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New interactive reality show! Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALNew interactive reality show! Bb12_l13
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 New interactive reality show!

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Join date : 2008-09-06

New interactive reality show! Empty
PostSubject: New interactive reality show!   New interactive reality show! EmptyThu Dec 17, 2009 3:49 pm

oh no! Another show with live feeds!!!!!!!!

Idol Creators Dream Up 'Post-Reality' TV Show

Audience and cast members will interact online

(Newser) – The company that brought you American Idol is now straining against the limits of the medium with the first ever foray into “post reality entertainment.” If I Can Dream, Lisa de Moraes writes, will tell the “authentic story” of some authentic young Americans—a musician, an actor, two actresses, and a model—living in Hollywood, but tells it around the clock on TV, the web, social networking sites, etc.

The show is set to debut early next year. The cast, all searching for a dream while living together in the Hollywood Hills—that sounds slightly familiar—will be open to interactions from the viewing audience via a website. “Hate what she's wearing?” Moraes writes in the Washington Post. “Tell her so.” The “Lucky Post-Reality Five” will be filmed non-stop, every day—and should one decamp for a less scrutinizing locale, viewers will have a hand in picking the new reside
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New interactive reality show! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New interactive reality show!   New interactive reality show! EmptyThu Dec 17, 2009 10:45 pm

They lost me at >>>> of some authentic young Americans—a musician, an actor, two actresses, and a model—living in Hollywood
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New interactive reality show! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New interactive reality show!   New interactive reality show! EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 1:28 pm

[quote="Erika"]They lost me at >>>> of some authentic young Americans—a musician, an actor, two actresses, and a model—living in Hollywood[/quot

I think I would prefer these people over hooter girl sluts, drunks, nympho's and a bunch of alpha males who think they are Gods gift and need anger management. Your caliber of "reality stars" has pretty much reached rock bottom. This might be a breath of fresh air. Probably not, but we can hope. Will we really be able to resist watching them 24/7 AND being able to interact with them? Just think if we could interact with the people in the BB sweet would that be? lol
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