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 Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH

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Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH Empty
PostSubject: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptyThu Jul 23, 2009 11:25 pm

We will have Laura Crosby on our show tomorrow at 1:15pm CST/2:15pm EST

Jessie was stupid to have not thrown the HOH comp to sexy ass Jeff!

Who will Jessie put up.... luckily it won't be Jeff only because he can't dancing banana
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Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptyThu Jul 23, 2009 11:44 pm

Erika wrote:
We will have Laura Crosby on our show tomorrow at 1:15pm CST/2:15pm EST

Jessie was stupid to have not thrown the HOH comp to sexy ass Jeff!

Who will Jessie put up.... luckily it won't be Jeff only because he can't dancing banana

That is reason to least 2 more wonderful weeks with smoking hot JEFF!!!!! woohoooo!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptyThu Jul 23, 2009 11:50 pm

Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH 3-16 heartz
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptyThu Jul 23, 2009 11:56 pm

I could never get tired of looking at that face!!! can you post some more please? LOL
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Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 1:20 pm

Well as of this morning, the plan is to nom Jordan and Michelle and back door Casey. I hope the house goes psycho when they see that Ronnie is no where in the mix. The tensions between Lydia and Nat continue to get worse and I LOVE IT! Lydia threw a hissy fit over the fact that she had no where to sleep once Jessie told her she was NOT sleeping in his HOH room...hehe. So Russ OFFERED to sleep in the have not room to give Lydia a bed but she said no, she was going to stay up all night...whatever. Jessie also accused Lydia of throwing the HOH comp and to not start talking in that baby voice....ROTF! Lydia is not a happy camper. Sad thing is, if Jessie came to her and asked her if she wanted to spend the night in the HOH room, she would jump at the chance and all would be forgotten. She really needs to get a clue. Can you imagine what would happen if she knew that Jessie was with Nat 100%. OHHH I hope it happens.
Jessie and Natalie think they should align with Jeff and Jordan for a final 4. Ok by me, whatever gets Jeff further in the game is just fine.
Lydia and Kevin talking about how Dan won because he didnt win anything early and he was throwing comps etc. They both agree that its time for an athelete to go up and home....DUHHHHHHHHHHH.
Nat is actually trying to tell Jessie that putting up Jordan would really piss off Jeff and its not a good idea since they have no intention of sending her home. She is pushing for a Casey BD though with Michelle/? going on the block. She wants it to be Lydia...LOL.
Jessie at one point went downstairs to see if Lydia wanted to come up to the HOH room to talk and Lydia said "not with HER in there". I am loving this.
The power trip with the King and Queen of HOH has begun. Jeff was eating a bowl of cereal. Jessie wanted to talk to him. Jeff told Jessie he wanted to finish his bowl of cereal first. Jessie and Nat decided that now they would put up Jordan because Jeff didnt JUMP at their command. sickening.
Lydia tried to reason with Jessie saying he will piss off the entire house by not sticking to the plan of getting rid of pigvomit and it will put a target on his back. Finally she said something intelligent and of course Jessie says he "trusts" pigvomit. Nomming Michelle and Jordan is just WEAK! WHAT HUGE THREATS!! Get rid of pigvomit, everyone is happy and he wont piss anyone off. Not sure why he wants pigvomit around. I mean what use is he? He thinks that pigvomit is not targeting what??? If you dont send him home, probably the rest of the house WILL be targeting you.
I hope Casey wins POV. I want to see him stick around.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 1:25 pm

Currently Jessie and Nat are in HOH talking and Jessie told Nat that Lydia told him that if he doesnt get rid of Ronnie then Jessie will be the target.
Jessie said this numerous times last night and he is still saying it that he is pissed off no one is coming up to the HOH to make deals.
UM Jessie????? I thought the plan was to get rid of Ronnie you pinhead!!! Thats why no one is coming upstairs. They think you are following thru with your plan. I just dont understand why he thinks that no one will be mad but Jeff when he doesnt gun for Ronnie?
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 1:49 pm

Actually they won't be mad if he doesn't put up Ronnie because they will see it as Ronnie just getting backdoored.

Ronnie is loyal to Jessie and the house wants Jessie out anyway and are coming after him, why should he just do what the house wants and get rid of Ronnie ....they will be coming after Jessie anyway.

By keeping Ronnie it does leave another target for the others to go after. I don't think it's a dumb move.

I give Jessie credit for wanting to play his game and not do what the house wants. And the only one who is mainly vocal about Ronnie leaving is Casey and all Casey is doing is putting a target on HIS back. Casey is NOT HOH and should not be running his mouth, he's only making it worse for himself.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 1:54 pm

Quote :
Actually they won't be mad if he doesn't put up Ronnie because they will see it as Ronnie just getting backdoored.

and so what happens when he isnt BDed?

I really dont think the house is gunning for Jessie. I have heard Russells name numerous times but not Jessies. I have even heard Natalies name more than Jessies. If he doesnt follow thru.....that will change.

I like when someone plays for themselves as well. But this is soooooo not the move to firm up your position if the house. It only shows that you can't be trusted. Bottom line is he doesnt need Ronnie at all! What use is he? Because he isnt gunning for him.....BFD. Ronnie's days of power are long gone.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 1:59 pm

Casey even said last night to Jordan, Jeff and Natalie that Jessie has a big enough target on his back because he played this game again, has won HOHs, and is a physical threat. C'mon don't tell me he isn't a target. Ronnie may not have pull in the house but he is a vote

Jessie is making a good move. Who cares what the house wants, they are coming after him anyway.....why get someone out that isn't coming after you and eliminate someone that will, or at the very least would be a vote against you.
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Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 2:04 pm

I dont know, I think is a stupid move......very stupid. It seals his fate basically. nomming Michelle and Jordan is kind of worthless. Now if he can actually get Casey BDed, then I guess it wont be for nothing. So much for the Jessie/Casey secret alliance theory!
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Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 4:25 pm

Jessie is an idiot. Aside from the fact that he really should have thrown the last round of HOH and let Jeff win (so as to avoid more blood on his hands), he really should just get Ronnie out. Ronnie is no longer someone that anyone in the house really wants to align too closely with and getting him out now would give Jessie brownie points with everyone for being true to what they all "agreed" upon earlier this week.
If Jessie doesn't get Ronnie out, and the next HOH does, the second HOH is going to look like better to everyone else in terms of potential jury members later. It's just a better PR move for Jessie to get Ronnie. There will be plenty of time for going after someone like Casey later.
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Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 6:23 pm

Suzie I agree with you 100%. Although I am not a Jesse fan, the best thing for him to do is to go with the plan to get Ronnie out because no one else in the house especially "team Jeff" is going to go after him since he honored the house deal. They will go after Natalie or Russell. But Jesse wants to keep Ronnie because he knows Ronnie won't go against him. But who knows what he'll do. I personally want to see Ronnie and Natalie gone.

And can some one tell me am I missing something with why they want Casey out?

I hate that Team Jesse never had to worry about being evicted and has been so safe in this game thus far. I want them to be on the chopping block, kiss ass and worry.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 7:03 pm

Lydiot has admitted to Kevin that she gave Jessie hand jobs, and that it was on more than 1 occassion, that it was "several times". Not only that but she also admitted that they have not even kissed. And she was wondering why that was. uhh... DUH!!!! She was like why do you think that is and Kevin told her kissing is more personal ..... How stupid is she? I mean seriously. c'mon now! Then she tells Kevin that the hoodie she washed yesterday she has to wash again because "Jessie used it like a napkin" Kevins words lol
Kevin was like oh that's not good girl, that's not gonna look good to America especially if he puts you up.... you're giving him hand jobs and busting a nut all over your hoodie and Natalie is his girl and she isn't evne doing what you are doing and on top of that he's gonna put you up on the block... Kevin was like you need to not let him finish ewwww! And she goes well I know right I was like W T F ... How can she be like wtf when you're giving a guy a handjob what do you think is going to happen? She's such a skanky dumbass!
I think Jessie doesn't want to have sex with her because I think she would if he'd allow it. How pathetic is that!
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Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 10:41 pm

OK, I knew about the hand jobs, but I missed the convo with Lydiot (I love that Erika) and Kevin. And that trick is dumber and more annoying than I thought. Wow it's only $500,000 I mean jeesh. As much as I don't like Nat, Lydiot is looking real dumb and then she don't seem to even get it!

Smooches would give a handjob for $500K, but not like the way Lydiot is doing it. Jesse don't give her the time of day unless he want something. She can't even get a massage from him, but he gives Nat & Chima massages and Lydiot is getting his steriod juices all over her....... Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH 143808
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 10:45 pm

she didn't seem to mind his roid juice all over her hoodie and probably her mouth too, she's nasty enough to give head for the hell of it to some guy who doesn't even kiss her laughing

Jordan and Michele up for on the block... no big surprise there.
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Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptySat Jul 25, 2009 1:22 am

Ah yes, handjobgate. She told Kevin that the best is when he "jizzed" all over Natalies clothes in Natalies bed. Then she claimed she was using sex as a weapon...sure you are Clymidia. She wants Jessie so bad. I mean what kind of girl doesnt understand that a guy who wont kiss you "IS JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU!" I just wish she would find out that he was thinking about putting her up and said flat out that she is of no use to us.

Some of the old Jessie emerged today as he acted like the Godfather and had everyone come to the HOH 1 by 1 and kiss his ring. He and his little lap dog grilled everyone about Ronnie. All bullshit as he had every intention of doing exactly what he wants. Still do not understand why this is so important to save the little maggot. He is only 1 person, 1 vote, 1 pile of pigvomit. Why not honor the deal, and be a hero? If I were Jessie, I would want to stay tight with EVERYONE ELSE in the house rather than this lipless slug. Then he told Jeff to bring him some milk in a bowl, WHICH JEFF DID, and then when Jessie wanted him to stay to talk Jeff told him he left his cereal downstairs and wanted to finish it. This pissed the Godfather off. HOW DARE HE?? When Jessie talks, you better jump. Its slowly coming back to me why I didnt like him last season.

So Jordan is starting to become suspicious as everyone but Jeff, Jordan and Casey are all being friendly with Ronnie and playing truth or dare. THEN, Michelle told Jordan to NOT pick Casey to play in POV as Casey told her he would not use it and that maybe they should pick Russell. This is an absolute lie and Jordan told Casey this fact. Casey was NOT happy and told Jordan that this was not true and that he wants to be the one to WIN POV so that he ultimately will be the one to send Ronnie home. Jordan is planting the seed of doubt in Jeff and Caseys head and keeps saying, "I think they may have another plan, why are they all, especially Russell, being so nice to Ronnie?" With everyone being nice to Ronnie, he is starting to speak again and trying to be cute and cuddly Ronnie. Meanwhile Michelle plays with the Turd Herd.

Casey and Jordan in the pool room and Casey is agitated and I think he knows that things have changed. He tells Jordan that he is going to get it from the horses mouth and goes off to find Jessie. I think Jessie and his handjob Maiden are currently asleep in the HOH.
Casey finds out that Jessie is in the DR and has camped out on the couch and is waiting for Jessie to come out.
Jessie is out of DR now but he may have told Casey later or something as Casey went back into the pool room. He IS NOT happy.
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Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptySat Jul 25, 2009 1:41 am

I just don't understand after 11 seasons of BB how Lydiot doesn't get "sex" doesn't get you to the end and if you are giving a dude a handjob and he doesn't want to kiss you, you are being played and you are an ass (in or out of the BB house). As for Jesse, after playing the game he did last season and wanting so bad to make it further this season, how could he even consider not sticking with the house plan. Like you said Lorraine, the scary dork, is one vote, one person. And he (Jesse) should rather people respecting him by putting Ronnie out rather than making everyone dislike him even more. As we know towards the end when those endurance comps start, the heavier people (muscles) do not last and neither does an out of shape ass that sits home and plays games all day, so DUH what's the problem here Jesse? But then I always have to remind myself that we are talking about Muscle, no Hustle Jesse and he has no brains.

It's amazing to me how everyone is quick to say Jordan isn't playing the game, but what the hell is Kevin or Lydiot doing except following the crowd?
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptySat Jul 25, 2009 3:24 am

Jordan and Casey ask Russell, Lydiot and Kevin if the plan was still in tact. All 3 lied and said that it was still the plan to put up Ronnie. I want to know how keeping Ronnie benefits this whole stupid ass fucking sheep clique?? Such a bad position Jeff, Casey and Jordan are in. They cant even go psycho. If by some miracle Casey stays he said earlier that Jessie was NOT his target but if he wants to switch it up...its on. Kevin said if he wins HOH he is putting up Russell and Jeff. WHY WHY is NO ONE targeting Jessie??? They listen and do everything freaking thing he says!!! Good Lord, someone hand him the 500 grand and lets get it over with. Sweet, naive and trusting Jeff tells Jordan he doesnt think that anything is up but if it is "Then they got us again". He is just not nasty, sneaky, or vile enough to play this game.

Random: Natalie looked absolutely ridiculous in what I think was Chima's straw cowboy hat. ewwwww

Russell: "whats the first thing I will do when I get out of here...probably beat off"
nice Russell...hope your family was watching and are proud.

Casey, Russell and Kevin on the couches and Russell literally blows them away with his gas. Casey and Kevn go running from the room. Casey fires up his lighter to try to rid the room of his fumes. Russell is in hysterics, he is laughing so hard he is choking. Casey in a distinguished voice says "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner, fart of the year" Then he says, whatever you ate today, please dont eat it again tomorrow. Casey is pretty funny. Too bad they are gunning for him. Russell is still choking with laughter several minutes after the fact.

The houseguests have been on indoor lockdown all night. There is some speculation that there could be a late night POV. They havent even picked players yet though.

oh well. I've had enough of watching the Jessie Cult. Off to bed.
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Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptySat Jul 25, 2009 12:01 pm

Well just got done watching the 3am, cam 3 flashback from early this morning and Jessie and Lydiot have done the deed....let me just say...EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Its pretty uncomfortable to watch. The grunts, groans and moans are hard to listen to from both of them. At one point Jessie jumps out of bed to get a condom I assume. I guess it didnt last very long but that was to be expected. I wonder if Lydiot will tell Kevin all about it? How will she feel when she finds out that Jessie is using her and if he had his choice, it would be Natalie beside him?
When will these people learn that having sex in the BB house is NEVER a good idea.
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Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptySat Jul 25, 2009 12:16 pm

Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH Jess3amLive Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH Hohroom3am

Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH Jessie330amLive Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH Lydia330am

3:25am Big Brother Time: Jessie moaning. “Oh yeah, right there. Ohhhhhh. Yeah.” “Oh, right there” “Is your hand tired?” Jessie is “touching” Lydia. You can hear kisses and her moaning. Lydia: “Yeah, yeah, oooooh.”

3:38pm Big Brother Time: Zipper was just unzipped. Could hear moving, sounded like pants taken off…Lydia & Jesse in the HoH room & shes says fuck me and im geting so wet and other things as we here the snap of condom going on

3:45am Big Brother Time: Lydia & Jesse in the HoH room & now its over and they talk more Jesse asks what time it is. (Jesse’s New nickname should be “Two Pump Chump”) Lydia & Jesse Now are talking game about Russ and Kevin talking about Kevins past. 5am Big Brother Time: Jesse talking about Russell’s big fart today. Lydia trying to go to sleep. Jesse finally quiets down.

You would think that after her conversation with Kevin earlier that if she didn't have a clue as to how she was being used that she would now but she's a stupid whore
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptySat Jul 25, 2009 1:59 pm

POV players have been picked, aside from Jessie, Jordan and Michelle I am not sure at the moment who else got picked but it seems apparent that Ronnie did not get picked by how Jeff is talking. They start talking about what if prizes are involved. Jeff makes a reference to the fact that when he was on the block and playing for POV that Natalie chose a bag and did not play to win POV. He said in a joking but sort of not so joking tone that if anyone else had chosen a bag over the POV they would have been sent home. Good one Jeff. Natalie was like HUH? Then Jeff said why is everyone so down and he is clearly happy with the POV players. Unfortunately, he is still clueless. Fortunately for us, he is still smoking hot!!!!
From the convo Jordan and Michelle are having, I am getting that Casey is playing in POV comp...ALL is not lost!!!!! GOOOO CASEY!!!!
Yes, Michelle is worried that Casey WILL NOT use POV and that she will go home. Now we know why Jessie and Natalie are less than enthused over the POV comp.
Natalie is hosting.....*hurl*. She got her way because Jessie was going to pick pigvomit to host but she threw a semi hissy this morning when he mentioned it telling him that she is CO-HOH and wants to host. And so she is....
Casey stated that the pressure should be off because everyone who is playing POV will do the right thiing.
Jeff is playing as he just said that he will take prizes if they are available in the comp. Use your heads guys!!!! THROW THIS TO CASEY....just in case!! Jeff is safe already!!
Russell is in the kitchen with Jeff and Casey playing dumb (he's so good at it) asking if anything has changed while he was asleep. He is covering his ass for the fireworks!
Jessie and Nat in HOH bed looking bummed, I am wondering which one of them got the wet spot?

**UPDATE** Chima is the 6th player.
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptySat Jul 25, 2009 2:16 pm

Jessie, Russell and Nat in HOH talking about the POV. Talking about how they arent sticking to the plan and that the only ones who think the plan is a go is Jeff/Jordan/Casey and maybe Michelle. They talk about Casey asking if they are sticking to the plan and Jessie of course lies. Then Russell says, "THEY try to run everything". Jessie/Nat nod in agreement. Ummmmmm Pot meet Kettle..fucking hypocrites!! I cant wait until they leave the house and find out how much they are hated. Gee Jessie, there is a record for you. Twice in the BB house, twice hated. Wasnt it America who had to evicted last season?? Didnt that send a message to AG that you werent liked? Well by all means then, lets have him back to be hated all over again.
all 4 feeds on the king and queen laying in the sex sheets in HOH
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptySat Jul 25, 2009 2:39 pm

Well Russell just said he is a Buffalo Bills fan. I guess I am going to have to like him a little now....LOL! GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptySat Jul 25, 2009 3:10 pm

Dares that were done last night
Natalie mooning Lydia after she gets out of the Diary Room

Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH I5u1s5

Kevin hugging Jessie while he was sleeping in the HOH

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Ronnie had to go up to Casey and give him a hug - Casey was NOT happy about it flaming hot

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PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH   Live Feed Discussion - week 3 of Jessie's HOH EmptySat Jul 25, 2009 3:43 pm

OMG @ Natalies ass....I'm blind!!!!
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