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 Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH

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Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 27, 2009 4:00 pm

Michelle used Veto to save herself an Jessie replaces her with.....

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Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 27, 2009 4:04 pm

hmmm...decisions, decisions... wtf is Borscht?

Borscht (also borsht, barszcz or borshch) is a soup that is popular in many Eastern and Central European countries. It is made with beetroot as a main ingredient[1][2] which gives it a strong red color. Other, non-beet varieties also exist, such as the tomato paste-based orange borscht and the green (zelioni) borscht (sorrel soup).
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyMon Jul 27, 2009 9:46 pm

I have to share because Ronnie is such a disgusting filthy pile of pig vomit. He uses the bathroom and when he comes out Lydia is there and he says to her, I wouldnt use the bathroom right away...I sprayed but ya know. So Kevin walks in and Lydia warns him but Kevin I guess couldnt wait so he goes in. When he comes out, he grabs the yellow gloves and the toilet cleaner and told Lydia that Ronnie shit all over the toilet. why am I not surprised? shithead:
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 28, 2009 1:30 am

That is sooooooooooooooo disgusting! Honestly Lorraine you did NOT have to share THAT!

Perhaps that has something to do with this tweet that was sent to Ronnie's husband

>>> @mishadawn oh gurl ronnie took a nasty shit & clogged up the damn toilet & kevin is uncloggin that nasty mess! what u got to say bout dat?
about 2 hours ago from web

and then Ronnie's hubby tweets back >>> @PassionsFan82 My man sure can fill a toilet
about 1 hour ago from web

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Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 28, 2009 1:43 am

Yea uh Lorraine that was TMI....... yikes! Ronnie nasty ass look like he has shit stains all in his undies.....Kevin is better than me because Ronnie ass would have been embarrased when I called him out and made him clean it. And his other half is nasty too for defending his shitty, nasty ass!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 28, 2009 10:28 am

Yea uh Lorraine that was TMI....... yikes! Ronnie nasty ass look like he has shit stains all in his undies.....Kevin is better than me because Ronnie ass would have been embarrased when I called him out and made him clean it. And his other half is nasty too for defending his shitty, nasty ass!

exactly. Kevin is wayyyyyyyyyy better than me because I would have marched right outside to that filthy pig and told him to slime his way to the bathroom and clean up his pigshit.
His wife...while I can't defend the people who are harrassing her, she should just let it go and not fight with these people....we all know that she cant and she wont win.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 28, 2009 11:53 am

So just looking over some of the things I missed last night. Biggest surprise or maybe not is that Lydia totally shit on Kevin and told Jessie some things that Kevin said about Jessie. Of course she does this while talking in her simply repulsive and digusting baby voice. The egomaniac Jessie of course did not take this well so whatever relationship or trust he had with Kevin is now gone thanks to Lydiot. Kevin was her biggest supporter and the person she could most trust and this is what she does to him???
Michelle spilled the beans to the Jessie cult about being approached to join the Jordan/Jeff/Lydia/Kevin alliance. Well actually she told Ronnie and Chima and faster then the speed of light Ronnie slithered his way up to King Jessie (*hurl*) and shared this info. No one thinks this Michelle has game so I am not sure why she would share this info with Ratboy. Seemed to me this was a weapon that perhaps could have been used later on when needed. She easily could have played both sides and stayed under the radar. Interestingly the Brains Clique seems to be the dumbest.
Repulsive Ronnie the pile of pigvomit was trash talking Jordan last night talking about all her lies (um what?) and he is lying as he talks about her non existant lies. He then starts making fun of how Jordan what???? Has this pile of shit looked in a mirror lately? He is by far the most grotesque houseguest EVER. Even more then Booger!!! He then gets on the "Casey should be fired from his teaching position" thing again because (This one just kills me) Casey drank when he was underage. Even Chima and Michelle couldnt swallow this one and actually defended Casey. Everything that Ronnie gets when he leaves the BB house, and you know he will get it good, he deserves. Of course he thinks he is loved and this will open many doors for him blah blah blah. Bitch please.
I am still hoping for a blowout that causes the house to shift and to realize that in order to have a chance, it would be in their best interest to keep Casey. I dont think this is going to happen though as there isnt anyone even close to being a mensa member in this house. Don't get me wrong, I like Jordan but for the sake of the game, the power needs to shift.
The Natalie/Lydia situation is starting to go from simmer to boil and I see the blowout creeping closer and closer.....I just wish it would hurry up!!!! THIS, I want to see!
So that was last Kevin is the villian, for that I hate Lydia. I simply cannot believe that she did this to him. Natalie wants to call him out....IF this happens, this could be the thing that flips the vote to keep Casey but again, I doubt it as the fish are the smartest living things in the house. And to think, Lydia sold out Kevin for Jessie?? WTF!!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 28, 2009 1:48 pm

for anyone to make an alliance with Lydia that would be against Jessie is just dumb - she worships him.

Ronnie was also making fun of Jordan's boob job and saying how jacked up her tits are. Which makes me laugh that Ronnie of all people would speak negatively of anyone's looks.

Casey got some pots and pans and they all thought he was going to pull a Evel Dick and be a dick and bang them. Ronnie made some comments on how he was going to tell Casey that it was not a good idea and he has embarrassed himself enough as an educator and human being blah blah blah blah. Talking all high and mighty on what he is GOING to say to Casey yet never says it to him of course. Ronnie was also going on and on about what he is going to say to Casey about promoting under age drinking to Gnatalie, again this whole attack on Casey being an educator and the funny thing is the fucking teletubby isn't even a teacher. I wish he would say something to Casey so that Casey could go off on his fat ass.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 28, 2009 4:00 pm

I am glad that Casey is campaigning. He is making alot of sense right now (to Russ and now Kevin). I am hoping that these people realize what he is saying is smart game play. Stop being Jessie's sheep, stop doing everything he says. Again, I like Jordan but Casey has the balls to make the big move and thats put the combo of Jessie/the unbathed pig/Pigvomit on the block.
Its gonna be tough for him but if he can rally Russ, Kevin, and Lydia he would only need to convince Chima and Michelle. I would love to hear these words "By a vote of 5-3, Casey.........YOU are SAFE! The look on Nat and Jessie's face would be priceless!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 28, 2009 4:37 pm

I think it would good if Casey stayed also BUT......HUGE BUT, Casey is relying on a vote from Russ and I think Russ if anything is blowing smoke up Casey's ass. Russ was heavily in Jessie's ear to put up Casey and made sure Gnatalie was in Jessie's ear to put up Casey. I don't see Chima flipping at all and I think Michele is too scared at this point.
And Casey isn't even bothering to ask Jeff? Jeff to me would be an easier sell than Chima ... let's face it Casey is toast! Dead in the water! I'm already thinking up my questions to ask him Friday... that's how much of a goner he is!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 28, 2009 6:49 pm

you know all freaking day the feeds were on sleeping people. When it finally gets good and a few people are getting fired up and putting 2 and 2 together we are getting non stop fish. This is such BS!!!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 28, 2009 8:07 pm

pray Please Kevin start throwing that walking doodle pad/emotional disaster under the bus and tell Gnatalie, Chima, and everyone else that she is giving Jessie handjobs... The people I always loathe seem to always stick around the longest... ugh!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 28, 2009 10:00 pm

Jessie=biggest douchebag to ever play the game of Big Brother.

hmmm as I post this the announcer says that there is a huge announcement on Thursday...probably seperation of cliques but hopefully something better.

Jordan "I may not be the smartest crayon in the box". God Bless her, I simply can't dislike this girl.

I wonder if the HGs know about the announcement or WILL know before Thursday. That could sway the way they vote this week.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 28, 2009 11:50 pm

Thats it....Ronnie is the most vile, disgusting, piece of filth to ever be on BB. HOW DARE he talk about being ethical to Casey!! This pile of pigvomit isnt even a teacher and is a self proclaimed cyber bully asshole POS and he is going to call someone else out??????? FUCK THAT!!! Casey owned him though and Ronnie ran running into the house and of course he has to spin it in his own psycho version. Sorry everyone, but I am so disgusted by this waste of flesh. Way to go Alison Grodner for choosing this vomit pile to be on our beloved BB and ruin it!!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 12:16 am

Ok I am baffled...someone please clue me in....WHY is everyone after Jeff???
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Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 12:55 am

Are these people the dumbest ever to play this game? There is always one person, well at least one person in the house that gets under my skin so baaaaad and this year it's Ronnie. I can't believe he has the audacity to try and call Casey out because of what he does outside of school. It's one thing to be an fucking ass to someone game wise, but to take that shit personal is going way to far for me. Then this bitch ass boy had the nerve to talk about Jordan boob job....lmao He has man boobs so why don't he shut the hell up. Look at your wife, she couldn't be Jordan on her best day with a makeover and plastic surgery!

Lydiot...backstabbed the one person that probably really has her back (Kevin) and why won't he call her handjob ass out?

Russell saying he is using Chimapet and is not interested in having sex on national TV is about the smartest thing I've heard all week. Because Chimapet looks like an ass all over him, when she was the HBIC trying to back door him.

As much as I love Jeff, Casey and Jordan, why did their dumb asses fall for the okie doke AGAIN. Casey is going home is his fault because he should have played to win the POV.

Does Michele really think "Team Jesse" is going to really save her and that she is a part of "their team"? I mean really miss scientist, you may be book smart, but you are a dumbass when it comes to the game. This broad hasn't had any relationship with none of these people and when it comes down to it, who does she think they are going to come after first? UH YOU STUPID ASS. "Last to hire, first to fire!"

Please let the cliques be over Thursday, I am so sick of Jesse, Natalie, Russell and Ronnie running around like they own the house. I need some drama and see them bitches squirming and kissing ass!

BTW, did I mention how much I hate Ronnie nasty ass! flaming hot
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 12:58 am

I don't know either why they hate Jeff, just like I didn't understand why they hated Casey. But I called it in chat on Thursday when jesse won, that he was going after Casey. Best case scenerio is the cliques is over and Jeff or Jordan wins HOH. Going to miss Casey, but this would be awesome to happen.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 3:19 am

Lydia is a fucking douchebag herself....she yells at Casey for being pissed off because of the situation he's in and the fact that he is leaving Thursday... OMG! I want to fucking slap her... She's such an emotional disaster I can't wait til she is walking out the door. I am actually looking forward to sooooooo many people walking out the door.

Ronnie and Lydia's evictions will bring me such great joy!

Lydia is stewing over the fact she can't hang out with Jessie as much because Gnatalie doesn't like it, so she takes out her frustration on Casey... stupid bitch!

and Russell's dumbass lies to Jessie and Gnatalie about a conversation he overheard in the pool room with Ronnie, Lydia and Kevin saying that Ronnie was throwing him, Jessie and Gnatalie under the bus. I hope that stupid lie comes and bites him in the ass... these people are all dumb! I can't take it! arghhhhh!!!!!
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Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 8:52 am

I'm a little nervous for the groups to split up, for Jeff's sake. Remember, he's safe as long as ANY of the Athletes win HOH. If they split, I can see any of them nominating him. If you think about it, once Casey leaves, who else is really a threat to Russell or Natalie? Of course Natalie would put Lydia up, but I also think she'd put Jeff up. I think Russell would put up Jeff & Jordan....
I like Casey & Jordan, so I will be sad on Thursday no matter what, but I think it was just idiotic for Casey to assume he didn't need to win POV. Has he EVER watched BB? You are NEVER safe, unless you are HOH!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 12:03 pm

These people are crazy. Like Erika said, Lydia SCREAMS at Casey to stop yelling at Ronnie while she is flipping out. Obviously she knew the jig was up and that they were listening at the door...LOL. I think Casey was showing tremendous restraint as I would have punched his smug lipless slimy maggot face into a bloody pulp. Who the heck does this fat ass think he is?? I am still livid over the fact that this poser is going to call someone out about THEIR ethics???? For real? Then his wife (again, I do not condone anyone harassing her) is on her twitter defending what her pile of vomit husband is saying about Casey!!!!! WTF??? What has this guy done for them to spread over the feeds and the internet that he is not worthy of his teaching position??
As far as the cliques splitting, if anyone wins HOH and targets Jeff, what a tremendously gutless and stupid move that is. I heard alot of "I'm putting Jeff on the block if I win HOH" last night and I am hoping its just because he is an easy person to say they are putting up. I am not sure what Russells motive was for lying about the convo. I think he wants them to totally target Lydia and Kevin and figured why not throw Ronnie under the bus while I am at it. I kind of feel bad for Kevin as he hasnt done anything and has had Lydia, his most trusted allie and cliquemate, completely sell him out and throw him under the bus. Now he is guilty by association with Lydia.
It will be sad to see Casey go as he brings some entertainment to the house and he and Jeff together are great for comic relief. UGH @ the POV comp. Come on Casey a margarita party?
So if Natalie or Lydia win HOH will either one of them put up the other? Or will Jessie talk them out of it and get them to target who he wants gone? Natalie swears she will put up Kevin/Lydia and Lydia says she will put up Natalie/Russell. Course they have to win something first.
I will root for whoever noms and gets evicted the human booger. I would love if everyone in the house would swear to him that they are voting for him and then evict him unanimously.
I just read in updates that Lydia told Kevin to bring up Michelles dead brother to make her cry. Are we stooping to that level again with this show???? No more Chelsia's or Josh's bringing up dead family members....I can only shake my head in disbelief that anyone would be that cruel. Thankfully it looks like Kevin doesnt want to be a part of that.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 1:11 pm

ok so now on the feeds Jessie is telling Chima that Russell was lying to them (Jessie, Gnatalie, and Chima) regarding the conversation Russell overheard between Lydia, Natalie and Ronnie.

Lydia and Ronnie's story matched up and Russell's story was the only one that didn't match up. All that did was confirm to Jessie, Chima and Natalie that they can trust Ronnie more than Russell. Real smart move there Russell.

If they break up the cliques tomorrow it very well could put Russell's position in the game in jeopardy because he won't have the fellow Athletes protecting him. Not that Jessie can play this week but next week I can see Jessie and or Natalie going after Russell because he's so shady and they haven't trusted him all this time anyway.

Kevin and Casey were talking to Natalie last night about keeping Casey. She listened a lot and said that if Jessie were on board she would vote to keep him. Whether or not she was just saying that gave me some hope that maybe Casey does have a chance in hell, but then Lydia tells Jessie all this crap that wouldn't give Casey a chance in hell. I can't see Jessie keeping him based off all the shit Lydia that stupid bitch said.... why couldn't Kevin keep that bitch in check....ugh I can't stand the stupidity in this game!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 6:30 pm

Jessie said he is 'coaching' Jordan to do exercises that are guaranteed to make her sore for tomorrow's HOH funny would that be if it were an endurance comp and Jordan were to win it dispite Jessie's hopeful sabotage
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 6:45 pm

awwwww did Casey just say "Sad man in a banana suit"?

I, for one, will be sad to see Casey go.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 6:59 pm

Russell is putting a HUGE target on his back.

Russell and Ronnie have a conversation out back -
Russell asked Ronnie if he said that he can be controlled.
Ronnie said that he swears he didn't, on the bible. Russell said he should be careful about doing that since he's catholic and takes it seriously.
Russell says he thinks that Ronnie is turning on them which is dumb, that Jessie and he saved him. Ronnie says that his loyalties are the same and swears to God. Russell says he'll talk to Jessie, and that ronnie shouldn't bother talking to Jessie since Jessie is on his Russel's side.

Russell grilling Ronnie about why he is talking to Lydia and Kevin...
Ronnie explains that they have just been talking about life and not game. Rusell keeps reminding him that he saved Ronnie and Ronnie better remember that. Ronnie assures him that his alliance is still the same as it always has been. Russell is still questioning why it looks suspicious because Ronnie was talking game with L and K. Russell doesn't want to make a mistake in trusting Ronnie. Ronnie says his loyalty is always been where it has and Russell shouldn't worry.

Ronnie goes to the green room and tells Jessie/Chima about his Russell convo.

After Ronnie leaves then Russell goes into the green room and tells his distorted side to Jessie about Ronnie........... Jessie KNOWS he's lying. Russell is an idiot and I'd rather him to stay over Ronnie but he's being played...fucking idiot!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 10:23 pm

OMG is anyone listening to this sex talk? If not flashback to around 7pm BBT

Michele started talking about how horny she always is and then Jordan was asking what does it feel like to be hard to Kevin eyeroll

and Kevin was talking about how he can juggle his balls without his hands
and Jeff goes I can't even juggle balls regular lol so funny

Jeff is hilarious!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH - Page 3 EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 11:55 pm

Havent been able to watch the feeds all day and I finally got a chance to turn them on and within seconds I want to bash Ronchys pigvomit maggot face into a bloody pulp. I know its not healthy to want to pulverize this piece of slimy filth but I think its more unhealthy to keep it in. I gotta vent.
I also noticed that filthy nat is wearing the same clothes that she had on yesterday. I am betting she slept in them as well.
I can't verify this for sure but I have no doubt that its true but I heard that pus ball hasnt showered since the have not comp because of the cold water.
Filthy pigs.
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