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 Exit Interview with Caleb Reynolds

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Exit Interview with Caleb Reynolds Empty
PostSubject: Exit Interview with Caleb Reynolds   Exit Interview with Caleb Reynolds EmptyThu Sep 18, 2014 4:07 pm

Last evicted houseguest Beastmode!  Unfortunately, he was way too loyal to Derrick and Cody and was sent packing.  
Exit Interview with Caleb Reynolds Qqlu427v

You played a good game Beast Mode! After having time to reflect a little,  how blind-sided were you by your eviction?  and who do you blame more for your eviction Cody or Derrick since they both had been playing you?

Caleb:  I saw it coming. They would have been idiots to keep me over Victoria and they knew that. I am gonna blame Derrick more than anybody because I was closer to him than I was to Cody.

You put a lot of trust in Derrick and Cody and you were the most loyal to them. On a scale of 1-10, and 10 being extremely betrayed, how betrayed do you feel by them? and what are your thoughts on them individually?

Caleb:  I would probably say a 5. You know, I preach it like crazy, when you get to the end of the game like that you have to expect that game is going to be more important than loyalty because only one person can win. A five because they had to play the game they played to get into the final 2 seats. Obviously being loyal to me means more than a word, and to them, it is just a word.

You stated in your eviction speech about your loyalty.  You didn't show Frankie this loyalty when you put him up on the block and knowing Derrick and Cody would most definitely evict him.  Where was the loyalty to Frankie then and how can you expect loyalty in a game where you yourself didn't always show it?

Caleb:  My loyalty to Frankie went out the door when he tried to get me put on the block by Nicole. And during that time, he talked to Christine about a final 2 deal. So, Frankie was the one that was non-loyal first. So my loyalties to him were gone in week 3 or 4. And, he had a hand in getting Amber sent home.

After putting Frankie up on the block and knowing he would be evicted why didn't you put him up as a renomination during your last HOH the week Nicole was evicted.  Derrick and Cody tried very hard to get you to put up Frankie but you stood your ground then.  Why the change of heart?

Caleb:  I didn’t put Frankie up because I was afraid that if we kept Nicole, her and Christine were going to try to start forming something again. Nicole had already had her chance in the game so, once again, it was her time to leave.

You stated on several occasions that you wanted to go to the end with "beasts".  Wouldn't going to the end with "beasts" make it that much harder for you to win at the end.  Why would you want to make a big win so difficult and do you think, thinking that cost you the game?

Caleb:  Because unlike past seasons, I want to beat someone that is good. Anyone can go in and beat a Victoria. She has not one win under her belt. It would be a 9-0. If I was going to beat someone, I would want to beat a Cody or a Frankie. Every season, one person smashes the other with votes.  On top of that, if I am going to get beat by someone, I want that other person to be deserving of it, for them to earn it.

You stated several times you wanted to go to the end with "beasts".  How do you justify Victoria still being there?  And what are your thoughts on her potentially being in the Final 2?

Caleb:  It reminds me of every season of BIG BROTHER. You always take the easy route.  

Julie asked you last night if you regret putting up Frankie for eviction, and him being evicted.  You said you didn't regret it.  Even after learning the guys you put your trust in over Frankie used you to put up your ally how do you make sense of that and do you still not regret your decision to put Frankie up?

Caleb:  No

Who were you wanting to go to the Final 2 with if you had your choice? and who would you like to see in the final two?

Caleb:  Derrick is who I would have gone with. And I’d like to see Derrick and Cody in the end.

Do you have any regrets about how you played this game and if you could go back and re-do anything what would it be?

Caleb:  I would say my only regret is not studying the game enough and not winning that last POV.

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