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 Cowell-less American Idol

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Cowell-less American Idol Empty
PostSubject: Cowell-less American Idol   Cowell-less American Idol EmptyWed Jan 19, 2011 11:40 am

So the new season starts tonight with a new panel of judges. Only Randy Jackson returns as an original judge and he is joined by new judges Steven Tyler and J-Lo HUUUUGGGGGGEEEEE puke . Will anyone watch? Can Idol be any good without Simon? Does anyone care? lol

I may watch the auditions but I think I will really feel the void of Simon within the first half hour.
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Cowell-less American Idol Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cowell-less American Idol   Cowell-less American Idol EmptyWed Jan 19, 2011 4:00 pm

Besides Big Brother, this is the other "Reality" show I watch. I am curious to see how this season is going to pan out. I hope the new rules and changes will be good enough to keep the show fresh, but I think Cowell-less American Idol maybe on its last legs if this "remix" as what this season has been referred to does not deliver the talent, and a group of finalists that have some personality. I am not a fan of the 2hr episodes, but I am grateful for my DVR!  wink Interestly, the actual judging occurs the most in the audition rounds (since the judges do have the power still at this point to decide someones fate), and some of the most outrageous soundbites from Simon occurred during these rounds. I have to agree with you Lorraine, that it will be weird not seeing Simon judging....there is always The X-Factor in the fall!
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Cowell-less American Idol Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cowell-less American Idol   Cowell-less American Idol EmptyThu Jan 20, 2011 6:30 pm

I did not know the X Factor was starting in the fall...thanks Lloyd!

In regards to American Idol... I think I will watch tonight since it's only an hour. And I am curious to see what J.Lo and Steven bring to the table.

Idol may or may not be good this season. I think a lot will heavily have to rely on the talent of the contestants as Simon had been carrying the show for many seasons because even if the past 5 or so seasons hasn't really produced a real talent since Carrie Underwood, because at least we had Simon to be our voice.

Bring on the talent this season! Not these half ass singers/performers!
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PostSubject: Re: Cowell-less American Idol   Cowell-less American Idol Empty

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