Well...BB Canada season 1 is comming to a close. I have mixed feelings about the season. It started out so great and it slowly lost its luster in my opinion.
First off i did not care for the host. She wasnt very smooth and lacked control. There were many twists, feed blocks that were for a whole day or 2, the return of a hg way too late in the season. Finally the thing that irked me the most ...ending the feeds days b4 the finale. I suppose when they dont make you pay they can pretty much do whatever they please but i still think it sucked to shut the feeds down 5 days b4 the show ends. I found myself not interested in the feeds at all which is strange for me because even when there is nothing going on in the BB house i usually still have the feeds going for background noise.. I just couldnt get into them with this cast and i cant figure out why( believe me i tried). I hope it was just this group and not me going through a BB change of life..lol.
I think i also missed the interaction with so many other people watching. The feeds didnt have chatrooms, there werent as many people blogging or posting about it (here in the US anyway). I especially missed not having Erica and Lorraine's weekly show and posts. Part of the BB experience is the interaction with other fans and getting their opinions and listening to the discussions. During the summer seasons i cant wait to get home and read updates and see peoples opinions of what went on for the day. I didnt have that feeling with this season. There was no urgency to get home and run to the computer to see what was happening.
On the good side....i really liked the cast, the house, and i loved that it was east coast so they woke up and went to bed with me. I did like the little extras like Marsha the moose and the ringing phone ( although that seemed to fizzle out mid season).
Other things that were no fault of anyone but just happened. I hate that it ended up being the Jemmett show.....Jillian and Emmett controlled the house most of the season and that became very boring to me. The best part of BB is when the power shifts back and forth. This didnt happen enough in this season. I wasnt an avid feed watcher but when i was watching i didnt see enough plotting and scheming for my tastes. Yes, i realize there was strategizing but I love the down and dirty scheming ...i didnt see much of that. I'm not a fan of everyone getting along. Also, Talla was a huge waste of space...i am only hoping i dont see her as part of the F3 she has done nothing but annoy me all season with her airhead persona. Who trips going into the diary room week after week...after the 1st time wouldnt you figure out the step is there? After about the 3rd week she really grated on my nerves. I think that most of the people that would have made the show more interesting unfortunately left b4 jury. I can only imagaine how the great the season would have been had Tom, Liza and Aneal stayed in the house and Talla and topaz were the 1st few to go.
I wish Jemmett kept their deal with Andrew i really wanted him in f3. Oh and although i am not a fan of Gary he gave me the best moment of the season when he cried and carried on over the slop. That moment is right up there with Jesse's funeral ( my all time favorite BB laugh moment)
58 Days til we do it all again...i hope that cbs having the feeds doesnt turn into a disaster.