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Big Brother 16
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 Jun's blog on the past 10 seasons

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Age : 52
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Jun's blog on the past 10 seasons Empty
PostSubject: Jun's blog on the past 10 seasons   Jun's blog on the past 10 seasons EmptySun Jun 14, 2009 10:01 pm

Big Brother 11: Barbra Streisand is in the house!
Written by Jun Song
Saturday, 13 June 2009 23:24
Jun's blog on the past 10 seasons Jun_song_june_13
Quote :
Big Brother 11. Back in 2003, I didn’t think we’d even make it into the double digits. And here we all are. We will never be completely happy with any season, because it’s our right to bitch and moan, but heck if every season of Big Brother hadn’t had their share of ups and downs and memories…oh, the memories…

Memories, light the corners of our minds (if the lights and cameras aren’t already there)
Misty watercolor memories of the way we were (think Season 1).
Scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind (on the memory wall…)
smiles HGs give to one another (while stabbing each other in the back)
for the way we were. (before all this BB craze happened)
Can it be that it was all so simple then? (think Season 2)
or has time rewritten every line? (for the record, the only lines we are “fed” are ones we read during competition setups)
If we had the chance to do it all again (All Stars baby!!)
tell me would we? Could we? (“Should We” is a totally other question!)
Memories, may be beautiful and yet (because we are never satisfied)
what's too painful to remember (I mean seriously…PB&J?! Slop?! ONE TOILET?!)
we simply choose to forget (therapy helps…)
So it's the laughter we will remember (laughing with and at the HGs)
whenever we remember (thanks to TVGrapevine we can never forget)
the way we were. (before video killed the radio star)


SO. What should we all be doing in preparation? Well, we should NOT be trying to guess what the HGs’ names might be or sending spies out to the CBS studio parking lots. I mean, if you really want to, knock yourself out.

I think, instead…we should be brushing up on our BB history and factoids…OR, fun fun…taking bets on whether or not Chenbot’s baby will run on batteries or go green with solar energy!

Seriously though. Through it all, Big Brother has been more than just a summertime guilty pleasure…we’ve learned a lot…and have been touched in one way or another…and just when we thought we’d seen enough characters to last us forever…we are upon Season 11.

And we owe it all to sick people…those who create the show, go on the show, watch, edit, promote, blog, live, breathe…

Some of my personal takeaways and highlights…milestones, in my opinion, in the Big Brother timeline:

BB1 – Um, yeah…whatevs.

BB2 – Shrill Will puts it all out there, the “ill” in villain. We also address issues of homosexuality head on, very touching. And thankfully Bunky does not flood the BB house with tears. And let’s not forget 9/11 folks…that was major.

BB3 –Danielle gets CHEATED and the producers learn a lesson. Marcellas also learns a lesson that summer. DOH! Here’s where we also have our first “re-entry” of a HG. I fall in love with Roddy Mancuso for the first time (it happens once more later). Roddy, if you are reading and still single, call me…purrrrrrrr.

BB4 – Mmmhmm, first Korean chica to win a reality show. Yes my Korean brother-from-another-mother, Yul, wins Survivor shortly thereafter, but I promise we didn’t plan that. J This summer is also the start of the “twist”. Still FUGGING pissed about that one. Genius, the one that thought it up, NOT. At least we got the intro of the Schmolden POV. And some S E X for the first time on BB USA.

BB5 – First season where casting got really questionable. Sure, we got some memorable characters, but this summer was a little funky. I’d take Cowboy and Marvin any day over some of the “I have an agent” smegma. I mean, Drewboy won 4-3, not impressive.

BB6 – I think I would have been OKAY if this was the last cast / season…we got some really great action this summer. Hurricane Howie…Janelle…the monster formerly known as James…America got to vote Kaysar back in?! I feel like it was the only season where EVERYONE was actually playing the game!!! Oh, and I got to blog on Revenge of HG, that was sweet.

BB7 – The only time I wanted Gretchen Massey’s job. Big Brother All Stars was great. Chicken George was wonderful. Tell me again how Nakomis got back on the show?!?! This season speaks for itself…

BB8 – Red Unitard. The Donatos. STDs. America’s Player. Whatevs. Petty schoolyard crap. But then again, following All Stars, it’s hard to raise the bar again.

BB9 – Eh, yeah, that whole love theme bombed. ‘Til Death Do You Part?! Whatevs. This season was kinda painful to watch.

BB10 – Meh. Okay. What was that blonde skanky girl’s name again? Nice to see they threw in some older folks…must have pained the producers to do that. No one had a chance against Dan. April? Yuck. Some good drama, but overall a disappointment.

Wait, now that I’ve gone through this, it feels like there’s nothing left…

But there is, season 11 J

And yes, for the record, “whatevs” is one of my new fav words. Here’s to a good summer. I’m out, see you all soon!

hmmm... when Jun mentioned the blonde skanky girl in season 10 I immediately thought... Keesha, of course lol
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