I had high hopes as well and was genuinely excited for the season, though not too crazy about the new HG pre-show interviews. But I thought pre-show interviews are always kind of dull and predictable anyway and they'd come alive. Just imagine if all 14 HGs were new strangers of this caliber. I'm not sure if that would have made the season better than mixing with Vets or not, despite wanting seasons with ALL new people.
Ultimately I feel less involved and excited about BB than in the past. We had a couple exciting moments on eviction nights (and one post-eviction episode doozy), I guess. But overall, I think for me, this might just be the worst season in BB history.
Sure, ED being there might have saved it from that fate, but there are a lot of other problems with BB that need fixing too, as I'm sure we've all noticed.
And this season has me rooting for Rachel! How messed up is that?
But seriously, it does feel like sort of a let down, even though I do consider myself a fan who'll probably keep coming back for more even if it gets worse.