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 Dancing with the Stars: Season 9

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Dancing with the Stars: Season 9 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dancing with the Stars: Season 9   Dancing with the Stars: Season 9 - Page 2 EmptyMon Apr 12, 2010 3:27 pm

Maksim: Kate Gosselin Doesn't "Get the Point" of DWTS

In the new issue of Us Weekly, a Dancing with the Stars insider reveals Kate Gosselin's first choice for pro partner: Maksim Chmerkovskiy. "She wishes she had been partnered with Maks because he's a stronger personality [than Tony Dovolani], and Kate likes a man who takes charge."
A crew source counters: "Kate would have lasted about five minutes with Maks."
Well, Dovolani has Chmerkovskiy's admiration -- and sympathy? -- for taking on the 35-year-old reality mom. "I admire Tony," Maks wrote Friday on his TV Guide blog. "Not just because he's my friend."

The dancer explains: "I've spoken to Kate, and I don't think she gets the point of this thing yet. The pain on her face says it all, which is unfortunate."
Gosselin scored a low score of 15 points -- and lots of jeers from the judges -- last week for her paso doble routine set to Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi."

"The show is about finding a way to come out, enjoy yourself and have fun," Maksim writes. Of Gosselin and Dovolani's fiery relationship, he writes, "We were taught to respect our teachers, so as teachers, we expect to be respected by our students. Kate needs to trust him. However lifeless that paso was, he had her ready with the routine."
Last week, Gosselin complained to E! News that it has been"very difficult" to focus, especially with a new custody lawsuit filed by her ex Jon Gosselin. "I can't put my life aside and dance for six hours a day."

But Chmerkovskiy implores her to try and do just that. "It's a chance for her to focus on something other than personal drama. How many women with multiple kids sit back and reminisce about the days they could go and dance when they watch our show? How many people vicariously live through us? You need to enjoy it."

Of course she doesn't "get it"....does this look like somebody who is enjoying themselves even when they keep getting shit handed to her....

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Dancing with the Stars: Season 9 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dancing with the Stars: Season 9   Dancing with the Stars: Season 9 - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 20, 2010 9:49 am

Steve-O Goes Nuts for Kate Gosselin

Originally posted Apr 19th 2010 5:50 PM PDT by TMZ Staff

Steve-O so desperately wants to keep Kate Gosselin in the "Dancing with the Stars" ballroom ... that he's willing to sacrifice some ball room of his own.

Dancing with the Stars: Season 9 - Page 2 0419-steve-o-video-credit
During a segment on "Lopez Tonight" -- the "Jackass" star decided to show his support for George's "Keep Kate" campaign by stapling a message to his man bag.

George Lopez has a website <~~ Dancing with the Stars: Season 9 - Page 2 491211

On last night's DWTS show ... Kate sucked per usual and she isn't even faking it anymore she just flat out doesn't care to give any effort at all and still expects her foolish following to keep her in and saddly enough they will because they are losers themsleves. She constantly is complaining and being a pain in the ass with Tony every step of the way.

Kate said she was exhausted this week because her kids were in town visiting. Dancing with the Stars: Season 9 - Page 2 290276

I'm so tired of her using her kids to make excuses as to why she sucks and an excuse as to why to vote for her. It's the same tired excuse she uses as to why she should be working in TV because she has 8 mouths to feed. The whole woe-is-me is me I'm a single mom of 8 is just beyond sickening.

Enough about that loser... I really liked Nicole and Derek's performance as well as Even and Anna, Pam and Damians' and Erin and Maks.

It's obvious who should be leaving this week but it'll probably be Jake and Chelsea or Niecey and Louie.
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Dancing with the Stars: Season 9 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dancing with the Stars: Season 9   Dancing with the Stars: Season 9 - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 20, 2010 3:14 pm

Kate STILL sucks ass. I thought last week she was slightly better, but then again last night it was painful to watch. I'll be pissed if Niecy goes before Kate. She's funny, great personality and you can tell she's really trying.
Kate looks like a raging bitch during every second of the show. If you watch her in the background (they always have her positioned so that the camera is on her) her smiles for the other contestants are extremely faked. It's ridiculous. I'd want to punch her in the face if I were a contestant with her!
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Dancing with the Stars: Season 9 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dancing with the Stars: Season 9   Dancing with the Stars: Season 9 - Page 2 EmptyWed Apr 21, 2010 9:33 am

THANK GAWD Kate is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Dancing with the Stars: Season 9   Dancing with the Stars: Season 9 - Page 2 EmptyWed Apr 21, 2010 1:48 pm

tj2377 wrote:
THANK GAWD Kate is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could not agree more, now I can actually enjoy an episode without being completely annoyed! :yes:
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