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 Exit Interview with Jocasta Odom

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Exit Interview with Jocasta Odom Empty
PostSubject: Exit Interview with Jocasta Odom   Exit Interview with Jocasta Odom EmptyFri Aug 08, 2014 2:30 pm

Our interview with the first jury member, post eviction.  

After having some time to digest the events of last night, how surprised were you by the vote?  Did you expect it to be Zach who was being evicted?

Jocasta:  Not surprised. No it didn’t.

What was the general mood in the house before the live show yesterday?

Jocasta:  Sketchy

You had mentioned to Julie that you weren't going to lie and compromise your morals but we didn't see hardly any game talk at all.  Was your strategy just not to talk any game?

Jocasta:  I talked game to Donny all the time. My main strategy was to be socially liked and once I was socially liked, it wouldn’t matter if I was wining or not, that that would help me.

How difficult was it to play the game if there were others who were willing to lie and did you find any trustworthy fellow houseguests that you believed their word, if so who?

Jocasta:  It wasn't hard and believed Donny and I started to trust Hayden.

You had some health issues, in one particular Veto competition you weren't even able to play in.  How difficult was it for you and did you fear that the other houseguests would sympathize with you or would see you as an easy target?

Jocasta:  I thought they would see me as an easy target.

Since we didn't see you in an alliance, who were the ones you trusted in the game? and did you feel anyone in the house was never to be trusted, if so who?

Jocasta:  I believed Donny and I started to trust Hayden.  Frankie, Christine, Caleb, Nicole, Zach – all of them were not to be trusted. All the guys, they were picking off the girls piece by piece.

Who did you see as a threat in the game, that needed to be evicted in order to further your game?

Jocasta:  Frankie, Christine and then Caleb.

Who would you like to see following you into the jury house?

Jocasta:  Frankie, Christine, Caleb, Nicole, Zach

Julie mentioned to you that you might not be out of the game just yet.  If you weren't brought back into the game who would you like to see win the game?

Jocasta:  I would like to see Donny and Hayden go far.

Hayden's Interview:

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