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 Survivor: Samoa

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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptySun Oct 04, 2009 9:53 pm

pajamajon wrote:
Last time i checked ghetto trash wasn't a racist remark...its based on how some one ask not there ethnicity...Maybe some people need to get there head out of the gutter and realize not every comment said to a person has to be race oriented I could understand if he drop the word porch monkey, but he didn't...He is more insensitive than racist..

It is racist when you are saying it in a derogatory manner and labeling a particular ethnic group. He specifically made that comment towards her because she is black. He would have never said that to one of the white girls on the tribe. Had he made a racial comment to one of the white girls it would have been the same thing. What you say, how you say it and your demeanor behind it all equals how one's words can be interpreted and he was being racial.
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptySun Oct 04, 2009 10:24 pm

He was also stereotyping, and everything he said was said to be degrading to Yasmine. PJ racist remarks have nothing to do with having your head in the gutter... but thanks for clarifying eyeroll

Bottom line he is a racist POS! and he's gone! =)
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptySun Oct 04, 2009 10:41 pm

Erika wrote:
He was also stereotyping, and everything he said was said to be degrading to Yasmine. PJ racist remarks have nothing to do with having your head in the gutter... but thanks for clarifying Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 290276

Bottom line he is a racist POS! and he's gone! =)

100% in agreement Erika! Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 164601
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptyMon Oct 05, 2009 5:03 am

Well if it makes any1 feel any better Yasmine does is ghetto trash ... does that make me racist? The girl is everything that makes me npt like the neighborhood that I've grown up in for the last 18 damn years...
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptyMon Oct 05, 2009 11:01 am

PJ you have your own issues with your own race, which is probably why you are clouded on this topic. It doesn't matter what Yasmine said or did, it does NOT take away from what Ben said. Furthermore when a person sees a sinking ship it's not wise to jump aboard.
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptyThu Oct 08, 2009 11:43 pm

I don't know how you guys feel about who should have went home Yaz over Monica. I am thinking Monica should have went home. I mean sure Yaz doesn't help out around camp but I put more importance on performace in the challenges. At least until they merge. You definitely don't won't to go into a mege being the tribe with the lesser numbers. Besides that how much weight could Monica have been pulling around camp when they keep talking about how that tribe acts like it's club Med and they're doing yoga all the time.

Shambo is becoming a likeable dork.

Russell is still a rockstar!
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptyFri Oct 09, 2009 10:51 am

Shambo and likeable should not be used in the same sentence. If she clucked at those damn chickens one more time I was going to change the channel. Add to that, first she loses the mouth piece on the snorkel, now she lets an egg laying chicken get loose. PLUS she is dumber then a pile of rocks for giving away the clues to the hidden immunity idol and actually believing that bullshit of "If I find it and you need it, I will give it to you" uhhhhh sure! Top it all off that she has a SEVERE mullet. I might have to pull a Lord of the Flies on her if I was out there with her. Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 521925
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptyFri Oct 09, 2009 11:41 am

She's so dopey and unaware of anything that makes sense that she does make me laugh. I probably wouldn't find her amusing if I were on her tribe of course but she's entertaining that's for sure!
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptyFri Oct 09, 2009 11:55 am

Erika wrote:
She's so dopey and unaware of anything that makes sense that she does make me laugh. I probably wouldn't find her amusing if I were on her tribe of course but she's entertaining that's for sure!

LOL! You took the words right out of my mouth! If she were on your tribe you would scalp the shit outta that mullet!! Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 534397
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptySun Oct 11, 2009 11:09 pm

Kellygoddess <33333 Yay for her making that bitch get her own coconut.
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptyThu Oct 22, 2009 10:47 pm

Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 98164_D15999_470

I felt so bad for nice Russell! It was really hard to watch, him blacking out and being so listless. I do think they could have at least given both teams some pizza...geesh! C'mon Survivor have some heart! Especially after seeing what happened to Russell and knowning they have been getting rained on for days! At least a slice?

It was too bad Russell had to be taken out of the game that way. You could definitely see it on his face he didn't want to leave like that. It's unfortunate but he had to be taken out.

The other Russell my fav continues to crack me up! He keeps ripping on his team calling them babies, worthless, weak, no good...and the camera pans over to each one of them looking very defeated and miserable lol I feel their pain I couldn't imagine dealing with those elements and Russell just keeps on truckin'.

Shambo continues to make me laugh... can you imagine worrying about your fate in the game when you had 2 clues to the idol and practically begging and bugging the ones you gave the clues to the idol to not write your name down... ugh she is sooooooo clueless but I am glad they are wanting to save her over Monica. Shambo does deserve to be there over her if anything...and damnit I wanted to see someone voted out tonight!
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptyFri Oct 23, 2009 1:04 pm

I was not a Swan fan, but my heart broke for him having to leave the game in the way he did. I thought Hantz said it best, "If I was gonna beat him I didn't want it to be like this." I HATE Shamoo. Her hair, her voice..I hate it! "Who started fire for you Monica? Who kept you warm?" Shut the fuck up, bitch. I'm pretty sure Monica wasn't cuddling with your nasty ass. <333 Kellygoddess for the win!
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptyFri Oct 23, 2009 4:35 pm

I dont think I have ever felt so bad for anyone in all the seasons of Survivor as I did for Russell. I had to think back to grave digger James and Penner when they both had to leave for medical reasons and while they were close, Russell leaving was very tough.
Like E, the other Russell just cracked me up!! I loved it when they kept showing the tribe shivering and whining and then the camera goes to Russell eating a banana and he says "worthless". I laughed out loud. LOVED IT!! Right now, he is the ONLY one I am rooting for to win. He is playing this game almost to perfection. I wonder if it will

oh and FYI, I couldnt agree more regarding the whole pizza thing. When Jeff said he was making a decision and the challenge was over, I thought for sure he would say...Everyone gets pizza...uh no. Sheesh, have a heart!
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptyFri Oct 30, 2009 9:39 am

Jaison dodged a bullet at tribal council I thought he might have a chance at being voted out over Liz last night.

I think Shambo takes her leadership position a wee bit too seriously. Too bad she doesn't have a clue she isn't running anything on her tribe. haha

Russell still dominates! <3
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptySun Nov 01, 2009 2:08 pm

Russell FTW!!!! At this point, in my opinion, he is the only one truly worthy of winning the prize. Lets see someone else step up!
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 05, 2009 10:08 pm

What a great blindside tonight!!!!!!! Erik was just toooooooooooooo cocky. I am so pissed though that Russell had to use the hidden immunity idol! Its not looking good for him next week but I am hoping that its just CBS's way of making us think he is leaving! If he leaves, the season will turn into one big giant snoozefest. He makes the show so interesting to watch!! I like Jaison too but Russell is what Survivor is all about! John is nice to look at but after that, we have some of THE MOST boring Survivors ever.
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 06, 2009 12:17 am

I love a blindside! Especially when it happens to someone who is SOOOOOOOOOO cocky and doesn't see it coming at all! Erik had to go ...he way too cocky but I was wanted Laura to go tonight...ugh that bitch just had to win the immunity idol, figures! Not only that but now both immunity idols got flushed out with one tribal council....maybe just maybe Russell will be able to find it again? haha could you imagine if he found it again without any clues? That would be awesome! Because I am afraid it is definitely not looking good for Russell next week...ughhhhhhhhhh! Damnit if he goes home next week it's going to be a huge disappointment!
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 06, 2009 12:26 am

YAY FOR LAURA WINNING IMMUNITY! <3333 I'm soooo hoping Russell is going next! I'm thinking that's why he got shoved down our throats so much in the beginning because he won't make the end. <3333 Kellygoddess for the win! <333
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 06, 2009 3:22 pm

Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Samoa': episode #8

by Jeff Probst
Categories: Survivor, TV Recap, Television

Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Jeffprobst_lSo I’ve recovered from my Zyrtec cloud and yes I now realize that we promoted the merge. It was funny to be reminded of it by you guys. What can I say, I really was “loopy” when I wrote that blog. But yes I do see episodes and I do know what we promote, sometimes I just forget…
In honor of my slip up last week, I’m going to dedicate today’s blog to… what else… The Merge.
Let’s start with the feast. Did you see how quickly their moods changed when they got some food in their belly? Think about it… I bet a majority of you had some sort of snack even while you were watching Survivor. Probably snacking on something right now while reading this blog. We like to eat. It feels good. When we don’t eat we get crabby. Laura didn’t give a hoot about her canteen once the feast started. Why would she? She was happy again. I love seeing them happy… momentarily. I more love seeing them in conflict. But you need a balance. Too much conflict, too many days without food, too many nights drenched from the rain and you just have angry people. Producing a good season of Survivor requires an ebb and flow of highs and lows. The merge is almost always a high, even if only for a moment.
Another fun thing about the merge is it’s like starting over once again. You have new people in your world and you get a second chance to make a first impression in the game.
Some people choose to stay in game mode, working their strategy. Not John. The ever cocky, always aware John was waiting for someone, anyone to ask him anything about himself. It resulted in one of my favorite exchanges of the season:
Jaison: So engineering school, huh?
John: Uh yeah, Mechanical Engineering degree.
Jaison: Congratulations.
John: Not a law degree. I contemplated becoming a patent lawyer.
It was the swagger in his walk and the tone of his voice when he said, “Uh yeah..” that really made it work for me. Nice.
PERSONAL INSIGHT: If I had a Mechanical Engineering degree I’d look for ways to bring it up, too. But since I don’t it’s fun to be a catty little stick-eating biatch and make fun of John.
It never fails. We merge and suddenly everybody pretends to like everybody else. I had the exact same reaction Erik did when I heard Brett’s suggestion for a new tribe name:
Brett: “AIGA, it means extended family.”
Extended family? Gimme a break. (Truth be told, Brett probably really means it and Brett is the kind of guy that outside of the game you’d be friends with, your families would dig each other, and you’d end up having a lifelong friendship. But this is in the game and that’s a different story.)
Plus, think about it, Brett had to research that name before he even left America, which is downright irritating. Not sure why it’s irritating, but it is. Maybe it’s because Brett is so likable.
Like I did last week, I’ll use one of my honorary nieces as an example of what I mean. Mackenzie, my niece, is really likable too. She’s so likable that I’m sure lots of boys would love to ask her to a school dance or an afterschool party because she’s so… nice… (just like Brett)… and also because she’s cute (okay, fine, just like Brett).
But what makes Macky really fun to be around is an extra layer of… sass. Yes, she’s nice but she’s lippy too and she’s not afraid to call someone out for something and that adds a whole new level of respect to a person.
So come on, Brett, gawk at Kelly like Ben would have or give Dave Ball a hard time for still wearing that out-of -tyle ponytail, or tell Laura to back off Shambo just a bit. Gimme something I can respect.
Please don’t write and tell me to lay off, Brett. Brett is doing just fine. Brett can handle these comments. He’s a big boy.
But Erik was right, this is not one big extended family. It’s not even two separate families. It’s 12 in-dah-vidge-you-uhls… all trying their best to figure out how to get rid of everybody else so they can grab the check from CBS for a million dollars. Before taxes. It’s a million dollars before taxes people.
A merge also offers up a chance for new alliances to form and just like on day one, those new alliances need to form quickly. Enter Russell. He doesn’t care about the food, or the tribe name or what anybody does for a living. He wants to win the game. Period.
Sending his troops (Jaison, Mick, Natalie) out to make relationships with different people is further proof that this little pirate is a pretty darn good Survivor player.
And I know some of you think there is too much Russell in the game, but he’s the guy making the most moves so that is naturally who I am going to write about. With that in mind…
I love that Russell is telling everybody everything. It’s such a risky move. You gotta respect it. To go to everybody on the other tribe that you have the idol and offer them the same exact deal could so easily backfire if just one person opens their mouth. But Russell is counting on greed to be his ally. He knows that the people he is approaching are better served if they don’t tell anybody else. If he’s right it’s a major move. If he’s wrong he’ll soon be in trouble.
The most exciting element of the merge is that it offers a chance to completely turn the game around. Typically that requires somebody flipping sides, and usually the “flipper” is somebody who feels on the outs and is looking to improve their spot on the totem pole.
So many times in this game the people on top forget about the people on the bottom. They forget how dangerous the outcasts are because they have nothing to lose by switching sides and everything to gain.
Shambo is clearly one of those on the bottom and she knows it. Shambo is a major threat to change the game. Nobody on Galu is paying any attention to that fact. Crazy, right? Hindsight is always 20-20. It’s why I host and don’t play.
The merge is such a simple twist. Combine the two tribes into one. We do it almost every season, and yet it amazes me how many times it creates havoc. As Dave Ball states, from the outside looking in, Galu should just vote off Foa Foa four times in a row so they can all make it to the final eight.
But it’s not a team game. It never has been. It’s a game of individuals and that complicates everything because every single person has a different agenda. Even if they agree on whom to vote out it is always for different reasons. Always. Because at the end of the game only one person wins so every single time they vote they are voting to help ensure they are the last person standing… and that often means…
Erik was such a fun guy to have in the game, he has a huge heart and that was fun to watch. It may also have been his downfall. He bled Galu purple to such a degree that I think he forgot that it is… an individual game. You have to make moves in this game based on the idea that everybody else is making their best move. Erik was a major threat in the game with a major attitude. He lost sight of how others saw him and never considered that the best move might be to get rid of him. Because not everybody on Galu bleeds Galu. He was so confident that he forgot to consider the other people in the game were also playing to win and they might not care about keeping Galu together.
And boy did it cost him.
Talk about a blindside. Wow. One of the biggest and most memorable in a long, long time. Erik could not have been cockier. He was absolutely certain the outcome was set. He never-saw-it-coming.
Russell’s HUGE move to play the idol is yet one more pencil in his jar of “this is how ya do it.”
RUSSELL: “Figure it I have it I might as well play it.”
NOTE: To all future Survivor players… You Don’t Hold Onto The Idol If You Have The Slightest Concern You Are In Trouble.
If you have it and you think you need it – play the damn thing.
Russell is playing to win. He doesn’t care about second place. He may not make it, but with each passing week you have to respect the game he is playing.
So where does the game stand now?
It’s an interesting thing that often happens in this game. You lose enough people from your tribe, your numbers get so low that you have absolutely no other choice but to rely on each other and stick together. Foa Foa is at that point. In order to have any shot at actually winning the game, they cannot risk betraying anybody on their tribe. This gives them four votes in the new tribe. That is significant because as we saw last night – within Galu there are lots of possible sub alliances and cracks to be exploited.
Give me your predictions. Will Galu regroup and get rid of Foa Foa? If so, what order do you predict Foa Foa will be voted out?

Now check out our exclusive deleted scene below and read Dalton Ross’s TV recap.
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptyThu Nov 12, 2009 9:26 pm

I FUCKING LOVE RUSSELL!!!!!!!!! For those of you watching Survivor, you know what I am talking about, for those of you who haven't watched it yet, you will know later what I am talking about. He might be the best Survivor to EVER play this game!!!!!!! Love him or hate him, you CANNOT deny, he has rocked this season of Survivor!!!! Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 858861
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 13, 2009 12:52 am

Russell is in a league all his own... no other contestant is playing at his level! I absolutely LOVE him!

I wanted Laura to go home so badly tonight but I am more than ok with the blonde girl who hasn't done anything the entire game... what's her name? she's the one who has an alliance with Monica and Laura... ...she's so forgettable not like anyone is going to miss her!

GO RUSSELL!!!!!!!!!!!
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 13, 2009 2:18 am

Quote :
I wanted Laura to go home so badly tonight but I am more than ok with the blonde girl who hasn't done anything the entire game... what's her name? she's the one who has an alliance with Monica and Laura... ...she's so forgettable not like anyone is going to miss her!

flaming hot
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptySat Nov 14, 2009 10:22 pm

OK, so I am just watching this week's Survivor, missed it that was my birthday. And you know Russell is freaking awesome. I can't believe he is that damn good. He has really studied that game and he may be a prick, but his ass deserve to win. I am just tripping on his ass. Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 307541
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptySun Nov 15, 2009 9:32 pm

Happy Late Birthday Smooches! I'd also like to say with Kellygoddess gone, I have endorsed Laura with all my support! <333
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PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptySun Nov 15, 2009 10:39 pm

OK, so I am just watching this week's Survivor, missed it that was my birthday. And you know Russell is freaking awesome. I can't believe he is that damn good. He has really studied that game and he may be a prick, but his ass deserve to win. I am just tripping on his ass. Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 307541

Happy Belated Birthday SMOOCHES! happy birthday birthday cake
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Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survivor: Samoa   Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 EmptyMon Nov 16, 2009 1:41 pm

Survivor: Samoa - Page 2 890624 Here is another happy birthday wish for you Smooches (gotcha on FB!!

Yeah, there is no denying that Russell is the star and stud of this season! He has made it one of the best seasons of late and that last tribal council was AWESOME!!!! I loved it when he pulled yet another hidden immunity idol out of his pocket and told those cocky asses..."I'm not done playing yet" LMAO!!!!!!!! Nicely done!! Too bad Laura won immunity...blind siding her would have been PRICELESS!!
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