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BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptyThu Aug 01, 2013 9:57 pm

Endurance Comp!  

I thought Elissa would do really good at this initially since she's into yoga.... she is struggling the most right off the bat! Wtf?! lol

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BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptyFri Aug 02, 2013 12:28 am

What a weak comp they were only up for an hour?! when they did this challenge in BB11 Jordan/Nat/Kevin were up there more then 3 hours and it was raining on them.

GM wins and another boring week. At least there is a double next week.
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptyFri Aug 02, 2013 1:08 am

Another week, Another Sheep of an HOH in GM. She's already saying she wants Candi out because she hates her and Spencer out because he lied to her face about the Nick vote, of course the rest of the house is A Okay with this.
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptyFri Aug 02, 2013 7:04 pm

GM is so typical to want to target Candice and claims its not because she dislikes her... its so funny because she says she doesnt like kiss asses and she's so tough and from New York but she is what she says she doesn't like... a cockaroach kissass!

This is got to be the worst season... even the drama they do have is so stupid.  They are all such sheep who are too afraid to vere from the status quo.... yawn!  
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BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptySat Aug 03, 2013 1:42 pm

I want to know why BB wouldn't put any of the cams on this fight?
Someone said it's because there was still stuff up from the HOH competition but that the DR let Jessie go outside to have a cigarette because she was so upset with the arguement she had with Amanda after she was pissed about Helen not inviting her to the BBQ
....Amanda is such a bully bitch!!

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BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptySat Aug 03, 2013 6:03 pm

Amanda was MVP Nomination dancing banana:

Judd and Spencer were picked to play the veto.

So Far I know these are the punishments and Prizes. ( I think it was a Get out and have a prize comp)
Jessie- Veto
Amanda- Not Sure what she got yet.
Judd- $5000
Candice- Clown Costume.
Spencer- Bahamas trip

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BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptySat Aug 03, 2013 10:22 pm

Everyone on this show sucks, they are either mean beyond the usual scope or they are extremely annonying. It is a month and half in the season and I do not have one single person that I like or want to win. I am so happy I wasn't allowed to get the feeds and had to find other ways to watch them.
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptySat Aug 03, 2013 11:27 pm

sammyf wrote:
Everyone on this show sucks, they are either mean beyond the usual scope or they are extremely annonying. It is a month and half in the season and I do not have one single person that I like or want to win. I am so happy I wasn't allowed to get the feeds and had to find other ways to watch them.

Sammy-  I am with you a thousand percent.  This is the most vile group of hg' ever.  I am so disappointed in this season and so angry with cbs for  allowing this.  I know ppl talk crap about eacother every year but nothing like this.  GM has been out of control today.  From "the help" comment to the homey the clown imitation I finally had to shut off the feeds.  I literally had tears in my eyes for Candice.  

I know longer give a shit about the integrity of the game.  This has got to stop and I cant understand why cbs is just letting this go on and on.  I would love for Candace to punch Amanda, Aaron, and Gina Marie strait in their face and walk out the door b4 Thursday with her head held high.  I will be so upset if these bitches get the satisfaction of seeing her walk out the door in that clown suit.  The only saving grace is that 2 of them have lost their job...but for me that is still nowhere near enough.  Its just complete bullshit...shame on you cbs.
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptySat Aug 03, 2013 11:38 pm

Andy is on my nerves right now telling Candice that she has a friend in him and if she is feeling down to talk to him. When he was making fun of her and saying how humiliating the whole thing is going to be for her. He is so fake! Elissa is her only "friend" in there.
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BB Lover
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BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptyMon Aug 05, 2013 11:32 am

Im really hoping for A Jessie or Elissa HOH. I'm tired of Aaryn and Amanda. I swear that Amanda McCrae Aaryn and Andy have become Nerd Herd 2.0. I don't get at all why Andy has been holding on so tight to Amanda and McCrae. I think it would be really smart of them to get out Amanda. Who Knows it could happen Thursday they flip back and forth all the time.
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptyMon Aug 05, 2013 4:21 pm

Well whatever the case is they all made jury.  This Thursday whomever is evicted will be the first 2 in Jury.  

I really don't know who I hate more ... Amanda, Andy, Judd, GM, Aaryn or Helen... all for various reasons or same reasons.  They all disgust me!

So much for Jessie leading the charge to get Amanda out because Andy and Judd will have none of that!  

Helen is too dumb to get Amanda out as well, she is more willing to get rid of an ally than a huge threat!  What the fuck is wrong with these people? It's unreal!
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BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptyMon Aug 05, 2013 5:02 pm

Aaryn was with Judd and was telling him how much she wishes Jessie would Self Evict and she would help her drive to the point where she would do it. I know in past Seasons we have seen Villians and we root for people who we love and we love to hate. This Season there are no villians. Just NASTY people. Also Alot of this gameplay there playing is very personal the past few weeks.

I kinda hope that Candice does go into Jury so it would piss off Aaryn and Amanda that she has a say in who could win. I have a feeling Thursday night feeds will be amazing if the Double Eviction gets out a big target or Aaryn.
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptyMon Aug 05, 2013 11:15 pm

Since they're going to Jury Thursday could you imagine if it were Candice and Aaryn evicted... or Candice and GM.  

You're right there is no villian just a bunch of scumbags!  Did you hear Spencer "joking" about beating off the child pornography?  7:07pm CAM 1 .... Seriously who does that? It's disgusting and sadly it wouldn't surprise me if it were true.  I hate that most of them being rewarded with at least making it to jury which is what they all keep saying.  They act like if they make it to jury that somehow they'll be able to retire off that money.... ugh!  These assholes sucks!
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BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptyTue Aug 06, 2013 8:07 am

How do we know they are going to jury? Doesn't jury usually start with 9 people left in the house, the 7 juror members and the 2 finalists?
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptyTue Aug 06, 2013 8:43 am

We don't know 100% but there were rumors of a 9 person jury since the season was longer. But it could be starting next week. If not I hope Aaryn is out next on thursday. I really want to see her sitting with Julie for that interview.

Can we someone have 3 evictions on Thrusday and get out Aaryn Spencer And Amanda.
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptyTue Aug 06, 2013 4:59 pm

sammyf wrote:
How do we know they are going to jury? Doesn't jury usually start with 9 people left in the house, the 7 juror members and the 2 finalists?

Trust me, I know...   wink 

I'll be doing brief written interviews for the Jury members and posting them here on Friday for the first 2 evicted
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BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptyWed Aug 07, 2013 12:43 am

Hahahah the house is gonna flip their shit knowing Candice is going to be in jury. They definitely have not been playing like she is jury vote.

Excited to read the interviews!
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptyWed Aug 07, 2013 5:00 pm

C'mon seriously... who even jokes about this topic? I've never heard someone go there in regards to this type of topic and it ever be funny!  Spencer has said an awful lot of crude comments/statements and this is the most vile even if it was joking.  At the very least maybe he will finally learn to clean up his language.  Talk with some decency.  It's kind of hard to feel sorry for him when he knowingly says this kind of stuff on a live feed going out to thousands of people... again even if he is joking... how dumb are you to say this on a live feed!  It's just stupid!  Loser2 

45 minutes ago BY TMZ STAFF.

'Big Brother' Contestant
Probed By Cops Over
Child Porn Jokes

BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  080713-big-brother-launch-1

"Big Brother" contestant Spencer Clawson just learned a valuable lesson about child porn ... don't even joke about that crap ... because cops will go after you.

In case you didn't see the clips from this week -- Clawson goes off on this really uncomfortable riff about child porn, saying, "I like to beat off to child porn. Did I ever tell y'all about that? I love it. Beating off to child porn is my favorite thing there is."

You'd think he'd stop there, but no ... he kept going, saying, "I love it when they're around three or four years old. My favorite ones are when you can tell they're in a basement."

And the jokes didn't go unnoticed ... especially by Spencer's hometown police in Arkansas.

Chief AJ Gary from the Conway Police Department in Arkansas tells TMZ, "The Conway Police Department was alerted to comments made.  Due to the nature of the comments, our department moved quickly to look into the matter.  At this time we haven't found that any criminal act was committed."

Good news, but still ... don't make child porn jokes. They're not even funny. ..

Read more:


Statement from Spencer's Employer:

Union Pacific statement regarding Spencer Clawson's comments on the Big Brother reality television show

August 7, 2013

Due to the volume of feedback Union Pacific has received from the public about Spencer Clawson's August 5 comments on the CBS reality show Big Brother 15, the company wants to reiterate that it has taken all the action it can under the Collective Bargaining Agreement until Mr. Clawson is released from the show. Mr. Clawson took an unpaid leave of absence to participate on Big Brother 15. Union Pacific has notified law enforcement of Mr. Clawson's August 5 comments.

July 6, 2013

The values represented by Spencer Clawson's comments during the Big Brother show do not at all align with Union Pacific's values. Mr. Clawson is on unpaid leave of absence while participating on Big Brother. Union Pacific does not condone his comments.

Union Pacific is acting in accordance with Collective Bargaining Agreement terms regarding Mr. Clawson.
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptyWed Aug 07, 2013 5:58 pm

This is Elissa's husband? no comment 

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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 6 Discussion    BB15 - Week 6 Discussion  EmptyWed Aug 07, 2013 6:41 pm

Guys-  I am hanging on to this season by a very thin thread.  These ppl are so disgusting and out of control I no longer have any words.  

Since the racism and sexism started in the very beginning of the show it would have been so easy for cbs to sequester the evected hg's and swapped them out for this vile behavior.  I don't mean for one little comment but as things got worse and worse something should have been done.  Theres is so much more that needs to be shown on the show as far as Amanda, Gm and even more of Aaron.  As far as Spencer they could show some of his comments but I don't think this latest child porn comment shouldn't be on the show.  

This is the worst season and the worst group of hg's ever.  I am a watcher since season 1 and have never felt this way.  Even season 9 that everyone else hated, I appreciated it because it was thrown together at the last minute and I just always looked at it as a big bonus.  Sure there are seasons that I like better than others  but I enjoy every season flaws and all until now.  

Its not just this group of vile human beings, that's bad enough, but where is the gameplay, strategizing, sneaky conversations, votes being split, powershifts?  That's what I wait most of the year to watch, not this load of crap we've been subjected to.  I cant take this voting with the house, scared to make a move, its not time yet, I cant go against the house group of is so disappointing.  These ppl cant even keep a secret for 30 seconds.  I have the feeds on mute most of the time and ff through 99% of bbad.  I sure miss being up late watching feed and being so tired in the morning.  This is the most rested summer I've had in

I don't blame Candace one bit for not going to the foolish bachelorette party.  She's absolutely soon as she left the room they would have been doggin the shit out of her.  These hg's wont even give her the opportunity to campaign and see things from a different angle.  As soon as she tries to talk to anyone they say..."I have to vote with the house".  Its just a waste of time and energy with a group like this.  I do believe she is a fighter but she is also intuitive enough to see whats going on and what type of chicken shits she's dealing with.  Yesterday when her and Jessie were trying to talk to Holier than Thou Helen I wanted to jump through the computer and put Helen in a choke hold in hopes that her brain would start functioning again.  She was scolding Candace and really talking down to her in my opinion.  The only ray of hope is finding out that sequester starts this week (thanks Erica).  Lets hope that they start sequestering them and then we get to bring Candace back to mop the floor with these bitches.
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