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 Live Feed Improvements

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PostSubject: Live Feed Improvements   Live Feed Improvements EmptyWed Jun 10, 2009 1:01 am

from BBDish -

Here's what I know so far... My favorite improvement is gonna be called either the Calendar or the Flashback or the Time Machine, and while you may already be getting the gist of it just from the name, allow me to explain how it's gonna work.

Let's say some HG's head explodes while you're at work, you'll be able to plug in the time it happened, and go back to view it. Let's say the HoH reveal is taking too long, and you've just got to go to sleep. No problem. Just plug in the time you want, or the time your ever loving dishchicks have told you to look for, and poof, there you are.

Let's say you're reading the overnight report, and while we've posted screencaps of HGx and HGy getting busy or getting caught coming out of the shower or having a big fight, pics just aren't enough for you. You want to see how it all happened! Now you can, right there within the Big Brother Interface on Superpass.

Here's the mock up of what it's going to look like:

Live Feed Improvements Flashbackcomp
So, per the instructions, you pick a month and day, select an hour to view, select a camera and click submit. Easy, peasy, done!

Pretty cool, right?! 3 cheers for whatever they're gonna call this feature. I think they're leaning toward Flashback, but I dig the Time Machine.

My immediate questions are these:
1. Once I've chosen an hour to view, can I then fast forward it to get to the part I want?
2. Can I pause and rewind within this feature?
3. Will every moment of every day and every feed be available from start to finish, or is there a time limit of 1 month for archiving?

Actually, my 3rd question has already been answered. Not only will every moment of BB11 be available, every moment of Big Brother 10 will be too!

Extremely cool!

Anyhow, moving right along, the presentation of the rooms has also been upgraded. No longer will you have to go to quad to see what's going on everywhere, or flip from feed to feed. Check this out!
Live Feed Improvements Newbbvidprescomp
Instead of it saying 1, 2, 3, 4, Quad, there are actual pictures of each feed, all in a row, so you can tell who is where and where you want to be! Sweeeeeet!!

I've been advised that the small feeds will be security camera-esque in presentation quality, but.. who cares? They'll get us where we need to be without flip flopping around.

Live Feed Improvements 1811
In the pic above, take notice that along the bottom are a line up of videos. To my understanding, this is where key moments of the season will go, accessible all the time and changing frequently.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds
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Live Feed Improvements Empty
PostSubject: Re: Live Feed Improvements   Live Feed Improvements EmptyWed Jun 10, 2009 11:41 am

Quote :
Actually, my 3rd question has already been answered. Not only will every moment of BB11 be available, every moment of Big Brother 10 will be too!

Hmmmm....maybe now we can put to rest the whole Michelle and the illeged comment she made about Dan. I personally dont think it happened the way some remember it. If so, I think we would have seen video proof long ago.
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