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 Russell's HOH Blog

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PostSubject: Russell's HOH Blog   Russell's HOH Blog EmptyThu Aug 06, 2009 1:49 pm

HoH Blog Post #4: Russell
August 5, 2009

Hey Big Brother Fans!!

I hope you all are enjoying the show, as I am sure you have all seen their has been a lot of fireworks this past week. From Chima "the Devil" to Michelle the "Rat Queen", this has been a hard week to wrap my head around. I am sure you are all watching and wondering how come this house has soo many fights and what is wrong with people? Let me fill you in on a little secret....this house is a breeding frenzy for arguments. You have 13 different personalities thrown into a house competing for $500,000. Trust me, it is not as easy as it looks. This is definitely the hardest most strenuous mental game I have ever endured. This game is not about making petty friendships and lying. It is a mental test to see who can play a psychological chess game for over 90 days without breaking. You cannot go home after a well fought fight, you cannot take off your sneakers after a basketball game, or even turn off your game console on your way out to grab some dinner. This game is 24/7 and it is going on at all hours of the day. When you sleep somebody is awake, when you shower people are outside, when you are relaxing at night people are scheming and plotting your demise.
Russell's HOH Blog Hoh_russell1
For those of you who witnessed the fireworks between Chima and I, you must be wondering how come I didn't keep my cool and just walk away. In this house you cannot just walk away. If at all you decline to state you position or "fight" it out you are automatically dubbed the loser and the liar. In real life you can just go home, get in your car, or go cool off. In this nut house their is nowhere to run. In fact, every approach you would normally take in the real world such as talking calm or waiting a couple days, only amplifies the issues at hand in this House. Trust me I tried to keep my cool.....

As for all the game players, it's funny to see such an array of game styles and who is really in it to win it. Jessie is definitely one of the more trustworthy individuals in this game and is true to his word, although that might be his eventual downfall. Natalie, is a pit bull in a 4'9 frame with the heart of an angel. Like Jessie, she to is also trusting and a blessing to be around. Her innocence and "the world is my oyster" mentality is truly refreshing. Jeff, has turned out to be one of my closer friends in this house believe it or not and I am constantly amazed by his tenacity and toughness, not to mention his good heart. Jordan, is exactly what you see! A Southern Sweetheart who has a smile that can illuminate a room. Lidya, is pretty much what I expected who cannot control her emotions and feels the need to constantly prove herself to everybody, I bet she wishes she was a boy too! Kevin, is hard to don't always know if he is playing the game or if he is just timid. His lack of confidence is evident but deep down he is a great kid with a good heart. It's just too bad he listens to Lidya so much because he would be fun to hang around. Now on to Ronnie! I have been completely wrong about this kid....he is a nice guy and took a lot of heat from myself and I do owe him an apology. It turns out in fact he was not the Rat.....That title belongs to the Rat Queen herself, Michelle. She will say anything so that people believe her and uses her dorky unsuspecting exterior as an excuse. She will get caught in lies and deny them to your face and then use the excuse, "I don't know". Michelle you have a PHD for God's sake, I know you are not as dumb and awkward as you lead people to believe. And finally there is the "Little Devil", Chima. I have never met a more egotistical and vein individual like Chima and it is no surprise to me that she is 34 years old and still single. As for the personal attacks on Chima, she went down that road first, I just decided to finish her off. Everything I did say was true though, from her kissing me a couple nights before the HOH competition and her sexual innuendos. I respectfully declined.

She took it as a personal attack on her pride. I am sorry that she took it that way.

I do want to thank all of you fans for watching us and I hope to hear from you when I get out.

I would also like to give a special Hello to my Mother and Father as well as my friends and family. To all of my Training Partners, as well as all of my UC Davis Wrestling Teamates.

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BB Lover
BB Lover

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Russell's HOH Blog Empty
PostSubject: Re: Russell's HOH Blog   Russell's HOH Blog EmptyThu Aug 06, 2009 3:41 pm

Wow. His thoughts on each hg are interesting. Jessie, trustworthy & Natalie a heart of an angel????? Not sure about those!
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BB Lover
BB Lover

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Russell's HOH Blog Empty
PostSubject: Re: Russell's HOH Blog   Russell's HOH Blog EmptyThu Aug 06, 2009 5:13 pm

He thinks he knows but he has NO Idea!!!!
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