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PostSubject: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyThu Aug 27, 2009 10:49 pm

YAY! I'm so glad Kevin won HOH and insures his spot in Final 4 dancing banana

Kevin needs to break up JJM for his own game. His best bet is to put up Michele and Jeff.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyFri Aug 28, 2009 11:54 am

The Mystery Door .... I gave no clue?! don't know

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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyFri Aug 28, 2009 12:19 pm

I have no idea either..I'm hoping its Russ behind the Seriously though it cant be a luxury because that wouldnt really impact the game. Does it have anything to do with the bikes, they havent come into play yet.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyFri Aug 28, 2009 11:27 pm

Did you hear Jeff say to Kev today that Kev went back on the deal and if he kept Russ he would have got to final 4.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptySat Aug 29, 2009 2:17 am

Even though J&J dumbassness is getting on my nerves, I am still rooting for them and if they had a ounce of sense they would make sure Jordan wins POV so she can take Jeff down while she will still be safe and Nasty would be the only option to go up and then they vote Nasty out. But I think I am asking too much of 2 people who brains together don't get this game.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptySat Aug 29, 2009 8:51 am

One of the more interesting scenarios would have been Jordan winning PoV and Natalie getting evicted during the HoH reign of her closest ally remaining. And it would have been interesting in the aftermath because a better player would still be in the game in the F4 which is always better than someone who doesn't deserve it.

Although I haven't either loved or hated Jeff as much as a lot of other fans seemed to, I definitely liked him as a person and as a player, despite his cockiness later in the game. It's kind of sad seeing him so defeated tonight (though I'd rather not see him totally give up and still play the game out even though there's not much he can do), and I think he's taking it pretty well. It must be hard to be so close and have it all ripped away by a few seconds of a PoV comp. He "got got," as he says.

But I'm happy Michele won PoV. She's been my favorite player from the beginning, and to see her have a real shot at F2 and even winning is great considering that usually doesn't happen. I know a lot of people don't seem to like her, but I think she's played an intelligent game and has now won two vetos at very crucial moments to ensure her survival. With Jeff gone, she's the only other person who I think deserves to win.

She has a great set up to get to the F2 though. She can play for HoH this week and her strongest mental competition can't play after this week, and her strongest physical compeition is likely leaving the house Thursday. AND she is then eligible to play for HoH the following week with people who suck at endurance and trivia/skill, which usually constitute the first two parts of the final HoH. The last part can be questions about the jury and those can be a matter of luck but sometimes also intuition. If she won the last two HoHs back-to-back, I'd go crazy with joy.

But I don't want to get too excited because there's plenty of game left to go...I just want to see her there at the end--especially since I don't think the others deserve to be at the end with the possible exception of Kevin. And if she doesn't win, it will be like Danielle not winning BB3, only worse because she will have been beat by worse players than Lisa (who was actually not bad at all, just not as good as Dani).

Wow, that was a little long...I got a little carried away, sorry. But I'm just excited Michele's still in it to win it!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptySat Aug 29, 2009 9:27 am

well..this is a perfect example of what goes around comes around. Jeff's only chance is to convince Kevin that Natalie has no enemies in the jury house and she will get the money over him. Jeff needs to play up that he has no friends in the jury and there is already 3 ppl there that he screwed over. Its a long shot but its worth a try..kev is a smart man and he has been thinking about the end game.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptySat Aug 29, 2009 6:48 pm

As much I have been annoyed with Michele I'm glad she won the veto and saved herself. She has been on slop 4 out of the 8 weeks. Most of the house has not liked her. Most of the house has talked about her being crazy. She didn't really have a true ally, possibly Russ but even he has given her his fair of shit. And the 2 people she gave 100% loyalty to have treated her like shit.

Jordan and Natalie were outside talking about Jeff leaving this week ...

Jordan says "now we aren't going to have anymore good meals" and Natalie replies "Maybe Michele will start cooking again"


Can these 2 not mange to throw a meal together?

Kevin and Michele F2!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptySun Aug 30, 2009 10:20 am

Erica I agree, I am also happy for Michelle. No one in there had her back, other than Russ (on their 2nd try at their alliance) I am totally disgusted with the way J/J have been treating Mich and talking about her. Wasnt it just a few weeks ago Jordan was making them matching "friendship

As i watched the feeds from after the veto comp and yesterday I could not believe what a sore loser Jeff was, talk about a pitty party. He was so bitter it was embarressing.

My absolute favorite line of the day..from Jordan "Now i see why Russ flipped out like he did"
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyMon Aug 31, 2009 3:52 pm

Did we ever find out what's behind the door in HOH? They have been talking about "we'll find out how much money we get" on the feeds. (I've just read transcripts, I don't actually have the feeds.) Does anyone know what that's about?
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyMon Aug 31, 2009 10:33 pm

It was pandora's box and Jeff got the key to it ... what that means I have no clue.

They also had money raining down on them which they just got the dollar amount of what that was

I think Jeff got $3100
Michele $2500
Natalie $1800
not sure what Jordan and Kevin got out of it

Jordan has been wanting to quit and encouraging Jeff to get Natalie's vote ...whether she means that or not I am not sure. I would really hope she wouldn't give up just for some guy especially since it sounds like she really needs the money with her dad leaving the family in debt. And she's such a non-threat she will get dragged to F3 and because I'm sure the others think they could beat her at a F2 she could easily coast to F2 spot.

Jeff wants to campaign for Natalie's vote but I don't see that happening!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyMon Aug 31, 2009 11:16 pm

If that key turns out to be something that Jeff gets to stay in the house then BB is rigged. Although I wouldn't mind him staying. Jordan wants Jeff to stay because she don't feel she can beat any of them in the final comps. But I think she is underestimating herself because she did damn good in that POV she won and as I mentioned before she held on pretty long in that first endurance comp. This past comp she was in the lead until she kept falling. Like you said with her dad leaving them in debt I don't understand why she wouldn't want to stay because $50K is better than nothing.

Kevin is a idiot wanting to keep Nasty because at this point you need to be thinking about jury votes and the only vote he will have is Lydiot. So keeping Nasty is a dumb move.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyTue Sep 01, 2009 9:07 am

Wow, I wonder when we'll find out what "Pandora's Box" holds.
I am a Jeff fan (although I think his game play over the last 2 wks has been terrible), but I agree w/ Smooches. If it means he gets to stay in the game, I think it's rigged. Just like Crazy James & Dan. I definitely feel like BB always favors one hg. But, if you think about it, won't it be a pretty boring game when Jeff leaves? I mean, it'll probably be pretty boring if he stays, but if they worked it to where no one left this week, at least we would have the cuteness of him & Jordan together.
Hmmm, I'm very interested in this mystery door!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyTue Sep 01, 2009 3:10 pm

I was actually thinking... and I know this is far fetched... but wouldn't it be cool if the Pandora's Box meant that an evicted houseguest got to come back in? And by that, I mean someone not in the jury. It would be amazing if Brayden, Laura, or Casey got to come back and interesting to see how that would effect the game, with them knowing what they know now.

Of course, that would NEVER happen because they've been exposed to the outside world and have been able to watch the show. But it would be cool!

On a different note, did anyone else see yesterday afternoon where Michelle and Jeff were scheming to try to keep him safe? They were talking about going to Natalie and saying they would throw the next HoH so she could win. The plan would then be to evict Kevin. I didn't hear whether they talked to her about it or not yet though.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyTue Sep 01, 2009 3:24 pm

They talked to her and she acted interested but told Kevin immediately and they laughed about it.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyTue Sep 01, 2009 3:30 pm

Ah ok. Oh well. I guess that was Jeff's last hope- unless something happens with Pandora's Box. Though, like Smooches and TJ said, I really hope that it's not something that solely benefits Jeff. He won the Coup and that's plenty.

If anything, I'm thinking that the result of Pandora's Box will be something unpleasant. They already got the good part (the money), so now they have to endure the repercussions of it....whatever they may be.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyTue Sep 01, 2009 5:45 pm

I think with Pandora's box that it's not to save Jeff or bring anyone else back. With only a couple of weeks left of the season they are only looking to wrap things up now. Some are speculating that it could possibly be a hybrid (going green) car for Jeff since Jeff got the "key". Who knows though...?!!

I think Michele knew that it was a win/win letting Jeff know she is voting for him. A win if Natalie actually did buy this plan to throw the HOH to her and a win if he does end up leaving Thursday that she might have his vote. Ultimately I don't think Michele believed Natalie would actually fall for this plan so she's basically working Jeff's jury vote.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyTue Sep 01, 2009 8:13 pm

I am not sure if this is true but I seen this on

"As we reported Kevin is the week 8 HoH (Head of Household) and nominated Jeff and Michelle. But Michelle has won the PoV (Power of Veto) competition and she will most likely take herself off the race. In that case, Kevin will most certainly nominate Jordan sealing Jeff’s fate.

Jeff is considered one of the strongest competitors to win and brilliant strategy can put him out of the competition. Everything points out towards Jeff’s eviction and his only hope now is a much talked about Pandora’s Box, which was behind the Mystery Door that was revealed on Sunday. Will the mysterious Pandora’s box have something that can save Jeff?? To open the mysterious box, the contestants have to find the key!

UPDATE: Kevin entered the mystery room and was trapped, handcuffed to the Pandora’s box. It’s unclear if the production ordered him to do it or not but when Jeff found the key to release Kevin he was given the choice to take the money and turn his back or “save” his house mate. Jeff chose to release Kevin opening the Pandora’s box, which is rumored to have a “Diamond Veto“, which will overrule Michelle’s PoV. Jeff is safe again!!"
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyTue Sep 01, 2009 11:49 pm

Jeff telling Michelle to get away from him after the veto comp was too much for me. I wish Michelle had a little more spunk and mouth to her personality. If it was me i would have laid his ass out and put a note on his forehead so if he goes to jury Russ will remember to mop him up and down the
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Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyWed Sep 02, 2009 8:58 am

Bostongirl, I couldn't agree more. I was extremely disappointed in Jeff when he told Michele to "get away from me" after the veto comp. Very unclassy.
I can't imagine that Pandora's Box was JUST to give the HGs $$ b/c didn't Julie say that what was behind that door could change the game for everyone? (Or something like that) Them winning that money didn't change anything.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyWed Sep 02, 2009 9:29 am

Yeah, I agree TJ. Sure, winning the money is great and all, but there has to be something more to this.

Unless what Julie meant was that they'd see one another's true colors- like Kevin did with Natalie when she didn't help him find the key and get out.

The CBS broadcast last night made it seem like Kevin is now doubting Natalie and thinking about teaming up with, at least, Michelle and possibly Jeff. Though the power of editing can make a mountain out of a molehill.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyWed Sep 02, 2009 10:21 am

Just to add to the whole mystery of is there more to it...

Did you guys notice how Russell's pic was not in black/white during the start of the show when they show the cast pics and they only show the names of those still left in the game?
Sunday's show showed Russell's pic black and white and him walking out of the house but last nights show showed him as if he was still apart of the cast? Was that an editing mistake OR could that mean something?

I really think that the whole pandora's box was just all hype and that's it. I was giving it a lil more credit to actually meaning something until last night's episode because they kept talking about Jeff finding the key ... but I just think that's it, another weak "twist".
With that being said I thought it was funny how Jeff and Natalie were pretty much like fuck this and kept trying to collect money and left Kevin locked up lol Greedy bitches! lol

And how easy was the morph comp? At the very least it's a process of elimination duh

Also did BB really need to highlight Laura's buck teeth? I'm sure they could have used a more flattering pic where her teeth didn't stand out so much... I mean c'mon! lol

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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyWed Sep 02, 2009 10:32 am

So the whole Pandora's box thing was something that AG has been sitting on and thinking about for a few years? She could have kept on sitting on it... eyeroll

Totally agree with the Laura picture. Not only did they make the mouth 10 times bigger then the face but every HG commented on "oh thats Laura with those big teeth/horse teeth when doing the morph. WTG bb, I'm sure Laura was just tickled pink watching that last night.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyWed Sep 02, 2009 10:37 am

SERIOUSLY. Poor Laura! And did they all need to say that?! If anything, her hair was a dead give-away! I'm sure she was mortified watching that last night.

I'm sure she was delighted to be morphed with her fave person, Jessie, as well.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 8 of Kevin's HOH EmptyWed Sep 02, 2009 10:40 am

Lorraine wrote:
So the whole Pandora's box thing was something that AG has been sitting on and thinking about for a few years? She could have kept on sitting on it... eyeroll

Totally agree with the Laura picture. Not only did they make the mouth 10 times bigger then the face but every HG commented on "oh thats Laura with those big teeth/horse teeth when doing the morph. WTG bb, I'm sure Laura was just tickled pink watching that last night.

HAHA! I forgot AG mentioning that it's been something they've been sitting on for a few years! Which makes it that much worse that it sucked so badly! It's one thing to keep recycling comps each season but one of the things you've been sititng on was having money rain on them and that was suppose to change the game? yeah what a way to shake things up! eyeroll

I agree Lorraine in regards to Laura. I kept thinking geesh must Laura be feeling sitting at home watching this episode only to have BB highlighting her buck teeth and to top it off keep in the comments each HG mentions about her big horse teeth... real nice BB, real nice! They could have edited out some comments if not all comments.
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