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Do you have a question for Britney? Bb12_l11To view the most recent topics & join in on discussions click on PORTALDo you have a question for Britney? Bb12_l13
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 Do you have a question for Britney?

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Join date : 2008-09-06

Do you have a question for Britney? Empty
PostSubject: Do you have a question for Britney?   Do you have a question for Britney? EmptyWed Sep 08, 2010 2:38 pm

I think we are pretty sure at this point she was evicted and we have to have our questions for her in by the end of the night. If you have a question for her post it here and we will do our best to get it answered for you.
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Do you have a question for Britney?
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