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 Boston Rob gets his own reality show

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Boston Rob gets his own reality show  Empty
PostSubject: Boston Rob gets his own reality show    Boston Rob gets his own reality show  EmptyTue Apr 26, 2011 2:56 pm

Rob Mariano Gets His Own Reality Show

By Cynthia Wang

Monday April 25, 2011 09:30 AM EDT
Boston Rob gets his own reality show  Rob-mariano-240

Rob Mariano

He's battled through four seasons of Survivor and competed twice with wife Amber on The Amazing Race, but 'Boston' Rob Mariano isn't done with reality TV yet.

Mariano and monster truck impresario Dennis Anderson will star in a new series for History this year, PEOPLE has learned.

In Around the World in 80 Ways, Mariano and Anderson will challenge each other to circumnavigate the globe using 80 different methods of transportation with the caveat that each cannot repeat any way twice.

"I think The Amazing Race gave me a foundation for traveling," Mariano tells PEOPLE. "However, the approach that we are taking in Around the World in 80 Ways is completely different from anything I've done before in that this show will be a celebration of transportation throughout history."

From boats to blimps to the backs of camels, is there a mode of travel Mariano fears the most? "I'm not too fond of anything that keeps me in a confined space," he says. "That is claustrophobia."

After the finale for Survivor: Redemption Island airs on May 14, Mariano will start production with Anderson, the creator and driver of the monster truck called Gravedigger.

Meanwhile, Amber, the winner of Survivor: All-Stars, will stay home with daughters Lucia Rose, 21 months, and Carina Rose, 4 months.

"Being away from my family is always the toughest part about doing these shows," Mariano says. "Luckily, I have a wonderful wife that understands my thirst for adventure and consistently supports me in my quests."


I guess we all can't get enough of Boston Rob!
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