Our interview with Christine. We had asked about the boo's she received last night after her eviction. Basically what did she make of them and why does she believe she was booed.
She either chose not to answer it, or CBS had omitted the question. During last night's Double Eviction you were put up by an alliance member and evicted by the other 3 alliance members. Who do you hold responsible for your eviction? Christine: I sincerely have no idea. If I had to put a name to it, probably Frankie.
Did you know it was going to be you getting evicted over Victoria? If so why didn't you try and appeal to Frankie, Caleb, and Cody and throw either Victoria who was on the block or Derrick who couldn't vote under the bus to save yourself? Christine: Yes, I knew I was going over Victoria. At that point, there was nothing I could do to change their minds.
As a super fan of Big Brother. You've seen it play out before where a group of guys stick together and the girls always get evicted. What made you think it was a good idea to go to the end with all of the guys? Christine: You always think you are going to be the different one!
You had a conversation with Donny the week of his eviction where he said you were the bottom of your alliance. He laid it out to you what he believed the pecking order to be. You didn't seem to put much credence into what he was saying to you. Why did you tell Cody what Donny had told you immediately upon talking to Donny? and Why didn't you consider other options? Christine: I trusted Cody, and so I was going to talk to him about it. I really felt like I had no options at that point to flip on the Bomb Squad.
Who do you think is running the house and what did you do to actively work against them or get them to be a target? Christine: I think Frankie is running the house. I told the Bomb Squad that we should get him out, but they didn’t listen.
Had you stayed and won the HOH, who would you have put up and who would have been your target for eviction? Christine: Frankie and Caleb would have gone up with Frankie as my target.
Once you were called out by the Zingbot for your relationship with Cody. Why did you continue to keep touching and flirting with him? Was this game or did you have a crush on Cody? Christine: It was absolutely my strategy. That is the way Cody works so I had to reciprocate in order to hope that he wouldn’t send me home.
Who were you wanting to go to the Final 2 with? and who would you like to see make it far in the game?Christine: I would like to see Caleb make it to the end.
You had said on the feeds that you "hate Evel Dick and his minions". What is it that you hate about them exactly? Christine: I’ve seen them say awfully rude things on Twitter.
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