....LMAO

Wondering if tonight episode will have any surprises!!!!!!!
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Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 10:21 am

Glad some others noticed that bitchness from Kevin and pouring the wine out so that Jeff couldnt have it. WTF???? You couldnt have said it better Mechanical, every time you start to or WANT to like him, he acts like a total ass! I hope his ass is sent packing next.
As far as the whole Russell eviction thing; I think sending Lydia home over Natalie or Kevin was the downfall. Jeff may very well have been in the same spot this week if Russell had stayed and won HOH. We will never know though.
Michelle winning the whole thing is the only saviour of the season for me. I don't want to see Kevin or Nat get a fucking thing except for the wrath of the fans when they get out of the house. Oh Kevin, what a disappointment you are.
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Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 10:33 am

Wonder what this is about? I mean who cares what ED says about BB11? What could he know or reveal that would be reason to put a gag order on him?

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Evel Dick has been hit with a gag order and not allowed to talk about BB11 until the 10th

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Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 10:36 am

Whaaaaa??? That seems ridiculous. Unless he's making an appearance on the show that night I don't see what he could possibly know.

I wonder if it's just him or there are other past houseguests under the order too? Hopefully not Steven!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 12:00 pm

Tonight is the big night will he stay or will he go...i have mixed feelings. On one hand I would like jeff to stay just to screw with Nat and Kev, and watch him and Mich take them out. On the other hand if he stays would he continue to buy everthing Nat is selling and aggravate me even more. His personality has changed so much that its been hard for me to root for him lately. And on the third am looking forward to seeing Russ's reaction to Jeff comming into jury right behind him. I am a firm believer that Russ was going to stick to the final 4 deal and he did warn Jeff that the 2 would be comming after him so that jury footage will be interesting to watch.

About Kev..This is a perfect example of how everyone's mother used to warn them about how people judge you on who you hang I like Kev but he has been influenced by Nat, and instead of being a leader he is following Nat..its disappointing.
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Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 12:24 pm

bostongirl wrote:
Tonight is the big night will he stay or will he go...i have mixed feelings. On one hand I would like jeff to stay just to screw with Nat and Kev, and watch him and Mich take them out. On the other hand if he stays would he continue to buy everthing Nat is selling and aggravate me even more. His personality has changed so much that its been hard for me to root for him lately. And on the third am looking forward to seeing Russ's reaction to Jeff comming into jury right behind him. I am a firm believer that Russ was going to stick to the final 4 deal and he did warn Jeff that the 2 would be comming after him so that jury footage will be interesting to watch.

About Kev..This is a perfect example of how everyone's mother used to warn them about how people judge you on who you hang I like Kev but he has been influenced by Nat, and instead of being a leader he is following Nat..its disappointing.

Like him or not, Jeff was feeds GOLD! Did he get in over his head when he got CDE and HOH? yes he did and got cocky which ultimately was his demise in the game. He knows it, recognizes it and owns it and I give him credit for that. I, for one, will miss him when he is gone and will kiss off my feeds until the next season of BB. Watching Nat and Kevin has become too sickening for words. While I always knew that Nat was a rotten filthy bitch, the big disappointment to me is Kevin. He is her little bitch and I CANNOT believe how he caters to her! The pouring out of the wine, calling Jordan and Michelle whores for no good reason, to me just shows true colors. Top that off with the fact that he is sitting back being loyal to her! WTF?? KEVIN, WAKE UP!! SHE SUCKS!! This season has been the curse of the HOH. No one handled being HOH well at all but I had hopes for Kevin. Fuck him too. I mean anyone who is BFF's with Lydiot can't be wrapped too tight anyway.
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Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 1:30 pm

Just an FYI for anyone who missed the feeds last night...I am watching Flashbacks from 2am Big Brother time on cam 1. I suggest if you have the feeds to watch it. I am rolling!!! Michelle, Jordan and Jeff having a sex
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Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 2:45 pm

Oh man... hopefully that was on Showtime last night.

I really feel like Jeff is getting evicted. No matter how many deals he tries to cut with Kevin and Natalie, they now he'd be tougher to beat than Jordan. In his own words he "got got".
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 3:42 pm

Kevins HOH blog

September 9, 2009

Hey-girl-heyyyyy! It's the HHO (yes, HHO...Head Ho) coming at ya with a scandalicious blog. Let's get to the dirty juicy gossipy stuff first. Firstly, it would seem there is a virus floating around the house called dumbbitch-itus. Jordan appears to be the one most severely infected, but Michelle surprisingly is showing signs and symptoms on dumbbitch-itus. Jordan is ACTUALLY campaigning to go home and give up her chances for $500K in exchange for Jeff staying? WHAT?! Lordy she is sick. And suddenly when Jeff is campaigning AGAINST her she gets more "attracted" to him. huh? If a dude I liked was campaigning for me to go home I'd promptly make my way into the kitchen, find the nearest sharp implement and slice away. Thennnnn Michelle actually entertained the idea of using her Veto on Jeff to guarantee Jeff to stay! WTF is going on in this house! Someone call a doctor cause we gotz a severe breakout of dumbbitch-itus! Pot meet kettle asshole

Now let's get to some just down and dirty talking. As you all may have figured out, Jeffery isn't my most faves BB houseguest. Yes ladies (and boys) he is yummy to look at, but he doesn't want to "look bad", so he gets his girls (Jordan and Michelle) to do his dirty work. Um how so??I hate it when people are 'too cool for school', pullleaasse. He keeps talking about how bad he wants to leave this house, and I'm thinking 'dude do you know how many people would die to be in here?" But yet you defend Chima?? hypocrite much? DEWSH! Plus he has no ass...literally none....negative ass...very unattractive. You are enough of an ass for both of you Kevin and uhhhhhhh sweety? Have you checked that mirror lately? At least he doesnt walk with his hips pushed forward and like a freaking duck but really Kevin, bustin on peoples appearance??? Let's move on to Michelle...I'm sure you've seen her sleeping episodes where she screams / moans EVERY night. I honestly believe there is something clinically wrong with the wench and maybe I should empathize with her....nawwww, that....biznatch be crazy! Then there is Jordan....yes America...she's as dumb as she comes across on TV I'm sure. I heart Jordan but damn gurllll the things that comes out of her mouth is almost unbelievably dumb. What about Natalie you may be asking....well of course I heart Natalie so I don't have anything really nasty to say except can someone buy her a comb? Also I've noticed LIE is actually in her name. You heart Natalie...nuff said hypocrite.
Let's talk some behind the scenes DISH (as much as I'm permitted). I don't know if you all know, but I've dreamed for the longest to get on BB and have applied EVERY season so I'm a huge fan....not a uber fan like Ronnie....just huge. But as a fan I had NO idea there would be so much down time in this bizzny.....I mean when I watch the show it seems like there is always something going down....but there really is a lot of just hanging out sprinkled with a little game talk here and there. I also didn't realize how quickly you'd adjust to the house....yes some days I wake up and think WOW I'm in the BB house!" but other days it truly feels like home. The cameras are completely not noticeable and you forget there is a dude behind that mirror. Ohhhh I just remembered a behind the scene hilarious blooper that I HOPE makes it on somewhere...Natalie is apparently terrified of anything that flys (from moths to bees to flies to beetles) so one day right before the live Thursday show, a beetle swoops in on Natalie. She goes bizerk and actually jumps/falls into the Jacuzzi! OMG hilariousssss! She did a Jerry!

Lastly I'd like to address the CHIMA incident. OMG! Expelled! WOWzer! First I wanna say Chima was probably one of my favorite people in the house soon as I saw her on the footsteps of the house I knew I'd like her. She is truly a strong, smart, funny woman; however, I don't think she handled the BB experience too well in general. There is ALOT of being told what to do in the house without any explanation (e.g. Go outside and sit up......or don't wear that.....or don't move this...or wake up now...etc) so if you don't like to be told what to do in general than maybe going on BB isn't the best idea. So fundamentally I think Chima just had a problem with the premise of the show itself (expect the unexpected) and being told what to do by Big Brother....then she lost her mind week one with the "have not" situation and I don't think she ever really recovered from it. Chima did what Chima wanted to do and Big Brother probably wasn't too happy with her. THEN the Mystery Power was used and she lost her mind...I tried helping her see past all the BS and reason with her but anything I would say she wouldn't hear. I tried telling her how lucky we were to be here, or I tried reminding her of the $500K, I tried telling her how bad quitting would look. NOTHING worked, plus Natalie and Lydia egging her on didn't help either. UGGGGH.....whyyyyyyy Chima whyyyyyyy?

One last tid-bit....Some of you may know that my 9 year anniversary with my Boyf (Alfonso) happened in this house. And I'm sure you saw how big of a goober I was when I cried and read his letter to me (LOVE YOU GUAPO!). I hope that one day I can experience the privilege of marriage with him and express my love to him through the union of marriage. I ask one tintsy tiny favor, next time a ballot or initiative or proposition comes through your state that would give myself or others like me a chance at experiencing what a majority of Americans already do, that you please consider allowing someone like me the honor of marriage. Fuck you

Anywhoooo, it was a blast blogging it up with you all!

Smooooches! Hey Smooches! He mentioned you in his blog!!


and there you have it....Kevin has spoken! Bigger douche than Jessie for me. At least Jessie is open about being Douchie...Kevin is a douche behind everyones back.

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Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 4:00 pm are so new name for Kevin is UD ( undercover douche)
Here's hoping there is a double eviction soon and UD and his little buddy nat can walk out hand in hand.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 4:03 pm

lmao @ UD! It fits perfectly. What a hateful, spiteful POS. Not to mention a coward. Way to talk big in the Diary room and your blog Kevin!!

Kevin= assholesmiley: shithead: dancingbanana2:
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 4:24 pm

Aw... Lorraine your little dancing banana just reminds me of how awesome this season could have been if Casey had gotten to stay! This season had SO much promise at the beginning.... it just sucks when you think of all of the fun characters that left this crappy final 4 behind (I say that assuming Jeff is evicted tonight).

This would have been a totally different show if the alpha males that kicked it off had stuck around. But I guess the saying is true- the bigger they are, the dumber they are (*cough* Jeff *cough* Jessie *cough*)

Here's hoping that Evel Dick's gag order means he's going to get to walk through the house and tell them all what fools they are!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 7:33 pm

Jeff had said on the feeds earlier that he should of got those f*kin assholes out when he had the chance. Hmm Jeffy maybe if you considered listening to your alliance members when Russ said to get rid of Kev instead of Lydia or when Mich said to get rid of Nat instead of Russ, you wouldnt be going through this..and neither would I

Can we talk about Nats shirt tonight..she looks like she should be on the polygamist compound with her hair in one of those funny looking buns all the wives wear.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH - Page 2 EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 7:35 pm

its so Little house on the
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