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 BB15 - HOH blog

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PostSubject: BB15 - HOH blog   BB15 - HOH blog EmptyWed Aug 07, 2013 6:03 pm

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HoH Blog: GinaMarie

Posted on Aug 7, 2013 10:10am

OMG BBVX this weeks been crazy!!!! i can't believe I'm had the honor of being HOH!!! Its awesome my BB Bunny gave me my key hahahah soooooo awesome it was perfect !!!

the only thing that could of made being HOH perfect was having Nick here to share it with me :-(((. I miss him like crazy . but i know he's routing me on back home and is super duper proud of me … if you ever see that "Blue Hat" it means i'm thinking of you and knowing your still with me in this crazy house . Nick you made me feel so special and always made me smile and laugh. you are such an amazing guy . i don't know how I'm living here without you lol. just know i'm playing nice, staying cool, and working hard for us . i'll see you soon !!!

First night as HOH was AMAZING!!!! everyone got to see my pic and all my cool ass stuff ! Being HOH is amazing !!! but it not all sunshine and rainbows … you know you have to nom 2 house guest and thats one of my hardest jobs. but it a dirty job an somebody's Got to do it !!!

Last but not least i Finally got my hair dyed thanks to Elissa . she rocks !!!! It came out amazing . Whooo hooooo !!!

i'll leave off on this note . I coundt be happier living in the Big brother House . I met the most amazing people and maybe even found the man of my dreams ! i coundt of asked for anything more , even though theres ups and downs and you miss your family and friends back at home. I feel truly blessed for bing here and living my dreams . I thank you all so much , I may not be the best writer but i try lol. thank you to my friends and family back at home in staten island new york … thank you all so much you i love you !!! Well i guess I'm all done … i love all you BB fans… keep watching its gonna get even more wild and crazy ohhhhh and it you like think of me and give me some luck so i can be the next MVP lol. thank you all so much
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BB Addict
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BB15 - HOH blog Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - HOH blog   BB15 - HOH blog EmptyWed Aug 07, 2013 6:52 pm

Seriously, someone should have put hooked on phonics in her HOH basket.  Maybe they will give her a pandora's box to be with nick and it will suck her out and give Candace the opportunity to stay.  I think GM would be fine with that....since she's found the man of her dreams.eyeroll eyeroll eyeroll Loser2 Loser2
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