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 BB15 - Week 2 Discussion

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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptyWed Jul 03, 2013 9:10 pm

HOH still going on...

Team breakdown

Nick & Judd

Aaryn & Jeremy

Elissa & Andy

Kaitlin & Amanda

Helen & Spencer

Howard & Jessie

Candice & GinaMarie
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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptyWed Jul 03, 2013 9:29 pm

Im all for Team Andy and Elissa. I would say Helen and Spencer but I feel Spencer would want HOH.
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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptyWed Jul 03, 2013 9:50 pm

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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptyWed Jul 03, 2013 10:31 pm

Jeremy and Aaryn won

Aaryn's the HOH and chose Helen, Elissa, Andy and Candice as Have Nots

Spencer told Candice to vote off Elissa

Helen is questioning Howard about why Spencer told Candice to vote off Elissa .... Spencer is shady!  Is cover could get blown if Helen, Elissa and Candice figure it out!
If I were Helen and Elissa I wouldn't want to be taking bullets for the Moving Company... fuck them!
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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 1:14 am

Ugh Seriously Aaryn won HOH. Ugh this week will be sickening
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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 1:43 am

There a Rumor Going around that Jeremy/Aaryn cheated.. Apparently they traded cups instead of pouring it into the cup.

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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 9:24 am

CC123 wrote:
There a Rumor Going around that Jeremy/Aaryn cheated.. Apparently they traded cups instead of pouring it into the cup.

BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  ScreenShot2013-07-03at73346PM_zps86321706

I wonder if CBS even looked at the tape. That was one good thing BBCan was good at punishing the houseguest for cheating and even taking away Emmett's HOH.
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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 2:29 pm

The best thing to happen so far this season is Aaryn thinking that the audience was booing her because they hate Elissa and she said her name! BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  143808 If Elissa and Judd both go home (or Judd turns into a prick) then I'm done with this season.
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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 3:44 pm

Will this year break the model curse? I really think it would be smart of the moving Company to drop Jeremy and pick up Judd.

Gina Marie was apologizing and talking to Elissa. (Did something happen between her and Aaryn) Aaryn also says she's carrying her key everywhere so GM can go in.
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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 4:59 pm

CC...I think that GM was kissing Elissa's ass because she figures she will be the MVP again.

I don't mind this mvp twist but I think there should have been a rule like with hoh that you cant be mvp 2 weeks in a row.
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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 05, 2013 4:13 am

She has been fired again. Can we get camera on her when she finds out?

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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptyFri Jul 05, 2013 2:47 pm

Now ZaptoIt is covering the misogyny in the house. I'm glad this is being covered too cause as much as Aaryn is saying I think Jeremy is alot worse.
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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 06, 2013 11:11 am

CC123 wrote:
Now ZaptoIt is covering the misogyny in the house. I'm glad this is being covered too cause as much as Aaryn is saying I think Jeremy is alot worse.

Thank you for posting that CC! I know I sound like a broken record because I have bitched about this every single season. I have always been extremely offended by how the women have been treated in the BB house and it barely causes a ripple. I think for me, it really came to a head in season 9 with how Natalie was treated by the so called "men" in the house. You can see how its just so commonplace with some people with the nonchalance of Jeremy and Spencer as they refer to women as c**nts. And of course its just so accepted. Not in my life, in addition, I do not sit back and keep my mouth shut if I hear something that offends me. Why are the people in the BB house always so afraid to stand up for what is right? don't know  You can almost hear the collective gasp of BB live feed watchers when there is a racial slur or a homophobic comment made (and people should be appalled) but on the other hand you can almost hear the collective yawn when its directed towards a woman.

I am going to go ahead and just paste the article below:

In all the hullabaloo around some of the "Big Brother 15" houseguests making racist and homophobic remarks, it seem to have gone somewhat unnoticed that the misogyny in the house is just as bad -- if not worse. Remember, you can always sign up for the live feeds to see for yourself.

The main perpetrators are Spencer Clawson and Jeremy McGuire. They are constantly referring to women as "b****es" and "c***s." They have both also bragged about their sexual activities; Spencer about his hook-ups outside the house and Jeremy about his hook-ups with fellow houseguest Kaitlin, talking about touching her "meat wallet."

Just last night on the feeds, Spencer was talking about he dates girls until they sleep with him, then he moves on -- "If a guy asks you out, he's really just saying, 'I want to go through the civil process of f***ing you.'"

He then wanted to detail the sexual exploits between himself and his current girlfriend, but the ladies of the BB house actually told him not to because she wouldn't want that on the live feeds.

Score one for the BB ladies, though we have yet to hear them ask Jeremy or Spencer not to call them derogatory names, which the guys do to their faces all the time. They may not be directing the names at the girls they are actually speaking to, but they are using them to refer to the other women in the house. And nobody ever tells them not to.

Maybe people don't think the sexism is as "bad" as racism or homophobia, but hateful language is hateful language. It's all about marginalizing and putting down a group of people and the attitudes towards women in the house (even from some of the women) are just as awful as the attitudes towards other classes of people.

The racism and homophobic remarks also continue, as Jeremy called Elissa a f***** and Aaryn used an "Asian" accent (think Mickey Rooney as Ping) to say that when Helen evicts someone, she should say, "No happy endings for you" and GinaMarie added that Helen can do her nails.

We know we should stop being surprised by anything like this, but ... wow.
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 06, 2013 2:44 pm

Spencer is a fucking joke... so according to him he just dates girls until they sleep with him? Who are these girls who would A) want to date him B) much less want to sleep with him?  The guy gives me the creeps the way he constantly throws out the C word, which means it must be apart of his every day language.  Once again Jeremy proves what a huge pile of dog shit he is.  What type of guy refers to a woman's vagain as a "meat wallet" ..... and this is the same girl who he apparently seems to like? And how old is he again?  

I look forward to the demise of these 2 in the game! And I can't wait for the backlash that's awaiting them outside the game!

Ok as for the game.  It seems as though Spencer has been trying his hardest to make everyone hate Candice and it seems to be backfiring on him because he's starting to look sketchy....

Something happened with Amanda and Candice and Amanda is starting to figure out maybe it's not Candice and that its actually Spencer....

Aaryn also had mentioned she thinks the whole hat-gate thing may not have actually happened and that it was Spencer who lied to her about Candice sitting on her hat.  

And the whole vote thing where Spencer told Candice to vote out Elissa when he knew everyone was voting out David last week.

He constantly talks shit about Candice and treats her like shit but he'll eat her food every time.  Fuck him!
I can't wait for him to be on slop and on the block! It's unfortunate that Jeremy can never be on slop because of the pass he won in the first comp....ugh! whatevs!
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PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 06, 2013 3:27 pm

I am so glad they are starting to piece things together about Spencer. I just hope they keep it in their heads and don't forget about it. This whole "setting up Candace" really rubbed me the wrong way. I cant wait for someone to call Spencer out. I feel really bad for Candace...there is absolutely no reason for her to be anyone's target or scape goat.

I thought I was going to really like Spencer ...I was a thousand percent wrong about this guy. He is a pig and a perv! When he ever walked down the hoh stairs and just whipped out his penis...I thought I would puke all over my keyboard. First of all....its one thing to get caught changing and have a slip, but to intentionally whip out your penis for the camera...he has serious issues. Why would he ever think we wants to see his junk of all people...unreal! He reminds me of the monkeys at the zoo that always bend over and show their stuff.

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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 06, 2013 3:33 pm

So Elissa is MVP again. I'm not feeling this at all. I don't dislike Elissa and I want her to stay but I would like to see the mvp go to someone new. If this power is going to go to her every week I hope they end it soon.

I just hope that Jeremy doesn't win veto...he is already so cocky. He makes Jesse I hope the moving company realizes he is a liability and cuts him. I don't see that happening because him being there keeps the target of the rest of them but its nice to dream.
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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 06, 2013 5:10 pm

Jeremy won Veto.

Kaitlan is going up is what the plan is now.

I find it hilarous that Bieber fever think they have a shot at MVP. I really think if Elissa goes the power is going to go to Helen Candace or Judd. (I like Nick but I really don't want power in the MC )

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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 06, 2013 5:12 pm

And Another person Work has posted a statement

Union Pacific statement regarding Spencer Clawson's comments on the Big Brother reality television show

The values represented by Spencer Clawson's comments during the Big Brother show do not at all align with Union Pacific's values. Mr. Clawson is on unpaid leave of absence while participating on Big Brother. Union Pacific does not condone his comments.

Union Pacific is acting in accordance with Collective Bargaining Agreement terms regarding Mr. Clawson.
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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 06, 2013 5:53 pm

A lot people are going be jobless after this show it would seem. With Jeremy winning POV it is going to be hard watching the feeds.
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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 06, 2013 6:42 pm

I bet that spencer's job is union so that's why they only made a brief statement and said he is on unpaid personal leave.
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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 06, 2013 6:48 pm

bostongirl wrote:
So Elissa is MVP again.  I'm not feeling this at all.  I don't dislike Elissa and I want her to stay but I would like to see the mvp go to someone new. If this power is going to go to her every week I hope they end it soon.  

I just hope that Jeremy doesn't win veto...he is already so cocky.  He makes Jesse  I hope the moving company realizes he is a liability and cuts him.  I don't see that happening because him being there keeps the target of the rest of them but its nice to dream.

I totally agree with you in regards to Elissa.  I don't dislike Elissa but she is going to get MVP every week.  She would have a better shot at the game if they didn't implement this into the game.  It's a double edge sword.  Something that gives  her the upper hand also is what keeps the others wanting to vote her out.  Which I can't blame them for that.  Nothing against Elissa or Rachel but I'm getting sick and tired of Rachel being shoved down our throats each episode of BB and by Elissa.  She needs to play her own game and stop with the constant mention of Rachel and the brenchel army.  You can't have it both ways... ask for them to vote for you for MVP then whine about having a target on your back.  
Quite frankly I can't wait for the MVP thing to be over with.  So now that Jeremy is safe (ugh!!!) Kaitlin is going up?  Good...Bye!
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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 06, 2013 6:53 pm

CC123 wrote:
And Another person Work has posted a statement

Union Pacific statement regarding Spencer Clawson's comments on the Big Brother reality television show

The values represented by Spencer Clawson's comments during the Big Brother show do not at all align with Union Pacific's values. Mr. Clawson is on unpaid leave of absence while participating on Big Brother. Union Pacific does not condone his comments.

Union Pacific is acting in accordance with Collective Bargaining Agreement terms regarding Mr. Clawson.

Spencer being apart of a union I highly doubt he'll get fired. His unpaid leave is being on BB.... But I wonder if him being out of work for a long period of time will be what they could use against him since it's not health related or a FMLA..... He's a filthy pig... who would want to employ this bastard!
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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptySat Jul 06, 2013 9:19 pm

I agree that Elissa will get it every week if shes in but when she leaves I have a feeling the person we pick next will have it every week now til they leave.
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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptySun Jul 07, 2013 4:11 pm

This is what Aaryn apparently tweeted before leaving to enter the house.

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Mechanical Bliss
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BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: Re: BB15 - Week 2 Discussion    BB15 - Week 2 Discussion  EmptySun Jul 07, 2013 5:42 pm

Big Brother's dead to me at this point. This season has reached a new low I should've seen coming. Apparently the show had to get this bad to break my addiction. No longer will I watch the feeds. I might still watch some episodes of the show as it goes on, but not regularly. It will just be out of nostalgia for the way BB used to be.

BB used to be fun. It used to be exciting to get on the feeds. The game itself used to be more interesting when there were fewer "twists" and more strategy. It used to be good when they cast less often from agencies' submissions in favor of more real people.

The ugliness of seemingly the majority of this cast surpasses anything before. Prior seasons have had sprinklings of awful people doing/saying awful things, but this season seems to be more than all seasons before. Week two.

Not only do we have the bigotry and general lack of intelligence, but we also have a cast dominated by people who know nothing about the game, how to play it, or even respect the rules of the game given the cheating during HoH.

Look at early seasons like BB2/BB3 when a villain was more like Dr. Will--intelligent, funny, ruthless, strategic player. Now it's just some jerk like Jeremy--dim-witted, confuses confidence with arrogance, hateful, mostly clueless player. Honestly he seems like a borderline sociopath who lacks conscience and delights in the misery of others, especially when he's the instigator.

Or look at all the ordinary folks who created so much drama and so much great game play whether it was Danielle Reyes, Marcellas/Amy, even Chicken George had some moments in All-Stars that made it worthwhile having him back. Now it's all vapid 20-somethings, essentially.

Ragan's open letter nailed what's wrong with BB also. They won't show the true ugliness of the house to try to whitewash over what other people experience being on the receiving end of that hatred. The social experiment aspect has nearly died in favor of a festival of meaningless, stupid, repetitive, borderline rigged competitions.

I just can't stomach it anymore, and it kind of makes me sad because it used to be a fun summer tradition. It's just no longer fun; it's repulsive. Sorry to hear there's no BBAD Radio this season, but given that I'm done with it too, I'll just wish everyone well and be on my way.
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