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 Exit Interview with Zach Rance

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Exit Interview with Zach Rance Empty
PostSubject: Exit Interview with Zach Rance   Exit Interview with Zach Rance EmptyFri Aug 22, 2014 2:50 pm

Exit Interview with Zach Rance Bb1614zl

Bittersweet, the lastest evicted houseguest and fan favorite this season, Zach Rance!

How did you feel going into the competition last night? Did it look like any of the houseguests were rooting for you or any of the others in the jury comp?

Zach:  I felt like this was my last chance, obviously.  I believed that everyone was rooting for me for some odd reason.

Who do you think is in the best position in the game now and could you have seen yourself targeting that person for eviction?

Zach:  Derrick is in the best position and no, I could not target him.  He’s one of my favorite people in the house and he had my back.

Julie kept referring to #Zankie as a "showmance".  So tell us, would you consider this a "showmance"? Did you have any feelings for Frankie other than friendship?  How do you feel about Frankie?

Zach:  OK. I need to make it clear.  No, it was not a showmance, it was strictly game related.  I am 100% heterosexual and that is not going to change.  I’m also single so ladies, get at me.  Frankie is just a good friend of mine and he’s a good person.

You had a couple of negative messages left for you from Christine and Victoria.  What did you think of those messages?

Zach:  Don’t really care because I hate both of them.

Prior to the Skittles being used to pick who was going up on the block.  It was obvious you didn't want to go up on the block but did you ever think to just say fine I'll go up on the block and throw it but not throw it because then you'd at least be guaranteed safety or start throwing your alliance members under the bus to save yourself?

Zach:  Yes, there was a time I thought about volunteering to throw it, but I wouldn’t have thrown it to guarantee my safety and go against my alliance members.

If you had gone back into the game.  Would you have stuck with your alliance who evicted you or would you have tried to work with Donny and go against your alliance? Did you have a strategy if you went back into the game?

Zach:  I would have worked with Donny and went against my alliance. Donny is the man!  

If you were still in the game who did you want to see yourself sitting next to in the Final 2.  If you had your choice would you want someone who you know you definitely could beat or would you choose the person who you wanted to see get some money too and you'd be ok even if you lost to them and why.

Zach:  I would choose Victoria because I would have won unanimously.  

Who would you like to see evicted next and who would you like to see make it to the end?

Zach:  I want to see Victoria get evicted next and I want to see Donny and Derrick make it to the end.

Your speeches were quite entertaining, especially your first eviction speech.  Could you give us a poem that could sum up your BB experience?

Zach:  Roses are red, violets are blue.  Why did I tell everyone everything about my game that was true?

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