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 BB15 - Week 5 Discussion

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BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: BB15 - Week 5 Discussion    BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyThu Jul 25, 2013 10:02 pm

Ugh! The racist is HOH again....Amanda will be her BFF and demand Howard and Candice go up or Howard and Spencer.

So predictable!
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BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 5 Discussion    BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 26, 2013 6:06 am

I wonder who America is going to vote as third nom. I actually have time to watch feeds this upcoming week but I am probably going to rethink that now.
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 5 Discussion    BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 26, 2013 1:38 pm

I cant speak for America...but this American is voting AMANDA, AMANDA, AMANDA, and as 2nd choice
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BB Lover
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BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 5 Discussion    BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 26, 2013 4:23 pm

I really want to see Amanda on that Block. I'm just hoping Elissa can lay low this week.
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 5 Discussion    BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 26, 2013 5:26 pm

The Candice bashing session that went on in the hoh this afternoon is disgusting me. I am hoping Candice somehow gets to play for veto , wins and pulls Howie off the block. That would be my BB dream for this week. Oh and then Amanda gets put up by America.
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BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 5 Discussion    BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 26, 2013 6:03 pm

It was sickening. I really hope that happens. As much as I don't like Spencer I feel Howard is a good guy. Amanda needs a dose of Reality and get on the block. In all honesty she has been the HOH for the past 4 weeks. She literally hasn't left HOH. She NEEDS to get that nomination.
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BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 5 Discussion    BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 26, 2013 9:49 pm

Have Nots are : Amanda Candice Gina Marie and Judd. They have Ramen and Raisins
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BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 5 Discussion    BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 27, 2013 12:23 am

I thought for sure Elissa was going up, I guess Aaryn is sticking to the deal she made with Helen after all.
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 5 Discussion    BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 27, 2013 8:14 am

the best way for Helen to get exposed will be for howard to stay this week and win hoh. Then everyone will be blaming each other for the how/spen nom. Helen will be blaming mcnasty and mcnasty will be blaming Helen. The only one who wont scramble on that side is Aaron. Aaron told Howie strait up that putting him up was part of her deal to stay, and if he stays and wins hoh he can put her up and she wouldn't be mad at all.
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BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 5 Discussion    BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 27, 2013 11:16 am

Hi Everyone, sorry i havent been around much. I feel so disconnected from this season!! I find very few people tolerable and everytime I like someone they do something so incredibly vile (Judd).
PLEASE someone tell me why does everyone HATE CANDICE?? Seems to me the only ones who genuinely like her are Elissa and Howard. I would love some insight!
I really thought I could get behind Judd until he went crazy after his HOH and called Candice the "C" word (where is the outrage people? I guess we would only be outraged if he called her the "N" word)
I still like Mccrae but damn, Amanda controls him like a puppet. I would like to see him grow a set and tell her to fuck, not gonna happen.
I really hope that Howard does not go home this week for several reasons. First, I like him. Second its what Amanda wants. Why the heck does everyone listen to her??
sidenotes, I still am repulsed by Andy. Jessie while she seems to have the capabilities to play this game has become the piece of furniture that Jenn City was last season. These two are not on ANYONES radar and will go very far in this game unfortunately. Lastly, if Amanda controls the entire house ala Dr. Will and gets to the end, she deserves every bit of the money. Like her or not.
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BB Lover
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BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 5 Discussion    BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 27, 2013 5:06 pm

Amanda has been nominated as the MVP Nom this week :D

Idk Why People hate Candice. People say its cause she tells people stuff about Amanda and Aaryn when really all she is doing is living in the house and playing the game.

I love how they are now theorizing who everyone is related too (Thinking Howard is related to Danielle Reyes) I mean it is obvious that Jessie is related to Kathy from BB12 (Im kidding.) I agree Lorriane I want a gay houseguest to make it far and even win but Andy is just so flip floppy and annoys me. I feel like He has a twin in the house how fast he moves around to everyone convo.
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 5 Discussion    BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 27, 2013 9:13 pm

Hi Lorraine...nice of you to finally join

Did anyone hear Demanda threaten Jessie about the pov, and how she better not throw it or take any prizes. Its perfectly fine for McPussy to take any prizes offered in the POV comp but Jessie better not or Demanda will make sure Jessie is the replacement nom.

The feeds were great today it was so fun watching Demanda in panic mode...she was going nuts when she was put up as mvp. I haven't seen this much scrambling and turmoil b4 a comp even started. I think Andy broke an Olympic record moving so fast. All the while Candace and Howie were cool, calm, and collected.

If Candace happens to win this comp, it will be phenomenal. I seriously think Demanda, McPussy and their lapdog Andy will have simultaneous nervous breakdowns. Both the Goof Troop and the Knockouts will have to start turning on eachother. Forget feeds gold it will be feeds platinum.
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BB Lover
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BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 5 Discussion    BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySun Jul 28, 2013 12:11 am

Spencer Won!!! puke

So Aaryn will be putting up Candice and as of Now Howard is going home. I really wish Somehow they could get Spencer, GM, Elissa and Helen to vote Amanda but they would need Andy or Judd. Im hoping Judd flips.
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 5 Discussion    BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySun Jul 28, 2013 12:00 pm

Worst case scenario POV. Is it possible to save Howard and Candice? Why are these ppl not seeing that Amanda is the one that needs to go. Even Jessie who was threatened yesterday wouldn't even talk to Candice about it.

I hate when hg's all vote the same way and everyone is saying i'm voting with the house. It makes the seasons so boring. Does anyone have the balls to flip this house. Can someone please grow a set.
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BB Lover
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BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 5 Discussion    BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptySun Jul 28, 2013 5:34 pm

I think it could be possible. It all depends on who Aaryn puts up in Spencer Place. (Most likely Candice).

I think it really all matter what Helen and Judd want. They need 5 votes. I don't think Spencer would vote out Howard. They need (Jessie Judd Helen Elissa and Spencer ) to vote out Amanda. But Sadly I think Its Howard time to go.
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 5 Discussion    BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyThu Aug 01, 2013 4:13 pm

Did anyone hear the comment that Aaron made last night about Candace?  She said "hey aunt jemima go make me some pancakes"  I am so disgusted by her and I truly believe its time for cbs to step in and get her out.

I understand its a social experiment ..yadda yadda yadda...but enough is enough.   I think it would be amazing for cbs to kick her out and take a stand that racism is not tolerated on their network.  Then let the game continue.

I infuriates me that this little bitch is making 1000.00 a week to sit in there and spew hate.  I cant even imagine how I will feel if she gets any prize money.

I feel that at this point and after that comment last night it is CBS's responsibility to address this on the live show.  Instead of asking them stupid questions about bear shirts they should ask them what they think of racism.  They should follow that up with some clips of some of the comments and finally they should cancel the voting and evict Aaron.  Send a strong message to this young girl that this is the real world and your behavior is unexceptable and will not be tolerated....period!!!!

They need to cut all ties with this loser chick and send her on her way to clean up the mess she made.  She thinks she has done nothing wrong and denies saying racist comments over and over.  

Also I think it was great that cbs incorporated it into the show and didn't brush it under the rug.  However, at this point she is not on the radar and will continue to remain in the house.  It is crazy allow this vile human being anymore airtime or money.  For the past week she has been playing the victim and telling ppl that Howie and Candy are pulling the race dare she..and how dare cbs alow this to continue!  These hg's need to be told the truth and not after the game is over, it needs to be done pronto...and there is no better time in my opinion than on tonights or even next weeks live show.  I understand that would kind of break the rules but sometime you have to take a stand and do whats right!!!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 5 Discussion    BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyThu Aug 01, 2013 4:37 pm

Boston girl I heard it... Aaryn started the whole Aunt Jemima talk and of course the idiot GM had to chime in.  I am so digusted by nearly the entire cast.  When I am rooting for Spencer to win HOH at this point you know the rest suck!  I kind of wish Candice would go home along with Spencer just so she could be taken away from the vile MFers!  They are so despicable it just never ends.  

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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 5 Discussion    BB15 - Week 5 Discussion  EmptyThu Aug 01, 2013 6:11 pm

Feeds have been cut of for a long time..something is going on in the house today.  I hope its a pandoras box and Al Sharpton pops out !!!!!!
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