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 Dan's Myspace Blog

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PostSubject: Dan's Myspace Blog   Dan's Myspace Blog EmptyMon Sep 22, 2008 5:57 am

Monday, September 22, 2008

Thank You!
Current mood: grateful

To All Big Brother Fans, Dan Fans, & Renegade Fans:

Thank you so much for all of your support! All of the support, thank you notes, and encouragement is very overwhelming for me and totally unexpected. When I was trapped in the house I was not sure anyone would like me, but I appreciate all of the support.

I will keep you all updated as to what is going on with my life, just be patient with me because I am trying to catch up to the MySpace, Facebook, e-mails, etc etc...

I have been running all over the place trying to keep up with phone calls, family, and re-adjusting to life outside of the Big Brother house. I have NOT seen the Dark Knight yet OR picked up my new favorite CD, the Weezer Red Album that I got as my first HoH.

Winning Big Brother was a dream come true for many reasons, you all know how big of a BB fan I am and to win, and win 7-0 (totally unexpected), is very hard to even comprehend.

After the Finale show, I spent the next 36 hours doing press interviews, radio interviews, etc (check out the Bonnie Hunt Show!)

This past Wednesday we (my family, Monica, best friend Carp, Memphis, Ashley, Memphis' fam) went to Katsuya for a nice dinner and then to S-Bar for the Renegade party. Thanks to Ashley and Matt (at S-Bar) for hooking it up. We had a blast, I had a chance to catch up with Brian, Angie, and Steven for a second, but mainly it was a crazy night.

Big thanks to Mike Boogie for making an appearance at S-Bar and for hooking up Monica and I and Geisha House. If you ever are in LA you need to swing by Geisha House, great food and atmosphere. The best Sushi ever, check it out.

While in LA, Monica, Memphis, Ashley and I went to Universal Studios and had a great time!

The BB Wrap Party was something out of this world. I met a lot of great people and I received nothing but positive feedback. A lot of former House Guests were there and they are all so cool, here is who I ran into (sorry if I forget anyone), I did not get a chance to talk to them all unfortunately

BB1: Chicken George, the legend
BB3: Marcellas, Lisa - very cool
BB5: Diane - the best, very down to earth
BB6: Jennifer-awesome, photogenic James-nice guy
BB7: Erika-charismatic
BB8: Jen & Nick - genuine
Dick - do I even need to say anything?
Danielle - sweetheart, plus she started Team Dan, come on!
Joe & Zach - nice dudes
BB9: Chelsia & Crazy James
Jen - very cool, personable
Josh - said hey, didn't get a chance to talk to
Parker - the man
Sharon - very sweet

I also met Sheila, I was very thrilled to meet her. What she told me got me FIRED UP! Long story short, she knows how big of a fan I am of the Karate Kid, so she is hooking me up big time, she can tell the details but I'm not sure how much she wants me to say. But Sheila is the best, so cool, and I look forward to speaking with her soon.

The gag reel is hilarious; the producers did an awesome job with that. If you haven't seen the Wrap Party gag reel, I think you can check it out on YouTube. All I can say is that I was laughing uncontrollably at "the Graduate" clip, nice work.

OK, so what's in the future for me? There are tons of things coming my way; you wouldn't believe half of it if I told you. I will keep you all updated as to what is going on if I decide to accept any of the stuff.

As far as my fellow houseguests, I barely got a chance to speak to any of them. I talk to Memphis daily (the Renegades are for real) and Brian. I need to get in touch with the rest of the crew; I was so busy I did not even get a chance to exchange numbers, pretty sad. If Renny, Keesha, Angie or any of my friends are reading this get a hold of me I want to talk to you guys!

The rest of this week I am going to try to get re-acclimated to my life, it has been a lot tougher than I thought. I thought I could jump from BB house to normal life with ease, but it has been a process. But don't worry, if I can handle living in a house with 12 crazy people, re-adjusting won't be so bad

Give me some time and I will get some things lined up so I can interact with all of you!

I feel very blessed to be in this situation and I want you all to know from the bottom of my heart I appreciate ALL your support.

Stay posted, I won't leave you all hanging too long....or if you do hang long, I will make a deal with you and get you to drop from the vine, hahahah, just kidding.

Take care and I will be in touch!

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Dan's Myspace Blog Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dan's Myspace Blog   Dan's Myspace Blog EmptyTue Sep 23, 2008 7:57 pm

I thought it was interesting that Dan had a nice comment to make about everyone he met at the wrap party except for James and Chelsia....oversight? Or maybe he lives by the rule if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.  wink
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Dan's Myspace Blog Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dan's Myspace Blog   Dan's Myspace Blog EmptyWed Sep 24, 2008 1:58 am

It was a great blog he did! fishies
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PostSubject: Re: Dan's Myspace Blog   Dan's Myspace Blog EmptyFri Sep 26, 2008 9:02 pm

Dan's Myspace Blog Dankel10

'Big Brother 10': Detroit's Dan Gheesling
Nice guys finish first
By Kelly Gheesling

September 26, 2008

Over the course of the past three months, I have received countless emails, Myspace messages, letters, and message-board questions that often times I leave unanswered. Some of the questions I truly want to answer and others...well...not so much. However, I figure at this point in the game, if you truly want the answers, you'll be able to find them here (Some of you are all star lurkers, I tell ya.).

The finale and the wrap party and my entire stay in California was surreal. Many people have asked about the actual finale show. And to be honest, I don't remember. After we put on the Renegade bandanas, everything seems to be a blur. Insert image of April's "Dan" key being pulled...and more blur. The whole concept that my little brother WON “Big Brother 10” by a unanimous vote still hasn't sunk in. For any of us.

Which brings me to -- my brother. When asked, my standard answer is "I am so incredibly proud of my brother" but really, the answer is: "I have always been proud of my brother."

Sometime in his late teens I came to the realization that the kid that used to make faces at me across the dinner table to irritate me (oh wait, he still does that...) and the kid I used to WWF wrestle with in the kitchen had turned into a well rounded, well spoken, loyal, determined, admirable guy.

From college on he made personal sacrifices and had the iron-clad determination that -- even as his older sister -- I was astonished by. "It's all mental," he'd always remind me when life threw out a curveball. Not once has this kid ever let anything stand in his way. As the older sister, I often times look up to my little brother. He truly has been such a humble, grateful “Big Brother” winner...gosh, that’s so him.

When he came to us and told us he'd be living in the “Big Brother” house for the summer, I knew.

My heart said, "this kid has it in the bag."

And he did. In my professional “Big Brother” watching experience: He played a flawless game and made friends for life along the way.

Congratulations, Dan. Very, very, well deserved and rightfully earned.

So…lucky were we, his family, to get to share in his week of excitement and celebration. As fans of all 10 “Big Brother” seasons, who would have ever thought we would get to spend five days hanging out with fan faves?

Now here is where everyone counts on getting the dirt on all of the houseguests we met.

Well, I have some disappointing news: Everyone was amazing.

I got to spend more time with some than others and often times ended up in the most craziest of places. The night we got in, Monica and I headed out with Angie, Steven, Rick (Steven's best friend), Brian, and Dave (Brian's best friend). We had an absolute blast at the SaddleRanch despite our nervousness for the next day. Angie is absolutely gorgeous in person, and all of the boys couldn't have been any more fun.

Tuesday was a total whirlwind -- and I don't even remember.

Wednesday evening was the surprise Renegade party at SBar that Ashley set up for Dan and Memphis. That girl knows how to put together a party. We spent the night celebrating the Renegades success and basically just let it all soak in.

I actually got to see a "mixologist" in action, and let me be the first to admit to all the haters -- a "mixologist" is not even close to a bartender. Those guys have skills. Fruit juice in a drink? Oh no, they take the actual fruit and crush that bad boy into your glass. Stellar place. Definitely a must go.

Thursday night was the long-awaited wrap party. Walking into the place was like “BB10” heaven. How cool to see all of the props and competition sets in person. I got to spend some time with Daniele (“BB8”) and Chelsia (“BB9”). Seriously, those girls are both beautiful in person, and, well -- hilarity at its finest; they had me rolling.

Met Joe (“BB8”), so awesome. He had flat ironed his hair and it looked hot. James (“BB6” and “BB7”) was all over the place, but always had something witty to say.

Now, this guy gets his own personal favorite: Marcellas (“BB3” and “BB7”). Hands down my number one favorite houseguest of all time (other than Dan). In fact, I often times re-watch “All Stars” to relive the dramatics of him being put on the block in his robe, just so I can laugh my head off all over again. Total swoon. I got to meet Marcellas in all of his fabulousness briefly, even though I was secretly hoping we could be BFFLs.

I'm sure many of you have seen all of the wrap-party pictures that are floating around, so there is a general consensus of who was present. I briefly got to speak to most of them and again, nothing but great things to say about everyone. It’s unreal how beautiful all of these people are in person.

And for all of you Memphis fans, I must say: If you think you love him now…when I met Memphis in person, my heart just stopped. TV does not do this kid justice. And he has an equally beautiful girlfriend to boot!

Ok, so speaking of pictures...TRD was there. Be jealous. He was on a covert op taking priceless pictures all night.

Of course all of the “BB10” houseguests were inundated with fans and questions and photos. Everyone was in good spirits, and if you lurk the Internet hard enough, you'll find full coverage of the Renny dance-athon.

I got to meet all of the BB10ers, but Libra really stuck out in the crowd. That woman is amazing. She commands a crowd, and we were all captivated by what she had to say.

"Let's do this like Judas..." turned more into a motivating mantra than a personal attack from a houseguest. The nation gasped collectively as Dan was accused of being a "Judas." Funny thing is...we all knew it was a game. And deep down, we knew it wasn't backed. Wednesday morning breakfast with Jerry and his wonderful family sealed the air of no ill will all around.

One of my personal highlights of the trip was meeting the “BB10” houseguests’ families. The Memphis family, Jerry's family, Brian's buddy Dave, Steven's bestie Rick, and Michelle's one of a kind brother Steven (He definitely invented a new drink “The Red Leotard" [see: Corona plus a shot of grenadine]).

These people made this entire experience worth it. I'm nominating them as some of the most warm, loving, caring beings I have ever met. We'd frequently meet in the restaurant and talk for hours. It was enlightening to see where everyone has come from. It makes you realize that we all have a story and drives in deep the "real" in "reality TV.”

Which brings me to my amazing mother. She was my roommate for the week (!!!!) and she put up with all of my craziness and hotel-room messiness. We had a blast together, and she was such a beaming proud mother. As she should be, she did a fantastic job. Thanks Mom!

Now the obligatory shout outs.

First and foremost: all of the Dan have been so amazing. Keeping me posted through Myspace with the latest and greatest YouTube tributes, banners, and the like. Thank you for all of the support throughout this crazy, crazy summer.

And my warmest love to the Internerd:

Though we didn't post, at anytime some form of a Gheesling could have been caught reading the up-to-the-minute updates at Jokers. I'm not sure how I could have gotten through the work day not watching the feeds without this site. And the posters in the forums are all kinds of awesome, too.

Now, I've never read (and quickly refused to read) more brutal hate threads than I did at Sucks, however, their Dantastic Danwagon kept me laughing and the witty Dan lovin' posters stole my heart. And, really... any forum with a 'Welcome Kelly' thread totally rocks in my book.

My “Big Brother 10” obsession would not have been complete without daily hamster recaps and critical cell phone Twitters from Hamsterwatch. Dingo is pretty awesome and so are her "lines of the day."

Many thanks to you all for enhancing my “BB” obsession this summer. “Big Brother” never could have totally consumed my entire summer without you.

And clicky things:

Dan's Ebay
This is being run by yours truly, so if you would like to send Dan an email, please don't use this avenue...try him at Much thanks!

Team Dan
Originated by the lovely Daniele ("BB8") on the CBSonline talk show "Housecalls."

Dan the Man
Keep your eyes open for his blog updates...

Kelly Gheesling is the big sister of "Big Brother 10" champion Dan Gheesling. Stay tuned to Metromix Detroit for information on the hometown reality hero's local victory party. Kelly can be reached at
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