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 BB15 - Week 7 Discussion

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BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 7 Discussion    BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  EmptyThu Aug 08, 2013 10:59 pm

GinaMarie - is pure shit!  She is a joke and proved to all of the CBS only viewers that she is a scumbag! Congratulations GinaMarie!!!! BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  936694  To be 33 yrs old and extremely uneducated, unemployed, living at home with your parents, no class and zero integrity.... WOW!  I can't imagine someone can be so vile for no reason other than a deep rooted hatred, what a miserable existence

Aaryn winning HOH again? Ugh! 

Judd being blindsided by the ones he trusted? BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  11816 

Jessie being saved by this double eviction? BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  371818 

Helen, Amanda, Aaryn and GM? BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  403986 

Does Aaryn even have a clue she was used once again with her HOH? Dumb racist bitch!
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BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 7 Discussion    BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  EmptyFri Aug 09, 2013 11:24 pm

HOH: Andy
NOM: Jessie and Spencer.

I don't get Andy. Sure go to Final 3 with Mcrae and Amanda They will totally both take u to Final 2. I think it would be smart of Andy to go with Helen instead cause he does stand a chance of getting to the final 2.

My Dream this week: Jessie wins Veto. Amanda goes up as a pawn and then goes home.
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BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 7 Discussion    BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  EmptySat Aug 10, 2013 11:13 am

I really don't get Andy either CC, especially since he watched BBCan and saw how everyone was an idiot to keep Emmet and Jillian together. When will these people wake up and see that they need to break the couple up now.
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BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 7 Discussion    BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  EmptySat Aug 10, 2013 12:32 pm

GM is easily the most disgusting person that's been on this show in a long time. The only ones that I can think of that were worse are Chelsia, Josh, and Dick. She's just despicable in every way imaginable.

Andy infuriates me also, and I can't wait until McCranda cut that little rat. The devastation on his face will make my soul smile. Helen pisses me off for always trusting him....well, among other things. Numerous, numerous other things.

I do like Elissa and Jessie, though. Poor Jessie has been dying to make a move for forever now, but none of these pussies will do it with her. The joy on her face when she voted that idiot Judd out made me so happy.
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BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 7 Discussion    BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  EmptySun Aug 11, 2013 10:40 pm

Tonight's show sucked.....Feeds suck...These leftover houseguests suck...That's all for now...WTFpulling hair out
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BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 7 Discussion    BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  EmptyTue Aug 13, 2013 2:06 pm

Watching footage from last nights fiasco..i cant stand Helen..everytime she gets called out on a lie she leaves the room, she is so transparent.  Why don't these hg's see this.

Every single hg with any balls is leaving.  I wish there was a way jesse could  stay and they bring Candace back.  I beleive that in that case spencer would align with them.  I don't think judd is the right one to bring back because I believe he will fall in line again like a good little soldier
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BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 7 Discussion    BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  EmptyThu Aug 15, 2013 3:14 pm

 ughhhhh!  The worst is Jessie leaving tonight I very much wanted her to stay .... Is it just me or is there anyone likeable left?

Elissa I don't see doing too much since she's just been doing whatever Helen tells her to do... I'd like to see Elissa doing something.  Spencer I would like him to win tonight's HOH and put Amanda on the block with Helen, if one of them wins HOH throw McCrae up... those 2 have to be broken up... this is getting ridiculous

If they bring someone back which it looks like they will whether America's votes them back in or they have to win a comp like Brendon had to do to get back in the game in season 13... I hope that it will be Candice or Jessie

I hate these people! I want Andy, Helen, Amanda or McCrae gone next!  And I still want the other 2 racists bitches gone but they aren't going to get to the end and all they will do is keep Amanda, McCrae safe... ugh!

This season sucks!

Spencer for HOH!
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BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 7 Discussion    BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  EmptyThu Aug 15, 2013 6:16 pm

Erika wrote:
Spencer for HOH!

You know its bad when we are backing  I agree the only one I want to see get hoh is Spence.  GM would do what aaron wants, Elissa will do what Helen wants.

I don't even know if Jessie is the one I would want to come back.  She seems to get side tracked too easily. One minute she's after some one, then they make up and she changes her mind and is on to the next.  Judd I feel will just fall right back into line or go after the wrong ppl.  The only one that will focus and not get side tracked in my opinion is Candace.  

The other night I realized how little posts there have been on this board.  At first I thought it was because you weren't doing the radio show then I realized its cuz this season SUCKS!BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  143808   There is really nothing to talk about when there is no strategy and everyone is scared to make a move.
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BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 7 Discussion    BB15 - Week 7 Discussion  EmptyThu Aug 15, 2013 8:02 pm

These are the stupidest hg's ever.  Apparently elissa, aaron and Helen were talking and basically they all feel that Spencer has some kind of deal/loyalty to the mcnasties.  So even though they have this info they are still voting out Jessie and keeping him....Are they giving them. idiot pills along with the Adderall in the DR.duh
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