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 Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH

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Mechanical Bliss
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Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 2:36 pm

Kevin is just not the driving force behind these bitches and Michelle knows that. While she is probably not the target of any of those 4 she does recognize that Chima has GOT to go. She is by far the strongest of mind and the backbone of that alliance...take her out and they are D-U-NNN!!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 2:39 pm

Oh perhaps you know something Michele doesn't know because she said last night on the feeds, Chima has to go because she was going to target Jeff and that she couldn't let that happen.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 2:47 pm

uhhhh they are ALL targeting Jeff! Chima is the strongest and must be taken out!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 2:51 pm

yeah what was I thinking for Michele to play the game for herself. eyeroll
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 2:55 pm

I'm going to throw Michele a little bit of credit here...

If I were Michele, I'd want to protect Jeff now in hopes of ending up with him in the final 2. He may be public enemy #1 for the majority of people that end up in the jury house and she may be thinking that the jury would vote in her favor to win in the end.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 2:56 pm

I think thats exactly what she is doing. What benefit is it to get rid of Lydia or Kevin over Chima? (With the assumption that Nat will be sitting next to her)? Again, you take out Chima, you take out the smartest of the bunch, the most vocal and the strongest (swinging endurance challenge). With Chima gone that alliance is nothing.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 3:31 pm

Chima is obviously the brain (and the voice) behind that alliance. Once she's gone they are going to be scrambling. Getting her out this week is the smartest move.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 3:34 pm

and it starts already. Poking at Russells religion for having a rosary. "He's not catholic, he's a muslim terrorist" This shit is getting old, obsess much?

this beauty directed at Jeff from Chima:

"I guess America likes voting for assholes. Its been proven time and time again."

hmmm I dont know about that...if America voted for assholes, handsdown you would have won by a landslide. What a hateful bitch.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 3:52 pm

Oh man... this Chima business is ridiculous. You can attack someone on things they've said or done in the game... but going after something like religion is LOW. Russell may not believe the same things that she does (who knows if she even believes anything?), but you have to be respectful of someone else's faith.

And America likes voting for assholes? Nice of her to insult the whole country. She's a real peach.

On a far lighter note, Lydia made pancakes this morning and accidentally used grapes instead of blueberries. That had to taste weird. She must have been overly distraught over last night's eviction, lol
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 3:58 pm

SuzieQ wrote:

On a far lighter note, Lydia made pancakes this morning and accidentally used grapes instead of blueberries. That had to taste weird. She must have been overly distraught over last night's eviction, lol

How in the hell does one mistaken grapes for blueberries? lol Probably couldn't see that good with her eyes still being puffy from all the crying last night. I really do hope she is feeling in better spirits today. sarcasm
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 4:03 pm

Lmao at the grapes instead of blueberries. I think they found seeds in the pancakes and realized that they were not blueberries. What an emotional disaster. Last time I checked most grapes are at least 5-6 times bigger then a blueberry. WTG Lydia!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 4:07 pm

Jeff hit the nail on the head last night when he said how sad it it that she goes through life with all this hatred.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 4:15 pm

Has anyone else seen Jessie's interview with Ross Matthews of Inside Dish? WOW. Bitter party of one.... bitter party of one.... I kept expecting Ross to look into the camera and throw the directors a safe word- "pineapple".

I understand Jessie is pissed that he got evicted... but ouch!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 4:31 pm

The funny thing is that Chima doesn't even realize she's making it EASIER for Michele to want to evict her, by using this type of behavior.
If she was half as smart as she claims to be, she would suck it up, put on a happy face and bullshit her way through with Jeff, Jordan, Russell & Michele until her group was in power again. Her berating everyone and running her mouth constantly just gives them a reason to get rid of her.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 5:43 pm

Erika wrote:
Again I don't see how her targeting Chima is a good move for Michele. I think it's a good move for her alliance of Jeff, Jordan and Russell, but not for HER.

Not only does Michele want to put Chima on the block but also that's her target. Chima would not go after her, she would also be a vote for her and wouldn't you want to keep someone in from the other side that if they get it they are still looking to go after one of your people rather than yourself at least she would have known Chima would be going after Jeff or Russell. I think Michele is thinking with her vagina if she follows through with this, it makes absolutely no sense.

I dont think that Chima would ever vote the way that Michelle wanted. I think it is an INCREDIBLY ballsy move for Michelle to put up Chima - shes the biggest threat to her in the house and as long as she has Jeff, Jordan, Kevin(still not sure where he stands), and Russel on her side I think shes golden. What she should do is put Chima and Natalie up and if by a God send Natalie or Chima win then put Lydia up as a replacement. Either way, Natalie or Chima need to go. And the biggest thing is Jeff or Jordan need to win the HOH for the double eviction or Jeff will be going home.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 5:46 pm

SuzieQ wrote:
Has anyone else seen Jessie's interview with Ross Matthews of Inside Dish? WOW. Bitter party of one.... bitter party of one.... I kept expecting Ross to look into the camera and throw the directors a safe word- "pineapple".

I understand Jessie is pissed that he got evicted... but ouch!

Jessie is such a whining bitch - I'm sorry Jessie, America didn't vote for Jeff to win the Coupt because he was the underdog, America voted for Jeff to win the coupt because he's a nice guy and deserves it. America HATES you! And I'm sorry, you totally could have saved your ass had you changed your ways and spent some face time with Jeff and Jordan. The reason you got sent home is because your an asshole. You NEVER would have made it to the final two.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 6:35 pm

Hello Everyone.

Too many things happen last night so I didn't get to hear the interview with the HG's and you ladies, but I will listen later. I've read all your posts and I agree with what everyone is saying. Michele putting up "the pet" is a bold move on her part it will also let the pet know her mouth doesn't scare anyone. Those 3 ragedy bitches crying over Jesse leaving was the most pathetic sight I have ever seen in BB! Obviously they don't give a shit about winning the money for themselves. Jeff's "Welcome to the Party" was priceless but Jesse face when Jeff stood up was even better.

I'm a lil worried about the double eviction.

Michele getting rid of the pet is good for her because everyone else is still going to go after Jeff & Russ unless Nasty get HOH, she would be the only one out for revenge against Michele. And as you all said the pet is the brains behind those asshole and she stood in that endurance comp longer than anyone on that side. Personally I am sick of that bitch being loud, complaining, trying to run shit, her smart disrespectful remarks and looking at that face!

On a personal note, I am a New Yorker and was there on September 11, I know people who were killed and still have occasional flashbacks of that day and the days following, so the pet remarks are getting a lil personal for me and for someone to proclaim to be so intelligent she is a stupid fuck to not think her words aren't going to come back to kick her in the ass when she gets out the house.

As soon as I get rid of the lil cousins visiting I can finally listen to the interview.

In the meantime, waiting for NOMS, wow tonight is a good night for the feeds! Thanks Ladies!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 7:25 pm

I know this is a bit off topic.. and you guys have probably already seen it but...

Hey guys you should all go to this website

its Casey commenting on his own eviction.. hilarious!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 9:51 pm

Quote :
On a personal note, I am a New Yorker and was there on September 11, I know people who were killed and still have occasional flashbacks of that day and the days following, so the pet remarks are getting a lil personal for me and for someone to proclaim to be so intelligent she is a stupid fuck to not think her words aren't going to come back to kick her in the ass when she gets out the house.

I hear you Smooches. This is a very touchy subject for me as well. I am a native NYer and lived in the city for 4 years so I am ultra sensitive about anything related to 9-11. The nonchalant insensitive comments are wearing thin for me and to bring them into a silly reality tv game is just ridiculous.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 10:06 pm

I hear you Smooches. This is a very touchy subject for me as well. I am a native NYer and lived in the city for 4 years so I am ultra sensitive about anything related to 9-11. The nonchalant insensitive comments are wearing thin for me and to bring them into a silly reality tv game is just ridiculous. [/quote]

You hit on the head. This is a reality TV show, there is no need to get so damn personal.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 10:13 pm

Just got home, noms are over and we seem to have some bitter people in the house right now...I know, shocking right? Natalie has the rule book out, Jeff is saying that if Chima does anything to his clothes he is going to go crazy. The feeds are going in and out right now. Natalie is saying that Michelle is going to get a disease or get sick for payback for what she did to Chima. I am guessing Chima is on the block, Nat is as well. Lydia is sniveling. Lydia and Kevin are have nots, Natalie is too but has the slop pass. No one has to sleep in the Have not room anymore. Chima: Like we would have anyway. LOVE her sportsmanship! BTW as I type this she is in bed with the covers over her head.

Very frustrating as we keep getting fish on the feeds over and over because of dumb fuck Natalie keeps talking about production and rules and what shes gonna do blah blah blah. Finally they give up and take the camera away from this bitter trio. I have no clue where Kevin is. Fab 4 (lol) in the HOH, hateful bitches, red room. No sign of Kevin. I did hear Lydia tell Natalie that Kevin is getting tired of all the Jessie worship and that they should stop with the Jessie love fest when Kevin is around....GO KEVIN! God I wish he would join the other side.

Lydia is the dumbest of them all right now. I know she is upset about Jessie leaving but doesnt she realize that she was NEVER part of this group and that the 2 bitches she is bonding with are the same snakes that voted to evict her over Ronnie?? All that bleach is effecting her brain. I swear BB recruits their cast from Bellevue.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 10:51 pm

Well the stupid ass bitter bitches are fucking with Jeff stuffs. Kevin spilled the beans to Jordan and said that he just wanted her to know that he was NOT a part of it. You could hear Jeff say to the fucking 3 POS witches, "What was the point of that" but the cameras stayed on Kevin in the GR.

They took all of Jeffs clothes out of the drawers and threw them in the SS room. Now it appears as even the BB camera men are protecting these vicious psycho bitches from the live feeders because all while this was going on, all 4 cameras were on the HOH. BB lives for this shit so why not show them doing it? Unfuckingbelievable. Its official, I hate these bitches more than Ronnie and they have FAR surpassed the nerd herd.

Jeff "Dont touch my shit again!"
Nat "you talking to me?"
Jeff: "you know who I'm talking to"
Nat "no I dont
Jeff slams the ss room door.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 11:21 pm

The maturity level from these tramps is pathetic! What's worse than a sore loser?- A nasty bitch that don't wash, a pyscho bitch that doesn't know a dude is playing her and a ugly fucked up weave wearing bitch with a lot of mouth. Chimapet, see Smooches after the show!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 14, 2009 11:31 pm

correction to my earlier post. Apparently there are no have nots this week. Another BB back peddle in my opinion because the bitter bitches stated they would not follow the rules anyway.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 15, 2009 12:54 am

All this changing shit by BB for these ragedy bitches is annoying the hell out of me. Point taken that they need them for the duration of the show, but HELLO BB THIS IS YOUR SHOW. Tell them bitches they won't get their fucking stipend or tell them to leave. They aren't really going to leave. This shit is so annoying! WTF
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 6 of Michele's HOH - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 15, 2009 1:17 am

more bullshit....the houseguests got some sort of golf ramp which is probably part of POV tomorrow. So Kevin woke up queen bitch so that she could practice. She gets up, goes into the back yard and BB tells her "Chima please put on your microphone". She gives them the finger and throws her microphone into the jacuzzi. UNFUCKINGREAL! They have no control over this bitch. Jeff drinks a gulp of gator ade, Kevin eats a fucking chip and they get an extra day on slop but this bitch can do whatever the fuck she wants and nothing. It has to come to a head sooner or later.

of course the trio of pigvomit (yes they are officially all Ronnies now) are also plotting to hide the golf balls so the others cant practice.

Honestly, they are making this unbearable to watch.
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